#prettiest bloody guy at the punk show
frnkiebby · 9 months
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that little curl~🎃
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nicksilveirart · 5 years
(SING!) Story Not Told, chapter 6 – Freedom is a Voice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Click to read chapter 6:
A/N: Feels train coming through!
"First things first, I'm sorry my presence caused… That." Ash was sitting down at Buster's office, resting her head upon his desk. Beside her, the koala sat, gently rubbing her back. "Now that I know the whole story, I think it makes it easier for us to talk about it." She looked up at him, but remained silent. He merely rested his head on the table, facing her. "Do you not want to talk about it? That's fine too… I also got something to say." "I can't believe he did that." "Huh. Tell me about it. If I knew, I'd have brought you back here." He chuckled. She sadly smiled up at him. "Okay, bad time for a joke. Got it. Carry on." "How much did you hear down there?" "Look at my ears. How much do you think I heard down there?" She giggled. "Everything?" "Ding ding ding! We got a winner to the prize of a hundred thousand do-" She playfully pushed him. "Stop that." "I'm sorry." He fixed his hair. "I don't like seeing you like that." "I'll get over it." "I know you will, you're the toughest girl I ever met." She blushed, and finally looked at him in the eyes. "But you know… Even the tougher can use help sometimes…" He was gently brushing against her arm. "So why don't you tell me exactly what happened? From the beginning." "There's not much I can say… I went looking for a band to join, got this audition and presented with these guys from here, to see public reception. Peter, Bobby, Mark and Melissa, I think. Lance was a composer, he was watching the show, and saw us perform. When it was over, me, Lance, and the band sat there after the house closed for the day, just… Chit chatting, small talking, everybody was drunk and talking funny." "Anyone using drugs?" She shook her head. "Normal cigarettes, and beer. Loads of beer. We left the place, Lance was the most sober guy there, so he was driving. He dropped the guys at their houses, and when it came my turn, he spent the night at my house." She sniffed. He came closer to her, smoothly caressing her hand. "Anyway… We talked, sang to Aerosquid songs, he showed me some of his own… I liked him, and I ended up turning the band down to team up with him." She shut her eyes tight. He quickly hugged her. "Mr Moon?" Buster turned to find his senile assistant. "Yes, Miss Crawly?" "Everyone has been called, sir." "Good… Erm, shut the lights down there for today. It's not like we're going back to rehearsal." "Yes, Mr Moon." She said, turning to leave. "And you can go home for the day, too." The lizard gave a grin that almost made Buster crack up. "You're welcome, Miss Crawly. And please shut the door when you leave." He turned back to Ash. "Sorry. You were saying?" "Quick question before I go on?" He chuckled. "Shoot." "How old is she, and why does she still work?" "For one, I wish I knew, and for two, she is family." He laughed lightly. "She saw this theatre being built." "She's funny." "That too. Not a day goes by without laughter if Miss Crawly's around!" He made a dramatic pose. She laughed. He smiled. "Move over to the couch. It hurts my neck to rest down on the table." "Okay, grandpa." She teased, as she sat on the couch. "Ha! You insult me." He took a seat by her side. "Now carry on." Her expression turned somber once again. "Where was I?" "You turned down the band-" "To join in a duo with him. For a little while it was great, I was on cloud nine. Shows were kinda slow though." "I can tell." Buster interrupted. "No offense, but the guy sings like he's gotta sore throat." She laughed hearing that. "So you noticed." "My job to notice. But you? Why didn't you break up-" He froze. Oops. Wrong words, Buster. "Break the duo with him? I mean… Ash, you got one of the prettiest singing