#pouncing on the live tweets as they came out was a sport. たのしかった。
ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years
wadakkuma misc. kiden anecdotes from recent calendar events! (ft spoilers, naturally)
[ ]=my inputs
Q. at the very end, when you finally took jizou away, what were you looking at?
A. when the wind blew at that time, i felt some kind of elegance from it. [Perhaps that was the heavenly wind (天津風) from kokindenjunotachi's dialogue/poem?]
Q. In the scene of "you're a sword to be proud of!", kasen had a clenched expression. what were your/his feelings at that time?
A. that it's a prerequisite for repeating/resetting the loop, but it ends up an abstract thing.
Q. I love the part in the ED where kasen dances with gracia, so I saw it over and over again (he smiles at this). Please tell us [his] feelings when kasen held the umbrella over gracia
A. It was a fleeting/ephemeral dialogue [between gracia and kasen, is what I think he meant. the fan who posted this simplified his answer to only this one line]
Q. When was the poem [the one he read at daisenshuuraku!] written?
A. at the hotel the day before. I was drinking tea and flopping around in bed when it came to me. I was worried about it last time, but i wrote it as i liked without being too particular about the rules.
apparently he said that kiden's kasen was the best kasen, and when a fan said his smile during curtain call was wonderful, he said that every performance was fun. [crying....]
kumamoto melon hunting. he said everyone else looked fashionable while he came wearing the cast tshirt lol. yuzu-kun looked cute, like hamasaki ayumi.
it was terribly hot inside the melon greenhouse [everyone in the cast said too w]
It was wadakkuma who brought kasen's acrylic stand!
it seems they went to kumamoto via bus, so it was like a fun school trip.
he was disappointed he couldn't go out for dinner with everyone :( they had fried rice, omurice and champon takeout from a Chinese restaurant recommended by a local, but wadakkuma missed the opportunity.
about the shinken hissatsu. he was in position from the previous scene. when he rushed to the trap-cellar under the stage, the staff-san who finished with kikkou's adjustments came as well as the staff-san in charge of aoe's makeup, and drew kasen's nose injury.
then the microphone staff came and his costume kept fluttering. he had to hold it down to properly put the device on.
while everyone else was having their solo fights, about four people were helping wadakkuma change costume. it was fast because they flocked around him.
all the shinken hissatsu were in tune and timed with the music, so if the moves shift by even one second everything else will shift as well. He said it must've been especially difficult for kotegiri's takuto-kun — because he had to match it with his dancing. [honestly kiden is the first time I sat up and rewatched the fights solely for the bgm, it was so so good]
kasen was the exception bc he had opera music, but ofc wadakkuma matched the music with the moves!
he said everything moved quickly because it was the opera. it gave him a good feeling.
he said the applause at meijiza was so loud you couldn't speak over it, and that it always remained in his heart.
he's been working w a personal trainer since the beginning of the year for the sake of hissatsu, and gained 5kg. but because of that the usual tousute belt clung tightly to him.
Before he began training his body fat percentage was 14-15%, but after starting tousute performances he measured it again and it turned out to be 10.5%. his trainer was surprised and was like what kind of stage is this?!!?! [the fan who posted this said that's on the same level of professional athletes. ヤバイね…]
the hissatsu tired him out. during his turn to go up everyone's super busy running around behind-the-scenes.
when aoe says to him "I'm not worried" to make kasen go "huh?!" kuma gave him [mashiro] a little advice, but it became a scene where he could give his best.
the person in charge of kasen's costume gifted him a rilakkuma dressed in kasen's clothes & apparently the person in charge of props was also involved and you could draw out its sword too! [fainting from the cuteness]
as for the kiwame costume, the armour etc has increased and it's heavy [first impression once he wore it -> heavy]. the stage combat was difficult, it's hot, and hard to move around in. but he was glad he didn't have to move that much in it this time. he said if he gets the chance to appear as kiwame kasen again, he'll definitely improve.
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