#pretending tech panels don't exist
eggplantgifs · 2 years
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Minsol Kwon: Cats » 2022 Junior Grand Prix Final
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leflyingrodent · 2 months
All Phin Mason namedrops/mentions post-MSM:MM:
Despite Insomniac's best efforts to pretend she never existed and that both her as a character and her storyline with Miles were completely irrelevant Phin has a few rare or totally missable mentions in both the Marvel's Spider-Man 2 prequel comic, as well as the game itself. Here are all of them:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (prequel comic) mentions:
WARNING: The following images contain spoilers from this comic's storyline. If you don't want to know any details of it without having read it first, look it up online and read it before scrolling below
Phin gets mentioned in 4 different panels throught the comic. 3 by Miles and one by a random henchman working for Hood:
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(Kind of an unrelated side note, but I do not like how Miles namedrops Phin by name twice in front of criminals who didn't know she was the Tinkerer. Specially since, unlike Otto, who was entirely exposed as Doc Ock after the first game's story had ended, only Miles himself, Simon Krieger, Rhino, Ganke, Aaron and Rio knew of her dual life prior to her death)
Okay, that's all the comic had to offer in this regard. Now let's shift focus on:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (the game) mentions:
I'll clarify right off the bat that I'm not including the bits of Phin getting mentioned in the Mister Negative boss fight, as those are unmissable and thus irrelevant to the compilation I'm making
The first one to mention is the one most will likely be familiar with, as visiting Phin's memento in Trinity Church not only has Miles mention her, but doing it is required to get a trophy and is therefore part of the process to earn the game's Platinum Trophy:
However, what you might not know is that, if you visit Trinity Church again after completing the main story, you'll get the buttom prompt to interact with the memento again, and Miles will have a different dialogue, which gets us our second rare namedrop in the game:
The next one can be listened to after taking a picture of the Photo Op of the hot dog champion at Coney Island, in Downtown Brooklyn. If you open the Collections section on the menu and play the audio of this location only as Miles (if you're playing as Peter you'll get a different and completely unrelated dialogue), he will mention an eating competition he and Phin did against the champion:
And finally, we have this dialogue:
This is the rarest of them all by far, as you can ONLY get it once per savefile (either brand new or New Game Plus) and if you have tutorials enabled in the settings beforehand and open your first Tech Parts stache as Miles. If you have tutorials disabled or do have them enabled but open the first stache you find as Peter, you won't get to trigger this dialogue at any other point in the entire playthrough of that save file
Aaaaand that's all I manage to find. If anyone has another unusual dialogue in the game or other suplementary material of the franchise that mentions Phin, do let me know and I'll add it to the blog
I have other blogs planned for Phin, so stay tuned!
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chelsanitys · 8 years
Tracy Wilson is so full of shit it really pisses me off. V/M didn't have technical problems in 2014, nor were they backing off training and taking it easy. They were fucking robbed by the judges, and people like Tracy enabled that shit 100%. Don't try to make up new facts that never existed, Tracy.
“V/M didn't have technical problems in 2014″
lol this is a straight up lie. they never hit their step sequence levels cleanly after igor left. and i dont want to hear about biased tech panels, because it was multiple tech panels, in a row. im rly tired of litigating the davis/white issue, but lets not pretend like a lot of it wasnt their own fault for having sub-par material and being inconsistent
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