puppy-phum · 2 years
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Bad Buddy Week 2022 ➢ Day 5 - Favorite Dynamic: PranWai + Kpop Songs on My Playlist
i. heroine - sunmi ii. boyz with fun - bts iii. truth - got7 iv. i'm in trouble - nu'est v. what is love? - twice vi. i'm a b - hwa sa vii. bring it on - oneus iix. advice - taemin ix. angel or devil - txt x. best friend - uniq
a couple thoughts on this edit:
first of all, if i am being very honest, my favorite dynamic in bbs is the jindapat siblings. they just feel so genuine in both their bickering and their love. i adore how pha guides pat through his emotions and how pat supports his sister. i love how pha puts pat in his place and how pat sincerely listens to his sister. also that coming out scene between them is very, very dear to me ♥
but then, bc i am a hoe for wai, our bastard son, i had to make this edit. i adore this dysfunctional duo. no matter what comes down and how much of a bastard wai can be and how much i just want to punch him in the face sometimes even if i also want to cradle him to my chest and tell him it's gonna be ok, i am insane about the pranwai reationship. i have so many thoughts on it and how it came to be. bc there obviously exists a backstory to explain why wai is so very protective of pran, why pran is so very willing to help wai out of all trouble he causes, and why these two don't really know each other while claiming to be best friends. this is an union of two broken hearts and i will die on that hill.
and to end this short ramble, a couple of notes: - the codes on these edits mostly don't work. sorry about that. (i think the only functional one is the one in wai's solo pic so go listen to that! haha) - lyrics in these songs don't matter basically so just look at the title - i find it amusing how i associate pranwai with blue and red while patpran are the iconic red-green combo. there's a lot to think about in there. - none of this is intended as any type of hate or slander towards either of these characters. i love both of them dearly ♥ - sorry if the template is slightly distorted, i had to make it myself from a scratch and it was a challenge...
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In defense of Wai
I love, love, love Wai’s writing in this episode! I really adored his interactions with Pran and his lines overall. Hopefully, you all will like this new analysis too.
The first seven minutes of episode 2 only show us some glimpse of Pran and his friends; when they’re walking in pairs, Wai is always standing next to Pran, and there is this little, sweet moment at 6:11-6:13 in which Pran throws an arm around Wai’s shoulder as they walk.
We then get a scene of Pat’s friends being assholes again, provoking Pran’s gang, calling them cowards, and Wai immediately reacts to their taunts, ready to fight them. Pran holds him back and makes up a story about how the pavilion they’re at is a place of truce between Architecture and Engineering, and ends up preventing the fight. Wai listens to him, believes him, and eventually gives in.
The second part of episode two is very focused on Wai and his friendship with Pran, and I loved every second of it.
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It starts with Wai pointing out [0:18] that Pran is being hit on. Pran denies this fact and states that the person writing is a male. Safe and Louis tease him and Safe highlights that even if it’s a guy there’s no reason why he couldn’t be hitting on Pran. Throughout the entirety of this exchange, Wai is looking at Pran very fondly, with a bright and soft smile, and when Pran says ‘Don’t you see the male particle he’s using?’ he seems amused (my interpretation is that he must be thinking something around the lines of ‘So naive! So what if he’s a man? He’s still very obviously flirting with you’). All three of them keep teasing Pran jokingly, and Wai in particular looks so damn delighted by the idea of someone having a crush on Pran and of Pran possibly liking them back (which is already a huge hint that he does not like Pran that way, is not interested in him romantically, unlike some theories that go on in the fandom about him being jealous of Pat and so on). 
Then we get a scene at 1:55 of Pran on the phone with Wai, still talking about what happened; he’s still teasing Pran, and Pran is still going with lines like ‘If it had happened to you, you wouldn’t be talking like this’, because he’s still so not used to see queer people around himself and likely still feels odd about his own sexuality as well (despite Wai and his friends explicitely stating how there’s nothing wrong with a guy hitting on him, he still doesn’t tell them that he does, in fact, like boys himself). I find it cute that Wai doesn’t drop the topic when they all split up, but rather decides to bring it up again in a one-on-one conversation, which shows how much he actually cares about his friend.
