bloodyanatomy · 7 years
«The way I loved you was consuming. And eventually, you hold the carrot and I’ll be chasing you.»
— Preston Burke to Cristina Yang | 10x22
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vulpcsfault · 6 years
Ahhh this is just kinda a Cristina edit lmao. I didn't know what to characterise it as but it took me all day 😂😂 • • • Dt: @kepzonamistress @greysrobbins @theharperaverys @traumaricrobbins @orthogoddess @merscrubcap @robbins.anatomy_ @greys.karevv @greysanatomy.17 @starrymerder @chylerslexie • • • QOTD: who do you ship Cristina with? AOTD: I honestly ship her with heart in a box aka surgery 😂😂 • If you want to be tagged in my next post comment 'emoji' or '🐋' • • • Tags: #greysanatomy #ganatomy #crowen #crowenedit #burkina #burkinaedit #cristinayang #cristinayangedit #owenhunt #owenhuntedit #burkeyturkey #burkeyturkeyedit #prestonburke #prestonburkeedit #lmaosorryburkeyturkey #ionlythoughtofhisnameafteriwrotethat
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Deny, Deny, Deny s02e04
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Que foto 🎉 #GreysAnatomy #MeredithGrey #DerekShepherd #AlexKarev #CristinaYang #IzzieStevens #GeorgeOMalley #MirandaBailey #RichardWebber #PrestonBurke
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keenywong · 4 years
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【評:天下奇聞。唯一可能是科興真係唔得,中共為全面接種外國疫苗找個理由。既然是加乘效應,引進外國疫苗取代國産貨就順理成章。當然有沒有混科興或國葯不重要啦,哈哈。】 PrestonBurke • 2h 港大將最快會在下周開始研究混合接種新冠疫苗,目標招募100名18至60歲健康人士,先為他們接種復必泰疫苗,28日後接種科興疫苗。負責研究的港大內科學系傳染病科主任孔繁毅相信,使用不同平台的疫苗,整體的中和抗體和保護力有機會,較接種單一平台疫苗好,但市民不應自行決定是否打混合疫苗。 孔繁毅出席一個電視節目解釋,每個平台的疫苗針對或刺激免疫系統是不同,以復必泰mRNA平台為例,它不單止會刺激好的中和抗體細胞,亦會刺激細胞介導免疫抗體反應,若先接種第一劑後,再接種滅活疫苗,其抗體有機會更強更好,維持的保護力較長再,但仍有等研究和比對後才能確定。 他指,有關研究會歷時一年,研究團隊會在不同時段包括接種第二劑前、接種第二劑後28天、半年和一年,會留意接種者抗體和整體安全數據,並會與同年紀和群組的接種2劑同款疫苗人士比較;若研究理想,有機會在第二個研究中將有關年齡層擴闊。 問及研究為何先接種復必泰疫苗,孔繁毅指,先打mRNA疫苗可刺激免疫細胞會較寬,但使用滅活疫苗所產生的刺激效果會較窄,免疫反應有機會在種第二劑反應不太理想,但不排除日後會調轉接種次序作出比較。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CMrDgp3r7bQ/?igshid=i59n9c1ruczd
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jenashpee-blog · 8 years
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8 days until Grey's Anatomy is back for the rest of season 13. Which is these three characters would you like back on the show? #greysanatomy #abc #abcgreys #meredithgrey #alexkarev #callietorres #jacksonavery #aprilkepner #japril #richardwebber #maggiepierce #owenhunt #arizonarobbins #andrewdeluca #cristinayang #catherineavery #ameliashepherd #shondarhimes #shondaland #tgit #tgithursday #ellenpompeo #benwarren #jessewilliams #sarahdrew #jowilson #stephanieedwards #leahmurphy #katewalsh #addisonmontgomery ##addisonmontgomeryshepherd #katherineheigl #izziestevens #isobelstevens #isaiahwashington #prestonburke
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juliaao15-blog · 6 years
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Grey's Anatomy - Preston Burke . . . . . . . . . . #greysanatomy #prestonburke #series #netflix #oppadoll #editoppadoll #edit https://www.instagram.com/p/Br3jzWdhRNG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r1sgut17273j
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menasimone99 · 8 years
Io sono Preston Burke un rinomato chirurgo cardiotoracico io sono un professionista ma soprattutto sono una brava persona, una persona ordinata e precisa e sono anche piuttosto bravo a cucinare e tu... Tu sei incredibilmente disordinata, una nevrotica, una specializzanda astiosa, si astiosa. Io sono Preston Burke e tu sei la più competitiva, la più testarda, malfidata e polemica persona che abbia mai incontrato e io ti amo, per quale dannato motivo mi escludi dal tuo mondo?
