delphi-dreamin · 1 year
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I Just Wanna Be (The Girl You Like)
[Stream 7]
Delphi can't sleep...
Characters: Delphi, Asmodeus
Relationships: Delphi x Asmo, Delphi x Lucifer (mutual pining)
Word Count: 945
Warnings: cavity-inducing sweetness
Notes: Bit of a short one this time, but it was always gonna be that way.
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Friday – Night
Delphi tosses and turns, but the peaceful reprieve of sleep evades her. Her mind is full of doubts, swirling around like a storm about to break loose and destroy her. She feels like a cow flying by the camera in those old disaster movies she loves, caught up in the high winds, no way to escape, sure to die upon impact with the earth.
Her D.D.D. lights up beside her and she looks over to see a message from Asmo.
Boo 💋:  I can hear your nerves from here. Come to my room?
She smiles to herself. Of course he’d know how nervous she is. He’s her best friend in all three realms, her rock. Sometimes she thinks he knows her better than she knows herself.
She gets up, shrugging on her sleep shorts and tank top, then heads upstairs.
He’s waiting for her at the door when she arrives, a pink satin robe tied loosely at his waist. He holds out his arms and she falls into his embrace, breathing in his warm, comforting scent.
“Come inside, hon,” he whispers into her hair, not wanting his voice to carry across the hall to Lucifer’s room. “I’ve got a bath ready.”
“You’re the best,” Delphi sighs, following him into the room. Lavender and rose fill her nostrils as she steps past the threshold, the warmth from the steam enveloping her like a hug.
Asmo tugs her into the bathroom, gently undressing her and leading her to the side of the tub. He watches her with a soft smile as she carefully steps into the water, steadying her with a hand on her lower back. He doesn’t mind brushing his brother’s mark there, Belphie will get over it if it means she doesn’t fall. He drops his robe on the tile and follows her in, chuckling lightly when she pushes him down to sitting and nestles herself in his lap.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks, dropping a soft kiss on her shoulder.
Delphi sighs, hesitating. It doesn’t do her any good to dwell on her anxieties. It only makes them stronger. But maybe talking things out with Asmo will help.
“I’m just scared, I think,” she begins, drawing her knees up to her chest and hugging them. “We both know how your fans are. Mine are a bit better, but…I can’t help but think that this might be a bad idea.”
“Tell me, darling,” Asmo croons, tucking her hair behind her ear and running a thumb over her cheek.
“I just keep wondering, what if this all backfires?” Delphi admits, dipping her chin to rest on her knees. “What if Wolf watches and it drives him away for good? Or what if he doesn’t watch at all? Or what if Wolf really is Lucifer and he decides that I'm not worth the trouble or what he really wants?”
“Then you still have me,” Asmo responds, wrapping his arms around her. “You have me, and Beel, and Mammon, and Belphie. We all love you. Because loving you isn’t trouble. And even if it was, you’re more than worth it.”
He carefully turns her to face him, taking her hands in his and smiling at her. He runs his thumbs over her knuckles as he continues, “We fought in a war, got kicked out of our home, and traded in our white wings for black ones when we lost. And if you ask any of my brothers, I know they’d all say the same thing: We’d do it all again if it meant getting to meet you at the end of it all.”
“I’m hardly worth the Celestial War,” Delphi scoffs, closing in on herself again.
“Darling, you’re worth the Celestial War and more,” Asmo insists, pulling her hands up to places kisses on her knuckles. “It’s because of the Celestial War that we have you at all. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
“I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” Delphi confesses, laughing just a bit in disbelief.
Asmo smiles, cupping her face in his hands. “That’s because it’s true.” He kisses the tip of her nose. “I love you, darling. Sometimes even more than I love myself. I love you so much it hurts.”
He punctuates every statement with another kiss, her eyelids, her cheek, and finally her lips. She can taste the sugar scrub he uses as he slides his tongue over the seam of her lips and she smiles. Her heart swells as he ventures inside, gently stroking her piercings. She moans into the kiss, melting against him until there’s no space left between them.
“The stream is going to go perfectly,” Asmo assures her, whispering against her lips as he holds her against him. “And if things don’t work out with Wolf, then screw him. He doesn’t deserve you anyway.”
Delphi giggles, resting her forehead against his. The anxiety isn’t completely gone, but her racing thoughts have quieted some. She finds herself yawning before she can stop, and Asmo chuckles.
“I think someone needs her beauty rest,” he teases, gently tickling her side. He lifts her easily into his arms, whispering an incantation as he steps out of the tub. The water evaporates from them both, and Delphi shivers slightly at the warm air on her skin.
Asmo carries her into his bedroom and lays her gently on the sheets. She hums happily when he crawls in beside her, covering them both and pulling her into his side. She feels her eyelids growing heavy, his grasp comforting and firm. It calms the storm in her mind and she drifts off into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
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Taglist: @sassykattery @bite-sized-devil @sparkbeast20 @kyungjoon-do @attic-club-sandwich @consolationblog @rensphilia @flemmingbamse
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enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 1.8k
taglist: @serendipitysung @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @fluffi @gyeraniee @stxrryemxlys
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“The morning sun has come, and the evening moon is gone. Dearlings, I am elated to apprise you of the events at the debutantes’ ball that occurred as of late, and must I warn you, they're not for the feeble spirits!
The ton is abuzz with the most beefy tale as Northumberland’s jewel among the lovely rocks, Miss Y//n Park, has earned herself a ticket to glory! She danced with the most favored noblemen in the ton and surely, she went home with a hearty grace as she'll most likely expect an abundant roster of suitors in the following days.
Not only was she offered a dance by our dear second-born, Lord Yang, but she also had the privilege and pleasure to be twirled around the court by the most charming, Lord Lee, and the ever coveted nobleman among the ton, Lord Park, the next-in-line Duke of Northumberland!
Where's the beef you might ask? Well, it seems to me that these men are blindfoldedly playing fire with each other.
Not only does Lord Lee has women wrapped easily around his fingers, he has men too! With a sly steal of Miss Y/n’s hand from Lord Yang last night, he certainly left the chap earnestly plotting for a segue of intrusion- and Lord Yang intriguingly delivered!
With the timing in its most opportune, Lord Yang managed to finally dance with the young miss, in private! Ooh! This is new! My senses told me they spent their waltz in the Queen’s library, alone! How in the world did they let this happen to the ton’s jewel unchaperoned? That is something the Daily Tattle is unfortunately unable to unearth, but the mystery will continue to haunt us for long. Do take note: the more you hide in careful secret, the more people will know and hear about it.
What happened next will have you either boggled, or enchanted! The young lord abruptly rushed out the room before the music even ended! Should that be counted as a waltz at all? Before you ask about the enchanting part, Miss Y/n was seen dashing out the room moments later in tears and evident heartache. What do you think happened in the mere minutes of alone time in that large 4-cornered room?
But come now, enchanting stories aren't as they are without a knight in shining armor. In fact, in our young miss’ case, her knight wasn't clad in shining, silver sheath, but in magnificent and elegant, vintage red tailcoat draped over a loose white jabot shirt that’s cleanly tucked into the black, satin knee breeches, finished off with a pair of shiny Hessian boots. With skin as white almost akin to snow, it complemented perfectly with his ravishing fit. The beautiful marquess certainly dressed himself valiantly for the seasonal occasion. With that stunning presence, anyone would surely presume he went to the ball looking like a duke in careful search of a duchess.
Lord Park and Miss Y/n surprisingly became one of the ball’s highlights as they graced the Royal Court with the most heart-stopping, corset-itching, tantalizing waltz. All the while their faces are almost an inch apart from each other, a brooding identity was found hiding in the crowded corner of the hall! Under the bright gleam of the grand chandeliers, our dearest second-born, Lord Yang, was seen eyeing the two with such stare that even the buffy slice of vanilla cake on Lord Sunoo’s plate could almost melt in a blink of an eye!
