#precure bunbee x reader
baileypie-writes · 5 months
Can I ask Kawarino, Bunbee and another Nightmare worker (choice is up to you) find out that their S/O has fear of being rejected?
A/N ~ Sure! I decided the last character would be Girinma, because I feel he would relate to Reader. Also, I don’t know much about this fear, so let me know if anything’s inaccurate. Hope you enjoy!
~Nightmare Employees With an S/O Who Has a Fear of Rejection~
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Fandom: Yes! Precure 5
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Characters Included: Kawarino, Bunbee and Girinma
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, mostly fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: Fear of rejection, anxiety
~Yes! Precure 5 Masterlist~
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~ Kawarino doesn’t relate to your fear. He’s very powerful and respected, so rejection isn’t on his mind at all. It takes him a while to realize your fear, since it’s not something he’s familiar with.
~ He notices how nervous you are when it comes to certain things. Things where you could be turned down or shunned. He sees how much you think about it, and the worst possible outcome. It bothers him how you get so upset. He’d rather you just not think about it at all. He doesn’t care what others think, so why should you?
~ Kawarino believes that it’s best for you to face your fear head on, and not to hide from it. With lots of practice, you could end up like him; not caring about rejection. It can be tough, but he’ll help you through it.
“Don’t let your mind tell you the worse possible outcome. Just do it. Being rejected won’t make the world stop spinning.” His tone may make it sound like he’s annoyed, but he’s genuinely trying to make you feel better.
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~ Bunbee gets it. He’s not very valued in the company, so rejection is something he deals with often. But he still hates it. He wants to be liked. So you having the same fear as him makes him feel a bit better.
~ After finding out about this, he gives you advice, as if he doesn’t have the same problem. The way he goes about it, you’d never guess that you share the same fear.
~ Instead of working on himself, he helps you. If you’re struggling to do something in fear of being rejected, he won’t let you give up. In fact, he’ll go with you, and hype you up before you do whatever you need to do. If your worse fear comes true, he does his best to help you feel better.
“I know, (name). It doesn’t feel great. But it happens. And hey, there’s always next time!”
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~ Like Bunbee, Girinma shares the same problem. But he’s even less valued in the company than him. In fact, he’s in one of the lowest ranks in Nightmare. So he doesn’t even bother asking or suggesting anything unless he absolutely needs to. Because he knows that 99.9%, of the time, he’ll get treated like dirt.
~ He’s absolutely relieved when he finds out you share the same fear as him. He never mentioned it before, because he thought you wouldn’t get it. So now that he knows you do, he happily shares his experiences.
~ Instead in encouraging you to face your fears, he cowers with you. Why would he tell you to be brave, when he can’t even do so himself? If you decide to yourself though, he’ll wish you good luck. Maybe you being brave with help him be better.
“You’re sure you want to? Okay then. Good luck. I’ll be here if it goes wrong.”
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Day 164
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 16 - “Komachi Abandons Being a Novelist!?” Date watched: 8 December 2019 Original air date: 20 May 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5aTOPye Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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honestly this is true
Oh Nuts, what have you done? You’ve gone and hurt Komachi’s feelings with your bluntness and now all the other girls are upset at you. Meanwhile, Despariah has started making moves in Nightmare. How wil this end for our heroines?
The Plot
Komachi shares a draft of her novel, Pirate Hurricane with the other girls, and they all love it. Coco suggests she have Nuts read it, because he’s a voracious reader and might offer some good feedback. However, he returns and says he doesn’t understand what she was trying to say with the story and if the author has to explain the meaning, then it’s not very good. Okay he actually says “It’s worthless as a book.” Harsh. This upsets Komachi and she leaves for the day, while the other four scold Nuts for his rudeness. He maintains that he didn’t do anything wrong by giving his asked-for opinion, and feels no need to apologize. However, Coco can tell that he’s angry at himself for hurting her and wants to make amends.
Over in Nightmare HQ, a meeting between Bunbee, Arachnea, and Kawarino gets interrupted by Despariah herself, making her first full appearance:
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She explains that the Palmier Kingdom should be in despair, but they cling to hope because of the Dream Collet, so they need to crush Precure, retrieve the collet, plunge the kingdom into despair, and then she will be satisfied.
The next day, Nuts receives a visitor at his shop: a tall girl riding a motorcycle who looks like an older Komachi. This is Akimoto Madoka and she has come to deliver some mamedaifuku from their shop at the behest of her younger sister, Komachi. Some banter between him and the other girls clues Madoka into what’s going on, and she takes Nuts’s side, explaining that Komachi is the type to sulk after having her feelings hurt, and that if she can’t handle this level of criticism, she won’t make it as an author. Nozomi, Karen, Rin, and Urara take objection to this, insisting that she’s really talented, can improve her writing with hard work and practice, that she resembles the main character in her story who never gives up, and that she can pull through because her feelings are that strong. Madoka says she’ll pass that encouragement on, but Nuts asks to go see her in person, so she brings him to the Akimoto residence and summons her sister.
