pparkerxbbarnes · 2 years
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TASM Oneshot!
Written in Y/N pov
Summary: This is set at a college frat party that your roommate drug you to, you find Peter and really hit it off with him.
Pairing: Peter Parker X F reader
Warnings: SMUT18+, car sex, handjob, some swearing/strong language, mostly fluff, mention of drugs and alcohol, mention of puke.
Wattpad - marveloneshots
Tiktok - SebastianStansBitchhh
(Links posted below)
"Come on, Y/N. We're going to be late!" My roommate yells, "Sorry, sorry." I say rushing out of the bathroom, "I couldn't find my earrings." She laughs, "Hopefully by the end of the night, you won't be worrying about your earrings." I roll my eyes, "I don't want to get drunk, Erin. I'm just going to make sure you're okay."
She sighs and looks at me, "You need this, Y/N. You need this night out. Okay. Have at least a few drinks with me?" I run a hand through my hair and nod, "A few. No more. You know how I get with alcohol."
She raises her eye brows and laughs, "Oh yeah, I've cleaned your puke off my shoes a couple of times already." I mock her laugh and grab my jacket, "At least I don't run away and slam shots as soon as we arrive, now let's go before I change my mind and stay in."
She mocks me and rolls her eyes, "I promise that won't happen this time!"
We walk up the steps to the frat house and wait in line to get in, "This is crazy, I want to go back." I whisper to Erin. She isn't even paying attention to me. She's too busy staring at all the college boys who won't give a shit about her in the morning.
"Come on, man. I know the leader of this frat." One guy starts yelling, "Get him out here, he'll tell you who I am." The person at the door shakes his head and pushes him aside. He waves us to come through and Erin grabs my arm, "Let's go." I sigh and follow her in. "Thank you." She says sweetly to the guy at the door.
The music is so loud I can feel the bass in my chest, "Oh my god." I mumble staring at the guys doing keg stands. I look over to the other side and there's people snorting coke,
"Animals." I look around and go to look back at Erin, but she's gone.
"Great." I pull out my phone to text her but some guy carrying another guy knocks into me, causing me to drop my phone. "Fuck." I go to bend down to get it but keep getting pushed around.
"Let me help you." I barely hear over the music. I stand up and look up to see a tall, brown haired boy. "Are you okay?" He tilts his head to look at me, "Hey, are you okay?"
I shake my head and blink a few times after realizing I was just staring at this random person, "Uh. Hi.. yeah. Yeah I'm okay, thank you." He nods and hands me my phone, "Thank you."
He smiles and nods, "You don't come to these much, do you?" I smile shyly and shake my head, "No. my roommate drug me here. I only came so I know she's okay."
He leans in, "Yeah I didn't catch anything you said." He yells, "Come with me." He places a hand on my back and leads me through the crowd of already overly intoxicated people. We go out back to the patio where it's a lot less crazy, "Would you like a drink?" He asks pointing to the kegs. I think for a second, "Yeah. Why not." He walks over and grabs us drinks and comes back, "Thank you." I say taking a sip.
"Peter." He says holding his hand out, "Parker. I'm Peter Parker."
I smile and shake his hand, "Y/N  Y/L/N."
He smiles, "Nice to meet you, Y/N Y/L/N."
I smile, "Nice to meet you, "Peter Parker."
He smiles and points to the chairs, "Would you like to sit?" I nod and walk over. He sits a few inches from me and looks over at me, "So, tell me again. What brought you here?" I take another sip of my drink, "My roommate. She drug me here, but I came to make sure she stays okay." He smiles slightly, "You guys must be close." I nod, "We became roommates freshman year and for the last two and a half years, we just became really close."
He nods, "That's really cool." I shrug, "she's like the sister I never had. Do you, uh. Do you go to school here?" He shakes his head, "I don't. My best friend, who is like a brother to me, also makes me come to these things every now and then."
I raise my eyebrows, "Oh, really?" He sighs, "Yeah, I kinda come for the same reason you do with your friend." I smile, "That's nice, though. A brother looking out for his brother."
He smiles and runs a hand through his hair, "I'm going to be honest, I'm usually really, really awkward when it comes to talking to girls."
I smile and tilt my head, "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think you're doing a very good job."
He blushes and bats the air, "Oh, stop it." I laugh and take another sip of my beer. "So Peter, are you from around here?" He shakes his head, "No actually, I'm from Queens."