Among the splendid tales told by yours truly, which tea do you think tastes like sweet ecstasy of oddity and fervor? It is the ton's tradition to portend the lady’s endgame by the person whom she had her last waltz with. From one man to another, should these prophecies dictate Miss Y/n Park’s fate?
Well, don't turn your heads away now! The story's just begun.”
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The mid-morning sunrays peek through the large leaves and busty trunks of the hibernating redwood trees lining in disarray. Y/n is just about to plummet into her habitual readings in the Kielder forest and the autumnal breeze is keeping up with her bubbly morning approach, fortunately.
The sounds of the birds chirping and the dead leaves crunching under her shoes creep up through her puff sleeves making her tingle in giddiness and enthusiasm. She deeply inhales the aromatic forest and lets out a giggle in the process. With jumpy leaps and crispy leaves echoing in her every move, the young lady surely knows where she's going in this partly mysterious forest that is most often open only to men and men alone.
Somewhere deep in the evergreen woods, Y/n has built a fortress of her own for whenever she needs to run away from the seldom, mundane life in the manor. At the heart of Northumberland's famous Kielder Forest, lies a small, whimsical looking fort made up of translucent voile casually hanging on a tree branch. One of her lady maids helped her out with the fabric one time and it still stood prettily among the chaotic scenes that go around in the forest today.
She enters her slightly sheer fort and sits down on a pillow that she stole away from the comforts of her bedroom. Flipping the olden pages of the aged Jane Austen book she borrowed from a boy several years back, she heaves a sigh at the sight of a dead Catalpa flower resting on a particular page accompanied by a little, worn out parchment dating back to when she was a tiny ten-year-old lassie. She reads,
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Her eyes drifted over the page to where the note and the old flower were situated. The pads of her fingers graze over the certain phrases that were underlined by the book's owner that says, “I cannot make speeches. If l loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more. But you know what I am.一 You hear nothing but truth from me.一”
She suddenly feels a gush of nostalgia and loneliness upon muttering the words she had ultimately carved in her tongue way back; reciting each word with fervor while she bask herself under the brightly-lit moonlight in their garden. How can children of ten gobble up such emotions at once? So much for a pair of hopeless romantic hearts from the distant years of ten, screaming disagreements and would later huddle on a sprawled out table cloth on the flowery fields, exchanging sentimental poesies and stolen stares.
She relives the brief moments they both shared last night in the Queen’s library, and ponders on how one could be so adjacent to the changing of tides in the sea; promptly, and mostly without warning.
“Well, well, well. If it isn't the feelings I've been trying to avoid.” She whispers to the autumn air. Unfortunately, her pondering truncates as snaps of twigs and crisps off dried leaves echoes in her corner. She hastily crawls out her hand-made canopy and brushes away any pieces of tiny crumpled leaves off her dress.
“What are you doi-”
“Who are you?” She cuts off the startled chap cladded in ragged clothing, apparently embodying that of a mainland farm boy.
“Greetings, your ladyship. I come in peace and I am just here to fetch the chopped woods I’ve laboured a day prior for the farm.” The chap with a very odd accent replies with both hands hanging mid-air. “You are fully aware that you shouldn't be in this place, especially unchaperoned, right?” He continues.
“I am fully aware. But such matters shouldn't concern you.”
“Indeed, my apologies. Furthermore, I will respect your unspoken wishes if it is truly your desire to keep your whereabouts hidden from your townspeople. My lady.”
Y/n relaxes from her bold stance as she found a hint of kindness from the odd stranger. Surprisingly, she extends her hand out to the stranger for a greeting.
“Please. Call me Y/n instead.” The boy looks at her open palm for half a minute before shaking it, looking as equally surprised as the young miss with the sudden gesture.
“You live pretty far from the town, huh?”
“I do. Life's utterly chaotic over on your end?”
“Oh, you don't have the slightest idea.” They both share laughters and inside jokes of their own livelihood that made the young miss settle her shoulders down comfortably.
“I'm Jake Sim. Just Jake Sim. Apparently, my name was originally Jaeyun, but the farm folks got used with Jake and so did I. They said it sounds more Australian.”
“Why would they associate your name with something Australian?” Y/n grew more curious as it was, after all, the first time she's ever been with a person that's not of Northumberland's proper.
“I grew up in Australia.”
“That's curious. How did an Australian boy land among the ragged farms of Europe?”
“It's complicated. The story involves a lot of conspiracies so it's definitely not for your ears. Some other time, maybe?” Y/n smirks at the sudden brazenness from her newly found acquaintance.
“Is this an Australian thing where we shift from acquaintanceship to something more?” She teases.
“Certainly, if you're down to it on your next Kielder visit?”
“For sure. But as for now, I must take my leave. My presence is very much needed for the promenade scheduled for me today.” Y/n half-covers her mouth as if reaching out for a whisper, hissing the last sentence.
“Ah! Rich people things that I could never.” The chap could only roll his eyes at the fancy thought.
“See you soon, Just Jake Sim!”
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“Where have you been, princess?” The young miss scoffs at the marquess upon arriving at the town’s park, with a hand immediately sliding through Lord Park’s arm.
“Down with the flirtatious remarks now, aren't we? I went to promenade with myself, Your ever handsome Grace.” Sunghoon smirks at her tiny, playful whispers against his shoulders. They go around and about, traipsing along the cemented pavements as they give away acknowledging nods and polite smiles to whomever wants their brief attention.
The ton is still in amazed shock at the possibility of these two ending up with a ring on a finger. Everyone was subtly betting for Jungwon but as a result of his loss, a much better gent carried his girl off the floor. Something he let himself do, out of cowardice perhaps, or out of pride.
“Remind me the point of all this?” Y/n carefully whispers to Sunghoon.
“To make your man jealous and spit out his genuine sentiments in the process, as well as an advantage for me as we get to keep the marriage-minded mothers of the ton at bay. Now, all we have to do is smile, nod, and appear madly in love with each other if this is to work. Is it clear enough for you?” He jerks a brow at her paired with the most charming smirk he could ever expose.
*send me an ask or a message if you wish to be added on this series' taglist!
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NCT Next Door: 9.3
Yuna was so happy to be part of the girls’ graduation moment, to think they wanted her to be there even though they hardly talked to each other during school days, she had brought her change of clothes with her as her group of friends was going to support the graduates. She got up to answer the knock at the door. Renjun stood there in a nice royal blue suit with black lapel and dress shirt, hair combed back.
Helping the ladies into car Yuna fixed her hair as they arrived at the Timeless Theater where she saw all the guys from the girls’ groups and the way those men stood there, they were handsome, models, carved by angels. Among those men where her lovely boys, Jaemin in a fitted dark blue blazer and a satin blue coloured shirt underneath. Jeno laughing in a black form fitted jacket with a bit of white on it, and a black and white dress shirt under, Lucas has his jacket on his arm as he was wearing a white dress shirt and a black vest over it with a tie.
Yangyang was wearing all black, dress shirt and pants and his dark blue blazar was in his hand with Xiaojun in a white dress shirt and a black jacket and pants, and tie, his girlfriend Mina in a fitted black and white dress that goes down to the ground. Everyone was dressed as if it was an award show. Jaemin opened the door and extended his hand out to help Yuna out of the car.
Not to long after that Johnny helped Hyejun out of the car and took her hand on his arm and walked to towards the group. And finally, Mark showed up for Jaeun’s hand, when she held it, he kissed her hand and winked at her, and walked to over to group.
Renjun drove off to go park, Yuna felt as though she was going to a wedding, she could not help but look at Johnny and Mark, the last time she saw those two with these girls was at the grad party and both girls, under the influence, had made a move on them, if memory serves her right one did succeed that night.