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Their reunion is awkward and Komachi berates her own work and herself for daring to feel happy about it. Nuts tries to encourage her by saying “Are your dreams so worthless that you’d sell them away for nothing!?” which is not a particularly helpful statement. The other four girls emerge from the bush they were hiding in to chew out Nuts again, and he tries to explain that he’s not mad at her, but before he can explain himself, they all get sucked into the pages of Komachi’s manuscript. They awaken on the deck of the pirate ship in the story, as Arachnea taunts that they’re all going to drown at sea and it will be an unhappy ending. She creates a Kowaina out of the ship’s mast and rigging, and the girls transform. However, the monster is very fast and manages to tie them up in ropes and thrash them around, flinging them into walls and floors and even the water. Mint blames herself for creating this world, but Nuts says she should be angry at being used, and that nothing will change if she just blames herself. He reiterates that she’ll improve at writing if she keeps practicing. Arachnea isn’t interested in this conversation and the monster whips around again, causing Nuts to drop the Dream Collet. He hurries to retrieve it but Arachnea lunges towards him at breakneck speed. It doesn’t look good... until Mint jumps in and retrieves him at the last second!
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She insists that her story is not a tragedy and she determines what the ending is! She blocks Arachnea and the Kowaina with Mint Protection, Dream kicks at her while Lemonade uses Lemonade Flash to distract her, Rouge binds the Kowaina in its own ropes, and Aqua uses Aqua Stream to destroy the monster! Arachnea beats a retreat while muttering that the story is lame.
When they return to Komachi’s house, Nuts tells her that her story has lots of room for improvement, but he likes the main character, finds the idea good, and says that she can bring out the story’s potential if she keeps polishing it. Komachi vows to rewrite her story and invites Nuts to read her next draft.
The Analysis
The core of this episode is about how to deliver and respond to criticism. Nuts may be well-meaning in his remarks but his tone is very curt and tactless. Komachi takes his comments deeply personally and feels that she is a failure as an author. The reality is that, as an aspiring author, Komachi needs to get used to criticism, and that critique of a work isn’t inherently an outright condemnation of the work or the author. Since this is evidently her first attempt at writing a more serious work than a school essay, it’s inevitable that there are going to be a lot of problems structurally, narratively, in the pacing, tone, etc. Her peers all find her work to be good, because they’re not used to picking apart more long-form and complicated stories, but their praise makes her overconfident, and that’s when Nuts comes along and tears her down. I can completely understand why she’s hurt. I know I’ve poured my heart out in writing before only for it to come back marked up to hell and have lots of comments about flow, redundancy, and things like that. Having your hard work torn apart like that can hurt. But when done right, it’s a necessary part of helping you to improve your skills. At the end, Komachi realizes that her work has value and takes ownership of it, refusing to let Arachnea dictate the ending for her, which I love.
That’s another note: Nuts, at the start, was not being a very good critic. He basically said “It’s bad and I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish.” He didn’t give her much guidance on what to improve, and he didn’t really recognize this until confronted. He knew he hurt Komachi, he wanted to make amends, and during the climax he was able to say “If you keep practicing, you’ll get better at writing” and finally at the end he told her aspects of the story that he liked, and areas she could improve upon. That’s how you go about criticism, and that’s what I try to do in my reviews is to say “I didn’t like this because X and I think it would be better if Y.” Sometimes I may not have a better idea, but I’ll at least try to justify my dislike. Nuts has to fight his own visceral reactions in order to help Komachi improve as a writer, and that represents growth for him. He cares about people, he’s just bad at showing it, and Nuts and Komachi’s relationship through these two seasons will be another big one to explore and watch develop. I like his body language throughout. He keeps his arms crossed or in his pockets, he’s usually looking down, he knows he screwed up but he’s too proud to admit it. At the end when he finally talks to her and gives her positive feedback, he can’t look her in the eyes, because he’s still embarrassed, but his eyes are pointed up. It’s progress.
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Next order of business is Akimoto Madoka. She looks a lot like her younger sister, which is to be expected, but she’s taller, has a fuller figure, has lighter colored hair, and her hairstyle is more practical than Komachi’s mullet, as Madoka just wears a typical bob cut.
