#precious talks 23.5 degrees
infinitelyprecious · 13 days
An autistic person's view on the scene where Aylin decided to open up to the group.
2 disclaimers: 1) Aylin is not confirmed/canonically autistic (afaik), however she heavily reads as one to me, hence why I'm writing this specifically from an autistic pov. 2) I am just one singular autistic person, I do not speak for all of us as a whole, if you're autistic and have different view on this, that is valid.
Part of all this is teenagers being teenagers and I don't expect them to have the knowledge or life experience to handle situations like these particularly well, so this is more me getting my own thoughts and feelings in order. Maybe it can be educational in a way. I'm withholding judgment on how the show itself is handling Aylin's story until the show has finished airing.
Aylin goes to talk with the group, bless her brave heart.
Ton, the smart-ass, asks why Aylin acts like an alien when she knows her loved ones don't see her like that. I get that the writers wanted her to explain at some point why she identifies with aliens specifically, but please, for the love of all that is good, do not say something like this.
This question only shows that her friends in fact, do see her as an alien. They don't accept her like she is, they ask her why she is the way that she is. It keeps boiling down to "Why is she not like us?"
She might be different from the rest of the group, but she is normal. There's nothing abouts her that needs to be fixed. If she wants to learn more social skills for example, that is completely fine. However, it should not be a requirement. And if she wants to learn, patience is important.
Social settings with neurotypical people tend to be overwhelming and use up a lot of energy for autistic people. It's important to go slow and respect her declines if she doesn't feel up to socializing. The last thing you want is for someone to feel like they have to mask or for them to experience a meltdown as a result.
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Aylin answers that humans being unfriendly is the reason she 'acts like an alien'. She's been made to feel like she is not welcome, like she isn't just another human worthy of love and respect. It's very understandable for her to then want to remove herself from her human identity and look for friends in other-worldly beings. They don't bully.
It's interesting to me that the whole group stays silent when Alpha asks who did something to her. Did they forget about Aylin shoving a plate in Ton's face or do they think she was in the wrong there?
Because she wasn't. It was visible in her body language and verbal declines that she was uncomfortable and yet they pushed her.
It tends to be harder for autistic folk to handle unexpected situations. Reactions like that are very normal if you get an autistic person into a situation that is overwhelming. They'll go into their fight or flight and things go wrong. That is not their fault.
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Aylin goes on to explain what happened and Mawin finishes her sentence for her. Or rather, speaks his conclusion before Ailyn is finished talking. I think this is pretty common decency, but don't talk over people when they are trying to tell you something, especially when they are being vulnerable. Even if they talk slower (which Aylin didn't do, but it's something I've experienced a lot). Please bite your tongue and let people finish talking.
Ton, again, says something he shouldn't have, but thankfully Luna steps in this time.
Then Sun. "Do you know that those who bully and harass people are not actually humans?" The main problem I have with this sentence is that it feels belittling. This might just be a me thing, but the way she says it comes across as if she's pointing out that Aylin's perception of the situation is incorrect.
But they are humans, shitty ones, but still humans and Aylin has every right to view humans as a whole as untrustworthy, because that has likely been her experience. The thing I would've preferred here, would be to jump directly to saying those bullies are garbage. That would've come across more validating.
After this, the friends exchange a couple sentences about how to handle bullies. Which is lovely, except, they talk about Aylin as if she isn't there. She just bore her heart - comfort her. Talk about how to handle bullies later, don't let her swim in the discomfort of vulnerability.
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Then Sun goes to touch Aylin?!?!? Again, Aylin is visibly uncomfortable. Please, please, if someone is uncomfortable to be touched, do not touch them. Also, ask! Ask for consent. Again, probably a common decency thing, but the amount of times I've had people go like yeah no worries, but then still touch me is high up. A casual hand on the shoulder is still touch, a handshake is still touch.
Related to that is personal space. Some people's, like Aylin's, personal space is big. They need a good distance from other people in order to be comfortable. If there is one thing I can ask of you it's to try and be observant of that. So that if someone takes a step away from you, you don't step closer again, but allow them their space.
I've had conversations with people about personal space and somehow it blows people's mind that I am most comfortable when there is a significant bigger amount of space between us than they would initially think. Please try to leave space between you and other people. For some people physical closeness is severely overwhelming and it makes it significantly harder to navigate our daily lives.
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I do love Ongsa specifically saying Aylin can hangout and eat with them. Often times when you've spend your entire live being non-verbally rejected, it's very hard to feel like you are wanted somewhere. You're always looking for signs that people don't want you there. Having it specifically confirmed that someone does want you there, can be very assuring.