Someone came out and called the graduates inside, and Renjun came up to the girls and winked at Hyejun as she turned to Jaehyun kissed him and walked in holding his arm. Yuna and her friends walked in and sat up in the auditorium and looked down at the ocean of grad robes and caps, some customized. The field was of a neo champagne green colour. As they started the ceremony Jaemin was sitting crossed arm and frowning, Chenle showed up with Yangyang and snacks, Yuna put on lip gloss and looked over at Jaemin.
“Why are you so upset? She’s graduating not getting married” she chuckled.
Jeno leaned forward and cracked a joke, Jaemin pushed him away and sat up more “I find it annoying that she is graduating before me, I am the oldest”
“’Oldest?’ your only 2 minutes older, don’t get ahead of yourself” Haechan said, the boys laugh as Xiaojun and Lucas said something at the same time. “You chose a 4-year program”
“Yea we are graduating next year anyway” Renjun pointed out.
As time went on the names were being called, and Yuna, with her friends, were the loudest of the punch. Even Xiaojun stood up screaming and cheering, as they laugh and woot, they saw the groups look up and wave. Yuna felt so happy for them, that she hugged Haechan who naturally hugged her back, leaving Jaemin looking a bit crossed.
NCT Next Door: Neo Ridge Graduation 9.3
Summary: The end of the school year was approaching and the restless nights, hours of studying and most of all stress was catching up with various students of Neo Ridge School of Business and Technological Arts. For three girls in particular school was hectic, but the nonstop drama within their friend groups was even worse.
Genre: Comedy, Angst, Smut, College!AU,
Warnings: Swearing, Mature Content Future Parts
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x-reader-theater · 4 years
Doubt {2}
Relationship: Lucifer Morningstar x Non-Binary!Reader
Summary: And so begins the adjustment to life back on earth. What does it have in store for you, and how will you feel after everything Lucifer does for you?
Warnings: Cursing, Graphic Body Horror, Lucifer being a Bastard
Word Count: 4724 words
A/N: Please like and reblog, and make sure to share it with people if you like it! This isn’t going to be that long, but each individual chapter is at least 3k words so... I’m sorry but I’m also not loll. Also, if you like reading things on AO3 more, you can read it here. 
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Chapter 2:  The Big Bad Wolf Caught an Angel
You walk down the stairs the next morning to see Lucifer talking with the Detective. 
"Ah! Angel! How good to see you again!" Lucifer says. 
"You as well Lucifer," you say, going to join him at the bar. "And you as well Detective Decker. I don't think we've really had a chance to talk." 
The detective nods. "You know, I would love to. But, Lucifer and I have a case. So if you wouldn't mind, we should get going now." 
The detective gets up and grabs her things, looking at Lucifer to follow her. He gets up suddenly and follows her, waving at you before he goes, leaning into you, and saying quickly, "Maze has had her fun, it's my turn tonight." 
You nod and watch as he walks out with the detective. 
The door closes behind you, and you listen as one set of footsteps start to walk away, while another stays still. You walk closer to the door and lean up against the wall as you listen in to what the two are saying. 
"No, Lucifer, I can't be nicer. She's cra-!" The detective yells, before quieting her voice. "Crazy…" 
"They are not crazy. They're scared," Lucifer says. "This is new to them." 
"Huh. Never thought you'd care about someone other than yourself." You can hear the shock in her voice being masked by indignation. 
"Yes, well. This is a special case…" Lucifer says, and you smile. 
They begin talking about whatever case they're working on and you walk away back to the middle of the club. You smile as you pour yourself a drink, and take a sip from it. 
[Now Playing: Devil's Waitin' by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club]
"So, what do you want to eat?" Lucifer says as he bursts through the front doors. You look up from the book you're reading. 
"I'm sorry?" You ask, putting the book down. 
He walks over and sits next to you at the bar. "I want to remind you how… amazing earth is. And so, we… are going to get something to eat. What do you want?" 
"Do we need to eat?" You ask. "Because, humans need to eat to survive. But, we're not humans." You hold up the book you were reading. 
"Where did you get that? And what is that book?" Lucifer asks. 
"Oh this?" You ask, holding up the book. "Maze gave it to me. Said it would help me 'Understand humans' or something."
"Is that… a romance book?" Lucifer asks. "She gave you a cheesy romance book to learn about humans?" Lucifer looks at you like you're insane before grabbing the book out of your hands and putting it down on the bar. "Nope. Come on. I'm going to take you out and teach you all you need to know about humanity." 
"You lost my place!" You say as he drags you away. 
"It's not worth it anyways," he says, stopping before you get to the door. "I was going to say we need to change, but you look lovely in that dress, angel." He's smirking again. That same smirk as before, the one he had when you met Arianna. 
"Let's get to dinner," you say back to him, patting him on his chest. 
"Ooh, alright angel. Whatever you say." 
[Now Playing: Devil's Head Down by Pearl and the Beard]
"So, what is this place?" You ask as Lucifer leads you out of his… automobile? No. He called it a car. 
"This is a restaurant. Humans come here for some sort of, mating ritual for their relationships," Lucifer replies, placing a hand on your back to lead you towards the entrance. He tosses his keys, yeah, you knew that one, to a man standing in front of the restaurant. You don't know that one yet. "Usually we need reservations for this place but… I know the owner. He owes me a favour." 
You stop Lucifer for a moment, turning to him, confused. "Reservation?" 
He sighs and starts moving forward again. "I'll tell you later."
You shrug as you walk inside. 
The place is flashy and elegant, with lots of red upholstery and gilded furniture. The people in the restaurant are equally as opulent, dressed in fine silks and satins, dripping with diamonds and brightly colored gems of all shapes and sizes. You look around in awe at everyone, and then look down at your own short cocktail dress that Maze lent you and start to feel very underdressed. 
Lucifer leads you past the line of waiting people directly to the front. There are a few shouts of protests behind you, but when you get to the front and Lucifer flashes a smile, the stewardess smiles at him and moves closer. 
He puts a hand out to stop her. "I'm sorry, but I'm taken for the night. Can you get Joey for me?" The girl nods, stunned, and walks in the opposite direction. 
"That's very impressive," you say to Lucifer, who looks down at you, eyebrows raised. "Is that the thing you can do here on earth?" 
Lucifer smiles a wide, toothy, half grin, and says, "Well, one of the things. I can also find out people's darkest desires. The things they want most in the world." He grins and looks away toward where the stewardess left, before looking back down at you. "Why do you ask?" 
You shrug. "I was just wondering. Mostly because, like I told you before, I can see people's true selves. Like, I don't see the man you present as. I see the man you are. Underneath all that." Lucifer nods, looking away. You sigh and point over toward a table where a man is talking with a woman. "See that human man there? He has two faces and his eyes are always shifting. It means he's duplicitous, he likes to lie a lot. One of his faces is looking at the girl across from him, but the other is looking at a girl across the room. He's telling the girl he loves her while his eyes are looking at another woman." 
You look back to Lucifer, his red, shining skin and red eyes are contorted into shock and awe. "And you got all that just from looking at some man's face?" You nod. "Now that's impressive." 
You shrug. "God gave me this ability. I looked upon his true form and he blinded me, and when he gave me back my sight, he blessed me with this gift." 
Lucifer looks down upon you with pity. "But, you never get to see the way people look on the outside. People spend time on their appearances, to make themselves look good. I mean, I chose the way I looked specifically because of that. Because I was attractive to people." 
You smile up at Lucifer and run your fingers over his face. "But that means I get to know you for you. I get to look past the appearances and see who you truly are inside."
"A monster?" 
"A man."
"Lucifer!" You hear someone call to you. Looking away from the man in question, you see someone, who you presume to be Joey, with his arms out, grinning wildly. The Stewardess is also walking back. Her face is round, and covered in crumbs, but she's skinny as a twig. All she wants is to eat a cupcake, and you suspect she likes to sneak one every now and again. She also has an unread script attached to her waist, denoting that she goes to auditions but doesn't prepare enough to get any good jobs. 
