#practice only counts when my guy is p1 thank u
f1-birb · 2 months
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mclaren P1 in FP1. Not a bad start to your weekend, landonorris. 👀
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clevernewdimension · 7 years
Inhumans Epilogue Part One
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Parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Epilogue P1, Epilogue P2 (The End)
Genre: A/U, Angst, Violence, Fluff, Romance, more in the future.
Pairing: Yixing x Reader
Word Count: 7K
AN: I’m cutting it up into two parts because it got pretty long. Next part will be out before NEXT Thursday, not this one. This one is a bit early. Feel free to tell me your thoughts and thank you all for reading once again!
Yixing glanced at the cafe across the street, watching a man in his late fifties get his usual morning coffee. His hair was graying, he looked tired, but overall, he was just enjoying early retirement here in a completely new country. He made a habit of watching this man. Wondering how things have changed, watching him go about his day every morning at the same time.
A hand reaches over, yanking the bill of his hat down, making his sunglasses fall down onto the table of the restaurant he was in. The streets were loud with the hustle and bustle of city life as he glances over. The smiling girl gives him an even bigger grin, pushing some of her dark purple hair out of her face. Her light blue eyes glancing across the street, “So, are you ever going to say anything?”
“I’m not going to do it today, if that’s what you’re wondering,” He states, finally picking up his cup of coffee, taking a sip of the lukewarm liquid.
“You’ve been here for two years watching him, Xing,” She mutters, smiling at the waitress who comes by, asking what she’s going to have. A few moments of the woman taking Zoey’s order. Zoey turned back to the Chinese man, looking at him with a calm but serious look. “As I was saying, you’ve been here for two years. You’ve been gone from everyone for two and a half years. Don’t you miss it there? I mean, don’t get me wrong! I like having you around, especially since how the whole awkward ‘I had a crush on you for the longest time’ thing is over, you’ve become a dear friend to me. Not that you weren’t before. I just kn- I think that they miss you, as all.”
Yixing smiles a bit at her, giving her a look that was a tad smug, “I know you’re talking to them, Z.” His English has improved so much since he’s lived in New York City. He was fluent after years of speaking it. “I know you’ve told them I’m here.”
“If it makes you feel any better,” Zoey says with a small frown, “She… she doesn’t know. Baekhyun told me when you first got here and he hacked into things, watching you for the entire time you’ve been gone. He offered to tell her at the beginning, but she declined. Something about ‘He said he needed time and space, so I’ll respect that.’ Personally,” She says, giving him a punch to the shoulder, “If I was in her shoes, I would have done the exact opposite, but I suppose that’s why she’s the woman you love or whatever.”
“Do they hate me,” He asks, looking forward at the man again, trying not to look at Zoey, in fear of what he’ll see in them.
He hears her sigh, “Well, they were angry at first. Especially Minseok. I’d expect Sehun to be the most upset but apparently he’s the one who completely understands. But overall, they just really miss you.”
The man in the cafe exits, a coffee and a pastry in hand as he walks down the street, Yixing’s eyes never leaving him until he’s out of sight. “And… and Y/N?”
“They don’t tell me about her,” She admits, sighing and leaning against one of her own hands. “They… Baekhyun made it VERY clear that if she doesn’t get to know about you then you don’t get to know about her. He apparently thinks I would let it slip to you. Sorry.”
Yixing nods, finishing off his coffee. “That’s fair… though seems a bit bitter from Baekhyun.”
“He’s in the same boat as Minseok,” Zoey explains, tapping the fingers of her other hand. “Though he understands, he was just hurt, is all. He puts on a brave face and he hides behind his humor, but he’s actually pretty fragile.”
Yixing nods, sighing, hearing the waitress coming with both of their food.
My eyes open as I look back up from the ground. I sigh, pouting, seeing Sehun smirk from above me. “Why are you so good at this now,” I mutter, taking the hand he offers to me. The surrounding grass was neatly cut, in the courtyard of the school which has been fixed up. The tree covers most of the sky of this square courtyard, a bench to the side where Minseok was, watching us carefully, like a proud teacher.