Preston Burke
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keenywong · 4 years
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【愛美人也愛英鎊,哈哈】PrestonBurke • 3h 英國哈里王子及夫人梅根接受美國名嘴奧花雲費專訪,哈里在訪問中提及皇室自他宣佈不再履行職務後便停止對他的財政援助。英國《每日郵報》評論指,哈里要求財政支援的舉動與當年愛德華八世退位後相似,但他至少沒在公開場合索要金錢。 https://hk.appledaily.com/international/20210316/VHWXURPRB5HTLABJ5NCXM6JGB4/ 38 0 #2 雙鐘連愛滋 • 3h God Saves the Prince #photo#dog 2 0 #3 河本鬼茂 • 3h 等睇無水離婚收場#cn# 13 0 2 #4 樊茵 • 3h 又要威,又要戴X頭盔 #[sosad]#fs#[sosad]#fs#[sosad]#fs#[sosad]#fs https://www.instagram.com/p/CMd_cLyr9La/?igshid=1amytd6k92atm
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ladysammym · 9 years
#Goals 😍😂😂😂 #GreysAnatomy #cristinayang #prestonburke
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ab-the-sky · 9 years
“Cristina, eu poderia prometer… tê-la ao meu lado e protegê-la. Eu posso prometer estar presente na saúde e na doença. Eu poderia dizer “até que a morte nos separe”. Mas eu não vou. Esses votos são para casais otimistas. Aqueles cheios de esperanças. E eu não estou aqui, no dia do meu casamento, otimista ou cheio de esperança.
Eu não sou otimista. Eu não sou esperançoso. Eu sou certeiro. E sou seguro. E eu sei que eu sou um homem ‘do coração’. Eu os pego em pedaços, coloco-os em seus lugares, eu o tenho em minhas mãos. Então disso, eu estou certo: você é a minha parceira, minha amante, minha melhor amiga. Meu coração… meu coração pulsa por você. E neste dia, no dia de nosso casamento, eu te prometo isso: eu te prometo deixar meu coração na palma de sua mão. Eu me prometo a ti.”
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greysciarciello · 9 years
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Never say this picture before!😍 #greysanatomy#richardwebber#alexkarev#prestonburke#cristinayang#photoshoot#greysanatomyismylife#shondarhimes
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Cristina, I could promise to hold you, and to cherish you. I could promise to be there, in sickness and in health. I could say till death do us part. But I won't. Those vows are for optimistic couples, the ones full of hope. I do not stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope. I am not optimistic. I am not hopeful. I am sure. I am steady. I'm a heart man. Take 'em apart, put 'em back together, hold them in my hands. I am a heart man. So this, I am sure. You are my partner. My lover. My very best friend. My heart. My heart beats for you. And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this. I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands, I promise you... me
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glenugh-blog · 9 years
I could promise to hold you and to cherish you. I could promise to be there in sickness and in health. I could say til death do us part, but I wont. Those vows are for optimistic couples, the ones full of hope, and I don’t stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope. I am not optimistic, I am not hopeful.I am sure, I am steady, and I know that I’m a heart man. I take them apart, put them back together, I hold them in my hands. I am a heart man.So this I am sure, you are my partner, my lover, my very best friend. My heart beats for you. And this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this…I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands. I promise you me. ~ Preston Burke
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Eu gostava tanto 💙💙 #GreysAnatomy #CristinaYang #PrestonBurke @GreysABC
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