Joey on the other hand has every single pocket stuffed with dollar bills. He likes to cut costs in the kitchen and with employees, paying them less than he actually should. You also see his cuffs are stained red, but his shirt is a pristine white. Interesting. 
"Joey!" Lucifer says, patting the greedy man on the shoulder. His face looks like a lightly tinted green and yellow. 
"Lucifer! I just want to thank you again. Without your help, I would never have been able to open up this place," Joey exclaims and the Stewardess leans in toward Lucifer, who smiles guiltily and pushes her away. "Susannah! Get back to work!" 
She seems to snap out of her lustful gazing and walks back to her podium. 
"Yes, I need a table for two, Joey," Lucifer says. 
Joey looks you up and down before looking at Lucifer. "Seriously?" He says it as if he doesn't believe Lucifer is going to have dinner with someone like you. "You're going to have dinner, alone, with this guy?" 
"Not a guy," you say quickly, watching as Lucifer's face drops the smile it was holding. 
"Get us that table, Joey," Lucifer says, his voice dropping to barely above a whisper, a low growl underneath it. 
Joey gulps and nods quickly, grabbing two menus from the stewardess' podium before leading you to an outside table and setting the menus down in front of you. He smiles at Lucifer before walking off, not even glancing your way. 
Lucifer grimaces in his direction before turning back to you, looking genuinely sorry. "I'm so sorry about him. I didn't know he'd be such a…" 
"An asshole?" You supply, 
Lucifer laughs. "Yes. I suppose that fits." 
You smile, but cock your head to the side. "You don't seem like the kind of man to apologise for someone else's actions, Lucifer. Why do you keep doing it for me?" 
Lucifer goes to talk, but pauses, biting his lip. He actually thinks about what he's about to say to you. "I-" he goes to say, but he cuts himself off to think a little more about his words. "I can talk to you about things no one understands. Maze never fell, she was created in hell, the Detective doesn't believe me, the doctor doesn't believe me." Lucifer grabs your hand and squeezes it. "I don't have to hide anything from you." 
You smile and squeeze his hand back. "Thank you." 
Lucifer smiles, and you see matching long canines to Maze's. He leans in close and says low, "I wasn't kidding. You look ravishing, angel." 
You smile and look down at your dress again. "You think so? I feel very underdressed," you say, looking around at everyone else sitting outside with you. 
Lucifer leans in again and says, "I would have you right now if I could. I'm sure Joey wouldn't mind…" 
You smile politely and take your hand away from his. "I think I'm alright, Lucifer." 
He leans back in his chair, and you look around, suddenly feeling a little overwhelmed. You look back over to Lucifer and say, "I don't just see people's true forms." Lucifer looks up at you as you say this, waiting for what you're about to say. "I can also hear things most people would not. I can hear heartbeats when I'm close enough, and I can hear voices from other rooms." Lucifer is looking at you confused. "I heard what Detective Decker said this morning. About how I'm crazy."
"You're not crazy," Lucifer says suddenly, getting up from his chair slightly. 
"Why? I would think to a human I would sound insane," you say. "Why aren't I crazy?" 
"Because if you're crazy, then what does that make me?" Lucifer asks. He's not telling, but people are looking at him now. 
You nod. "The detective doesn't understand," you say quietly. "She doesn't understand what it's like to fall." 
Lucifer looks up at you, not really sure what to say. You sit in silence for a little bit, drinking your wine with Lucifer. The silence isn't uncomfortable, but you definitely still have a lot to talk about. It's as if the words are hanging in the air, and none of you are willing to reach out and grab them. 
And then Lucifer gets a call. He takes out the small device you've seen a few other humans holding, and puts it up to his ear. 
"Ah! Detective! To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asks. You lean in, taking in his intonation, the way he's talking to her. You hear something on the other end, Detective Decker sounding stressed and rushed. 
"Lucifer. We have another case. At the pier," she says into her phone. "I'm on my way to Lux now, I'm coming to pick you up."
"Oh, no, my dear detective. I'm not at Lux. I'm out, having dinner," Lucifer says. 
"Oh! Oh, okay, uh, I'll text you the address. I'll see you there? Yeah. Yeah." The detective says, and you hear the click of the phone call ending. 
"Well," Lucifer says, putting his phone away in his pocket. "I have to go, you know, a murder happened and all. I'll drop you back off at Lux, and I'll be back, probably." He gets up and walks around the table to you, helping you out of your chair. But before you can take a step away, he pulls you in and whispers low in your ear, "And then we can finish what we started tonight." 
He practically has to carry you back to his car. 
[Now Playing: Moon River by Audrey Hepburn]
You smile at the song coming through the speakers, closing your eyes, and setting down your book for a moment. You lean back into the, probably, really dirty couch. You let the music wash over you, a music that you didn't get in either heaven or hell. You smile as you open your eyes, tilting your head from side to side with the music. 
"What is all this?" You hear someone say. Opening your eyes, you see the bright red face of Lucifer staring back at you. "You having a little fun there?" 
You hold up the book you're reading. "I was just reading, listening to some music. Maze taught me how to use the sound system. Introduced me to this thing called Spotify," you say, putting your finger in the book and closing it. "Have you ever heard of it?" 
"Yeah. Yeah. Of course I've heard of it," Lucifer says, sitting down on the couch as well, putting your feet into his lap. "Now, what are you reading this time?" 
You hold up the book. "It's a children's book. There's a 24 hour bookshop down the street. I… went down there, because I was bored and I kinda… stole it…" 
Lucifer's eyes light up and he looks at you in shock and awe. "You stole that! I'm impressed! Our little angel doing some truly devilish deeds at last!" 
You smile, then look down at the book, guilty. "Yes, well, then I went back and left a twenty on the counter because I felt guilty."
"Ooh, not so good. But! It's a start!" He says, putting his hands on your ankles. You flinch away from the touch, and you look away, feeling guilty. "Is something wrong, Angel?" 
"I'm still not used to… touch," you respond, folding the page you're on and setting it down on the ground. 
"Do you want to get better?" Lucifer asks, hovering his hand over your legs. 
You feel your cheeks heat up and you move your legs back over his. "I- I wouldn't be opposed. I think… it may be good to get used to it. It won't help me if I flinch every time someone bumps into me on the street, or I have a breakdown because someone touched my hand while I was giving them money…" 
"We'll go slow," Lucifer says, placing his hands back on your ankles. You stop yourself from moving away again, and just let him stay there. 
Eventually you fall asleep. When you wake up the next morning, there's a blanket on you, and you're still on the couch. But, there's no sign of Lucifer except that your feet are a little cold. 
[Now Playing: Blue Healer by Bird Talker]
"So. I'm glad you came to our session today," Doctor Linda says. She sounds a bit surprised though, which you don't really expect. "How did you get here?" 
You shrug. "I walked." 
"But- but that's a long way! Why did you walk?" Linds asks, even more surprised. 
You shrug again. "I don't exactly have anything to do." 
"So, what have you been doing?" 
"Reading. Sleeping. Talking with Lucifer and Maze." 
"Do you have any other friends?" You think for a moment. Then two. Wracking your brain for any names, any at all. None come up. And apparently, you take too long for Doctor Linda. "Well. Maybe that's what we should do first. Give you something to do, get you to meet more people…" 
You think for a moment. You might have an idea. 
[Now Playing Howling at the Moon by D Fine Us]
"Okay, it's really simple. The drinks aren't that hard to make," Maze says to you, yelling over the music.  You nod, watching Maze pour the drinks with much precision and grace. She hands you the mixed cocktail, and when you go to take a sip, she stops you. "Ah, ah, ah." She points to a woman at the bar who's looking at you annoyed, and you sheepishly give her the green tinted drink. She takes it from you rather forcefully, and you have to step back a bit so it doesn't spill on you. 