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Wai and co.’s playful teasing at the start of part3 is absolutely hilarious and adorable, but then Wai [3:31] interrupts the whole conversation about the person hitting on Pran being a boy or a girl, going straight to what actually matters: “Do you want to meet this person, or not?”. And when Pran asks if that person would think he’s interested in case he shows up, Wai says something extremely important and wise, still light-hearted but meaningful at the same time: “Even if you don’t like him, you must go. If you don’t like him, tell him in person. End it right there.”
This is very in character, when you think about it, because Wai is obviously someone who’s quite sincere about how he feels and what he thinks, he values honesty above everything else. Instead of creating a misunderstanding that could go on possibly for weeks or even months, he advises Pran to cut to the chase and be honest with that guy—which is also extremely respectful! He’s not pushing Pran to accept that guy’s attention, he’s just saying “You don’t want him hitting on you? That’s fine. Tell him, though. Be honest.”
And Pran does (later) listen to his tip, remembering Wai’s words, proving that their friendship goes both ways, and Pran isn’t the only one helping Wai out, but he also seeks for his advice—and, after all, Pran is the one who went to his friends to talk about this; he chose to open up to them about the gifts he found hanging on his doorknob! He could have easily hid the whole thing and pretended like nothing happened, or just dealt with it on his own; instead, he decided to share this piece of info with them, and I think this counts for something.
Of course, Wai and co. go back to tease him after these wise words were spoken, and the scene that starts at 3:53 and ends at 4:29, despite being cringey, is also super funny. 
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Next time we see Wai [EP2, part3, 2:43], my boy is working his ass off to earn some money, and Pat’s asshole friends decide it’s a good idea to bully him in his workplace, to cheer Pat up (yikes). They make fun of him, they mock him, Chang films the whole scene, Mo even trips him; Pat smiles and laughs through this entire thing. Wai tries his best to act polite and to stay calm, he gets mad after falling (and possibly getting hurt?) but is still unable to do a damn thing, because that’s, you know, his workplace. This scene is horrible and I don’t like to rewatch it, but it is important for his character and for some of the stuff that will happen in the future, so I had to mention it.
Next scene [4:33] sees Wai complaining about what happened with his friends, and considering Pran tells him “I know you’re angry and I feel angry for you, man (Oh, do you, Pran? Then what about mentioning this to Pat? What about scolding him for acting like a complete asshole? Just saying. ‘wai isn’t a shitty friend’ is an established tag on AO3 but I never saw anyone mention how Pran didn’t take this matter seriously at all, despite it being pretty horrendous). But you can’t just repeat that ten times over.”, it’s fair to say this annoyed the shit out of Wai (I can definetely see why!), and he states that he want to take revenge on Pat and his friends for what they did to him.
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That being said, what happens next is... gosh, what happens next is so incredibly hideous. Pat’s friends were really trying their best to make the audience dislike them at the very start of the show (and isn’t it funny how most people forgot all about what they did in the first episodes the moment they showed some support to Pat and Pran’s relationship?).
So. To keep it short. Korn, Mo and Chang catcall Pran, thinking he’s a girl, bang on his door, ask him to get out, yelling and laughing like idiots. Wai (and Safe and Louis) doesn’t like the way these strangers are behaving (I screamed when he said ‘Are they calling a puppy?’, you go king), gets suspicious and walks towards the door to see who’s the one making such a din, but Pran pushes him away to stop him. Wai takes the (pretty hard) push and just looks at Pran with a wondering look, as if he’s thinking ‘What the hell, dude?’.
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Pat and his friends finally leave. Wai then [7:18] assumes those guys must have had something to do with Pran’s neighbour who’s got a crush on him, and so he starts teasing him again about it, together with Safe and Louis. He even sits next to him and puts an harm around his shoulder, prompting Pran to tell them what happened between him and this mysterious guy. And then he asks him the ultimate question: “Why didn’t you tell us anything?”. Wai was clearly interested in the matter, interested in what Pran was going through, and must have expected some kind of update; this is really nothing serious, and you can tell he’s not mad, not even offended, but the mere fact that even in this silly situation his first thought is something between the lines of ‘Oh, come on, why didn’t you tell me? I assumed you would have!’ is quite important. Wai thinks he’s entitled to know everything important about Pran, and not because he’s possessive of him, but because he cares about him and wants to be involved in his life. 
I am not saying this is right, and I’m not saying this is wrong; there’s nothing bad with wanting our friends to feel like they can share everything with us, but it is obviously unfair to demand such a thing from them; remember that people may have a thousand reasons not to tell you something personal, and any of them may have nothing to do with you at all.