voices I've ever heard! Once you noticed he wasn't good, why didn't you leave, join the band you spoke of..?" "He kept saying I would never do it. That all I was good for was backing vocal if that alone wasn't too much for me." She leaned against his side. "And you believed him?" The koala said, shocked. She stared up at him weirdly. "He wouldn't see talent if it fell right on his lap!" She smiled faintly up at him. "I'm not that good, Buster." "You have a beautiful voice, and are so talented Ash…" "You didn't even care for the song I sang." "Well… I'm not the biggest fan of punk, you know?" He scratched his head. "But last night, that original you played? Wow! Too slow for a concert, maybe… But it was amazing!" He was enthusiastic. She smiled a little up at him as he pulled her closer. "If I had your voice, I'd be a global by now!" "I'm glad you like my voice, but… I wanted it so bad to work out, I ended…" She sniffed. "I… Ended…" "Shutting yourself out." He finished. "No matter what you did, or how good you performed, it was never enough for him." That was it. The mask was off. Sobbing, she threw her arms around his neck. He held her back tightly. "It's okay, Ash… It's okay…" "It's not, you had to hear… You had to hear the things he said… He went inside inquiring if I had cheated… Offered us to get back together… Said that if I hadn't went home earlier the other day, none of this would've happened…" She rested her face on his shoulder. Buster's hands were curled into fists. Was that dinkleschplatt trying to make her feel guilty over his cheating? "And you had to hear… You just had to… Him saying I was sleeping with you to win the contest…" "Well, Lance's an idiot!" He interrupted. "Trying to blame you for his mistakes, guilt-tripping you, to win you back, I presume, he may be an idiot but he's not dumb, he knows what he lost!" He thought about his next words very carefully. "And assuming you'd go that low to get privileges? Not only he's a total imbecile, but he also doesn't know you!" He was angrily walking around the room. The rocker was looking at him in astonishment. "The piece of- damn! You're too good for him, Ash. You did this, all this!" He continued, motioning to the room around him. "For him, and he treats you like that? I can't believe you're upset over these things he said…" "But he's right." She shrugged. "Maybe if I hadn't arrived early, we'd still be together." He took a seat near her once again, resting a hand upon her shoulder. "You rather not know he was cheating?" "Not when you put it like that." She wiped her eyes. "He said it was a one night thing, he was lonely, I wasn't around, maybe if that one day I wasn't there, I would've never caught them and we'd still be dating like nothing ever happened. Ruin an almost two year relationship because of that, I mean..." Teenage love. So beautiful, and so dangerous to your judgment skills. Buster remembered that correctly. He wasn't a ladies' man, but he had been cheated upon, and he had fallen for the same dumb excuses.
"Come on Buster, be considerate!" "Not over cheating, Laura, we're through." His heart was shattered inside of his chest. "This was an accident!" He hit the cloth on the car he was polishing, immediately regretting it as it scratched the painting. "YOU WERE KISSING JOHNNY, LAURA, YOU CALL THAT AN ACCIDENT?! AN ACCIDENT IS HITTING YOUR CAR, KISSING SOMEONE IS NOT AN ACCIDENT!" "We were drunk, babe!" "I've gotten drunk and didn't kiss anyone!" "But I did, and it was a mistake, and an accident, and I love you, babe…" She had tears on her eyes as she hugged him. "It won't happen again, I promise…" Laura looked up at him in the sweet way she knew melted his heart. "I promise…" After giving her words some thought, he sighed and held her back. On the windowsill above, Mr Moon watched the interaction. This is not going to work out, he figured. But that would have to wait. A honking sound broke the silence. Grabbing his always loyal car washing bucket, he was ready to get to work. "One moment, please, sir!"