I groaned, rubbing my back a bit. “Ow, I think I fell on a root!”
Minseok stood, smirking at Sehun before dragging him back to the middle of the square. The younger was complaining and whining, trying to annoy his way out of the punishment.  Minseok just grins, pulling the taller one into a headlock somehow, messing up Sehun’s hair. I silently leave, exiting out the courtyard and back into the building.
For the past two and a half years, I find that the guys rarely let me have a moment to myself. I appreciated it more in the beginning, but now, while I do have moments of feeling lonely, I’m fine. I don’t have the heart to tell them that, while I appreciate their company and I love them like family, they can’t fill the hole that has been left. Often, I wonder if this is how Mom felt when dad died, but on a smaller scale.
I do believe Yixing will come back. He’s a man of his word, after all. But after waiting over two years, it’s getting hard. I have complete faith in him, and I regret the things I said that made him leave. I’m just lonely. Those times at night when it’s just me in bed with no one around makes me feel more alone than ever, even if I’m surrounded by brothers who love, help and dote on me.
At the beginning, Sehun kept demanding to be by me if someone else wasn’t, and when I finally got him to get away from me and let me spend a night alone, I had an awful nightmare. So, I did what any other person would. I ran straight to his room, opened the door without knocking and walked in on an… intimate moment, to say the least. Sehun made some snide comments, but thankfully, Luhan understood. They never let me forget it, though.
It’s been like that a lot for the first few months. Now nightmares rarely happen. The only thing that hurts now is wondering if he’d still love me when he comes back and if it’ll be anytime soon. At first, I thought it would just be a few weeks. It was stupid of me, because I know if Yixing felt that badly that he had to leave, it must have been extremely serious.
As I showered, my mind can never help but wonder what he’s doing right then, if he misses me, if he’s sorting himself out, or even if he’s found someone new.
That thought crossed my mind a few times. That, perhaps he hasn’t come back because he loves someone new. While it would hurt and I’d be upset, ultimately I just want him to be happy and in a healthy state of mind again. If that does happen, I’ve fully prepared myself to let him go.
I walk back up to the clock tower, which has become my permanent home since he left. I’m thankful he’s been gone, at least for a few weeks of it, because I needed to work on myself too. In that time I was a mourning mess. I killed my own mother and drove the love of my life out of my life. As I draw back the blankets, I look out the stained-glass, watching the sun go down. I move the table with the TV on it over, grabbing the remove and turning it on. I try to lose myself into the programs, slowly falling asleep. My dreams of Yixing, when we’ll see each other again and, if he wants it, our future together.
Zoey’s back is slammed against the door, lips attached to her neck as she groans out, wrapping her legs around his waist. She feels just how excited he is as she takes his hair in her hands, pulling him off her neck and reuniting their lips. His hands reach under her pajama shirt, cupping one of her breasts and she lets out a small giggle. The room was full of brightly colored swirls, all blues and purples reflecting off them in the dark room. Zoey’s hands grip at his back, scratching lightly, making him groan out as he bites on her lower lip, making her gasp.
The door opens, and an annoyed sigh could be heard as they both pull away from each other. Zoey smiles up at him awkwardly, “Oh, hi Yixing!”
The older man sighs, “Really?”
“I didn’t think you’d be home this early,” Zoey says, crossing her arms over her chest, tapping her foot as she stood there in just a shirt and her underwear.
Yixing doesn’t even glance at what she’s wearing. He looks over at the man in the room, nodding at the person who comes frequently now that he’s been here before. “Hey, Jongin.”
The younger man was blushing deeply, trying not to look him in the eyes, “Ummm… I-”
“It’s fine,” Yixing says, his voice still annoyed with a bit of a smile. “Nice to finally see you this time. Normally I either only hear you or you’re hiding from me.”
“It’s just… a bit awkward. Seeing you and then going back to see,” He pauses, nodding, “I… um… I can just go?”