Episode 2 ends [13:12] with Pran’s friends and Pat’s friends fighting each other in the street and destroying the bus stop as a result. Wai gets extremely violent, all of them do, and it is so painful to watch this scene (and not just because it is extremely cringey). Wai is likely the one who started the conflict this time, to get revenge after the humilation he suffered while at work, and the fact that instead of ending the cycle of violence and unfairness he thought that answering with more violence was the right choice speaks volumes about how immature and prideful he actually is.
So, what did he get out of episode 2?
- Wai is genuinely interested in Pran’s life, and likes it when Pran opens up to him (and doesn't like it when he doesn't); 
- Pran is a good friend, but not a perfect one nonetheless;
- Wai deeply values honesty and doesn’t want Pran to hide stuff from him;
- Wai is prideful and immature, going from a position where he was the victim to one where he’s the one who resorted to violence first. 
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geekygirl24 · 2 years
Prompt from coconutbun85: Again, wish I could comment on the story but I don't follow this series too 😥. Anyway i was re-reading that prompt about Pran and Wai losing their virginity to each other (CH893). Could you possibly do a fic about that? Doesn't have to be romantic, just some of that pressure you wrote about, some hurt/comfort for Pran being separated from Pat, and Wai being caring, and both of them being sexually curious. Thanks. Also, are you going to end this work after chapter 1000? 
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This chapter is NSFW
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yourmoonandstar · 2 years
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joarys · 3 years
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tbh i hated wai up until the first half of this episode but this screencap from next ep's preview really warmed up my heart 😭 pls i badly want them to be good friends. we all waited a long time for this 😭😭
EDIT: still waiting for wai's apology for outing them (esp the person he claims to be his best friend) like that. that will never be okay, under any circumstances.
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In defense of Wai
Hey there, Bad Buddy fandom! No, I am not about to write a 10k words long post in which I will justify Wai for what he did to Pran (and Pat) at the end of episode 8; what he did is unjustifiable, so I won’t even make an attempt. All I want to do is to—maybe—let you all see him in a different light—especially those who have either never rewatched the show or who have only rewatched the PatPran/InkPa scenes (understandable tbh): there are so many little details spread all around the episodes that may go unnoticed on a first watch. 
I also read many people talk really bad about Wai as a friend overall, even before what happens during (and after) the curtain drop scene; and I heavily disagree, so here’s my personal perspective on this character.
[NOTE: I do not like Jimmy’s acting and the only reason I’m able to ‘stand’ it in Bad Buddy is that most of the scenes in which he appears are pretty light-hearted, or meant to be comic relief, so his cringey acting does not look (that much) all over the place. Despite this issue, I still believe Wai is a well written character who has layers to him and I would love to explore them.]
The show literally starts with a close up of Wai’s feet [EP1, part1, 0:44], introducing his character while he tries to run away from his bullies—yes, Pat and co. are acting like bullies and I do not care about how amazing of a person Pat actually is, I don’t care how goofy and likeable Korn becomes later in the show: they are introduced as assholes who are willing to resort to violence the moment someone gives them a middle finger. That is not okay (yes, I will be talking about Wai and his tendencies to resort to violence as well, don’t worry about it), especially when you watch the show in retrospect and know what they’ll do to Wai in his workplace (but we’ll get there).
We are immediately given some info about how much Pran cares about Wai: when Safe tells him [EP1, part1, 2:29] that Louis is in trouble, Pran only retorts ‘He gets himself into a fight everyday’, but when Safe mentions that Wai’s there too, Pran changes his mind and decides to go to his rescue. This is important because a) we’ll get to know Pran over the episodes and we’ll realize he doesn’t like violence at all and is way less inclined to piss people off as well, favouring manipulation and politeness to get what he wants; b) Pran is not about to help Wai because he believes he’s innocent, considering what he asks him [EP1, part1, 8:31] after the fight: ‘What did you do to them this time?’; Pran goes there fully aware that, despite Wai being the victim in that specific situation, he probably did something that led things to go the way they did. And yet, he still puts himself in danger to help him, and assists him [EP1, part1, 8:02] in getting up before running away, making sure he’s safe and sound. 