My mouth drops, "No shit. I'm from Elmont, just a city over!" He turns towards me quickly, "Say it ain't so." I smile and nod, "Yes, Yes. I moved there with my mom when I was four, stayed there ever since." He shakes his head, "We'll I know for a fact that If I were to ever see you around, I would have definitely made a fool out of myself." I smirk, "Yeah, okay." He laughs, "It's true, Y/N." I look up at him and sigh, "you know, I came here expecting something so much different."
He leans back and props one of his legs on the other, "Oh really?" I nod, "Yeah, the last frat party Erin, my friend, took me to, I was pushing drunks away left and right." I laugh slightly, "You know they have no idea what personal space means." Peter laughs, "I've noticed that."
My phone starts ringing.
I grab it and see Erin's face on the screen.
I look at Peter, "It's Erin, I'm going to take this really quick." He nods and motions for me to answer. "Hey. What's up?" I say. "Where are you? I've been looking all over for you, Y/N." Erin yells. I'm barely able to hear her, "I'm out back, Erin. I'm out.." I sigh and repeat myself a little louder, "Out. Back."
The call ends and I shake my head and sigh, "Sorry about her. She ran off as soon as we got here." He nods, "No it's okay." I shift towards him and before I can say anything else, Erin bursts through the door with two other girls, "Oh my gosh. There you are!" She yells, clearly feeling the alcohol already, "Y/N!"
I sigh and look at Peter, "I'm so sorry." I mouth. He shrugs and smiles, "All good." He mouths back. "Erin, hey. Are you okay?" I say standing up to meet her. She stumbles to me and falls into me, "Whoa. How much have you had to drink already?" She laughs loudly, "I don't know, like 3."
The girls around her laugh, "More like 15." The one girl says, "15 shots of tequila."
My eyes widen and I sigh, "Erin. You know what tequila does to you. Come on, you need to sit down." She pushes me away and stands up, "No. I'm fi-" she looks at Peter, "Who are you?" She drunkenly bites her lip and stumbles over to him. He stands up and holds his hand out, "I'm Peter. Nice to me-" before he can finish introducing himself, she leans over and throws up. I rush over to her and hold her hair back.
I look up at Peter, "I'm so sorry." He sits back down and smiles at me, "It's fine." I put her hair into a ponytail and rub her shoulders. "Why don't I get you home?" I ask her, "You are far too drunk to be here any longer." She whines, "But we just got here." I roll my eyes, "Yeah you should of thought about that 15 shots ago." I stand up and try to pull her up.
"Do you need a ride back?" Peter offers, "I don't mind at all." I sigh, "If you don't mind." I say placing a hand on his hand, "thank you." He smiles and nods, "Yeah, let me help you get her up."
Peter helps me get Erin up and she starts to cry, "No. i don't want to leave." I huff, "No. let's go." She whines the whole way to the car. "Please don't throw up in my car, that's all I ask." Peter says with a slight laugh. Erin groans as she lays in the backseat. I get up front and look over at him, "Thank you." He nods and smiles, "Anytime." He starts the car and points left to right, "Now where am I taking you guys?" I point left and give him the directions to our dormitory.
"Thank you, again." I say kissing him on the cheek. He smiles and nods, "Y-yeah, no problem, Y/N." I look back at Erin and back at Peter, "Don't go anywhere. Wait here."
He nods and smiles. "Come on, Erin. Let's go." She groans and whines as she climbs out of the back seat. "Don't throw up on me." I say throwing her arm over my shoulder. She nods and sluggishly walks with me.
I get her up to our room and I help her change. I lay her down and cover her up. I go to my makeup stand and look in the mirror, "Oh good lord, Y/N." I fluff my hair and sigh, "You look fine." I spray some perfume on me and turn around, "Are you going to be okay?" I ask Erin, "Hey." I walk over and find her sound asleep. I fix her blanket and go back down to Peter.
"Hey, again." He says as I get in the car, "Is she okay?" I smile and nod, "Yeah she's passed out safe and sound." He nods and looks over at me, "So what do you wanna do?" I shrug, "I'm kinda hungry. Want to go get food?" He nods and starts driving.
I don't know what it is but I feel a strong connection here.
A very strong connection.
We go through the drive through and go park in the empty parking lot across the street. "So.." I say taking a bite of my fries, "Do you live with anyone back home?" He shakes his head, "Just my Aunt May."
I nod, "I see, I see." He smiles, "I'm sorry if I'm being awkward, I just don't want to say the wrong thing and scare you off." I smile, "Like I said before, Peter. You're doing pretty good." He smiles and laughs, "Alright alright." I look over at him, admiring how cute he is, "Do you, uh. Do you have any hobbies?" He shrugs, "it's nothing special, but I like to take pictures of everything.."