“I was just coming by because I forgot my wallet,” Yixing says with a smirk. He goes to his room in the apartment he shared with Zoey. He quickly grabs it, along with a hoodie since it was starting to get chilly even if it was only mid afternoon. He exits his room, a smirk on his face, “Open the curtains, it’s a great day! Oh, and use protection!”
Yixing laughs, hearing them both groan in embarrassment.
He walks around central park, seeing all the families and watching some Inhumans practice their powers. One girl was controlling plants, making flowers sprout around her. She smiles at Yixing, waving. He waves back. It was refreshing to see Inhumans all around the world being just normal people. They were helpful to their societies, and while there are some bad eggs in the bunch, over all most of them are doing what they can to help others.
He glances at the time on his phone, coming out the complete opposite side of the park. Yixing quickly puts on his sunglasses, pulling the hood over his head. He sees the man he’s been watching. He was limping, not enough for a cane but enough to be noticeable. Yixing watches as the man was waiting at the crosswalk. It turns white as the man was walking toward him, he briefly thought about saying something, until he watches as a car came and ran straight into him. Yixing’s feet moved on their own accord, standing over the man as he looked up.
“Please, help me,” The man says in a voice that had a pretty thick accent, even after being here for more than ten years. Yixing stood there, then crouched down. With a shaky hand, he takes his glasses off, looking down at the man.
The moment the man recognized him it was like time stood still for a moment. People were gathering around, but Yixing paid them no mind. “Hello,” Yixing said in his native language.
The man on the ground was silent, looking up at him. “My god,” He says, shaking his head.
“It’s funny,” Yixing mutters, feeling anger bubble up in his body, but he kept his face calm. “It’s like deja vu. This has happened before. You hurt in front of me.” The surrounding people were calling for an ambulance, but he ignores them. “Last time I helped you, you told me I was a monster. Told me I was better off dead.”
“My son,” The man says, his eyes filling with tears.
“No,” Yixing says harshly. “I was never your son, remember?! You accused your wife of cheating, did everything you could to try to prove I wasn’t yours! When you were faced with the fact that I am, indeed, your son, you sold me off to a corporation who tested on me! Who tortured me! Who killed the woman you once loved!”
The man was silent as he looked up at Yixing. The younger of the two noticing the blood pooling around him. “I hate you,” Yixing says, “I hate you and I will always hate you.” He reaches forward, touching his hands and letting his power flow, and everyone watches as the wounds heal. From the big ones to the cuts on his face.
His father then looked at his hands, quickly standing up. He looks at the man his son has become. Yixing looks at him again, “But, I am nothing like you. My mother taught me if I could help someone, I should. So I am.”
“Yixing,” He says, as everyone around them is mystified. As they start to point their phones to Yixing, he quickly puts on his sunglasses. “For what it’s worth… I was wrong. I’m deeply sorry.”
“Thank you,” Yixing says, “I appreciate that but… I only wanted to say that. This is the last time you will see me. I hope you live well, you’re new wife and daughter are happy, and you all stay healthy.”
“Why,” His father asks as Yixing turns around and starts to walk away.
“Because I forgive you. And not for your sake, but for my own. I forgive what you’ve done, but I can’t stay here or be with you. I only wanted to tell you that I forgive you. Because that’s what someone else taught me,” He glances back, “And it’s about time I went back to her.” He reaches at his chest, his hand clutching the necklace he took from her that day, praying she’s still there for him to see.
As he walks away, it felt like this huge weight off his chest. He didn’t even go back to the apartment to get clothes or talk to his boss at the job he had here. He simply went straight to the airport and, with all the money he had from working on his own, got a one way ticket back.
I sigh, laying back in the big empty bed. The book I was reading now rests beside me after finishing the tale of a man and a woman who were so in love, it left me with a more empty feeling than I cared to admit. I look at the small silver band I put on my right ring finger. It had a tiny jade, it was pale green and beautiful. I spin it around my finger, getting lost in my thoughts.
The door opens, and footsteps walk in. I smile to myself. “Sehunnie, I thought I told you I was going to be fine. Go and have a nice dinner with Luhan or whatever!”
