#prev title Hunter and Lover
kholran · 2 years
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Liu Chang || Weibo Update 11.29.22
起点,没有光。// Starting point, there is no light.
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sleepywinchester · 6 years
Unusual | Chapter 23
Summary: She’s passed from being a leverage piece to become a hunter and something more for the Winchesters brothers…. Or just one Winchester.
Autor: @sleepywinchester | prev. deanwinchester-af
Pairings: Dean x Katherine (Eventually)
Characters: Dean Winchester, Katherine Pierce, Sam Winchester.
Words: 2.2k+
Beta: @waywardlullabies
Warnings: Pure Fluffness.
Title: The First Case
A/N: This is part of my series re-write. Hope you guys like!
Feedback is always appreciated it <3
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/ / Katherine’s POV / /
I giggled as Dean’s left soft smooches on my neck, his smile was against my skin. Dean and I were still in bed from the night before. We were still lost on the feeling after having each other. We, I, feared that if we got out of this bed the magic spell would break and everything would go back to being the same. Back to being just hunting partners. I didn’t want that.
Dean’s gaze broke me from my thoughts, his eyes were so green and beautiful up close. A smile escaped my lips as I lost myself in his eyes.
“What? “ Dean asked, a small smirk in his face.
Dean’s gruff morning voice sent a shiver down my spine in the most righteous way.
“Nothing.” I said with a smile, caressing his naked shoulder.
“Nothing?” Dean asked, holding his head over his hand.
Looking down to his strong arm, his bicep showed up more as his muscles flexed. Dean followed my stare and huffed a laugh, shaking his head for a second.
“Don’t objectify me.” Dean smirked.
I laughed out loud mimicking his posture and looked him in the eye. “I am not objectifying you.” Dean cocked an eyebrow. “I’m just… observing.”
In that moment Dean leaned in and kissed my lips. He drew me closer, kissing me more deeply and with passion. Nobody has ever kissed me this way before. Nobody has ever made love to me this way. It was early to have this thought but nobody could compare to Dean Winchester. I was on cloud nine, high on him and I would fight whoever asked me to go to rehab. The more he kissed me, the thought of fearing what could happen after today vanished.
Dean’s hand touched my waist and a giggle escaped me.
“You are… ticklish?” Dean asked and I nodded. He glanced down to my waist, his eyes curious and playful. Instantly I knew what he was thinking. “I wonder…”
“Don’t-,” my voice was cut off by my own hysterical laughter. Dean’s fingers began to tickle my ribs and waist. I couldn’t stop the laugh or try to escape his strong arms, it was worthless.
“What the-,” Sam’s voice suddenly made Dean and I jump.
Dean and I glared at Sam, who stood in shock in the middle of the doorway. I looked at Dean and covered my chest more with the sheet. Looking back to Sam, his eyes were still wide and in shock.
“Dude?!” Dean snapped him out of the shock. “Did you forgot how to knock?”
Sam shook his head, turned and left the room, shutting the door behind him. In that moment, Dean and I began to laugh after his younger brother reaction.
I sighed leaning back in the bed, “Guess we can scratch telling Sammy about us off today’s to do list.”
Dean huffed one final laugh, “Yep.” His naughty boy eyes met with my gaze. “Now where were we? Oh…” He said before continuing to kiss me.
Deep down I wanted to stay in bed with Dean but we both had a lot of work to do. Strolling into the control center, Dean’s gaze was the first my eyes found. Sam observed the way we shared quiet yet adorable glances. In that moment Sam realized that he hasn’t seen Dean act this way since Lisa.
Sam cleared his throat with a smug smile in his face.
“So, you two…” Sam said, “are you guys together?”
Comfortably I sat on Dean’s lap and looked at Sam, waiting on silence for Dean’s answer. We were together but saying it outloud to Sam felt like Dean’s answer and not mine’s.
“We are,” Dean said proudly.
Sam huffed a laugh, “That’s something I thought I’d never seen.”
I tried but I couldn’t suppress the smile that listening Dean say ‘we are’ gave me.
“Have a little faith, Sam.” I told him.
“Yeah, Sammy,” Dean backed my play, “have a little faith.”
“Sure,” Sam said, “though I’m glad you two finally got together. It was ‘bout time.”
“Mhm,” I said, noticing the large box resting in the middle of the table. “What’s that?”
“That,” Sam slid it towards me, “it’s for you.”
I glanced at him in awe, “Some vintage Louboutins? Awe. Sammy you shouldn’t have.”
Sam huffed a laugh, “This box had your name and… former specie. It’s all the Men of Letters found on you: Key of Purgatory.”
Dean peeked over, “Seems like you were a big topic around here.”
“All this?” I spoke with excitement of the sudden attention, “For little old me?”
Sam and Dean chuckled as I  browsed through the box. Dean looked in and grabbed an old picture of me. His eyes widen, observing how aged the picture was.
“Kitty Kat?”
“Was this taken in the 1890’s?” Dean cocked an eyebrow, showing off the picture.
I hold on to it and smirked, “Actually… 1900’s.”
“Wow,” Dean said, “you’re old. I’m dating a very old lady.”
I chuckled, shaking my head briefly, “Does that makes me a cougar?”