I shake my head, "Nothing special? Peter, photography is so important, without it we wouldn't have pictures of the most beautiful things in life." He smiles and grabs his phone, "Here's just a couple I sent to myself.. nothing truly amazing." He swipes over a few photos and my mouth drops, "Peter. Don't ever tell me you aren't amazing at this." He shakes his head and laughs slightly and looks over at me, he tilts his head and sighs quietly. "What?" I say handing his phone back.
He shakes his head, "You're amazing." I blush and look away, "no.." he reaches over and grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand, "You really are."
I set my stuff in the bag and place it on the floor, returning my hand to his, "You know, Peter,” I shift towards him, “I never really met anyone like you before.."
He squeezes my hand, "I can honestly say the same thing about you, Y/N." I smile and look at him. He leans in and places a hand on my cheek, "You're really beautiful." He whispers, "Is it okay if I kiss you?" My heart starts beating like a drum in my chest, I nod and smile, "Yes."
He smiles and leans in, placing his lips on mine.
I cup his face and kiss him back.
We quickly move into making out and it gets hotter and hotter.
He leans back a bit, "Are you okay with this?" He brushes hair out of my face and looks into my eyes, "Because if you're not w-" I cut him off by kissing him again, "Yes. I'm okay with this."
He nods and kisses me again. His hands move into my hair. His kisses trailing under my jaw and down my neck.
My breathing gets heavier and heavier and I look at him, "Are you okay with this?" I ask him. He nods, "Yeah, Y/N. Just as long as I see you again tomorrow."
I smile and nod, "Of course."
He nods towards the backseat and I nod, climbing back after him. He pulls me close to him with one arm and cups my face with the other, deepening the kiss. He slowly lifts me up and lays me down. He kisses down my neck and onto my chest, pushing up my dress.
I take a deep breath as he gently kisses my thigh, grabbing and squeezing as he does.
He looks up at me, "Are you sure you want to do this?"
I nod and smile, "Yes, Peter."
He nods and goes back to kissing my thigh, pulling down my panties. He leans up and takes them and his shirt fully off. I get up and sit on my knees, pulling him into a kiss. His hands go to my waist and I slide my hands down to his pants.
"Peter.." I whisper looking into his eyes,
"Take me please."
He nods and slightly smiles before kissing me again. I undo his pants and he helps push them down. He sits down and I climb onto of him.
I spit into my hand and reach down, grabbing ahold of his cock.
As I stroke him slowly, he grips my waist and his mouth drops open slightly,
"You like that?" I whisper quietly.
He nods and kisses me.
I slowly sit down on him and my head falls forward, resting my forehead on his. "Are you okay?" He whispers placing a hand on my head. I place my hands on his shoulders and lean back to look at him, "Yes." I whisper, "More then okay." He smiles and wraps an arm around my back.
I slowly start to move my hips and grip his shoulders tightly. He cups my face with his hand and tilts my head up, looking into my eyes.
"You feel so good, Y/N." He groans tightening his arm on my waist.
I lean down and kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I grab his hair and pull slightly, "Mm." I moan lowly. He lays me down on my back and gets on top of me.
He slowly inserts himself into me again and starts thrusting. I arch my back and wrap a leg around his waist.
The eye contact we make drives me insane,
"Y/N.." Peter moans quietly over and over again into my neck. I kiss him and run my hands through his hair. "I'm close, Peter."
He nods and slides a hand up my side, "Does that feel okay?"
I nod and gasp, "Yes, Peter.. yes.."
He kisses my neck and reaches up to interlock his fingers with mine.
He starts to slightly pick up his thrusting pace. "Mm," he groans. I squeeze his hand and use my other hand to claw at his shoulder.
I arch my back and moan as I clench, cum all over him. He lets go of my hand and grips my hips, finishing for himself, too.
Breathing heavy, I look up at him as he hovers over me, "You are most definitely amazing, Y/N."
I smile and lean up to kiss him. He gets off of me and we get cleaned up, "I really would like to see you tomorrow.." he says putting his shirt on.
I smile, "What we're you thinking?"
He shrugs, "I know of this great restaurant downtown.. if you're up for it." I sit back and rest my head on his shoulder, "I like lunch." I turn my head to look at him, "And I really like you so it's a date."
He smiles and kisses my forehead, "Deal."
Thank you for reading - sorry if it’s not the best, I promise I have better ones in the works - If you would, go check out my oneshot on wattpad - MarvelOneshotss - and the trailer and other edits on my TikTok - SebastianStansBitchhh
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