The person says nothing as they walk up the stairs. “Minnie? Is it you then?” I hear the footsteps stop as I look over, feeling the air leaving my lungs. I turn, sitting on the bed looking forward, my eyes barely believing what I was seeing.
Yixing stood there. He was timid, but still stood up straight. He looked a bit older, but somehow the exact same. I think he may even be a small bit taller, too. His eyes finally find mine and the sound of my own heart beating was deafening. He cleared his throat, “Um… Hi.”
Before I could stop myself, I do the first thing that comes to mind. I couldn’t stop, I couldn’t do anything else but what I did. I had reached back and grabbed the book, throwing it at Yixing. It hits him in the chest, making him lose his breath for a moment, though he still catches it.
“What was that for,” He asked before coughing.
I sit there, flabbergasted. “What do you mean ‘what was that for’?! I think I’m well within my right to hit you with a book!”
“I just expected… well, not this,” He says, shaking the book, his eyes wide in surprise.
“You expected what, exactly? For me to run into your arms and for all the pain of these last years to be forgotten,” I say loudly, crossing my arms.
“Not exactly,” He says, taking a step forward, still looking a bit timid.
I reached back, grabbing a pillow, throwing it directly at his face, but this time he catches it before it hits him. He lowers the pillow just in time for another to hit his face as He takes a step more, finally closing the distance between us. I went to reach for something only to have him catch my hand, finally making me still as I look down at the bed.
“Please look at me,” He begs, making my heart hurt.
“No,” I say, tears welling up in my eyes.
“Why not,” He asks, his voice soft and gentle.
“Because I’m scared.”
“Of me,” He asks, his voice hurt.
“Not that you’ll hurt me… of what you’re going to say.”
We stay that way for a moment, silents as Yixing’s hand held mine, he couldn’t help but notice his mother’s ring on my finger. He sighs, “I’m sorry.”
“For what? You needed time, so I gave it to you. I waited until you wanted to see me,” I mutter, softly taking my hand from his, lacing my hands together, still not looking up at him. “Two and a half years. But if you’re happy now, it’s worth it.”
“I was done after a year or so,” He admits, looking down awkwardly to his feet. Now that I was truly looking at him, he looked outwardly how I imagined he would be. He still looked healthy, still looked strong as he stood there in a t-shirt and jeans. He still dressed the same, the t-shirt with a silhouette of the Brooklyn bridge in white on a black shirt. “I was just scared to come back to you. I thought you would be angry…”
“I am a little,” I confess, “But I’m more angry that I said those things to you that day. The look on your face then haunts me.” I pause, before clearing my throat. “So… what made you decide to return?”
Yixing was silent besides his breathing, and I wondered if I had said something wrong. I was scared that I somehow pushed him away after speaking. I should have respected his privacy, it’s not my place to ask that.
“I… confronted my father,” Yixing says, his voice stern as he kept looking down at his shoes, which were a very worn out pair of black converse.
“Oh,” I say, nodding, playing with my hands. I gulped in some air, trying to keep myself calm. “I’m glad you got that closure, Yixing.”
I watched as he physically shivered when I said his name. He looks up, his eyes meeting mine. “I’d… like to tell you about it. About my time away, if you want to hear it. Though I’d understand if you didn’t, and I’d like to know how you are and if you’re OK.”
I nod, smiling. I pat the bed next to me, “I’d love to hear it.”
The conversation went deep into the night. He told me about New York, and staying with Zoey and how much she’s helped him. Yixing was scared to tell me that bit, but I told him that she told me of her crush and how she no longer wished to pursue it once he left, before she got back to New York. He talked about the city and how he fell in love with it and how diverse it was. But before that he said he went place to place. He had an account with some money in it, thanks to Baekhyun who didn’t want to do it, but was convinced by Sehun.
