erratiomerula · 3 years
continued from x || @praevisio​
             It was not often that he made it so far from the heart of the forest he and his kin called home— but let it be the day that he had ventured out in search of materials that something would happen.
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            Her slaughter means nothing to him as long as it does not affect him or his dökkálfar brethren, and it does not appear to either surprise him or make him wary that she remains brandishing her weapon. He has half a mind to answer her question with a taste of his elven powers, but consider him a rare case of curious.
             “ Is it not the sheep who should falter when they enter the wolves den? ” He all but scoffs, his icy blue irises pinning her down with a hint of arrogance in his gaze. “ I should be afraid of you because of a little knife? I’m afraid you’ve vastly overestimated yourself, doubly so when you’re on the edge of my forest. ”
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umbra-speculum · 3 years
@praevisio​ said;
" Forgive me father , for I have sinned ... " she begins , fingertips tracing the outline of his abs through tight - fitting shirt; " your body no longer the only one I'm willing to WORSHIP . " Prayer is whispered against the skin of his collar bone , her tongue drawing shapes across tanned flesh .
             His composure is still somewhat existent as whispered words weave through heated air— the touch of her fingers even through thin fabric of his shirt a pleasant reminder of things experienced in the past. A chuckle manages to spill from his throat as her tongue meets his flesh, and he’s quick to place his tawny fingers at the small of her back, leading her into his lap. 
             “ As flattered as your words make me, dear Carolynn, I don’t think prayer is necessary here. ” Hands travel slowly from the small of her waist and down to her hips, lingering for but a moment before slender fingers roam back up her rib cage. 
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             She had come a long way since her stuttering mess had come to his awareness, but he could not, in truth, say that he didn’t like the few time when she had initiated affections. Corners of his mouth quirk up into a somewhat lopsided smile as a dull wave of pleasure quivered through his form— she was still learning the spots he favored, but the clumsy exploration was almost part of what got him going. 
             Hands move over the sides of her breasts, taking away her access to his neck as he croons forward to capture her lips just as palms cup her cheeks. Her milky skin was warm to the touch— the weight of her in his lap a consistent reminder of how her body molded against his own. Simeon lets his kiss linger until he feels the indication that she needs to pull away for air, but his lips only trail to the corner of her mouth and down along her jaw, finally moving down to mouth at her neck.
             “ You are quite like an addiction, darling Caro. ”
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greedilie · 4 years
Mammon has lost count of how many times his brothers tease and bully him to the point of running away. It’s happened a lot through the centuries of their long, long lives and honestly it was very tiring. Still- Mammon never learned. Everything he was bullied for was the very sin he embodied. No one teased Beelzebub for how much he ate nor Belphegor for how much he slept. Satans wrath was quite a spectacle to behold and be fearful of. Leviathan’s envy immersed him into unobtainable worlds he obsessed with. Asmodeous’ lustful vanity wasn’t even mentioned much. The line was drawn at greed it seemed. Greed that led this demon to steal priceless and expensive items from his brothers and even the Prince of the Devildom himself. Greed that led him to sell those items for Grimm - Grimm that was then used to gamble with for MORE.
Mammon never learned because he couldn’t stop himself... he was Greed. Despite that, he wasn’t always greedy. He wasn’t always out to steal from his family and make some extra Grimm. Yet he was still blamed for things he wasn’t responsible for, and it was those moments that led him to feel especially exhausted of being the piñata to beat. 
It was Asmodeous that accused him today. Some kind of cosmetic was missing from his room, and while it was true Mammon had stolen from him several times before THIS time he was innocent - couldn’t even get an explanation in before the whole damn House was grilling him. So he left... and was now walking through the streets with his hands shoved into his pockets and a prominent pout on his face.
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“not goin back this time...” He grumbles to himself... one day and a half and counting... he usually got hungry and went back but this time he felt more determined to stick it out for longer. Still, he kind of wanted to go back.... his missed his bed. With a sigh his shoulders slump, “..maybe I should just... argh, no no. S’ not fair of them to keep treatin’ me like that all the time... ugh!” Frustrated, he kicks a rock which ricochets off the brick wall--
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malibvnghts · 4 years
@praevisio / sc.
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            “  it would be so nice if people stop assuming they’re all that  ,  ”  he huffs  ,  he was getting way tired of all these unsolicited messages and pictures from people  .
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sweethurtss · 3 years
Aloe, Apple Blossom & Gardenia for Val !
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* Botanical Headcanons .
aloe :   how does your muse handle grief ?
         Grief sits uncomfortably still within Val’s chest for a few days. It takes him a while to really process his feelings and recognize them for that they are. And then it’s violent. Not towards others, but towards himself and he can’t rest until he collapses with exhaustion - he doesn’t know how else to work through the pain until time can heal the ache.
apple blossom :   how does your muse go about expressing or not expressing their sexuality ?  
         As a knight who takes his duty seriously, Val didn’t really experiment with his sexuality for a long time. While he tried not to impose his opinions and beliefs on others, he didn’t really like the idea of being a womanizer. As captain of the guard, it grossed him out how many people would try to send people to seduce him in order to make him drop his guard or even get information out of him. So, he became even more stern about the relations he had, narrowing possible partners down to only those he felt a connection and genuine trust with.
gardenia :   is your muse one to confess romantic feelings early on ,   or to conceal them for long periods of time ?  
         He confesses his feelings early on... once he’s aware of them. He’s very decisive about his opinion on people. But it’d take a long time for him to realize his affections for what they are, especially if the other person either doesn’t reciprocate those feelings, or is simply more shy in expressing them. So, it wouldn’t be that surprising if everyone knew he loved someone romantically well before he did.
