#potions in perfume bottles: witchcraft/alchemy
pcrfumebcttles · 1 year
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Soooo Allison can pretty much cast "Spirit Shroud" and this is pretty much what it look like. Spirits in a little perfume bottle that wraps around her in a 10ft area, cursing her enemies. Very useful! 10/10!
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enchantresspenelope · 5 years
Book Of Shadows
There are two main books used by Witches with their Craft. The Grimoire, and the Book of Shadows. Both books are used to collect information related to the Craft. The Grimoire is often used by a Coven. It includes the Coven rules, rituals, and practices, and is otherwise much like a textbook for Magick. They rarely have personal notes or observations. The Book of Shadows is a personal Grimoire, a shadow of the self. Many Witches never show their Book of Shadows to anyone. It has everything a Grimoire has but created by the individual Witch, plus it will have personal information, thoughts, observations, and rituals.
While a single book is the stereo-type, many Witches will have multiple books, divided by topics or dates. An encyclopedia of Grimoires. There is a lot of information that can go into this book, each one as unique as the person owning it. Below is a very long list of ideas. Include what you need to get your crafting done, and what feels right for your book.
The Book of Shadows Lengthy List
Book Blessing (and/or Dedication and/or Initiation)
Protective Charm and/or Warning
Dedications, Charges, and Redes Dedication to the Craft Dedication to the Creator Dedication/Initiation to your Coven or Tradition Dedication to your Pantheon Dedication to certain God and Goddess Dedication to the Divine Dedication to Nature, etc Witches/Wiccan Rede Charge of Goddess Charge of God
Laws Of your Coven or Tradition The Acceptable Rules of Magick (according to YOU, this is your book) Spiritual Rules Witches Pyramid 13 goals of a witch The Four Agreements Witchcraft Oath Calls to Gather
Yours Introduction Name, age, birthdate, birthplace What inspires you Likes and Dislikes Thoughts and beliefs What inspired you to become a witch? What is/was your path to becoming a witch? Are you religious and what are your thoughts? What is witchcraft and magick to you? What do you want your life to look like? What do you want your life to feel like? Write down your needs, wants, and fears, and get to know yourself a little better.
Daily Practices Daily Rituals Daily Blessings Morning Intention Nightly Close
Regular Practices Weekly Rituals Monthly Rituals Moontime Rituals Birthday Ritual Yearly Ritual
Calendar What is Time? Cycle of Life and Death Phenology Wheel Times of the Day (Hourly and Key times) Days of the Week Months and Seasons Zodiacs and Calendars Festivals and Celebrations* Sabbats* Quarters/Cross-Quarters * Esbats *
Astrology and Astronomy Sun Moon Planets Zodiacs Constellations Retrograde Void of Course Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable
Symbols and Runes Letters Symbols Moon Runes Magic Circles Ogham Staves Sigils, Sigil Wheels Egyptian Hieroglyphs Runes and Runic Codes Theban Alphabet (Witch’s Alphabet) Amulets and Talisman (as tools often inscribed) Secret Languages and Coding/Decoding/Creating them
Tools of the Craft Origins, What Each Tool Is Used For, How to make, & Proper Usage Meanings and Symbolism Correspondences Bells Besom Mirrors Cauldron Grimoire Crystal Ball Pendulums Special Clothes Dream Catchers Altars – layouts, use Wands/Staves/Staff Ritual Knife/Athame Incense/Bundled Herbs Ouija/Divination Boards
Correspondence Tables Candles Colors Cords Elements Essential Oils Feathers Fragrance Incense Metals, Minerals Planetary Seashells Teas Salt – types, purpose Zodiac and calendars Phases of the Moon Time of Day (Hourly) Days of the Week Numbers, numbering systems Crystals, Gems, Stones Flowers, Spices, Herbs, Trees Directions – calling of the four directions, etc
Divination Arithmancy and Numerology Astrology, Planets, Meanings and Definitions, Birth Charts Biorhythm Bones Cartomancy * I Ching Gazing (Crystal Ball) Geomancy Lithomancy Necromancy Palmistry Pendulum (How To, Charts, Boards) Radiesthesia Runes Scrying Tea Leaf Reading (Symbols, Meanings) (there are so many other ways)
Magickal Recipes Herbs and Herbal Blends Oils and Essential Oils Incense Candles Potions Infusions, tinctures, balms, lotions, teas Food and Magickal Correspondences Recipes for Sabbats and Esbats, Festivals, Quarters, Cross Quarters Rosewater, Moon Water, Silvered Water, Lavender Syrup, Black Salt, Purification Salt Other Kitchen Witchery