"Sorry, sorry," you say to the woman as she walks off. You don't think she heard you. You turn back to Maze feeling guilty. 
She rolls her eyes and starts making another drink. A man comes up to the bar, handsome fellow, with black hair and brown eyes and skin. He smiles at you and you smile back and you feel your cheeks heat up. 
"Wh-what can I do for you?" You ask the handsome man. 
"A whiskey," he says, leaning in so he doesn't have to talk as loud. 
You look back at the wall of alcohol, before turning back to the man and saying, "Which one?" 
He leans in closer, smiling. "You choose." 
You smile and turn away, looking at all the bottles on the wall. Not knowing which one is which, you turn to Maze and whisper in her ear, "What's the best whiskey you have?" 
You gesture with your eyes towards the man who's looking around now, tapping his fingers on the bar. Maze smirks and reaches down underneath the bar, pulling out a bottle from amongst a bunch of very expensive looking bottles. You mouth 'Thank you' to her, and she smiles at you. 
You grab a glass and walk over to him, pouring a small glass of Whiskey for the man. He smiles at you and takes a small sip, letting you watch as he swallows slowly. 
"Mmm. This is divine," he says. 
"Not quite," you reply with a smile. 
The man laughs and takes another sip of his whiskey. "So, what's your name?" 
"[Y/N]. And you?" You ask in reply. 
"Gabriel," he responds. 
"Like the Archangel?" You ask with a laugh. Gabriel laughs under his breath and nods. "Huh. You seem… nothing like him…" you mutter underneath your breath, barely loud enough for even you to hear. 
"My parents were- are Catholic. They thought it was funny to name their son after an archangel," he laughs at that. It's not particularly funny, but it's funny to him. "And I thought it was funny that their only son went off to college and partied every day." 
"You sound more like a demon than an angel," you say. 
He smiles. "Oh? And what would you know about that?" 
You scoff and look away from him, over your shoulder almost. You look back at him and say, "Quite a bit, actually." 
He looks at you disbelieving, but like he wants to drag you across the bar and… do something to you. 
"Oh! Well! What do we have here?" You hear someone say. Looking up from your staring contest with Gabriel. "The Angel having a little fun on the job?" 
You roll your eyes and pour a glass of whiskey for Lucifer. You give him the glass and he takes it from you, brushing his fingers against yours. You don't pull your hand away, you don't flinch, and you let your hand stay there for a couple of seconds. Finally, Lucifer pulls his fingers away, but you don't stop looking at him, and he doesn't take his glowing red eyes away from you. 
"Oookay. I don't know what this thing is, but-" you hear a slapping sound on the bar -"Here's a fifty. I'm going to leave you two… yeah." 
You hear the chair scraping and you finally blink and look away towards Gabriel. "Wait!" You call after him. He stops and turns around. "It was nice talking to you!" 
He smiles and nods, turning around and leaving Lux. 
You turn back to Lucifer who raises an eyebrow. "What, did I ruin your moment?" Lucifer asks. 
You glare at him, though there's no malice behind your eyes. "I was trying to make a friend." 
Lucifer scoffs. "Make a friend? He wanted to bend you over the bar and take you in front of all these people!" He waves his arm out and you roll your eyes. 
You scoff. "Are you jealous?" 
Lucifer leans back in his chair, mouth agape, looking shocked and offended that you would ever imply that. "I beg your pardon! The devil isn't jealous!" Lucifer says. 
You laugh lightly behind your hand. "Okay. Okay," you say, leaning back and putting your hands up. "So the devil doesn't get jealous." You smile at Lucifer. "You know that book I was reading before?" Lucifer nods slowly, looking at you like you're confusing him. 
"What- what does this have to do with anyth-" Lucifer asks but you cut him off. 
"Shhhh!" You say putting a hand up. His eyebrows shoot up and he leans back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest, waiting for you to continue. "Now. The book I was reading was ‘The Three Little Pigs.’" Lucifer scoffs and rolls his eyes and you put up a hand again. "I know, I know. It's a children's book, it's meaningless drivel, blah blah blah. But there was something about it that reminded me…" You shake your head. "Anyways, the story's about these pigs and the houses they're making. Now there's this wolf who really wants to get into those houses, and the story frames the wolf as the bad guy. He wants to get into the houses and eat the pigs. I don't think he actually wants to do this. I think he wants to be in the pig's lives, but instead of asking nicely, and respecting them, he blows down their houses, until one of the pigs builds a house that the wolf can't blow down, and he's shut out of the pig's lives." You let out a breath and Lucifer goes to talk, but you cut him off. "What I'm trying to say is, Lucifer…" You reach out and grab his hand. "Don't be the wolf who caught the angel. Don't get jealous and destroy the nice things you have. You never know when someone will build a wall you can't break down." 
You get up and walk away from Lucifer, and you hear him calling from behind you, "I'm not jealous!" 
[Now Playing: Illusion of Bliss by Alicia Keys] 
 You stand in front of the mirrors again, looking at your wings, at the perfectly white bone protruding from your back. You move them up and down. They don't hurt anymore. At least, you don't notice any pain. You're sure there's still some underneath there somewhere, but you must have gotten used to it. You watch as your wings flex out to their full size before relaxing back into their original state. They haven't gotten any bigger or smaller since the last time you checked. You guess that's good. That means you haven't done anything good or bad. 
But do you want that? To live in stagnation for the rest of time while humanity withers and dies from wars waged in God's name? 
"[Y/N]! I wanted to talk to you about tonight!" 
You turn to the door and watch it being opened by someone, by Lucifer, and you go to hide your wings. 
But it's too late. 
"Angel-" Lucifer stops as he watches the bone fold back into your skin, which fuses over it, and the scars reform, and stanch the blood flowing from your back. "Wha…" 
"I can explain!" You exclaim, putting your hands out. You don't know if it's to protect you or Lucifer from you. 
"Your wings…" he breathes out. He reaches out but there's nothing to touch. You turn around, and let your wings once again break through your skin and blood once again falls down your back. 
While you can't feel Lucifer's hands on your wings, you know they're there, the presence of another celestial being near you is almost enough to make your knees weak. It's stronger on earth than in heaven. At least in heaven everyone's considered celestial. 
You feel him touch where the base of your wings meet your back and you flinch away. 
"I'm sorry…" Lucifer whispers. He sounds in shock and awe. "Have you ever thought about cutting them off?" 
You back away at that and turn around, folding your wings in protectively behind you. "What! I would never!" You take another step back. "How could you even say that?" you whisper. 
"Well, you're a fallen angel now!" Lucifer says, taking a step closer to you. Your back is against the wall now, and you're shaking your head now, tears rolling down your face. "Besides, they're useless anyways."
You shake your head again, even more fervently now than before, and you say quietly under your breath, "No… no…" You look Lucifer in the eye and glare at him. "No! I will not cut off my wings!" You fold them protectively around you. "I-I can't! I won't!" 
"But why not!" 
"Because- Because I just can't! If I do, God wins! And I can't let that happen," you say, and Lucifer stops. "I can't let God win…" You look down at the ground, at your feet, and grab your wings. "If God really is all powerful, all mighty, and all good, why do bad things happen to good people? Lucifer, you of all people should understand. I can’t let my hatred of him push me to rash decisions. I don't think my feathers falling off is his doing. This isn't him  because this is a cruel and- and a fucking awful thing to do! And if God really is kind, this isn't him. And if it is, I doubt God even cares for one measly little angel who got pushed out of heaven because they said one. Wrong. Thing." 
Lucifer takes a step forward now, his arms at his side. "Angel…" 
"What!" You yell at him, but he doesn't flinch. 
"Your… your wings!" He says, and looking over, you see new bones growing from the ends of them. You gasp and reach out, feeling as the bone shifts in your hands, getting longer and longer, before finally, they stop growing. Your wings are the size they were before. You hear the bone clacking together, and you smile as tears start falling down your cheeks. 
