#pretty hypocritical if you ask me but i don't think this fandom is ready for that talk yet so yeah
kelin-is-writing · 2 years
i have complex feelings about hawks like.....fanon? twist the character so he's not himself anymore? yeah sure love the guy. Canon???? Hate the mother fucker. Despise him. I LOVE hearing you talk shit about his nasty ass.
i honestly don’t care what peoples do with him in fanon, that’s up to them.
BUT in canon??? ohh in canon this bitch can get killed off and end up to hell, for as much as i care ☺❤
happy that me talking shit about that nasty birdshit face gives you a good time 😘
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Gossip girl ahaha for the fandom question!
I was waiting for somebody to ask me this, thank you so much! :)
my favorite female character - Blair and Serena tied. I can't choose between them because I love them both but for different reasons. Blair - for her loyalty to people she loves, her active, resourceful mind, tenacity; Serena - for her genuine sweetness and kind heart. I think they complement and balance each other nicely.
my favorite male character - Chuck. I think he had the most complete and compelling character journey and the biggest character development of all characters on the show. I love his capacity to love deeply, how devoted he was to people he loved, how he always was ready to help his friends without expecting anything in return. I love how selfless he could be and how perceptive he was. I love his sharp mind, wit, intelligence and self-awareness. I love how messed up he was yet was able to deal with his emotional issues, overcome his demons and become the best version of himself. I love that he didn’t judge, he was the least judgemental character on the show. And btw out of all the mains he was the only one who never cheated on his girlfriends.
my favorite book/season/etc - Season 2, but Season 1 follows very closely. These certainly are the best seasons.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show) - Season 2 Episode 13 "O Brother, Where Bart Thou?". Incredibly moving episode for me. It has everything: life and love vs death, funeral vs wedding, outstanding soundtrack "Signs" and "Slow Show".
my favorite cast member - I don't have any. I usually don't follow actors.
my favorite ship - Chuck/Blair, hands down.
a character I’d die defending - Chuck, lol. I really think he receives a lot of unfounded hatred.
a character I just can’t sympathize with - Dan. I was ok with him in Season 1 (that is, if we don't take into account that he was Gossip Girl) but as the story progressed it became more and more apparent that he was a judgmental, self-righteousness, pretentious hypocrite. By the end I absolutely loathed him. And the whole Gossip Girl business makes him a thousand times worse, a maniac stalker. If the writers had decided to make him Gossip Girl, he should have never ended up with Serena.
a character I grew to love - Georgina. In Season 1 she was pretty much a villain but over the seasons, particularly after the birth of her son her character became more layered. In Seasons 5 and 6 she often was a voice of truth, and I love that at the end she played something akin to a fairy godmother to Chuck and Blair.
my anti otp - Dan/Blair, the most contrived pairing on the show full of contrived pairings. Also, Serena/Gossip Girl for obvious reasons.
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lifeonthemurdersim · 10 months
🥑 🔪 🧩 🌿 for the writer ask meme please :3
Thank you 😊
Writer's truth or dare ask meme
🥑- you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
C'mon, obviously YOU and @cptsadist. I mean technically not text, who texts anymore? But message. Obviously there would be a severe geographical hindrance to either of you physically helping but I'd need the moral support. Plus I feel like both of you would genuinely come up with some creative solutions 😆 Win-win.
🔪- what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Oh my god so many 🤣 I'm counting RPs in this bc they are collaborative writing as far as I'm concerned. Here are a few I can think of off the top of my head:
How to perform a relay attack to steal a car.
How dark you can tint your windows in different states.
Lot of shit about Michigan slang and phrasing.
The route from Washington DC to NYC. But like in great detail.
Like practically everything I could find about Lawrence from Gato's old ask tumblr.
So much drug stuff. How to knock someone out for example, and how long one can be unconscious without brain damage. Effects of various recreational drugs too and crucially, how to actually take most of them 😅
What a full-body orgasm feels/looks like for an AMAB person. And stuff like refractory periods and such.
On that note, actually, average distance of ejaculation 🤣 OK that one was for an art piece but it had text so I technically "wrote" it.
"Do Americans say (word/phrase)?" 😅
Less deadly bullet wounds, dangerous but healable bullet wounds etc.
Quite a lot of BDSM stuff.
Stalking people's OCs to write them correctly.
If MI5 are watching me, I'm either a very kinky fucker or a serious threat.
🧩- what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
I'll preface this by saying I don't really read much fanfic, in fact I don't read books either anymore, so the fact I can even write coherently frequently surprises me! I generally have read mostly smutty oneshots in the past which is why I think I'm pretty hypocritical for writing a 300k word fic and expecting people to actually read it(there is a lot of smut though)!
I mean there are a lot of things I wouldn't click on in the first place, underage and incest for example, I'm also very wary of non-con even in the context of murder sim fandoms bc it's hard to know what I'll personally find triggering.
There are writing/layout choices that my brain would struggle with, but I feel like I can't really think of an example? I try to keep an open mind with things like point of view, tense and spelling.