He had seen it all, the lame excuses, the guilt-tripping, the good girl attitude. He had accepted his girlfriend's apology, and ended up heartbroken. And now he was seeing Ash about to make the same mistake. "What guarantees you that?" She looked up at him. "Guarantees what?" "What guarantees you that this was a 'one night' thing? Lance?" Buster spat out his name like he was cursing someone. "Look, I know you this is your life, and again, I may be going into something that's none of my business. Cheaters don't change, Ash. Okay, see it this way. He cheated this first time, gave you the puppy dog eyes, just waiting you'd fall right back at his arms. If you do that, what image will you give this bloody wanker? That you're easy to win back… He's just gonna cheat again…" His ears dropped, his eyes glassy. "And you will end up even more heartbroken than now." She was at loss for words. "Believe me. Please believe me. I've felt it on my skin. I've been there. And I made the same mistake you are about to make. There's better guys around." "Where is the better gal you've found?" "I'm not ready to settle down." He confessed. "Ash, we got more in common than you think. I'm not-" He was interrupted by annoying phone ringtone. Ash pulled her bag over, and grabbed hold of it. Lance. She looked back at Buster. "Do what you feel is right." He said, simply resting back on the couch, motioning for her to put it on loudspeaker. "Hello." "Hey babes." She covered the speaker, and took a deep breath. "Don't call me 'babes', Lance." Buster smiled and nodded. "Come on, don't talk that dryly to me…" "How may I help you?" "Okay, I am going to make the sheep impersonation. Baaa-bes…" "What do you want, Lance?!" She said, altered. Buster motioned for her to calm down, mouthing the words 'That's what he wants.' "Wow, we are jumpy today! All that because I asked you to forget I cheated?" "I don't know. All that because you realized you traded a jewel for trash?" "Jewel?" He chuckled. "One day in the theatre and you're already thinking too much of yourself, babes. I just wanted to invite you over for mine and Becky's great debut." "Debut?" "Presentation. Sorry. Forgot some words are too fancy for you, babes." She inhaled deeply. "You have a girlfriend, why the hell are you calling me babes?" "Oh, Becky doesn't mind. She ain't a crazy jealous crybaby like some of us are." Buster had had it. He pulled her over, and whispered. "Ask him where is the show." Her voice was almost broken. "What? Why?" "Do it, trust me." "Ah, your new boyfriend is around! Hey there, Mr Moon! Can he hear me? How you doing today sire? Never thought you had the hots for younger gals!" She picked the phone back up, and replied the best she could. "No, he can't hear you, and he's not my boyfriend." "Okay. Invite me to the wedding, will ya?" "Where is your little debut with Becky?" "Ah, I knew I'd get you curious! The Tiki Cove, babes." "Don't call me babes!" Her voice cracked, and it came a bit too loud for her liking. Holding the phone against her ear, she collapsed to the couch, crying. "Hang up, hang up." Buster quickly motioned for her, scooping her up in his arms. "I'm so proud of you, Ash. You won't regret this, trust me." She soaked his suit with tears. Both sat holding each other for the longest while. "He's an idiot, and you know that. He doesn't deserve your tears. I'll make it up to you…" She rested her head atop his shoulder. "How?" "I want you to write a song." He began. "Like, really write a song. Spill your feeling into the gosh darn melody! I want an original as good as that one you showed me, name name…" He snapped his fingers. "Freedom is a voice!" Wiping her eyes, she looked at him weirdly. "I don't write pop songs, Buster." "Oh no no no! That's the best part about it… I want you to write a punk song!" She seemed shocked. "Yeah!" He was motioning like he played the guitar, even head banging a little. "That melody, the guitar solos, the loudness! It's the perfect soundtrack for a heartbreak! There's just a little something, I kinda need it for tomorrow." "Tomorrow?!" "I know I'm asking too much." He took her hands. "But I believe in you." "I never wrote punk before." She confessed. "It's not gonna be a masterpiece." "It won't if you tell yourself it won't." She was rubbing her temples. "Buster…" He got on his knees. "Please, please promise you'll try!" Ash laughed at the scene in front of her. "Okay, I'll do it. Ah!" The koala jumped on her, hugging her tight, and kissing her cheek. "Thank you! I know you'll make something amazing!" He said, going to the door. "I'll give ya a ride. Meanwhile, you get that dumbass out of your head, shake the dust away from those quills and let your feelings flow!" He finished, shutting the door behind them.