When he first left here, he went to India, spending two weeks there just experiencing the world. He learned a lot about their lifestyle, as he spent those days helping a woman whom he learned was affectionately called ‘Mrs. Ellie’. She was a woman who took care of orphaned elephants. He met her his first day in India when she was distressed, trying to help a small baby elephant who was hurt by poachers. The small elephant was dying and Yixing helped it and saved its life.
He told me that Mrs. Ellie was so grateful she offered him a place to stay after he told her a bit of what has happened to him. So he helped her out by cleaning and feeding elephants, playing with the children who would visit. (Who laughed at him as he was awful at football. He grumbled, saying ‘If I had Minseok hyung’s talent at football they wouldn’t have laughed!)
When he felt like it was time to go, he left, giving her his cellphone number, explaining to her that if he ever needs him, he will do what he could. He spent his last night there with the elephant he saved, who Mrs. Ellie named after him.
From India, he decided he wanted a complete change of scenery. So he went to Spain. He landed in Madrid and was lost, not knowing the language or any languages that anyone there spoke. He mostly spent time there looking at art, eating food, and meeting people. Yixing told me how he managed to even go to a soccer game, one of the biggest rivalries in the world and how he was fascinated and completely absorbed in the feeling there. The chants, the scarves, the thrill of it all. He said Spain helped him see it’s OK to feel things and live fully. He spent a month and a half there.
But he spent the most time, other than New York, in Italy. The wine, the pasta and the pizza can never get any better than there. He learned that it is best to look at Rome as the saying goes, ‘When in Rome…’. His money was getting low, so he got a job driving wine bottles from Florence to Rome twice a week. It was nice, seeing so much history. He took trips to Venice, too, just to see it for himself. Yixing didn’t want to seem like he was an ignorant tourist, so he tried not to be too annoying. He even said he visited the Vatican. Three months were in Rome.
But then, suddenly, he wanted to go somewhere else. So from there, he went to Brazil. The flight was long and his body ached, but the beaches alone were worth it. He got a lot of weird glances at first, but when he did settle into a small group of people in Rio, they embraced him and were moved by who he was and his story. A woman by the name of Viviane had to suffer through drunk Yixing crying and speaking completely fluently in Chinese about me. The next morning, she come by, bringing him fruit and yogurt for breakfast. She then asked about me, saying that she understood him when he was blackout drunk. Apparently she told him that, at the end of the day, if he loved me, he’ll have to come back one day.
“That day, in Brazil, I was about to book a ticket back. I was standing there, looking at the board, and then I got a message from Sehun. He told me that Baekhyun found where my father was,” He mutters, looking out the window, watching the sky get lighter. “Baekhyun didn’t want to tell me. He wanted me to get back here, to you… but I just felt like I should see him and confront him.” He sighs, “That’s what took so long, really. It took me years to confront him. I could have been back here, but see him living in New York, living his life as if he didn’t have a hand in killing my mother.”
We were silent for a while. I gently grasp his hand, not looking at him as I nod, “I understand, Yixing. You don’t have to explain. I’m just happy you’re back.”
He nods as we both watch the sunrise together. We spoke all night, catching up. I told him how I wanted to return to the hospital, but now the sight of blood makes me feel sick. I wanted to help people but I just didn’t know how, so I often go to classes teaching some things I’ve learned. The basics, nothing that would require me to see blood. I told him I pretty much commandeered his room, I took a trip to India, apparently arriving the day after he left. I went there and just explored, taking Minseok with me. Overall I stayed here at the base, reading books, studying psychology and trying not to ask where he was all the time.
I wanted to speak more, but my eyes were falling closed, I feel the blanket pulled over me, a small pat to my shoulder before my vision goes completely dark.
My eyes open, looking ahead of me, seeing no Yixing ahead of my. I glance around, seeing the book of the bedside table and the pillow back on the bed. Tears fill my eyes as I get up. I pull my hair into a ponytail, wondering how that dream could have been so real. Walking down the steps, I glance over at the room as it was still empty. I sigh, wiping the tears from my eyes, glancing at the ring I wore to remember him.
“No more crying,” I mutter to myself, stretching my back. “Drink coffee. Eat breakfast. Be patient.”
