#pre thror's madness which makes this kind of bitter I know 😭
sunnyrosewritesstuff · 2 years
"Treat" for Elrond, please? đŸ„ș👉👈
Sure thing! How about Elrond and children?
The life of an elf may be everlasting, but youth was truly fleeting. Elrond had few memories of his own children in their pre-adolescent state if only because he had a handful of decades with them as so compared to the centuries he’s spent with them as adults. Which has indeed been an honor and a privilege to know them as individuals in control of their own minds and bodies. After all, why glorify the journey to self-discovery when the end result is beautiful in its fruition? 
He just sometimes forgets this is not an opinion shared by the mortals around him. They see the start of life as something pure and invigorating, and upon occasion choose to press their joy upon him. As if his many years upon this earth make him an ideal minder, and when dealing with royal mortals, it’s an unnecessary headache if he does manage to offend. Which is how he found himself in a staring match with the dwarvish child in his arms.
The little prince tilted his head, gurgling something as his chubby fingers reached out for something he could not reach.
“And what is he trying to communicate with me?” Elrond asked, not taking his eyes from the curious child.
Thror smirked as he relieved Elrond of his burden.
“He’s a baby, Master Elf. He’s just making noise.”
Elrond cocked an eyebrow which had the young Prince Thrain squealing, his face stretched into a smile. Something about his stand-off had his father barking in laughter.
“Your face looks as if you plan to be facing orcs and wargs any moment.”
“Forgive me.” Elrond bowed his head. “It’s been
awhile since I’ve interacted with someone so young.”
“Aye, I figured. You should have been here last week. Thrain latched onto a handful of Thranduil’s hair, and the poncy git looked as if he were trying to decipher if the attack was intentional.”
Elrond had to hide a smirk behind his fist in order to save face. Thranduil had a long memory after all, and he would hate for it to get back to the self-proclaimed “King of the Woodland Realm”. Seeing the twinkle in Thror’s bright blue eyes though, he could tell he wasn’t successful. The father set to tickling his son under his hairless chin which had Thrain screaming in glee and latching onto one of the large rings to decorate the king’s finger.
“You know, my advisors think me mad already. ‘Introduce your son to the elves? What good could come from trusting those
’ and you’ll have to forgive me, they used some rather creative insults at this point.”
“Of course.” Elrond mused in a dry tone.
“But, I remember what my father said, Mahal rest his soul, about good friends. We’re not close enough to be ‘good friends’, I’m unfortunately stuck with Thranduil on that front. But I have heard of the impartiality of the Lord of Imladris. I hope that perhaps that means we can be good
Elrond hesitated. He’s thrown his loyalty, his friendship, to so many mortals over the years only for it to backfire. There is a reason Rivendell served as a Sanctuary and not a Kingdom. However, looking at the care Thror used attending to his son, it brought a smile to his face. 
“Should Erebor need help, they need only turn to the Last Homely House.”
Trick or treat my inbox.
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