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ukulelewrites · 7 years
Beauty & the Beast
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A/N: so remember when i mentioned rereading the Lunar Chronicles and got inspired to write fairy tale aus for wanna one. well, here’s the first installment of  the “Happily Ever After” series!
Pairing: Wanna One’s Daehwi x Reader
Genre: fairy tale!au, fluff, slight violence
Warnings: slight violence
Everyone in the city knew of Lee Daehwi, probably the prettiest boy to have ever graced the Earth
Just a sweet boy who works in his family’s flower shop
Always has a different flower tucked in his lil shirt pocket depending on the mood
One time he had the flower tucked behind his ear and everyone just cooed bc wow what a cutie
On the other hand, there was you, probably the most infamous underground fighter in the city
You pretty much spent your days at the gym, punching away at the worn bag
Sometimes people will catch you at the rundown auto shop, grease streaked across your cheeks and sweat staining the neck of your white tank
The best part is the tattoo that’s on your right bicep of a wolf entirely done in lineart
Half the city gets scared when they catch a glimpse of it, but it’s aite, as long as they don’t bug you too much
Cut back to Daehwi watering the daffodils on display in the window as he hums to himself (probably a blackpink song lol)
Anyways it’s getting close to closing time, so Daehwi does one last check around the shop before he hears the front doorbell chime
And ta-dah, he finds himself face to face with Daniel
“Uh, hyung what are you doing here?”
“Can I borrow a couple hundred?”
“Flowers? Well-”
“Dollars, Daehwi, dollars”
Turns out Daniel owed you hella money bc you fixed his motorbike for him, and if he doesn’t cough up the sum you’re kicking his ass
Daniel prefers his ass not kicked btw, and Daehwi was the only one out of his friends with a stable job lmao
“I don’t have a couple hundred dollars to lend out, but let me talk to this person”
“Daehwi,,,,,,they’ll actually break you”
“Nothing a little diplomacy doesn’t fix, c’mon, show me where this repair shop is”
Daehwi finds himself standing in the side of town his parents specifically told him not to venture into
Your co-workers stood out in front of the shop, leaning against the walls, smoking cigarettes while conversing in hushed whispers (they were both expecting fathers and exchanging tips to each other)
Daniel was practically shaking in his shoes while Daehwi strode right into the shop
“Is Y/N here?”
“Alpha? They’re in the ring tonight”
“The ring?”
“Go right from the shop and cut into the alleyway. There are stairs that will take you straight to it.”
Yeah, Daniel was scared shitless at this point, and Daehwi was intimidated too, but hey, someone’s gotta talk this whole cash owing thing out
So the two boys go down to the ring and they find themselves standing behind a crowd of people surrounding the ring, shouting and cheering, waving dollar bills in the air as they placed bets
Daehwi starts looking around
“Hey Daniel, what does Y/N look like?”
“Scary, just really scary”
“,,,,,,,,like, any other descriptions?”
“Uh, they have a wolf tattoo on their arm”
Daehwi continues dragging Daniel through the crowd trying to find this infamous Y/N until suddenly the entire crowd still
He looked up at the center of the room and finally noticed the boxing ring that stood in the middle of the room
“What’s going on?”
“The fight’s about to start”
And that was when you stepped up into the ring, your face stony and cold
A shiver ran through Daehwi’s spine when he saw how apathetic you were
The crowd cheered for you, their screaming becoming louder when you took your hoodie off to reveal your tattoo
The fight starts and quickly in you got a punch in, quickly bouncing back and ducking under your opponent’s swing
You swipe your leg under their feet to trip them, and once they fell, you pounced
Daehwi watches in horror and turns to Daniel
“You owe that monster money?????”
“Y/N? Yeah, you understand why I needed to borrow some cash?”