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Madoka has a very easy-going personality, really embodying the “cool older sibling” trope. She’s first introduced riding a motorcycle, and she instantly bonds with Nozomi and co, while being unphased by Nuts’s initial rudeness. She is very astute and quickly picks up on the strife between Nuts and Komachi. The only time she seems to get at all upset is when the gang is making a big commotion, and that’s because they all got sucked into Komachi’s story. She serves as a good foil for her somewhat timid sister, and knows how to push her in the right direction. She’s an enjoyable character who I’d like to see recur. I believe she makes a few subsequent appearances but I don’t remember how often, so we’ll experience that together.
Let’s change sides and talk about Nightmare! This is our first full look at Despariah, and wow is she something. She wears a white mask resembling a traditional Japanese doll, her long golden hair is styled in an edo fashion, shaped like a fan with four tendrils emerging from  gem on her forehead, and two side locks that come down to her waist. She wears a dark colored dress with a kimono collar, and huge shoulder pads. Her shoulders are extremely broad while her waist is very narrow, giving her inhuman proportions. She commands your attention and you can tell she’s in charge. There’s still some mystery to her appearance even here, because she’s only seen sitting at her desk, and most of the time she’s distorted by the effect of the screen she’s displayed on within Nightmare HQ.
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I appreciate how she cut into the corporate bickering and explained, in no uncertain terms, where the problem was with their operation, despite having already conquered the Palmier Kingdom and supposedly plunging them into despair. Bunbee needs some hand-holding to follow her logic, but it comes down to defeating Precure and retrieving the Dream Collet so she can gain immortality and crush the hope of the rest of the world. She means business.
Arachnea’s plan this round was pretty inspired, especially compared to some of her lesser hits like luring the girls into the sewer for no reason. Sucking them all into Komachi’s book and using her own created world against her? That’s twisted! And she really hammers in the idea that she is in control of the narrative now and they’re all going to drown, trying to attack Komachi’s self esteem at the same time as literally attacking her. I respect that, in the sense that you respect a good villain plot, because it’s better than pure physical attacks. Also there’s a moment, where Arachnea sees the Dream Collet on the ground, that she LUNGES and it’s pretty incredible.
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All of these elements combine to make another fantastic episode. I had forgotten just how strong the first half of Yes 5 was, and I’m really glad to be revisiting it for this project. They’re doing a good job at balancing out a lot more main characters than in previous shows, even if it’s at the cost of memorable supporting characters. However, there’s room for diversity in this franchise, so a different spin on the idea is fine. It’s working very well so far, after all!
Next tine on Precure Daily, Rin has a crush! Also it’s time to sell a Precure-branded toy that otherwise has absolutely nothing to do with the show. Look forward to it?
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 Kettei!
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baileypie-writes · 3 months
How about Bunbee, Girinma and Arachnea with S/O, who's afraid of the animals they're based (bee, mantis and spider respectively), yet have zero problems with their true forms?
A/N ~ Sure! I know the title’s really long, but I didn’t know what else to make it😭. Hope you enjoy!
~Nightmare Employees with an S/O Who’s Fine with their Monster Forms, Despite it Being their Fear~
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Fandom: Yes! Precure 5
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender neutral
Relationship: Romantic
Characters Included: Bunbee, Girinma, Arachnea
Genre: Comedy?
Rating: PG
Warnings: The word “dadgummit” is said(Bunbee)
~Yes! Precure 5 Masterlist~
Guide: The orange dialogue is Bunbee, the green dialogue is Girinma, the purple dialogue is Arachnea, and the uncolored dialogue is Reader
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~ Once Bunbee found out about your fear of bees, he vowed to never show you his monster form. In fact, he didn’t even tell you what it looked like. The last thing he wanted was for you to be scared of him.
“So what does your monster form look like?”
“Ummmm…. yellow, big eyes and some fangs.”
“That’s kinda vague. Anything else?”
“Oh, look at the time! I gotta go to work!”
~ When you did see it, it was by complete accident. A classic case of “wrong place, wrong time”. Bunbee expected you to scream and run away. So he was surprised when you acted completely normal.
“Ah! (name)! What are you doing here?”
“Uh, this is my house too, Bunbee. So is that your monster form thing?”
“…. Yeah?”
“What, what?”
~ He was relieved, of course. But he was also a bit upset. I mean, he spent all that time and effort, making sure to not let you see his monster form, only for you to not even be scared of it at all. But nonetheless, he was happy.
“How are you not scared? You’re terrified of bees!”
“I dunno.”
“So this whole time, I didn’t need to hide this from you?”
“I guess.”
“Ah, dadgummit.”
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~ Girinma thought nothing of it when he found out you’re scared of mantises. He figures that you were never gonna see his monster form anyway, so it’s all good. So he kinda forgot about your fear.
“Yeah, I’m terrified of mantises. They just creep me out so much.”
“‘M’kay’? That’s all you’re gonna say?”
“Yeah? What do you want me to say?”