"How-how is this possible?" Lucifer asks reaching out to touch your wings as well. Your hand finds his on the bone, and you leave your fingers together. 
"I think it's my doubt," you say. "When I questioned why I ever doubted God, when I thought I shouldn't have done it and maybe I would still be in heaven, these bones-" you point to the ones that just grew back using your free hand "-fell off. And turned to ash, just like my feathers. I think it's some- some kind of sick test!" You say, anger penetrating your voice as you spit the words out. Lucifer unclasps your hand and walks away from you, running his fingers over his head. 
"So what does this mean?" Lucifer asks and you walk up to him, turning him around so you can see into his red eyes. 
"What this means, Lucifer, is that God wants me to doubt him. And I don't know why." 
[Now Playing: Like a Star by Corrine Bailey Rae]
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joonclouds · 4 years
The Price Of A Wish | 1
The third time you meet Jung Hoseok, you realise the last ten years has done nothing to the way you were drawn to him, with a force as sure and inescapable as gravity.
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Hoseok x Reader 
Genre: Idol!Hoseok, Chaebol!Reader, OT7 bangtan show up too, Slow Burn, Unrequited feelings, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Fluff, (we might include some other things later let’s see)
Warnings: None, but emphasis on the Slow in slow burn.
The official opening night of your art conservatory marks your first independent venture from your family’s Aurarts Corporation. The press and public fawn over you, commending your initiative to increase representation opportunities for budding artists. You wanted this place to celebrate all types of art.
The opening ribbon is cut, champagne, popped. Compliments were given on the new space - one with high ceilings, a fully functional theatre, practice rooms. Crafting studios with expansive skylights and clean white walls wait to house artists and their masterpieces. Mirrors have been strategically placed to make the main hall and foyer look even bigger than it is.
The silver gown and warm smile you wear belies the eighty-hour work week you’ve had leading up to today and the way your feet scream in protest at the new satin Manolos that haven’t yet been seasoned by wear. Maybe you eat more than your fair share of tiny canapes, but you are the perfect hostess - you laugh, shake hands, exchange jokes - always sincere, never past the point of oversharing.
So yes, it’s an important night. It has to be perfect. But that isn’t why you’re nervous.
You feel a warm hand on your elbow and you’re pulled into a gentle hug. It startles you, but once you catch an eyeful of colourful prints that smell like a woody bergamot, you relax.
“Hey, ____.”
“Tae! I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Who will save you from all this social interaction otherwise?”
Mirroring Taehyung’s smile, you return his embrace. Though it’s not till you’re pulling away that you realise what’s different about him tonight.
“Your hair!” Your fingers come up to touch the strands at the nape of his neck which, previously bright blue, are now an ashy silver.
Taehyung grins. “You like? I did it to match your dress.”
The gray hair makes his skin glow.
“I love. It suits you.”
You give him an approving once over. Taehyung’s style is eclectic, to say the least. His hair colour changed depending on his mood, sometimes blue, sometimes pink. A few weeks ago, it was a fire-engine red. On most days, he chooses to dress in a mish-mash of designer jackets, some of which he’d taken a can of spray paint to, baggy cut clothing and odd sandals (rarely covered shoes). But that had never taken away from the fact that he was incredibly good looking - maybe even added to it, if that were possible.
Tonight he’s dashing, in a loose silk shirt with wild paisely patterns tucked into dress pants, and a smattering of silver and gold on his fingers and in his ears.
“Who knew Kim Taehyung actually owns proper shoes?”
He doesn’t say anything, just tilts his heel with a cheeky smile, showing you that he’s not actually wearing proper shoes, or even socks for that matter - just loafers that look like actual shoes in that they had no backing to cover the heel.
“Did you seriously wear bedroom slippers to my grand opening?”
Taehyung laughs and eyes your Manolos skeptically.
“They’re my best pair of Gucci loafers. If I’m going to have to endure all this small talk I’m going to do it comfortably.”
You groan quietly, shifting your weight to your other foot. “Don’t remind me. We’re not even a third through the night.”
Taehyung nabs two glasses of wine from a passing server and you accept one gratefully.
“Ugh - “ he pauses to take a big sip as he scans the crowd. “Remind me again why you invited half of the country to the opening?”
“Marketing says it’s good publicity, ecetera ecetera.” You take a substantial mouthful of wine yourself.
“That’s good publicity?” Taehyung tips his glass to point over your shoulder and you turn in its direction.
The both of you cringe visibly.
“Uh. She’s got a million followers on Instagram?”
He makes a small retching noise in the back of his throat. “She’s taking a duck face selfie in front of the - hey!”
Taehyung quickly gets the attention of a server and shoves him in selfie girl’s direction. “Tell her no flash photography, it’s a real Matisse, for fuck’s sakes.”
While Taehyung’s flagging down another server to refill his wineglass and muttering something about how can’t anyone have a shred of respectable gallery etiquette, you’re spacing out a bit.
The soft, unassuming lull of the string quartet sits underneath the rustling of expensive gowns and clinking of glasses. Anyone and everyone who was someone in the entertainment industry was extended an invitation. That tiny ball of anxiety still sits in the base of your gut. It’s like waiting in line, and it’s almost your turn - for what you’re not sure - but not quite yet. Your fingers pick at the thin seam of your dress.
“____.” It vaguely registers that this isn’t the first time Taehyung’s called your name.
You clear your throat quickly. “Sorry. I’m a little tired today. What was it?”
“When was the last time you ate? You better not say yesterday.”
“Don’t look at me like that. I ate.” Technically, not a lie. Stealing the canapes was considered eating.
Taehyung frowns, but he’s sufficiently appeased. “ As I was saying, I saw you chatting with President Kwon earlier. What’d you think of him?”
“I think - ” You suck in a breath through your teeth, taking a moment to find the right words. “He’s competent. Knows the ins and outs of the arts and entertainment businesses. He might be useful so let’s not rule him out yet.”
“Rule him out yet? He’s a big fish though.”
Your expression changes slightly - it’s still a smile, but Taehyung has known you long enough to be able to tell. Its what he likes to call your Politely Disgusted face.
“Like I said. Yet.” You emphasize. “While we were talking, I watched him hand his empty wineglass off to his wife instead of the wait staff. He’s definintely not being friendly to me because it’s his personality.”
He nods in understanding. You were quick on picking up little things like that - you had quite the talent for reading people. “He wants something from you.”
“Bingo. And when we find out what he wants, then we can really - “
A small change in the atmosphere makes you pause. Something’s different.
“Hold on. I’ll be back in a minute, I think someone’s here.” You murmur.
There’s a small hush about the air. It’s less conversation, heavier, quieter with a certain entrancing quality. Whatever it is makes you turn your head and take a few steps towards the main foyer, leaving Taehyung behind in a bit of a confused daze.
Without seeing, you know.
Of course he’s received an invite. But he’s a little late, having missed the opening ceremony. Systematically, you weave through the guests with murmured apologies, that tangle of anxiety bubbling over into something more - trepidation, anticipation, excitement… you can’t tell anymore.
You’re halfway to the main doors when you see him before he sees you.
He’s in a black suit - Dior, by the looks of the nondescript label on the jacket cuff. The bowtie has been forgone in favour of a matching silk neck scarf and the top two buttons of his white shirt have been left undone. His hair is styled such that errant pieces fall boyishly into his eyes as he nods politely to greet the attending press and guests.
Perchance, you catch a glimpse of your reflection in one of the mirrors - cheeks pink with a little flush, eyes wide and shining. It’s unlike you. There’s a tiny curl that’s escaped your bun, but you don’t reach up to smooth it back as you usually would. It looks quite charming, you think.
It can be quite a peculiar experience, to see someone after a long time.
