#presently untitled galaxy quest au
palimpsessed · 2 years
WIP folder: galaxy quest AU?!?!?! Please tell me more. ☺️
Thank you for this ask!
I’m a bit sad this one doesn’t have a title yet, but that’s mostly to do with the fact that I need a title for the cult scifi space exploring television show that the characters once starred in and which some interstellar fans might have taken a little too seriously.
I have so much I can say about this fic even tho it’s still in rough planning stages. Hmmmm what to talk about.
Simon was the big name star of the show who continues to (poorly) deal with severe self-confidence issues while living in the shadow of the person all his fans think him to be
Baz had dreams of Shakespeare, but instead he got to wear prosthetics and declaim about “lighting a match inside your heart” till he wanted to light the whole set on fire
Penny was the plucky child star who can’t get a role now that she’s an adult but has gotten herself several rather useless academic degrees instead
Agatha used to wish for a part that required her to be more than the beautiful, blonde love interest, but she didn’t mean “the mom” which is all she gets offered these days
Niamh...just would really prefer not to anymore thank you very much
What about Shep you ask? Well Shep may or may not be one of the mods for the Snowvian discord server...
There are ship wars, fandom conventions, obsessive dedicated fans, and possibly even actual aliens engaged in an actual space war?
Anyway. I am very excited for this one, but I’m not sure when I’ll get around to it. I think I have one or two other fics ahead of it in my mental queue.
From the WIP folder 📁
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