rcjoice · 10 months
@praybird liked for a spotify wrapped starter! (heart tattoo//joyce manor)
"i want a heart tattoo. i want it to hurt really bad."
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00sgoth-1 · 9 months
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── › ﹙ TEDDY ﹚ a girl can only be a slut, a bitch, a tease, or the virgin next door.
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the rant of societal roles was one @praybird expelled with passion —— at least , that's the impression he had gotten. truthfully , it was a bit long winded and he wondered if she would run out of breath before she had the chance to finish. ( but cut him some slack ) he managed to hang on with claws for at least half of it before starting to zone out. though he would finally come back down to reality towards the end [ ... ] and it felt like a good place for his own input ; whether or not that was what she was looking for. if for nothing , than to at least prove that he was still here in the room with her. a small smile began to creep on the corners of his lips and the blur started to clear —— once again finding her beneath it. ❛❛ i guess so. ❜❜
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shoulders gave a shrug before he glanced away in search of his cigarettes [ ... ] though not without continuing. ❛❛ just doesn't make much sense when there's plenty of girls out there that fit the bill for more than one. ❜❜ his smile slowly twists into something resembling more of a grin as hands snatch up the pack patiently waiting for his return —— it was difficult to stifle when it was supposed to be a teasing jab at her. slender fingers adorned with horribly chipped black nail polish wrap around a single stick before placing it between pierced lips and a blue gaze turned back towards her. ❛❛ what's that make you then? ❜❜
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he1st · 10 months
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MISSION :   "i'm not people ."  [ n.imona  ask  meme ] TARGET :   @praybird,  aimed  at  ellie.
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MEDIUM  CLOSE - UP :   steady  hands  pour  the  contents  of  the  blender  in  a  hurricane  glass  and  slides  it  across  the  counter  to  the  other.   an  amused  smile  lights  up  jo's  features,  the  blonde  isn't  easily  entertained  but  ellie's  company  would  do.
JO :   oh?   is  this  the  part  where  you  tell  me  you're  an  alien?   ( a  pause,  she  looks  at  ellie  with  eyes  squinting. )   did  someone  give  you  drugs  before  you  came  in  here?
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cuntarinas · 9 months
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JAMIE  AINSWORTH :   "i don't smoke."   @praybird
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WIDE  SHOT :   catarina  is  standing  by  the  wall  but  not  close  enough  to  actually  touch  it.   she  retracts  her  hand  holding  the  cigarette  pack  and  takes  out  a  cigarette  from  it,  her  shoulders  shrugging  as  if  to  say  suit  yourself.   she  lights  the  cigarette  with  a  cheap  lighter  and  looks  back  over  to  him.
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CATARINA :   yeah,  you  don't  look  like  you  have  any  fun  either.   is  that  look  on  your  face  permanent,  or  what?
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crushsung · 9 months
happy new years eve, friends! i have been mostly on @praybird, rambling and whatnot, but i'll ramble here too. this year was weird for me (when is it not weird though is the real question), but the community we have here has made things really wonderful and much brighter than it would be without it. new years is my favourite holiday for a reason - it reminds me that i made it (that we all made it) through once again, which is never easy to do, especially for some of us with how strange and chaotic life can be.
i am so thankful for all of you; it makes me very happy that you all embraced alice the way you have, as she is very dear and special to me, and i enjoy sharing her with my friends so much. i'm glad you all do the same with your muses too, i love hearing about each of them and admire you all greatly. regardless of how much we have spoken ooc or written together ic, i consider you all friends and wish nothing but the best for everyone! i'm happy to be here and happy to continue being here. much love <3
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soaphies · 2 years
@praybird​ :   for  ellie  ♡   /   sc.
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the  young  witch  finds  herself  in  the  woods,    the  air  feeling  close  to  home  yet  not  quite  familiar.   grandma's  right,  she  does  need  to  work  on  her  inter-dimensional  travels.   thankfully,  it  appears  that  she's  not  alone,  finding  herself  face  to  face  with  a  girl  her  age.   “   hi.   where,  and  what  time,  am  i?   ”
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rcjoice · 9 months
@praybird sent a meme
❛ did you miss me? ❜ // teddy
he chuckles softly, shaking his head at the question. had he missed her? he can't help the smile on his face when he sees her. he can't help the rumble of butterflies in his chest. he was always easy with a pretty smile. "you're a sight for sore eyes, even if you're a pain in my ass."
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rcjoice · 9 months
new years kiss for jack :)
come kiss ashton for the new year!