I'm also fairly neutral about most kinks I'm not into and will read stuff if it's recommended to me or I otherwise think I might enjoy it. I have a few nopes but I feel like if I get specific that's being critical of those kinks? When really it's just things that personally don't appeal to me.
Yes I have turn offs. Sorry to shock anyone. 😅
🌿- give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Possibly controversial. If you're not loving it, don't do it. Go do something else, whether that's switching to a different project, a different media or just going to do something else entirely.
By all means let your friends and/or fans know you'll be taking a break! But for me, I have to be passionately focused on something for it to work.
I do have one other tip though. If we're talking fanfic, weigh up the pros and cons of when to post. If you have more ready, it gives you time to catch up. I managed to get weekly 8k chapters out of my old longfic because I had 60% of the thing written already. I made it through several writer's blocks and only got a little behind. Thay said, there were days when the regular comments were the only thing keeping me going. It's difficult to find a balance. I guess it's a personal thing, but as I say, weigh it up.
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malachi-walker · 5 years
Catra and Touch
Ok look, it's raining where I am so I can't go for a walk and my mom's borrowing my car while hers is in the shop, so have some more meta while I try not to chew my own legs off from stir craziness. Also I'm pretty sure some people have discussed this before, but whatevs.
Like, a common fandom interpretation of Catra is that her touch aversion is mostly a joke due to her being part cat (because cats won't lay across you all damn day if you let 'em, nosir) or that she dislikes physical contact in general, but I'm 99.9% that's not it. And I'm sorry to bring a serious topic into what I think is supposed to be light hearted joking at character stereotypes, but well...
It's because she's been physically abused.
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I mean, just look at the difference when Catra and Adora are still on good terms in the Horde or in the perfect world. (Also if anyone can send me a non-edited screenshot of that moment where she and Adora have their arms around each other's shoulders and Catra just looks so soft, I'd appreciate it.)
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She's practically a cuddle bug. And like yeah, Adora has always been Catra's exception. She was her safe zone. That's the point. Catra had nothing to fear from Adora. Even the other cadets, even the other members of their squad weren't safe for Catra. Remember back in s1 when Lonnie told Catra "Adora's not around to protect you anymore" with two other cadets standing behind her ready to put Catra in her place, implying that this sort of thing happens to her all the time offscreen? Yeah, she's not cuddling up to anyone in that demographic.
Which kinda makes scenes like this a lot more uncomfortable.
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Don't get me wrong, Scorpia doesn't have a malicious bone in her body and I doubt she would ever do this kind of thing if she knew exactly why it makes Catra uncomfortable. I think it has more to do with the fact that she's a giant, overly loving sweetheart who hasn't had her moms around to teach her boundaries. She's just as touch starved as the rest of the Horde gays. Still doesn't make it cool though.
And this kind of behavior isn't even limited to physical abuse victims in real life! I'm autistic and have touch processing difficulties, so sudden touches without asking or giving fair warning (especially if someone comes up on me from behind without me noticing) make my nerves misfire into flight or flight mode. Especially light touches without much pressure, which can be actually painful in a way that's really hard to put into words. I freaking love hugs and brushing up against people and just being in physical contact with those I care about, but I still need that fair warning because that automatic physical response doesn't give a shit who's giving out the touches. That's also true for people with ptsd like Catra! It's not her being tsun or a control freak or a hypocrite (given how touchy feely she is with Adora), it's keeping herself from a potential freakout.
And last but not least... The fact that people continue to touch Catra without her consent just highlights the underlying thread that Catra is constantly having her control taken away from her. In a place like the Horde, where nobody owns anything, maintaining control over who touches you and when is one of the few possessions these kids have.
So yeah. I kinda lost the thread of what I was getting at, but maybe check first before you go hugging or cuddling people without their consent. I get being excited, but unless you know what they're about and what they've been through maybe don't do this thing.
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anti-anti-stevinel · 4 years
What the fuck is the deal with "ankle-beez"? They seem to be the biggest Steven Universe blog around. Every other SU blog I know (even the world's only proshipper Connverse normie, picturejasper20) reblogs from them.
They're also the world's biggest hypocrite.
They make analysis posts about the real message of SU, about love and forgiveness, against revenge and that sort of stuff.
At the same time, they are a hardcore anti-shipper bully.
They sent me gore and death threats last year when I was 17, for shipping Stevinel. Said "yer a pedo kill yerself!!11" (okay, that's paraphrased).
What's wrong with Stevinel?
Is it that Steven is "a minuh and not ready for sexual relationships"? Then, why is Connie, a human fourteen-year-old in-universe, ready for sexual relationships when it's with Steven? Why is Steven ready for it with Connie?
This leads me to believe it's the stated "aGe GaP!!11". In that case, Greg/Rose, which ankle-beez likes, is child rape (he wuz twenty an she wuz twentythousand!) That's fucking stupid. Kataang and Bubbline are "child rape" too, by those standards. Stating an exaggerated number next to a supernatural, non-aging, cartoon character does not child rape make. Is Katara a "necrophile" for having kids with Aang, a so-called "hundred-and-forty-something-year-old" character? Because 140-year-old men are all known to be dead? Is everyone who's read the Bible a Child Rapist™️, because the eternal, ageless God impregnated the thirteen-year-old Virgin Mary, as part of the biblical canon leading to the birth of Our Saviour Jesus Christ?