Your swings became even more rapid, but your face remained apathetic
When you were sure they weren’t coming back up, you got off of them, and faced the crowd and raised your bloodied fist in victory
Quickly the crowd cheered, at least, the ones that betted your victory
You left your unconscious opponent in the ring and left for the locker room
Daehwi saw this chance and quickly shook his head, trying to lessen his fear
“Let’s go, Daniel, before we lose them”
The two of them wove through the crowd and followed you into the locker room
“You’re not allowed in here” you said apathetically, not even sparing the two boys a glance
Daehwi took in a deep breath before speaking
“My friend here owes you money, but he can’t pay you back right away, is it possible he-”
“If he can’t pay me back, he shouldn’t have brought the bike in”
“Yeah but-”
“He still needs to pay me back”
“Labor it is”
It was Daniel’s time to speak up 
W-wait a minute, I already have a job, I can’t just-”
You finally turned to glance at the two boys
“Not my problem, you still owe me $300″
Daehwi glanced at Daniel worriedly and then chimed in
“What if, what if I worked off his debt?”
You looked over at him
“You’re not the one who owes me $300″
“Well, yeah, but I only work at my family’s flower shop, and that’s not even a job, so I can work for you for however long until Daniel’s debt is paid”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because he’s my friend”
And tbh you couldn’t argue with the guy since he already made up his mind, so you just shrugged
That’s how Daehwi ended being your little runner
He pretty much was in charge of running out and buying stuff you needed, like equipment for the bike you were working on or antiseptic for the cut on your cheek, normal stuff
Like, for a whole month you barely acknowledged his existence, only giving him a nod or a hum or a request, nothing more, nothing less
Well, that’s gonna change soon
Bc one night when he was out buying you some food since you were working late in the shop, some asshat you beat up last week in the ring decided to hassle him a bit
“Hey, you’re Alpha’s pet aren’t you?”
“I’m their assistant”
Daehwi quicken his pace a bit, but the guy grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall
“Alpha’s not gonna like it much if his pet’s a little damaged,” the guy taunted, pulling his fist back
Daehwi quickly shut his eyes and after a couple seconds, he realized the fist never came
He opened his eyes to find you standing behind the dude holding his fist and,,,,,,,,,,Daehwi’s hella lucky he’s not that guy right now bc wow, you look like you want to kill him
Which you didn’t do, you just beat the living shit out of him and left the guy propped up against the wall
Daehwi trailed after you, the bag of food, now cold, in his hand
And tbh his heart kinda fluttered a bit knowing you beat up that guy for him, but it’s probably just because he’s your runner, nothing important
lmao jokes on you daehwi
And his unspoken question kinda just hangs in the air
“Did you get my food?”
Daehwi blinked at your back for a second before handing you the bag
You looked in and smiled, like genuinely smiled and wow Daehwi felt his heart skip agAIN
Bc who knew the scariest underground fighter in all of the city had the cutest smile on earth?
“Sweet, they gave me an extra fortune cookie”
And tbh after that night, things got a little bit more comfortable between the two of you
Like, the whole reason as to why you never really interacted much with Daehwi was bc he was so pretty you couldn’t say anything substantial without being flustered 
Every time he asked you about your day, you could practically feel your cheeks reddening
Or the one time he smiled at you and gave you a thumbs up after another victory, you swore you felt your heart race
But, you’re awkward, and you knew your reputation in the city, no way Daehwi would see you as anything other than an underground fighter, a monster
Yet, the walls you placed around yourself started to crumble a bit around the edges
Especially one day when you decided
“I’m teaching you how to fight”
Daehwi’s eyes widened like saucers
“Bc the next time some punk decides to mess with you, I might not be there”
Wow, another heart fluttering moment for Daehwi
You take him down to the little gym nearby, giving a little nod to the other people there at the odd hour of the night
Daehwi just trails after you and ends up finding himself standing in front of a punching bag
“Throw your best punch”
Daehwi looks at you incredulously before pulling his fist back and swinging at the bag,,,,,only for you to let out a little chuckle at how weak it was
His cheeks flushed, half from embarrassment and the other half from hOW CUTE THAT CHUCKLE WAS
 You take his hand into yours (the two of you are blushing so hard jfc)
“Here, fold your hand like this,”
You then guide his fist back
“And swing like this”
Daehwi could practically hear his heart pounding in his ear
Once his hand made contact with the punching bag, you realized exactly how close in proximity the two of you were
You quickly pulled away and cleared your throat
“Yeah, just practice, I’ll show you which places to aim for once your punch gets better”
And it became a little routine, after you finish work in the shop and you didn’t have a match, you take Daehwi to the gym and afterwards you buy him ice cream
His smile every time you present him with the vanilla cone just makes your cheeks heat up, and eventually one night Daehwi just
“Hey, Y/N, I like you”
You almost spat out your ice cream
“W-wh- are you sure?”
