#pretty sure it's nico feeling like he needs to be useful in order for ppl to care abt him
ruegarding · 9 months
"percy holds nico at a distance and only talks to him when he needs something" the distance between percy and nico is established by nico. percy is the one who initiated their friendship by approaching nico after the big battle in botl and talking to him. and he did this bc he noticed that nico didn't join in at dinner or the sing-along, bc, shockingly enough, percy pays attention to nico's well-being in every. single. book. after ttc. nico responds to this by essentially saying "hey, i can be useful!" but percy never asked for that. all percy ever wanted was for nico to be (relatively) safe.
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( lee chaeyoung / isa , cis woman ) have you seen BORA HO ? i heard SHE is an ASTROPHYSICS MAJOR at EVERGREEN UNIVERSITY and a VOLUNTEER at the SAN VERTO LIBRARY. they’re 21 years old and they’ve been living in san verto for 3 YEARS. they tend to be CALM & CHARISMATIC, but rumor has it they can also be OPINIONATED & UNFORGIVING. [ tally, 25, GMT+4, she/her ] @foolsstarters​
tw // brief mention of abuse
bora ho –– lee chaeyoung / isa fc
nicknames: idk give her nicknames
birthday: january 1st, 2000 - 21 yrs old ; capricorn
cis woman, she/her, bisexual
born in brooklyn, new york.
past !
bora’s mother wanted her youngest child, and only daughter, to be nothing short of prim and proper. and all her life, as much as she hated it, the young girl went along with it; going by her parents’ very traditional and outdated rules for her own personal safety. unlike her oldest brother, she hated every bit of it. and unlike her second oldest brother, yooseung, she knew how to keep it together and go with the flow for her survival in a house where their parents weren’t afraid of using extreme methods behind closed doors. 
bora was calm, collected, and despite being so restricted by rules, she did things her own way. she was a straight A student, especially in subjects that her peers hated. physics and chemistry were things she especially excelled at. although her teachers would accuse her of cheating on her tests because she was skipping classes whenever she felt like it. bora would respond saying that it wasn’t that hard for her to catch up. she had a talent for learning quickly, anyways. 
bora had a hard time being close to anyone in her family. she had a tendency of pretending to like her cousins or other family members just for the sake of keeping her ‘good girl’ reputation going. the only person in her family that she truly got along with was yooseung. the two shared secrets, had a similar sense of humor, and they even talked about how they both wanted to leave and live freely somewhere else. the latter happened for yooseung pretty soon, and he was away in california without taking bora with him. of course, she was upset about it at first, but she understood after a while. especially when he kept in contact and visited brooklyn sometimes. 
behind her polished facade, bora had a plan, and she needed to get on with it as soon as she turned eighteen. she was sick of living like this. she had a lot of money saved up; courtesy of her parents giving her a few bills whenever she said she didn’t have any lunch money. she could admit that as the youngest child, she was a bit spoiled. her dad could barely say no if she pouted. and she was packing up her things slowly but surely, keeping her bags hidden away until the day came for her escape.
no one could’ve seen it coming. bora was seen as the family’s good girl who was always on her best behavior. she was even expected to start working in her family’s business after majoring in one of the best universities in new york. but when everyone woke up, she was nowhere to be found. her things and her car had disappeared as well. her mother insisted on filing her as missing, but nothing could be done, because she was technically an adult now, and it was evident that she deliberately left on her own. 
a few months of driving from city to city, staying with friends and random motels here and there, she finally made her way to san verto, california, where her brother, yooseung, lived. he had no idea she was even coming here, only knowing about her disappearing from home. and since her arrival in town, she never thought she wanted to go live somewhere else. she was used to living in a big city, but she loved the small town. 
hcs !
bora is a good actress. she could lie to you for her own gain, and a lot of the time people didn’t even realize it.
she studies astrophysics, after yooseung decided to pay for her college education, which she didn’t like the idea of at first. 
bora’s definitely the smarter one out of the two siblings LMAO. compared to yooseung, she loved reading and educating herself about new things she was interested in. she’s currently volunteering at the library in her free time. 
speaking of yooseung and lying... this bitch would support any ridiculous lies he was spewing. 
you’ll never catch her slipping! she always wants to look good, even without any makeup on.
she KNOWS she looks good
she’s into astrology, and definitely owns a tarot deck. only because she wanted to learn how to use it, but doesn’t think she could ever use it seriously. she’s lowkey into witchy things. 
the name bora means purple , and you could only imagine how much she loves the color. her wardrobe consists of a lot of lilacs. 
bora started a youtube channel out of boredom, and now posts random videos every week or so. think kennedy walsh type of videos lol 
always seems like she doesn’t have time for anyone’s shit, and... yeah she doesn’t lol 
she’s a bit cold and opinionated, and can hold grudges, but for the most part, she’s pretty chill and doesn’t give a fuck about a lot of things. 
has a soft spot for shyer/quieter ppl :( 
she’d most likely get mad if anyone touched her stuff or walked into her room without permission lol 
connections !
roomies: nico and eunmi 
exes? i love me some good spicy sad plots. maybe someone who broke her heart and she hates their guts now
neighbors ? someone who probably complained about how loud bora’s music is at night lool
idk give me friends ? ppl who see her working at the library perhaps, or maybe ppl from uni? she goes to evergreen 
it would be funny if there was a character who works at the coffee shop and they know her long ass coffee order by heart. or they hear it for the first time and are like ????? can u rewind , damn
someone she tutors! she’s p good at stuff like science and math subjects, and she wouldn’t mind teaching someone if they pay her lol
i feel like im missing some things.... but this is what i got for now. i’ll probably add more later. 
here’s bora’s pinterest if u wanna take a look. 
pls message me for any plots :D 
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