Also, by the same fucking stupid standards they use to call Spinel an "aDulT", Steven is one too. Gems don't fucking age. They're robots. If I have a 200-year-old baby doll, it's still a baby doll. Dolls don't age. Since Steven's gemstone (and with it, Pink's/his memories) has been around for 20000 years, he is "an adult", an "elderly man".
That brings me to the next point: one cannot "ship pedophilia". I wish I could "ship" mental disorders. I wish my autism, ADHD, OCD, Tourette's, depression and paranoia were as simple as fictional "ships".
More or less, "pedo" hysteria is NOT about protecting chilluns. When a child is murdered, nobody bats an eye. When child-on-child sexual abuse occurs, the same applies. Also, when an adult is raped. It's not about healing sexually abused children, or preventing rape. When adult-on-child sexual abuse occurs, the emphasis in media is never about helping the kid. It's always about torturing and murdering the "pedo" (sexual abuser). Basically, because nobody cares when there's no "pedo" to punish, it's not about protecting children, it's about hating people with mental disorders. Apparently, because I turned 18 two days ago, I lose my human right not to be raped.
What "paedophilia" actually is, is a mental disorder characterised by a greater level of arousal towards prepubescent individuals to pubescent ones. You cannot support or oppose it - you cannot be convicted for it or commit it - it's a disorder. Something you're pretty much born with and can't change. Conflating it with rape is like conflating "schizophrenia" with serial murder. While schizophrenic individuals have a higher murder risk compared to the general population, nobody ever says "commit schizophrenia" when talking about murder.
Fandom discourse is not a PhD. You cannot diagnose me with a disorder from the DSM-5 for writing the wrong fanfiction. You cannot convict me of a crime for it, either.
The most common anti argument that fanfic/hentai/whatever "encourages pedophilia". You cannot encourage a disorder. I will not magically sprout mental illness from reading fanfic. If you mean it ""encourages child rape"", if I were to rape someone, I could not blame reading a fanfic. Rape is caused by far deeper issues than having read a stupid fanfic.
Rick/Morty is canon in the multiverse, and Morty is a fictional teenager (who wishes incest porn had more mainstream appeal) with Rick, his equally fictional grandfather. So, who is raped by this? Nobody. Again, if you rape someone, you can't say Rick x Morty incest fanfic made you do it.
ALL ships are fine. Even stupid shit like Rick/Morty. Stevinel, though, isn't even of that kind. It's literally no worse than Bubbline, Kataang and Gregrose, all of which are canon to their shows.
So, what is it? "She """tried""" to kill him"? Strange. When Steven lets his shield down, Spinel could just blow him to fucking bits with that city-sized, injector-smashing fist of hers. She doesn't. SU's definition of "try" means "stop yourself". "Try" suggests someone else has to stop you with force, and that didn't happen, in which case, Steven "tried" to kill Greg in Mr. Universe, White (and with her, every Gem) in Homeworld Bound, and Connie in Buddle Buddies and every episode where he gets Connie into fights, and, and EVERYONE in Laser Light Cannon, Little Graduation and I am My Monster. He also "actually murdered" Jasper in Fragments by the standards (mind you, shattering isn't lethal and the Diamonds did nothing wrong).
Anti-shippers have implanted this stupid idea that non-aging things age as humans into my head. The idea is there to virtue-signal against MUH EBIL PEEDOUGHS. Now, I have paranoid thoughts about being a child rapist when I cuddle naked with a pillow that's been manufactured one year ago. Pillows don't age. But, in antis' heads, they do.
Why am I supposed to think of Spinel as an elderly woman? The character who is shorter, less mature and higher-pitched than Steven, sobs like a baby, plays peekaboo and gets adopted at the end of the movie?
It just disturbs me, honestly, how anklebeez can understand the show's message against violence and for healing, while literally murdering real children (and adults) for the rights of fictional ones, by bullying into suicide.
Why are they so popular? Anyway, I accidentally got carried away and wrote a masterpost when I meant for a quick ask. Hope you appreciate it.
Also, what determines whether a cartoon character is okay to "sexualise" or not?
Stated number? Then I can draw a stickman with a dick, then write the number 15 next to him, then you're a Child Rapist™️ for having looked at the image?
Height? Then is why is R34 of Madeline from Celeste, Sans and Amethyst, okay, when it's not okay for Steven and Hat Kid?
The word "kid"? Then, kill any teenager with a crush on a cartoon of Kid Cudi, I guess?
Don't harass ankle-beez. It's not worth it. Revenge is pointless. Never, though, have I been so confused by someone's self-contradictions.
Wow, this is huge, I didn’t know they allowed asks to get this long now, lol.
Um, but no comment on all of this since it’s just a rant, lol. But I don’t disagree.
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