The years make little changes to their appearance, the way they walk, talk, hold themselves, leaving only just enough familiarity for recognition. It’s like a weird sense of jamais vu, recalibrating your memory as you align the two faces - the one you knew, and the one that is.
One thing you know for sure. His face has always been smooth lines and pretty angles. Time has certainly taken those lines and angles, made them smoother, prettier. Made them breathtaking.
He spots you in the crowd threading through it to come stand in front of you. You’re taller now, and in your heels, you don’t have to look up much to meet his gaze. The mirth in his eyes is a little dimmer now, but it’s there and still the same.
“Hi, ____. It’s been a while.” He extends a hand with a smile and you vaguely register the sound of cameras clicking and flashes of light.
It’s not till he glances down almost imperceptibly that you realise your reaction has been left wanting for a second too long. Quickly sliding your hand into his, you smile and perform your part as best you can for the watching eyes that follow.
“Hi,” you breathe. He grips your hand firmly, warmly. “It’s good to see you.”
That short, polite moment is all you get before he’s swept away in the flow of greeting the other guests and influencers who clamber for a photo, but it leaves you with peculiar feeling. Like you’ve missed a step on the stairs and you’re paralysed in a hanging moment of falling and flying at the same time.
The third time you meet Jung Hoseok, you realise the last ten years has done nothing to the way you were drawn to him, with a force as sure and inescapable as gravity.
 References: 190106 Hoseok  For your enjoyment
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utopi4a · 4 years
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𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝓂𝓎 𝓉𝒶𝑒𝓎𝑜𝓃𝑔,
hello my love! me and yoorah went out to help her sister find a wedding dress of course i said yes because it’s been awhile since me and yoorah went out.
she wore this long white satin dress embroidered with flowers and it has small sequins in the side and it hugs her body perfectly.
i remember everytime we go out for dinner every night, you would always talk about how beautiful i would look like wearing a wedding dress.
and you promised me that in the right time both of us will get married and will grow up together with our kids.
you promised me you will never let go of my hand when the days are getting dark.
you promised me that you will take care of me even if it’s getting hard.
you promised me you will always be by my side holding my hand.
and above all things you promised your devotion, heart and your undying love to me.
but now those words, we’re now gone in the blue.
wedding bells we’re just alarms.
vows is just a cut out chase.
marriage is just a contract.
𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒, 𝓎/𝓃
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ignisol-writes · 5 years
carnations are the loneliest flowers of all ; chapter three
fandom ; Throne of Glass ship ; Rowaelin ao3 ; x description ; Rowan Whitethorn, a florist, receives a wedding order from his ex-girlfriend, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius
masterlist I prev chapter - next chapter
“Rowan...”, Gavriel starts, laying a broad, sinewy hand on Rowans slumped shoulder from where he sits on the bar stool beside him, ”You drank that big Sazerac awfully fast...”
Rowan doesn’t respond, instead choosing to slam his now empty glass down on the greasy bartop, waving the bartender over with a look in order to refill his glass.
“I’m fine, Gavriel,” he responds and he feels the plethora of drinks starting to hit him. The room begins to sway around him as he sits and bright lights reflecting off the colorful bottles start to blur together. he barely hears the clinking of glass when the bartender arrives with his refill.
“I’d very much prefer it if you didn’t get drunk,” the blond man continues, his features blurred and melded together like watercolor, alcohol-color, Rowan’s mind thinks.”It’s just that you haven’t had much to eat today and you’re such a violent drunk.”
“And you don’t know how to handle me on your own? Gavriel, you’re an ex-con”, they all were, it wasn’t that hard to remember that just a few years ago they were caught out in bad deals and the like. Wasn’t hard to remember when they were Maeve’s dogs that handled her dirty business, cleaned it up too.
“I want to not think for once”, Rowan continues at Gavriel’s raised brow and incredulous look,” she’s been coming to the shop almost every day. Shouldn’t she... I don’t know? Spend time with her fiance?”
Her fiance, Rowan can picture it in his head now. A tall, handsome, successful man. Probably a CEO or a lawyer, or perhaps a doctor. A man who listens to everything she says on bated breath because anything that comes from Aelin’s mouth deserves rapt attention. Perhaps a man who doesn’t make rash decisions like breaking up with the strong independent woman he loves because he finds a beautiful ring hidden away inside a velvet-lined box, just small enough to fit in his palm. A man who wouldn’t run off because he was afraid, scared, and unsure of himself.
Whoever he is, Rowan is drunk enough to admit he was jealous; something he had been trying vehemently to deny whilst sober.
He can barely hear Gavriel over the roaring in his ears as he says he’ll be in attendance of the event.
“You’re going!?”, he cries out, slamming that bottom of his drink down as his head turns towards his drinking companion in shock, before getting up and storming off; throwing down a crisp twenty dollar bill to cover the drinks.
“It’s a family event!”, Gavriel calls after him, but his yelling falls on deaf ears as Rowan steps out the front door of the pub and allows the heavy wooden door to slam shut behind him.
He knows that Aelin is Gavriels niece, but does he really have to bring up that he had received an invitation to the main event of what will surely be the worst day of his life?
Rowan is leaning against the apartment doorframe like it’s his third leg. He doesn’t know where he is, he had blacked out mere moments after leaving The White Stag.
He doesn’t want to know why he had decided that getting drunk at Aelin’s favorite pub was a good idea. Especially when he knew it was so close to her place of residence.
He glances down at the tops of his leather boots, the material most likely ruined after the snow it had trudged through melted and had turned to water. Laying beneath him is a welcome mat with the cheeky praise: IF YOU NEED ME, I STRONGLY ADVISE YOU RECONSIDER.
Drunken vomit would enhance the mat, he thinks.
Nevermind that he’s completely ignoring the grumpy blonde standing before him in favor of glaring at the welcome mat. Her arms crossed, a bare foot tapping impatiently against the hardwood floor of her entryway. Her hair is a mess, of course. Rowan notes that it must be laundry day because she isn’t wearing one of her flimsy, silken nightgowns. Instead, wearing an old raggedy band tee he remembers buying for her on one of their early-relationship dates.
He ignores his own disappointment.
“Are you going to come in?”, she asks him, eyebrow raised at his drunken state. There was definitely no hiding that he was at the bar a few blocks away and trudged through the heavy snow all the way up to her front door
He points a wobbly finger at her chest. “I bought you that.”
“Yeah, you did.”
“And you’re wearing them.”
“Yes, I am.”
“It’s laundry day, and I wasn’t expecting a drunken guest at-”, she leans back in her entryway and turns her head down a hallway; where he hears the distinct and unmistakable ticking of a clock,”-three o’clock in the morning.”
“I’m not drunk.”
“You’re leaning on my doorframe like it’s your third leg.”
Ah, so she had noticed.
Rowan opens his mouth but before he could say anything, Aelin sighed sadly, turned on her heel until her back was turned to him and walked back inside. The large, wooden front door left ajar, a silent invitation.
He walks in and unceremoniously drops himself onto the couch when Aelin points to it with a long, slender finger. He watches her as she leaves into the kitchen and appears just as fast with a tall glass of water in one hand and something gripped tightly in a fist in the other.
It’s only when she walks up to him and bends over, handing him the glass and unfurls her knuckles that he sees that the unknown object is two white, ovular pills; stark against her tanned, sunkissed skin.
He chose to ignore the pills in favor of drinking his water, the cool liquid soothing against the burning ache in the back of his throat. Aelin places the pills on the table beside the arm of the couch.
“I’ve come to confront-”, a hiccup, great. That’s what he gets for downing the water as fast as he did.
She smiles at his misery, raising a playful eyebrow at him as she continues for him, ”Confront me?”
“Why do you-”, another hiccup,”-come to the shop so often?”
She sighs at that, pursing her pointer and middle finger together against her temple and rubbing it. She walks over to the side of him and plops herself down beside him. Leaning back so that her neck is resting against the back of the couch, she stars up at the ceiling contemplatively.
