#pretty sure the wrym is evil though
What if we all got it wrong?
Maybe Bavmorda wasn't a true villan, instead Bavmorda might have been an anti-hero.
Galladoorn kept people as slaves and her husband, the King of Tir Asleen was doing nothing to stop it. So she froze him and those loyal to him so she could take power. She didn't kill them, though she easily could have. They were protected inside their amber casings which apparently nourished them as well, since they were alive and well at the end of the film.
Bavmorda then freed the slaves of Galladoorn, gave them power and let them stay at the castle of Nockmaar. Now that she's gone, those that remain are hunted like animals, had their children kidnapped and brainwashed against them, live in the woods that are believed to be cursed and get captured and killed by trolls.
And yes she kidnapped pregnant women (which is not ok), but only because one of them was going to give birth to a child that would destroy her. If someone was going to destroy you and everything you've worked to build, wouldn't you do what you could to stop them?
She wasn't even going to kill the child though, only banish her to "a realm of perpetual sorrow." Be real, we live in one of those right now. Are your parents evil for having you? Are you evil if you have children in this world?
Bavmorda had the power to turn an entire army into pigs. If she were a true villan, why didn't she ordered for them to be immediately slaughter before they could be turned back? Even if she didn't know Raziel was back, magic was not forbade then, there were other sorcerers that could have helped them.
Speaking of Raziel, her rival, who she could have had killed at any time, instead she chose to turn her in to a possum. She let her live a long life in freedom, albeit as an animal, but still. Are these the actions of an evil person?
Bavmorda infiltrated a corrupt system and was dismantling and reordering it from the inside out. She did what was necessary to keep her power and in doing so, was protecting the many even if it meant sacrificing the few. Harsh but, unfortunately, sometimes necessary.
She was never the real villan of the story.
Our "heroes" from the series might be playing for the wrong side. Sorcha and Zivian could be the real evil in this story. Just something to think about.
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