Wai is therefore introduced as a troublemaker, as someone who doesn’t shy away from a fight, who’s quite immature and doesn’t know how to read the room; of course, it’s not his fault Pat and his guys decided it made sense to chase down someone over a middle finger, but all I’m saying is that Pat had a well-known reputation, and Wai still decided to provoke him and his friends well aware of that. Safe even tells him (EP1, part1,9:08): “I just don’t get it, Wai. Why did you have to mess with that guy. I heard he’s the boss of his faculty. Even our seniors don’t want to have problems with him. Who are you to dare?”, to which Wai replies: “I’m not scared at all.” and then suggests to take revenge on the Engineering gang as soon as they can. So, he didn’t learn much from what just happened, but I can’t say I blame him entirely, to be honest: I never liked giving in to bullies either. The mature and wise thing to do would be to report them: to have them act like bullies in front of a camera, then show the video to their professors and get them all suspended or expelled. But as we already established, Wai is everything but mature, or wise. 
When Pran refuses to help them in their plan for revenge (<3), he then turns to Wai and reccomends him [EP1, part1, 9:36] to be cautious (he doesn’t give the same advice to Safe or Louis, focusing entirely on keeping Wai safe). You can then see Wai thinking about Pran’s words and nodding, as if he’s actually giving it some thought (in other words, Pran’s opinion is important to Wai, and since he actually doesn’t seem to be plotting anything against Pat and his friends later in the episode it’s fair to assume he realized Pran is right). 
We don’t know the circumstances in which these two met—we only know it was before they started Uni. My personal headcanon is that they became friends when Pran was transferred, in his boarding school; on the other hand, it’s likely that they met Safe and Louis during University (therefore these two friendships are still very new to Pran, which explains his blatant favoritism towards Wai). Wai must have done something to earn Pran’s trust and affection—and I only wish the show dived more into their past—, we don’t know what, but he must have done something! Pran isn’t a person who makes friends easily (we have canon confirmation of this in ep10, but it was pretty obvious from his personality alone), so for him to be this attached to Wai something huge must have happened. We do know, though, that Pran never talked to Wai about liking Pat, or liking boys as a whole; so we do know that, while theirs is clearly a deep bond, Pran never really managed to fully open up with Wai; then again, we also know that Pran doesn’t easily open up to anyone, that he has issues doing so even with Pat; and being transferred somewhere else must have been a trauma for him, to the point that he may have just wanted to forget all about his previous life, never mentioning anything concerning Pat or his family situation to avoid thinking about them. 
Next time we see Wai [EP1, part2, 4:44], he’s hanging around with Pran, Safe and Louis, and they’re being cute together, laughing and smiling without a care in the world. They’re walking in pairs, and Wai is—of course—standing next to Pran. After they get an interruption by another Architecture student, they split up, Safe and Louis heading to the canteen, Wai and Pran to the workshop studio. But before they go, Wai catches Pran’s attention and shows him a flier on the wall [EP1, part2, 5:50], the one that’s spamming the Freshy Day Music competion. When Pran points out that the layout isn’t great, purposely ignoring the real reason why Wai showed him the flier, he seems amused [EP1, part2, 6:01]—actually, he looks at Pran with a fond smile the entire time, clearly looking forward to his reaction. 
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Now, I know most people will probably say that this is the first time Wai tries to guilt-trip Pran into doing him a favor, but Wai doesn’t even mention anything about how much he wants to take part into the competition, or how great it would be for him if Pran agreed, he just points out he knows Pran wants to do it, and spurrs him into action. He doesn’t even pressure him, simply stating [6:35] that he’ll go get an application form, which Pran can decide whether or not to sign later. I genuinely believe Wai was doing this with the best intentions. Did he want to join this competition? Sure. He obviously likes to play guitar, considering he’s got money issues but still owns one of his own. But he also mentions he knows Pran wants to. What does this mean? It means Pran told Wai about his love for music. He didn’t bring his guitar with him when he got transferred: we know Pat is currently holding it in his closet; therefore the topic must have just popped out at some point during their friendship, and Pran must have felt comfortable enough to talk about it. 
The scene that follows is very light hearted and fun. Pran points out it’s for the best if he’s the one getting the application form, since Wai likes to slack off and the last time they went to get a coffee they ended up getting no work done at all. It’s a little detail that tells us Wai is not really the most diligent person in the world (who would have thought?) but also that these two really enjoy spending their time together, to the point that hours can pass and they barely notice. 