With another sigh, she continued, ”is it so wrong, that I wanted to see you again?”
“You could have called, you know.”
“Ha!”, she laughed coldly, ”Not with the way you broke up with me.”
He flinches at that. Rowan could still remember their last conversation as a couple. He remembers finding the velvet box hidden away in the back corner of her underwear drawer. He hadn’t meant to find it, he was just trying to organize the chaos and the clutter of their bedroom. He looks up at that and glances at the bedroom door just within eyeshot.
He wonders if he’s here. Sleeping atop the same satin sheets they use to share. He probably is.
“Listen...”, she says, ”if you didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore, that’s fine. But that doesn’t mean we have to stop being friends.”
He nods, mouth suddenly tight and dry despite all the water he’d been drinking. “How about you stay the night?”
“After all, you’re in no shape to take yourself home tonight,” she continues and hands him the previously discarded medicine. he takes it gratefully, already knowing the killer hangover coming in the morning.
Rowan grabs the throw blanket resting on the back of the couch and drapes it over himself. Aelin wanders back to her bedroom, perhaps grateful that despite the nightly intrusion and interruption she can go back to sleep.
He pops the pill into his mouth and washes it down with the remnants of his water. He’s asleep within minutes.
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butindeed · 6 years
What if… [TRR X PM Cross over] [PART 23/?]
Hi guys!! This is part of a nameless Riley x Drake series. You can read the previous parts HERE.
Tags: @a-blog-of-many-things   @boneandfur @drakelover78 @kinkykingliam @andy-loves-corgis @client327 @walkerismychoice @chantelle-x0x
Summary: What if things were different? (Part 23)
The ballroom was as magnificent as a castle’s ball room could be, appointed with crystal chandeliers and a creamy color palette that complimented the chosen décor, and it opened to a beautiful outdoor courtyard. 
Riley entered the room arm in arm with Kai. She had expected Drake to appologize after the scene he had caused at the beach, but he had not showed up at her door.
Kai had told her to forget about him for the night and to focus on the many handsome noblemen that were attending the ball that night, and had even convinced her to wear and scandalous floral embrodery red dress they’ve found at the castle’s boutique. It was quite tight and revealing, but she was happy with the image the mirror returned, especially regarding her make-up. Smokey eyes, a red lipstick she had borrowed from Kai, and some mascara. It surely was more than she was used to, but according to Kai, showing up with a dress like that and no make-up was a crime.
They headed towards the bar and asked the bartender for some drinks.
-Hi there - they heard as they turned around.
Maxwell was truly handsome in his black suit and white shirt, but Liam was incredibly good-looking in his prince attire.
-My date looks hooooot - he said kissing Kai on the cheek.
-Hi guys, you look fine.
-I could say the same about you my dear Riley - Liam added kissing her knuckles and making her blush.
King Constantine gave a short welcome speech, and finished it by inviting his guests to have a lovely evening and enjoy the ball.
-Would you do me the honour of dancing with me? - Liam asked extending an inviting hand to Riley. Kai and Maxwell were already waltzing their way in.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Delta Goodrem - Enough -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Drake POV
He had seen her enter the room with Kai and his jaw almost dropped. There was not a single piece of clothing that wouldn’t fit her, but that dress seemed taken right out of one of his fantasies.
Drake saw them pace to the bar across the room and he thought about joining them, but rememered he had yet to appologize for his behaviour earlier that day and decided he needed some liquid courage to do so.
Just then he saw Maxwell and Liam approaching them, he kissing her hand, she blushing and smiling at his words and his world crumbled.
He took a few steps towards them but stopped midway when the King’s speech finished and the music started playing.
He didn’t know hot to waltz. Not like Liam anyway. He’d make a fool out of himself and Hopkins would probably dump him right on the spot.
Drake saw them glide and twirl, laughing in the dancefloor and his body felt numbed.
He had seen a similar image before, not too long ago.
The woman he cared about waltzing with the charming prince and then leaving the commoner, the outsider for a better prospect of life.
He hated himself for letting it happen again, but instead of walking towards them, he turned around to the courtyard.
Once there he sat at the openair bar, nursing a glass of whiskey. Whiskey. It was her who had taught him how to drink whiskey the night they first kissed.
Drake emptied the glass in one glup as he fidgeted with the small satin box in his pocket.
-I see you finally assumed who has the upper hand here, Walker.
-What do you want Neville?
-Actually, just to piss you off. You should know by now nobody messes with what’s mine.
-What do you mean? - Drake had a pretty clear idea of where the conversation was headed, and wasn’t sure he’d put up with it.
-You know what I mean. Riley. You - he said poking Drake’s shoulder with a finger - made me waste my time, my valuable time and resources on her. I thought I had made myself pretty clear, Walker. I was going to screw her, and you - he poked him again - got in the way.
-You’re drunk Neville - Drake stated pulling Neville’s hand away.
-I think you’re forgetting who you are, commoner - he sniggered pushing Drake this time - Your kind needs to be constantly reminded of their place - He said, and Drake could feel the rage building up within him - Commoners are for finding release, and maybe having bastard children. Like Beaumont did with your commoner hoe sister.
Neville wiped out the blood of his lip with the back of his thumb.
-You’ll regret this, commoner. - he spluttered - The only reason you’re allowed in these events is because Liam finds it interestin to play with your toys, if you know what I mean.
Drake turned around before he’d hit him again, but Neville kept on yelling.
-He went behind your back when you were besties! He stole your toy once! He won’t hesitate to do it again. What’s more, he’s probably doing it now! You get it? DOING IT!
Drake could feel Neville’s words cutting through him like sharp daggers. He was furious. He knew Liam had gone behind his back, he just didn’t know the whole kingdom was aware of it.
He felt furious, his fists were trembling uncontrollably. His face red with anger.
He slammed the service door open and froze to what he found inside.
They were two, but they seemed like one. His hand was holding up her thigh, her hands were clasping his shoulders and their faces moved in unison as they kissed passionately.
-You sick coward! - Drake yelled unable to control himself.
The couple parted in shock.
-Drake - the woman whispered.
Drake strode across the room and grabbed Liam by the collar and dragged him away from her. Only one punch was enough, Liam fell with a thud.
-Wait! - she yelled - Have you gone mad?
Drake turned around glaring at her.
-It’s ok- Liam whispered - I deserved it.
- Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame in you. Right Liam? - Drake grunted. - You’ve decieved me, and that’s on me, but Riley? How can you do this to her?
-Riley? - The woman said confused
-Oh! I guess you don’t know about Riley. My girlfriend Riley, the woman Liam has been wooing all day long.
-Is this the same Riley you introduced me earlier?
-Yes, my love. 
-My love? - Drake took a step back
-Drake, I’m sorry. I’m sorry about the harm I have casted upon you in the past.  - Liam muttered - but I love Olivia.
-And I love Liam - she added - In fact - she said helping Liam on his feet - we’re engaged.
-Yes, I’m afraid Liv’s right. It’s a secret, though - Liam stated and Drake understood the hidden meaning behind those words. They wanted him to keep their secret.
-But Hopkins?
-I... I just needed  to set things clear with her. You see, we... Riley and I, ermm met, when Olivia and I had broken up some time ago, and... I just wanted to know things were good between us. She’s a great woman Drake.
He stormed off, he needed to get away from them. It wasn’t until he was in the middle of the couryard thet he stopped. He just stood there, still processing everything that had been going on.
-Drake - he felt Olivia’s touch on his arm - For what it’s worth, I’m sorry I’ve hurted you. I never meant to do you any harm, but it was Liam all along. I fought my feelings, he was your best friend after all. It just was stronger than me. Than us. I hope you can find someone.
Drake looked at Olivia in the eyes and saw nothing but honesty in them. He nodded
-I found someone already. I just hope it’s not too late.
<NEXT          PREV>
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