Opening the door, I see Minseok and Sehun sitting on the steps. “Hi,” I say, giving them a small smile.
“I thought you would be happier,” Sehun says, shrugging before he stood up.
Minseok stands, a bit of blood on his right knuckle. “Did you cut it,” I ask, worried. “Why have you not bandaged that?”
“I didn’t cut it,” He says angry. “It’s not my blood, it’s…”
“Be hit Yixing. Full force, straight to the nose. It’s not broken, just bleeding bad,” Sehun says, glaring at the older man. “Not that YOU have any right to be upset, Hyung.”
“He left us too,” Minseok mutters, looking away from Sehun.
“Wait… so that wasn’t a dream,” I ask, my eyes meeting Sehun’s, since I know Minseok wouldn’t look at me.
“Is that why your eyes are red from crying,” He asks with a small smile. “He’s in the medical room.”
I thank him before taking the stairs down quickly. I get to the bottom and begin to sprint, Minseok yelling after me to be careful.
My feet carry me swiftly around, I pass by Chanyeol, who just smiled at me as he got out of my way, yelling he was happy. I get to the door of the medical room, hearing some commotion behind it.
“Do you know how hurt she’s been,” I hear Baekhyun’s voice through the door. “She’s had to mourn killing her own mother for the man she loves only for him to disappear for two fucking years?”
I open the door, making everyone look at me. I shake my head, “Baekhyun-”
“No,” He says, glaring at me. He was standing in the middle of the room. Yixing was sitting on the bed with an ice pack on his nose, Junmyeon was leaning against the left wall and Luhan was next to him. “You can’t just forgive him, Y/N! He left you. For two and a half years. He didn’t see how awful of a place you were in and how much you needed him because he wasn’t there.” He says, turning back to Yixing, glaring.
“I was in a bad place,” I agree, nodding, “And we’re not back to how it used to be. And we probably won’t be for some time. But Baekhyun, the place I was in is nothing compared to the place he was in.” I place my hand on Baekhyun, “Imagine how would you feel if I was in front of you, and only you had the power to save my mother, but you couldn’t because of the damn serum? How would you feel if I looked at you like you betrayed me? Like I didn’t even know who you were because I thought for a moment that you refused to save her?”
Baekhyun was taken back, “But I can’t-”
“I. Said. Imagine it,” I say, my voice harsh. “I understand you’re angry he left. I am too. But don’t use me as you excuse! You’re angry he left because he left you too! All of you! And you missed him!”
“Of course I did,” Baekhyun says tears welling in his eyes. “He’s our brother. He’s our family and we trust him with our lives, even when he can’t heal us! It just hurts knowing he felt like we couldn’t help him back! That we weren’t enough for him, that none of us were!”
The room was silent.
“I didn’t want to be a burden for you all,” Yixing says quietly, moving the ice pack away from his face. “I couldn’t look at you all without being reminded of Nayeon and how I couldn’t help her and I just needed time alone. I’m sorry.”
Baekhyun turned at him, his tears falling, “You had fun while Y/N was here, hurting alone! India, Rome, Spain, Brazil, New York?”
“She wasn’t alone! She was with you all, the people I felt like could help her more than I could in that moment! And I left those places after something there reminded me of you guys… then you told me where my father was and I couldn’t not go,” Yixing looks at Baekhyun, upset but not angry at him. After all, Yixing understand that they have a right to feel this way too. “I’m a coward. The more time I was away, the more fear I felt to come back. I was only in New York so long because it took me that long to confront my father.” He looks at Baekhyun, “I know you all could have helped me if you wanted. But I wanted you all to focus on helping Y/N.”
“Well WE did,” Baekhyun mutters, crossing his arms. “WE helped her. You went around and had fun!”
