#pov envy gets pistol whipped with a lantern more at 11 <3
1stdaughtr ยท 1 year
โ€œWhy are you standing on the counter?โ€
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What a hilarious sight it must've been, finding the president's daughter just barely keeping her balance on a rusty, dirt-coated counter in a kitchen of a house located in the middle of God Knows Where, Spain. And it didn't exactly help Ashley's case that the second Envy walked through the door... a lantern immediately came swinging their way right before the blonde realized her mistake and yanked back the offending... weapon in question before it could actually make contact. Though she suspected that even if somehow she had hit them, it'd be the lantern that'd sooner break than anything of Envy's.
An uncomfortable beat of silence followed in which the young woman seemingly couldn't decide if the appearance of the other was worse than what she was hiding from. (The lantern creaking from it's handle as it settled down didn't exactly make her feel any better.)
"Crap, sorry I thought you were-Ugh! One of those creepy crawly things was skittering around and I just barely got away from it!!" Though seemingly not convinced it wasn't still around, she still (somewhat awkwardly) crouched down to maneuver off the counter. "You know what I'm talking about right? The ones with a bunch of legs and it attaches itself to people and like-Right??"
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