#pretty sure seolh could whip my ass BUT FOR the fact that she is not as meanspirited and terrible as I am
docholligay · 9 months
Dr. Holligay Tries Things That Aren't Running: Boot Camp
This one is a bit of a cheat, because I do this class every week. But it, in fact, is not running, and is helping fulfill a bingo, so I'm counting it.
By its own admission, Boot Camp is an advanced class that is by most definitions the hardest class offered at the YMCA. It is an intensive strength class broken up by bits of sprint-style cardio. It's about lifting heavier, going faster, doing it cleaner. I always, always, sweat ONTO THE FLOOR in Boot Camp.
It's always done in stations, that you do in a rotation, and these generally include different parts of the body. Today had a lot of shoulder presses, and chest presses, but also a fair amount of FUCKING PUSHUPS and weighted reverse burpees. Interspersed with line sprints about every four stations.
The class is made for self-starters. Jessie, our fearless leader, says that her job is to keep "The laid-back pushing yourselves, and the little psychos from killing yourselves." You pick your own weight in each station. If you ask for a modification, she'll give it you. But also, she will call you on your crap.
Jessie has two sides. One of them is the "Fareeha Amari teaches a fitness class side" These saying include:
"You're not tired! We're fifteen minutes into class for god's sake." (ignoring that we did a quarter mile sprint followed by 30 jumping jacks followed by 15 jump tucks followed by 10 donkey kick jumps and THEN we headed into the lifting and burpees and whatever the hell else she had planned for us. )
"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you!"
"Doc, I thought you were a runner. Faster sprint!"
"Make this class worth an hour of your time! Push! Push! Push!"
And then she has the, "Honoring your effort" side. These sayings include:
"You're gonna feel so good about this in ten minutes!"
"You showed up for yourself today, great job!"
"Doc, your pushup progress is awesome!"
"Everyone remember this is against the you of yesterday, the you of last week, the you of last month. NOT YOUR NEIGHBOR."
It is the only class I take where I literally cannot run after it. I am blown out like a sprinkler system in October. I finish and I have NOTHING left. I am sore not even the next day, but the same day. I had to change my run training because I can't do speedwork for days after the class. The entire time I'm in class I am fighting it. At least once a month I almost cry from frustration because I can't physically do something, i can't push it any further. I am easily one of the bottom 50% of the class--this is a 95% Jock Class. It annoys the FUCK out of me.
I love this class! I feel like I've taken myself as hard as I can go, and since I started taking it regularly a little over a year ago, I have gotten much stronger and put on a few pounds of muscle. My goal at all times is to be able to beat up about 95% of my followers, and this aids me in that noble and lofty goal.
Jessie handed me my sticker before class today. She doesn't worry about me leaving.
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