“Nightmares where I wake up screaming, going without sleep for days, flashbacks to watching Nayeon die and a now complete fear of any sort of gun is what you’d call fun, huh?” Yixing says, glaring to the floor, “Keyword IS. Still happens. Better, but it still happens. Just because I’m better at hiding my pain doesn’t mean none is there.” He finally looks in Baekhyun’s eyes, “There were a lot of times when I was in pain and needed help, but I never told anymore. I held it in for years and none of you noticed.” He smiles a bit bitterly, “I was always there for all of you. Healing your small tiny paper cuts, making sure you were all healthy, offering to listen to your problems and help you all figure it all out! But none of you ever did that for me! I didn’t want to bother you all with my problems because the one time I opened up, I remember YOU telling me to get over it! So I left so I wouldn't bother you like I did the time before!” He was now yelling, letting out years of pent-up frustrations, even before I ever met them. He was yelling, but he wasn’t glaring at anyone. He just looked pained.
“Yixing,” Junmyeon says, pushing away from the wall. Worry deeply etched on his face. “We… I’m sorry we neglected you. We just all thought you were the one-”
“The one with all your shit together,” Luhan finishes, nodding to Yixing and making his hand return the ice pack to his nose with his power. “Leave it there or it’ll bruise.”
“We can’t know something is wrong if you never tell us,” Junmyeon explains calmly, looking at Baekhyun, who looked mortified hearing that.
Quietly, I slip out the door, letting them all have some privacy to talk among one another. After all, Yixing leaving didn’t just hurt me, and apparently there was a lot more there no one knew about.
I swing my legs back and forth, sitting on a swing that we made the previous summer. It was on a large tree that was at the back of the school, made of rope and a piece of wood. Nothing fancy, just something that would work. I wasn’t swinging high, just enough to get the nice summer sunset breeze on my face.
It was a few days before I saw Yixing again. I didn’t realize giving them all privacy meant a huge series of meetings between them as they talked it all out. I tried not to pass by the rooms they were in, but I’d often hear heated talks. Thankfully it seems no one else has decided to inflict violence on Yixing. There was a time when Minseok left the meeting in order to take a walk and calm himself. He also told me that, while he doesn’t regret hitting Yixing at all, he’s sorry that he made me upset by doing so. He was also shocked and upset that he never noticed anything wrong with him.
Part of me got angry, because they were all using me as an excuse to be angry like Baekhyun did. I’m angry he left, and while I understand and forgive him, it doesn’t mean things are going back to exactly the way it was immediately. I understand that sometimes when something traumatic happens, some people just have to get away and be alone for a bit. That’s completely understandable. When my mother died the first time, I stayed away from people and threw myself into my work as a distraction. They shouldn’t leave their loved ones completely in the dark, however.
Sure, I could have found out about where he is and whatnot through Baekhyun. However, I didn’t want that. I wanted him to contact me when he was ready, when he felt like he could. Be it a phone call, a letter, anything. Just something to know that he’s still alive and hasn’t been found by Kiyoung, whom we still haven’t tracked down. Something to tell me he still cared and that he didn’t find someone new.
I was so absorbed in my thoughts that when a hand touched my shoulder, I jumped in surprise, looking back and seeing Yixing. He pulled his hand away, shocked that I got scared.
“Sorry,” He mutters, looking at the ground. He stood there, in a white tee with gray jeans that had ribs at the knees. His shoes some dirty running ones. He looked effortlessly like a model, like usual. Even after all these years he still was just as handsome as the day we met, though a lot less blood, which is nice.
I nod, “Um… it’s OK.” Contrasted to his model like style, I was in pajama pants which were his that I had to roll up a few times in order to not walk on them. I had on a tank top, a huge zip up hoodie over that. I looked exactly like I spent the entire day in bed, trying not to go and listen in on their talking. As always, I looked like the human form of a trash pile while he was walking art, making me smile a bit, since that hasn’t changed one bit over the years.
We were silent for a moment as my swinging stopped. Just us and the sun that was just starting to set.
“I’ve been talking with everyone, and I think we’ve all gotten everything off our chests,” He says. He moves, crouching down in front of me, knees to this chest. “Minseok is still a bit angry, but he said that families fight, but you love them anyways.” He looks down at the grass, plucking it from the ground in a nervous tick. “The entire time I couldn’t help but think that… I told you what I did when I was gone. I asked you what you did, but I never asked how you felt or let you have a say in how you feel now.”
