#potentially in the future I might add Chenelo's side of the family
telimezh · 2 years
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ID: A family tree depicting some members of the Drazhar family from The Goblin Emperor. They are drawn as a series of bust shots. All are elves with pale skin and hair, save for Chenelo and Maia who have dark grey skin and hair. Most of the characters wear jewelry and hair ornaments. 
Portraits along the top row, from left to right depict Arbelan, Leshan, Varenechibel IV, Pazhiro, Chenelo, and Csoru.
Along the middle row, from left to right are Princess Sheveän, Nemolis, Nemriän, Marquess Imel, Nazhira, Ciris, Vedero, and Maia.
Along the bottom row from left to right are Idra, Mireän, and Ino. They are children. 
Various straight lines connect family members indicating their relation to one another. Lining the right side of the image is an ornate border. A white cat sits in the right corner of the image, it’s tail curled around it’s front paws. 
Text reads: Arbelan Drazharan (div.), Leshan Zhasan (dec.), Nemera Drazhar VARENECHIBEL IV, Pazhiro Zhasan (dec.), Chenelo Zhasan (dec.), Csoru Zhasan.
Princess Shevean Drazharan, Prince Nemolis Drazhar, Nemriän Imaran (née Drazhin), Marquess Imel, Archduke Nazhira Drazhar, Archduke Ciris Drazhar, Archduchess Vedero Drazhin, Archduke Maia Drazhar.
Archduke Idra Drazhar, Archduchess Mireän Drazhin, Archduchess Ino Drazhin. end ID.
Drazhar Family Tree
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