“But, why? I beat up people for a living. I scare the living shit out of half the city, and you only hang out with me to pay off your friend’s debt, which by the way, is paid off.”
You awkwardly sat there next there next to Daehwi, letting your ice cream dip onto the pavement
“Because you’re cute.”
Yeah, you dropped your cone at this point
“Even though you seem scary at first, you’re actually really cute. Your laugh and smile make my insides warm. You’re really patient when teaching me. You’re also very protective of me, and you buy me ice cream often. Plus,”
“I want to know more about you, because you’re so much more than a scary underground fighter. You’re so much more than Alpha; you’re Y/N”
And like wow bc who knew he’d see you that way????
You were so used to being looked at with fear and disdain that at this moment the way he was looking at you, his eyes wide and looking at you with such open warmth
And he kind of just takes your hand into his and pulls out a napkin and wipes at the sticky mess your ice cream cone left
“I like you too” you whisper, and the smile that Daehwi sends you is just blinding
After that night the two of you embarked on a very awkward relationship
Daehwi no longer had to run errands for you, but he still finds himself stopping by the shop to bring you snacks
And one time you decided to take him out on an actual date, granted it was just a walk around the park at night but it was a date
But during the date when Daehwi grabbed your hand you just flushed
Like your face was as red as a strawberry 
It got even redder when Daehwi coo’d over your cuteness
And eventually one day, Daehwi dragged you out of the gym and took you to his family’s flower shop
“Here, I want to give you this”
You take the flower from Daehwi’s hand and admired its beauty
“What is it?”
“An amaryllis”
“What does it mean?”
“Worth beyond beauty, like you”
“W-what do you mean?”
Yeah, you were a blushy mess aGAIN
“Even though people say you’re scary and all that, you’re more than what you look like. You’re strong, and kind, and loyal, and that’s why I like you.”
Daehwi was shOOKTH when you marched up to him and planted a kiss
But it was cute bc it was a soft kiss, something innocent, the two of you fumbling, trying to figure out what to do with your hands
And when you pulled away, you kissed the tip of his nose
“I like you too”
And the two of you dating is just the cutest
Like hot cocoa dates are a must bc despite your scary appearance, you had the biggest sweet tooth and Daehwi loves giggling whenever you get a little whipped cream mustache
He still goes to the gym to practice his punch and for your anniversary he shows you his improvement and pretty much basked in your praise
Also, you still fight, but this time Daehwi comes with this huGE POSTER GLITTER AND EVERYTHING CHEERING AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS
And whenever you fight, he gives you a little good luck forehead kiss, so your win streak is onto like 7 and counting
You also get a kiss and an ice cream cone after every victory so you wIN ALL THE TIME
Plus, whenever you get a busted lip or a bruised eye, Daehwi just runs around the locker room trying to collect together an ice pack and some antiseptic and he’s a mess
But it’s cute and you smile when he runs some cream over your lip bc it’s busted and he blushes af when you kiss his fingertips
Y’all just the softest okay? 
Who knew the beauty and the beast would be so cute?
I did that’s who
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