Magickal Spells, Incantations, Curses, and Ritual Spell Workings Secret Names Spell Timing Preparing a Spell Prepping a ritual Consecration/Anointing of Tools, how to Consecration Rhymes, Blessings Casting and Closing a Circle Amulets, Charms, and Talisman Sachets, Magick Bags, Conjuring Bags Protection Sachet, Charm Bags Elemental Spell Golden Psi-ball for Happiness Drawing Down the Moon Spell Moon Magick/Moon Water Spell Charging/Balancing/Grounding Cleansing/Smoke Bathing/Purifying Banishing, Binding, Hexing, Cursing Nature Rituals (wind, storm, rain, etc) Crystal Grids Bath Rituals Spell of life The Honey Jar The Witch Bottle The Witches Rune Protection Spells The Oak Pentagram Amulet To Bring Joy to a Negative Person Prosperity, Money, or Employment Spells To Get Noticed at Work Retrieval Spell (find what is lost) Candle Magick Garden Magick Kitchen Magick Knot Magick Sex Magick Blood Magick
Science Anatomy Alchemy Archaeology Architecture Astronomy Environments Meteorology Mineralogy Neurology Philosophy Psychology Quantum Physics Sacred Geometry Flora (info, care, guides) Fauna Mycology Drugs and Hallucinogen Familiars and Totem Animals Creatures and Cryptozoology Taxidermy, Insect Preservation, Herbal and Floral Presses Herbalism (Preparation of Herbs, Potions, Infusions, Baths, Teas, Cosmetics, Perfumes etc.) Natural Medicine (Salves etc.) Alternative Medicine (Acupuncture, Meditation, Bach Essences, Reiki, etc) Physical Movement – Salutations, Stretching, Yoga, Meditation Poses, Martial Arts Natural Phenomenons and Catastrophes Science in relation to Energy and Magick Parapsychology (Telekinesis, Telepathy etc) Physiognomy, Kinesics, and other studies related to body language
Otherworld Ghosts and Spirits and How to Communicate with Them (Ouija etc.) Dreams, Lucid Dreaming, Dreamwork Astral Projection Spirit Guides, Angels, Archangels, Daemons, Beings Invocation, Evocation, and Conjuring
Other Spiritual Practices Different Studies of Energy Work, Magick, and other Spiritual Practices Auras, Chakras, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, Kabbalah, Mysticism, Gnostic Study, Wicca, Thelema, Voodoo Philosophical Texts
Poetry, Stories, Artwork, Mythology, Theology, Thealogy, History, Herstory, Spiritual and Religious Stories Witch – history, etymology, how to say in other languages The Origins of Witches and the History of Magick Witch types Deities List Pantheons Mythical Beings Myths, Legends, and Stories of Gods, Goddesses, and Beings Lore and Superstitions Pagan Lore Divine Information about the Creator Creation Stories Spiritual Pictures or Artwork People (that inspire or interest you) Any other lore, legends, parables, fables, or stories you like Secret Societies Poetry
Prayer, Intentions, Mantras, and Sacred Text Prayers Blessings Prayers for Prayer Beads and/or Mala mantras (and make beads) Intentions – for morning, for moon cycles, yearly, daily, birthday, etc Close – nightly, for ending moon cycles, year close, weekly close, etc Chants (for individuals, groups, and for circle) Energy Share (sending strength or “vibes” or peace, etc) Meditation mantras and expression
Miscellaneous Pressed Leaves and Flowers (Herbarium) Witch Challenges Mundane Tasks Made Magickal Song Lyrics and Lists Quotes Drawings and Sketches Dream Journal Photos D. I. Y Ideas and Tutorials Books to Read and Favorite Summaries Terminology
*Festivals and Celebrations (Birthday, Handfasting, Funerals, Dedications/Christenings, etc) *Sabbats – History, Lore, Myths, Associations, and Rituals, Food, Drink, Recipes, Activities, Songs, Music, etc – Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltaine, Litha, Lughnassadh, Mabon *Quarters/Cross-Quarters – Autumn Equitherm – Samhain – October 31st – opposite Beltane – temperate Winter Solstice – Yule – Dec 19th/22nd. opposite Litha – least light Winter Thermstice – Imbolc – Feb 2/3 – opposite Lammas – most cold Spring Equinox – Oestarra – March 20/21 – opposite Mabon – equal day and night Spring Equitherm – Beltane – May 1st – opposite Samhain – temperate Summer Solstice – Litha – June 20/22nd – opposite Yule – most light Summer Thermstice – Lammas – August 1st – opposite Imbolc – most heat – midway between the Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox Autumn Equinox – Mabon – Sept 22/23 – opposite Oestarra – equal day and night *Esbat Lunar Names, Meanings, and Associations Monthly History, Myth, and Lore Monthly Rituals Phases of the Moon Full Moon and New Moon in each Constellation *Cartomancy – Tarot and Oracle Decks (Pictures, Meanings, Spreads, Symbolism and History)
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pcrfumebcttles · 2 years
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Tag dump: Allison Conway!!
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