Ton. I would like for Ton to not talk for a while lol. On the surface it might sound nice that someone wants to start a club that is a safe space for other bullied kids, but it is a very look-at-me-saving-people thing to do. It's not treating someone as your friend, it's making a charity project out of their hardship. I get the thought process, but please don't.
I don't really have a conclusion or anything, so I'm going to leave it at this. If you have thoughts you want to share or a conversation you want to start, feel free to. Keep it respectful, but other than that go wild.
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theheightofdishonor · 1 month
now that the show's half over, I did want to consolidate some of my thoughts about 23.5
Milk's doing a stunning job as Ongsa and the character itself I think is really fleshed out and relatable and I like that they take the time to show that she's a proper loser and dorky and adorable.
the extended friend group is also great. I love all the characters, and I like their dynamics
Ciize. What a godsend. No thoughts other than being reminded that i'm very very gay everytime she's on screen
the side couples are really working for me. AylinLuna have excellent chemistry, their characters are well established and despite being relatively minor, I think the beats of their relationship so far have also been depicted fairly well.
I also like how both June and View- especially View are depicting their characters
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if there was a bit more focus on Ongsa's parents and generally the adults like the two teachers but I do appreciate that we get to see them be involved. The family dinner scenes are a nice touch
I was initially a bit skeptical about how they'd use Ton but I think so far, they've utilized him well
Love is great but Sun as a character isn't hitting for me. She feels really bland in comparison to Ongsa.
I've spoken a bit about this in tags but OngsaSun are missing a lot of beats for me. The catfishing was a big thing that went on for half the show and on Sun's end, it got brushed over so fast. It would've been fine for it to be solved in an episode if we got more of an emotional response from Sun who got lied to for the last 6 episodes.
Especially when we compare that to how much of Ongsa's emotional state that we get to see in the same episode, it's unbalanced
jealous Sun in ep 7 was adorable, I'm not going to lie, twas a delight
but it lands weirdly because of where we left off in ep 6
ongsa's insecurities continuing to resurface even after Sun forgives her is nice, I like this for her arc and I hope it keeps getting addressed because her insecurities and lack of self-esteem are so deep-rooted that it's clearly not going to go away after one conversation
i hope mawin and tinh happen.
Euro's great here and I like whenever he gets to show off how well he can do comedy (he's also excellent in My Precious, it's actually crazy because not a single person in the rest of the cast can land the shoddy comedic dialogue but Euro magically makes it seem funny and I promise, it's really not)
sun wanting to go slow and then immediately asking to sleep over and then laying claim over ongsa the next day was hilarious. I'm here for it
I hope the second half of this show picks up because I've been waiting for this show since it got announced and I want to like it.
It's going to be interesting seeing how ongsasun handle being in an actual relationship
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terrierre-blog · 7 years
The End-ish
Immersive Virtualized Ascension
Video games have been rooted within pop culture for the past several decades and has grown much more important to the entirety of modern culture today. It is reported from the Entertainment Software Association that more than 150 million people Americans played video games in 2015 and it was also reported that Americans spent 23.5 billion dollars on video games in 2016. Economic impacts aside, video games play a crucial role as a modern platform due to its appeal as an artform, lifestyle, and multiple facets (which will be explained later).
From a postmodern perspective, video games are a medium that is absolutely enticing. This is a medium in which one can physically engage with, in contrast to traditional medium, which is in essence, fixed. Unpacking that statement; the author in the book wants the main character to check street a. As the reader, you have no choice but to follow the road the author has created. However in Video games. There may not be such a guideline and the player is able to create whatever road or experience he sees fit. The idea of being able to retain a degree of individuality in a narrative is enticing. This is a completely different level of immersion. There are several games that capitalize on this level of immersion such as for instance, horror games like Outlast or Amnesia which takes advantage of a first person point of view and even the entire genre of First Person Shooters or even just any game that takes advantage of being in first person. It was said earlier that 150 million Americans in 2015 played video games. It isn't a stretch to say that most people play video games, especially when you factor mobile gaming from smartphones. There used to be a stereotype that most gamers are male. This is somewhat true, according to recent polls from Gameinformer and other polls and they all agree that that gap is closing. That gap is roughly a 60/40 or even sometimes as a 55/45. A big part of this is due to “casual” games such as Minecraft or The Sims (and most mobile games). The main focus of these games are creation and exploration; this appears to be a highly appealing concept based on how well these two titles sold. Sims 4 is also the highest grossing PC game of 2016 (above big titles like Call of Duty on a platform that thrives on first person shooters) and additionally, the majority of the buyers were women. The importance of bringing up these two games is to understand that these are games in which the player is either able to construct towns from the houses they live in to the actual human beings as well as their actions like some omnipotent god and the other game is a game in which you start with nothing and work your way up from digging dirt to creating castles, exploring dungeons, finding precious minerals and more. People in this game have even gone as far as creating computers within the game's assets. On a further level, virtual reality is a very new technology and from a postmodern perspective, this should be mind-blowing.  If you aren’t convinced, watch this video of Glen Keane, illustrating in a 3d space. There are even new therapies available to treat mental illnesses like post-traumatic stress disorder through the use of VR.