A small sigh left my lips, “Yixing… I love you. And nothing can change that. But I can’t just act like nothing has happened. I can’t just cuddle up with you and pretend I feel fine when I don’t.” I take my hands off of the rope, placing them on his shoulders. “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to be with you. I want to, I want to try. I just need some time with you being back in my life in a more platonic way for a while, I think.”
If he was sad, he didn’t show it. A small smile as he looked up at me, “Alright. And, Y/N?”
“Yes,” I ask, removing my hands from his shoulders to put them back on the rope again.
“When we saw each other earlier, you talked about being afraid and worried that after all this time I would have moved on, and loved someone else,” He shakes his head with a smile, “It’s you, Y/N. You are always going to be the love of my life. No one can ever compare to how I feel about you. No matter what happens, if we’re still together from now on or if you decide you don’t want to be, I want you to know that.” He gives a light laugh that makes me feel completely at ease, just like they use to. “I was worried someone else would have swept you off your feet and I’d never have the chance to be with you again.”
“The only people I ever really see is everyone here,” I laugh. “The only thing that could have any romantic sort of connotation is the fact that sometimes Sehun come in at night and leeches onto me. Considering he purposely rubs his drool covered cheek on my face I’d say that’s extremely far from romantic!” The sun was making the sky into the brilliant oranges, pinks and some purple. “Besides, how on Earth do I fall for someone else when they’d always be compared to you? It would just be simply impossible.”
There was a moment of silence as I watch his cheeks get red. My stomach got those butterflies that I used to get, a comforting feeling to have them return. “Sorry about taking your room over,” I mutter, looking away. “It was just… the only way I could be near you while giving you privacy. I’ll go back to my room now.”
Yixing smiles, patting my knee lightly. “It’s pretty much yours now. I mean, you’ve lived in there for about as long as I have, probably longer.”
I give him a worried look. “Then where will you go?”
“There're many rooms to choose from,” He exclaims, stretching his arms out as he stood. “I suppose I’ll let you get back to swinging. Nice to see all the new things outside since we no longer have to be in hiding. The pools even have water in them now too!”
I stand, reaching for his hand, “Yixing?”
Leaning forward, I place a small kiss on his cheek. He gives me a grin. “I… I missed you. I do need time and I’m glad you respect that. Know that I love you. Nothing changes that.”
He bites his lip with a smile, before placing his hands on my face, pulling me to him, and placing a kiss on my forehead. The butterflies in my stomach go into overdrive as he just holds me close, pulling me into a hug. “Words can not explain how much I’ve missed you.”
And just like that, he pulled away, turned and starting walking back to the school. I watch him go, smiling to myself as my face was warm from the amount I was blushing. I sit back on the swing and even as he disappeared inside the building, I couldn’t stop the sense of hope I felt. It’s felt like half of my soul has been away, and even knowing he’s back was enough to put my heart and mind at ease.
Their family was back together as much as they could be. I smiled as I went inside, knowing that in a few more steps I was probably going to be pulled away by someone to do some crazy thing. It wasn’t long until my hair started to float up as I saw Luhan and Sehun giggling at themselves. I give them a playful glare, my hair falling back around me as they both take one of my arms, talking quickly and asking if trying to mimic bungee jumping with telekinesis was a bad idea or not. Apparently they weren’t serious as they laughed as I had a bit of a heart attack.
Yixing was back. Everyone here was safe and sound. Inhumans are free to live as they please. A new government in place. I couldn’t help but smile, for the first time in a long time being truly happy. Before I met them, I have no idea what I was doing or what made me happy. Now I can’t imagine my life without them.
They’ve changed me for the better. They’re crazy, hyper and sometimes uncontrollable, but I’ve never felt this loved and this safe in a very long time. Now that Yixing was back, the piece of me that was missing was back too. The past is the past, and now, I tell myself, it’s like to look to the future.
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