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they're drunk. really drunk. maybe concerning levels of drunk. but neither of them are particularly concerned, holding onto each other for stability as they watch the clock count down down down. they're giggling and laughing between numbers, throwing each other intoxicated eyes every few moments just to glance away quickly. there's a charged air between them, one that had lingered since their little moment of intimacy under the mistletoe. one that made ashton's stomach heavy with unsureness. but then the clock's striking twelve, and he and jack are looking at each other again. and he can't stop himself, pulling the other man down into a kiss, rough and sloppy as his fingers curl tightly into his shirt. it lasts for a few moments before ashton's pulling away with small laugh, licking his lips a little as he pushes jack away a little. "that was just for luck, by the way."
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rcjoice · 9 months
"go away, i don't like christmas." from jack
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"don't be such a grinch, you bitch." he means it with the utmost love and affection, a small smirk twitching across his lips as he looks the other over. "now, put the santa hat on. it's only fun if you wear the santa hat." he's not sure how the hat affects getting drunk on eggnog, but he knows it does. he always feels like he's having way more fun and that he's way more drunk than he actually is. "we are drinking eggnog and watching 'a christmas story' and we are wrapping my gifts together because i can't do it alone. c'mon, be a homie."
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he1st · 10 months
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MISSION :   "not a lot of kids in your life huh ?"  [ n.imona  ask  meme ] TARGET :   @praybird,  aimed  at  sid.
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FULL  SHOT :   an  awkward  smile  appears  on  heart's  features  as  the  teens  file  out  past  her.   there's  a  discomfort  in  a  place  like  this,  stemming  from  her  age  and  the  fact  that  she's  too  old  to  be  here.   it  wasn't  that  long  ago,  still,  the  feeling  crawls  on  her  skin.
HEART  ( a  small  laugh ) :   you  got  me.   haven't  really  been  around  kids  since  i  was  a  kid. HEART :   is  being  a  teacher  as  gratifying  as  some  people  claim  it  to  be?
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00sgoth-1 · 8 months
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ﹙ TEDDY ﹚ young love, isn't it sweet? | | | | | | @praybird.
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if it hadn't been for her painfully sarcastic observation —— there was a chance he wouldn't have even noticed the freshman couple nearby. he now wished that had been the case. and once a blue gaze settled on the eyesore sight , it was enough to bring a small twist of distaste to his features [ ... ] sweaty palms holding hands as if they were anchors , quiet giggles after leaning into the others ear , ogling exchanges meant just for the two of them ; but public affections would instead be put on display for the rest of the poor singles in their vicinity. eyes gave a roll before he averted his attention to glance back at teddy and became too unbothered to lower his voice. ❛❛ yeah , nothing says romance like a relationship that'll last two weeks tops. ❜❜
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maybe he was bitter... or maybe he didn't like being forced to bear witness to couples only seconds away from sucking face. the jury was still out —— but both were very likely possibilities. ❛❛ gross. shouldn't they like , be in school or something? ❜❜ no , because it was a late saturday afternoon and it's no ones fault but his own that he can't keep track of the days in a week.
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cuntarinas · 9 months
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JACK  AINSWORTH :   "alright, fuck this. i'm getting a drink."   @praybird
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CLOSE - UP :   catarina  turns  her  head  toward  jack.   judgment  is  clear  in  the  squint  of  her  round  blue  eyes,  a  sight  that  could  be  alarming  to  those  who've  fallen  subject  to  her  tough  love,  love  being  used  generously  when  in  fact  it's  quite  the  opposite.
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CATARINA :   oh,  you  haven't  started  yet?   ( nose  scrunches,  sours  as  though  he  smelled )   is  that  your  natural  scent,  cheap  hard  liquor?
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he1st · 10 months
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MISSION :   "this guy looks extremely punchable ."  [ n.imona  ask  meme ] TARGET :   @praybird,  aimed  at  jack.
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WIDE  SHOT :   benny's  sitting  at  the  bar  as  a  loud  noise  comes  from  a  couple  of  the  tables  behind  him,  cheering  on  whatever  team's  playing  on  the  flat  screen  against  the  wall.   just  bros  being  bros,  or  whatever  it  is  they  say.   it's  reminiscent  of  a  frat  house  reunion.
CLOSE -  UP :   one  of  the  men  in  the  group  approach  to  buy  drinks,  prompting  jack's  words.   a  laugh  parts  benny's  mouth  before  taking  a  sip  of  his  bourbon.   the  man  leaves  to  return  to  his  friends,  and  benny's  gaze  follows.
BENNY :   which  one?   they  all  look  fuckin'  punchable.
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