Video games aren't just games anymore. People’s livelihoods depend on it and not just from people who create them. In this day and age, it is possible to be a entertainer who simply plays video games and lives off revenue from advertising, donations, and various related revenue sources like a youtube contract or patreon. Of course this sparks all different kinds of controversy. Video game companies, such as Sega, Nintendo, and more for a long time were adamant about removing videos on youtube of people making money off their games. Who owns that content? The content of a person playing a game. Surely it's the creator's content. It would be strange if a person published a video of himself watching segments of a movie. However this is a bit of a grey area when it comes to video games. Does the purchase of a game allow for the license to create content from it, even for a profit? Speaking of ownership, most games nowadays exist digitally. The three kings are Xbox Marketplace, the PlayStation store, as well Steam. But who owns the games? The customer does, right? Let's talk DRM, Digital Rights Management, a heated subject. High profile games recently release with a layer of security (against pirates, another heated subject) and sometimes make it restricting to even play your game. Take Denuvo for instance, a nearly industry standard for protection; you want to play your new game and you installed it ahead of time because you won't have internet connection for the next few days. Often, you will not be allowed to do so because Denuvo will need to check that your game has not been tampered with or fake. So do you really own your game? Digressing, Games are affecting the traditional/conventional world. One noteworthy existence is E-Sports. If you are not aware of what e-sports are, they’re essentially sports except circulating specific online games, notably games such as League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter Strike Go, and Starcraft 2. The prize pool for the Dota 2 International Championship was a whopping 20 million dollars and the world series for League of Legends was played in very high profile locations, including a very sold out Staples Center.
Yes, Video games are big, that has been made clear. But, how has it really affected the “cultural present?” Nearly 1 out of 2 in every household owns a dedicated gaming console. To go even further, when President Barack Obama visited Poland, the prime minister gave him a copy of The Witcher game series due to the country’s pride in the studio that published it (CD Projekt Red). Also, The fundraiser known as Amazing Games Done Quick, an event in which speed-runners beat games as quickly as possible to raise money for charity raised a record breaking 20 million dollars. Additionally, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics is proudly displaying video game characters such as Mario as a mascot. Technology as a whole is also getting cheaper due to hardware manufacturers like Nvidia, Dell, Intel and more competing with each other for better quality for a lower price at a consumer level (which is highly due to video games becoming more advanced and requiring more power). Finally, an absurd bit of statistics; when the game Fallout 4 released, Pornhub reported that their internet traffic dropped a surprising 10%. It’s quite arguable  that pornography is a backbone of culture.
In conclusion, Video games are a constantly growing industry that has taken firm root into the contemporary culture. It can be used to express viewpoints, a means to simply tell a great story, a way to make money, and many more reasons, including even to just share a personal feeling. It has always been a way for people of all ages to connect with each other with reasons as simple as to have fun. There are worlds to discover and these worlds and adventures follow players forever. Perhaps something a character said resonated with you. Perhaps a song from a game is stuck in your head. Perhaps you just did something really cool in a game and you’re still excited over it. In the age of technological advancements and social turmoil, video games are a crucial part of modern culture and it is unlikely to leave.
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infinitelyprecious · 13 days
I find it interesting that the other characters were so obviously projecting on Aylin this episode. "I think this is going on." No my friend, that's what's going on with you. "She must be feeling this way." Nope, that's how you are feeling.
It kinda feels like Aylin's character got used as a vehicle for the other characters to figure themselves out and progress their story, while we barely touched on what was going on with Aylin from her own perspective.
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infinitelyprecious · 15 days
Introduction post, here we go;)
Hi hello. In this internet bubble I go by Precious & my pronouns are they/them. On here I liveblog, post thoughts or meta when the urge strikes, share some of my writing & keep up with the Pit Babe cast.
Liveblogs are tagged as precious watches [name show]
Any thoughts I have on shows or fandom get tagged as precious talks / precious talks [name show]
Writing posts are under precious writes & my wips
I'm tagging any Q pics of This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans as tldhlb filming (courtesy of @benzgarfield)
Currently watching: We Are - 23.5 Degrees - Wandee Goodday - My Stand In
Currently re-watching: My Engineer
Currently liveblogging: -
Always obsessing over Pit Babe
Majorly excited for This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans & Pit Babe s2
Tags, asks & dm's always welcome, I love getting them, though keep in mind that I'm not always the fastest reactor
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