~ Somehow, you do end up seeing his monster form. He froze, remembering your fear. The only thing going through his mind was “Oh crap.”. But when you had a calm reaction, even calling him cool, he was super confused.
“Oh crap.”
“Wow, you look sick. Is that your monster form?”
“Uh yeah. Aren’t you terrified?”
~ He thought for a second that he remembered wrong. But you confirmed that you were, in fact, afraid of mantises. That just made him more confused. It just didn’t add up. But he just decided to let it go. After all, you think he’s cool, so why question it?
“I thought you were scared of mantises.”
“I am. I hate ‘em.”
“Then why- you know what? Never mind.”
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~ Arachnea wasn’t surprised when she learned you’re scared of spiders. Lots of people are, so it’s pretty normalized. She lets you know that her monster form is a spider, but said she wouldn’t show you unless you wanted her to. It wasn’t necessary for you to see anyway.
“You know, my monster form is a spider.”
“Yeah. I mean, my name is Arachnea.”
“Oh yeah. Guess it makes sense then.”
~ She keeps her promise up until you ask her to show you. Once she did, she prepared for at least a little scream. So she was happy when she didn’t hear any at all. Though, she was a bit confused.
“You’re not scared?”
“Honestly, no.”
“Really? Not even a little bit?”
“Huh. How very odd.”
~ She poked fun at you a little for that, saying it didn’t make sense. But she eventually let it go. Besides, now you could see both sides of her beauty.
“Ha, well that makes no sense. How can you be terrified of spiders, but not of be?”
“Well, it helps that you’re a hot spider lady, and not an actual one.”
“Hm. Fair point.”
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baileypie-writes · 6 months
Hello. I really liked those Kawarino x Reader HCs. Now, can I ask workers of Nightmare (if you use "one request, one character" style, choose someone random) with Reader, who's fascinated by their monster forms?
A/N ~ Sure! I didn’t do all the employees, just the ones I liked. Hope you enjoy!
~Nightmare Employees with a Reader Who’s Fascinated by their Monster Forms~
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Fandom: Yes! Precure 5
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Reader: Gender Neutral
Relationship: Implied Romantic
Characters Included: Girinma, Kawarino, Bunbee, Arachnea
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Warnings: None!
~Yes! Precure 5 Masterlist~
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~ Girinma wants more than anything to be seen as an equal, or even better, a superior to others. Mostly his coworkers. It makes him insecure that he’s less powerful and successful than them. So any form of praise, or just a simple compliment boosts his ego by many percents.
~ When he learns that you are fascinated by his monster form, he gets almost overbearingly cocky. He lives for all your comments, questions and compliments, never wanting them to end. Being in his monster form makes him feel confident, which is something he almost never feels anymore. So all of your words are feeding into the feeling.
~ He’ll totally let you look as long as you want, and whenever you want. You make him feel so cool, he almost wants to be in this form all the time! But he doesn’t want you to get bored of it, so he takes it in “doses”.
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~ Kawarino honestly couldn’t care less what others think of him. It’s just not something he thinks is important. Despite this, he still is greatly appreciative of praise. Especially by people he sees as more than dirt under his shoe.
~ Discovering that you were interested in his monster form was not a big deal to him at all. He understands that it’s not something that is considered “normal” to people like you, so he lets you take a good look. Kawarino isn’t fond of touch, so he expects you to keep your hands to yourself. His monster form is for eyes only.
~ He is nearly always in his human form, so it is extremely rare to see him as a monster. He prefers to save it for only important occasions. No matter how much you whine or beg, you’ll never get him to transform whenever you want. If you wish to see him do it, you’ll have to get lucky.
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~ Bunbee often attempts to put on a cool, calm persona. Though being his clumsy self, it crumbles quite quickly. This is also the case when you’re fawning over his monster form.
~ He’ll act all tough and unfazed by your curiosity and compliments. But the longer it goes on, the more he breaks. He’ll get all flustered, and begin to mumble. It almost seems to make him uncomfortable. But his bashful smile says otherwise.
~ After the first time, he seeks more of this attention. He’ll begin being in his monster form more often. Eventually, he takes on that appearance more than his human one. So of course, you start to get used to it. Bunbee is a bit disappointed by this, but he enjoyed it while it lasted.
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~ Arachnea is a confident woman, and being in her monster form makes her feel much more so. She feels more powerful and stylish. So she isn’t surprised in the slightest when she realizes your fascination.
~ She’ll let you look as much as you want. I mean, how could she deprive you of her beauty? She’ll also let you touch her spider legs/appendages. She adores all the attention, and doesn’t even try to hide it.
~ Arachnea has the power to create webs, and she totally shows this off. She weaves large, intricate webs, all to get your compliments and praise. She’ll even let you climb on them!
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