The next scene that’s important in terms of Pran and Wai’s friendship is the conversation Pran has with Pat in his room (EP1, part3, 6:29). Pat asks Pran to stop protecting Wai, to back off, and—despite the feelings we know Pran has for Pat—he refuses to do so. “Wai has been my close friend since before I transferred here.” 
Pat and Pran come to an agreement: Pran will avoid Wai getting hurt by asking him to apologize, and Pat will be the one backing off consequently. Wai agrees to this, and I firmly believe it must be because of something Pran told him, otherwise he would have never apologized to them (especially since, sure, he gave them a middle finger, but they’re the ones who resorted to violence, so they’re really the ones at fault).Things don’t go the way they planned, because Pat’s friends are complete assholes, but at least they gave it a try; the trade-off scene is so fucking cringey—seeing University students acting like mobsters gives me chills—, so I won’t dive into it any further.
So, what did we get out of episode 1? 
- Wai is Pran’s closest and most important friend and Pran cares deeply about him;
- Wai gives credit to Pran’s words and opinions; 
- they truly enjoy hanging out together; 
- they most likely had some personal conversations over the years, in which Pran opened up to Wai about his love for music, and Wai remembers what Pran told him. 
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puppy-phum · 2 years
Helloooo. Hope I am not too late coming in with a prompt? Because we talked about this the other day, could I request for an edit with a BBxVV crossover. With Talay or just Sea in the BB universe, or any AU you deem fit. I just want to see the 4 of them together in one set? You can go crazy with it, however you feel. 💙
mimi! as you kind of got confused by my interest post all that time ago, you get the honor to be the first one to receive your gift!
here it is
i told you already that this isn't Exactly what you asked for but this idea plagued my mind for a long while and i thought it came close enough to be fitting (they're all in the same set! it's kind of an au! am not wrong!).
i also know you and i thought you might appreciate getting something like this either way ♥ so i hope you like it and thank you so, so much for being here with me through this all ♥
(a couple more thoughts under the cut - for anyone interested in hearing stories about my edits and the thought process behind them!)
ok so first of all, a bit of an explanation why i didn't follow your prompt as strictly as i would've liked to:
in the beginning, i did consider making an edit where i would smash together both vv and bb scenes to create an illusion of talay joining the bbs universe. i actually wanted to make that happen bc you know how obsessed i am with the thought of wai meeting talay (or at least his own version of a sea -faced character).
but as talay is very finely dressed (when he's appearing as tess, who we see him mostly as) and doesn't wear a university uniform at any point, it started feeling too challenging. in bbs the guys dress very differently compared to the general vibe of vv (they're very relaxed; simple t-shirts and pants etc vs. everyone looking very stylish in vv), so talay would've stood out too much. i also considered using pangpond to get closer to the student look but that wouldn't have been talay so i abandoned that thought. maybe one day i will end up trying again but this apparently wasn't the time.
and then about this edit:
after abandoning the idea of throwing talay into the world of bb, i started thinking about the patpran/tesstun parallels everyone was after when vv was airing. how different yet similar they are and how they have some matching scenes with different feelings involved. then i came to remember the quote i used as a caption in the edit. then the other quote appeared. and then it just clicked - the tragedy of it all in both of these universes.
bc when in bbs patpran end up happy, wai does not (or well, waikorn is an option. wai with his faceless partner they mention in the last ep is an option. but we never really see him ending up with anyone and even his short-lived crush only offers him heartbreak. plus his whole storyline with pran, his best friend, that is also painful). and then in vv puentalay end up happy but tesstun do not (or at least we never get to see it). it's two different universes tearing them apart. not everyone can be happy at the same time.
and so we have this now, this edit that made me a bit insane :'D trying to find matching shots was a struggle but i think i managed quite well. i hope you can see what i was aiming at! bc i tried really hard to capture different situations and parts of their relationships. there was very limited footage, especially for tesstun, but am quite happy with what i got ^^ (this also unintentionally displays the pranwai relationship in a lot more romantic light than i intended? or is it just me?? very funny tho)
thank you so much for such a challenging prompt and for giving me such freedom to explore these two shows at once! i haven't gotten into doing that before so it was a lot of fun. now i will probably return to crying a bit more about this bc these thoughts opened up something in me rip
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