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hxroccmplexarchived · 4 years
@praevisio​ said: E for hien hehe
NSFW headcanons
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E - Extra info
       Hien doesn’t have much of a fashion sense. Her wardrobe is pretty plain, and she wears shirts and hoodies a couple sizes too big for her. BUT! Hien adores lingerie. Lingerie takes up most of her underwear drawer and even when she’s out fighting big bad monsters, under her clothes there’s a lot going on. She doesn’t wear it in hopes someone else will see it ( but that’s always a plus! ), she wears it bc she genuinely thinks lingerie is really pretty. 
Though, while Hien knows it’s mostly used in sexual situations, she also thinks it’s normal to just. wear it wherever u go? Lingerie is in the underwear section, so it counts as underwear, right? Don’t tell her that she’s the only one with lingerie instead of just normal underwear, she’ll get very embarrassed. 
As for kinks and fetishes- Hien doesn’t have much experience in figuring herself out and what she likes and dislikes. She’s only had one girlfriend before, which didn’t last too long. She does like bath and shower sex, and has a thing for women in pencil skirts. But that’s all Hien really knows about herself! 
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fallendom · 3 years
dont you wanna feel everything to your full ability???
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  “I ALREADY have a good grasp of sensation whenever touching things with my gloves. They aren’t unbearably thick enough to rob away the sense of touch as most people assume. Besides...I’d feel naked without my gloves. Having much body exposure isn’t a pleasant appearance for me to have.” In other words, LUCIFER puts a lot of care into his public image.
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erratiomerula · 3 years
continued from x || @praevisio​
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             Though he’s seen and heard his fair share of ODD working at a popular bar, Ignatius is still at an immediate loss for words as his gaze trails after the last staggering person who had approached her. Truth be told, he was curious himself— but his curiosity was genuine whereas he doubted the other inquires were...wholesome.
             Gloved fingers drum the bar countertop as he silently pours her another shot of whiskey— he knows what she’s been downing because he’s been the main one filling her glass. “ I mean I’d definitely say it’s a conversation starter... ” Mentally he hopes he isn’t about to get cussed up and down, even though it has happened on numerous occasions. “ Maybe not pick-up line worthy. Forgive me if I’m rude, but you aren’t blind, correct? ”
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devilreno · 4 years
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@praevisio​ said: looks like he's wearing lip stain tbh like id b tempted to use the pickup line; " I bet this color would look good on you, want me to put it on you? " and she like smooches him to transfer it
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      “... Don’t like it. Can I return it?”
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queensconquest · 4 years
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praevisio said:  " Solomon ... would you like some COMPANY ? " She'd never say it aloud , but he seemed LONELY ; an emotion she was intimately familiar with . // your HC made me seek them finding solace in each other pleASE
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   It’s  an  unexpected  voice  that  draws  him  out  of  his  thoughts  ,  blinking  once  before  he  looks  towards  the  source  of  the  voice.  How  surprising.  “  Now  who  would  I  be  to  deny  company  ?  If  you’re  certain  you  want  to  spend  it  with  me  ,  I  don’t  mind.  “ His  hand  pats  the  side  of  the  fountain  he  was  sitting  on  as  a  welcoming  gesture  to  her  presence.
   It  would  be  good  to  be  outside  of  his  head  for  a  little  while.
   “  I’m  surprised.  I  thought  for  sure  you’d  have  one  of  the  brothers  around  you  ,  or  being  dragged  into  some  event.  “  He  laughed  ,  cheer  ever  present  a  cover  to  the  loneliness.  “  They  seem  to  have  lots  of  them  after  all.  “
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lorddiiavolo · 4 years
@praevisio​ said:
that banner is beautiful and so is the writing
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   how dare u scoob-- thank you akfsja
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halchron · 4 years
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❝ what was that ? you think i’m cool ? ❞
eijun didn’t particularly make it a habit to eavesdrop on his classmates, but when he heard ‘ sawamura-kun ‘ and ‘ cool pitching styles ‘ in the same sentence, it was his obligation to see what caro was talking about. leaning on the seat in front of her’s, eijun leaned forward in a way that was obviously eager for more praise.
❝ i can show you some right now if you’d like ? not throwing it, obviously, but the different ways i hold the ball ? ❞
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akairyoku-aa · 4 years
@praevisio​ r u not one urself tho
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“  You know, I am not the joking kind of person, but I got to give you that one.                                                                                   It did tickle a little, I gotta admit.  “
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hxroccmplexarchived · 4 years
@praevisio​ said: *SMOOCHES HIEN* " I missed you "
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       Sorry, she’s too busy giggling to herself to respond. She’s missed you too Caro!
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jokebad · 4 years
              It wasn’t like Sasara was unused to the rain --- who could be ? But that didn’t make the cream soda haired man any less BORED as he waited for a bus, umbrella in hand; and from the looks of it, the woman next to him was also bored. Perhaps it was presumptuous of him to try and talk to her--- but if she didn’t respond at all he wouldn’t bother trying to continue. That being said, a slight smirk appeared on the comedian’s face right before he opened his mouth, ( a sign to anyone who knew him that something awful was about to happen ) 
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             “ One feels like a duck splashing around in all this wet. ” // @praevisio​ X 
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raiiju · 4 years
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“it’s beginning to pour... we should head  indoors,”  hak said, innocently enough while the rain water dribbled past strands of his inky hair. “and it just so happens that your place is  NEARBY, ” he added on with a hint of mischief lurking in his voice. was he attempting to get into her bed or was he just messing with her? either way, he should be careful of what he says. // @praevisio​
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