“Wait,” Sam spoke in shock. “Dating? Did that word just came out of your mouth?” He looked at his brother.
“Shut up,” Dean smirked and glanced back at me. “Seriously, how old are you?”
“That’s a question you never ask a lady,” I smirked. “Let’s just say, this  body stopped aging when it was 27.” I turned to him, “And now that I think of it… It will start aging now that I am human.” Instantly my eyebrow rose and the corner of my lip curved. “Thanks, Dean for the reminder.”
Dean shrugged with pride, “Anytime.” He turned to look at the pile of box lying inside the library. “Do I really have to do inventory?”
Standing up I grabbed the box off the table, “Yes. Sam and I did our parts, it’s your turn.”
“Where are you going?” Dean watched me walk towards the hall of bedrooms.
“To see if this librarians had their facts right,” I said, “I’ll be in my room.”
Dean nodded, “Wait. Aren’t you going to move your stuff to mine?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’m thinking of making my old bedroom a walk in closet.” The Winchesters brothers glanced at me confused. “And you both are going to help me.” I stated and turned to the bedroom.
It only took me a couple minutes into the box and its files to learn that I was one of the Men of Letters first cases. They were very interested in Purgatory and monsters. They all thought that I could be their best source. I tilted my head as I kept reading, “I am the best source.”
Librarians or not… The Men Of Letters were good and I had to accept it. They were close to my trail but far enough to not catch me.
"We believe Katherine Pierce was human before being the Key of Purgatory... It’s known that the  mother of all creatures couldn't procreate. She must have abduct her and transform her into her own. We think is possible Katherine could get back into her human form some way.”
Below the paragraph there were ancient pictures, hand drawn portraits. As I kept looking through the files, I ended up finding a really old book titled ‘PETROVA’. It told the history of that family. “
Grabbing a couple of folders and strolled back into the library. Once again Dean was sitting by the table with his brother and a magazine on hands.
“What’s wrong with me? Dean said, “This is first edition dude. You know how what this would go for on eBay?" Dean said showing off the magazine.
Sam looked at me and then glanced back at Dean. "No, why? Do you?"
"No." Dean reply quickly.
Standing next to him, I looked for a second at the Asian porn magazine. "Sure you do.” Dropping the files on top of the table, I winked and smiled at Dean “Fun fact.” Sam and Dean looked up towards me. “I was one of the first cases here,” there was pride on my tone. “They thought I was a good investment and source of knowledge.”
Dean grabbed the file after I sat on top of his lap.
“You were human before you were The Key of Purgatory?” Dean asked browsing through the pages.
“Yes. That’s why I’m human again… Even turned me into the Key of Purgatory when she felt threatened by God… I think they are my ancestors… or maybe family. “
“You really don’t remember how you got turned?” Sam asked curious.
I shook my head saying ‘no’.  “I only know what Eve has told me and what I’ve discovered by being extremely noisy.” Glancing back at the paper, I read the name Petrova. “It kind of matches… Pierce… Petrova.”
“They were always so close to catch you.” Sam said.
I nodded, “But they never did.”
“They catched one of your former lovers though.” Dean added showing a picture of Bryan.
Three decades have passed since I saw Bryan’s face. He was smiling in the picture, just as he would always be in real life. It was bittersweet to see him again, knowing how he died and that deep down I still felt responsible for his death.
“Hey?” Dean’s soft yet worried tone detached me from me memories. “Everything good?”
“Yeah,” I replied quickly fixing a hair lock behind my ear. “I saw him after they captured him… He was running from someone but he never told me from who… All he said was that I needed to stay under the radar.” I scoffed placing the dots together in my head. “He was talking about The Men of Letters.”
“You loved him?” Sam asked.
My eyes met with Sam’s instantly. “I don’t know much about love…” I looked back to Dean. “I know I feel good with you… I know I feel happy and I felt happy with Bryan… So, maybe yes… maybe I did loved him.”
“Do you think he’s still alive?” Dean asked.
“No.” I replied. “In those days I wasn’t the best at knowing when my mother would look through my eyes. I found him dead in the middle of the town we were staying before I planned to flee… I still feel responsible if I’m honest.”
“Hey,” Dean’s hand touched my shoulder, his touch was comforting and warm. “It’s not your fault. Eve was a crazy bitch…”
Biting my lower lip, I took a deep breath in and slowly pulled myself back from the verge of crying. “There is a lot of things that I am responsible of… Some bad, some good, but since I met you-.” I looked at Sam, “since I met both of you, I’ve worked to become a better being…”
“A better person.” Sam added to my sentence.
I smiled softly at him, knowing this was his way of finally accepting me into his family.
Dean kissed my shoulder. “We are not perfect but we try our best to redeem ourselves from the things we’ve done. All we have to do is keep fighting.”
Looking back at Dean, I couldn’t resist the thought of kissing his lips and so I did. He kissed me back with the same tenderness I needed.
Dean didn’t care if I was The Key of Purgatory. He cared that I wanted to be a better me because he’s been through what I’ve been through. He’s lost himself and found himself again and again, only this time we were not alone. This time we have each other.
“Get a room.” Sam stood and walked out.
Dean and I chuckled as we continued to kiss each other.
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