eoincorrigvns · 4 years
😈 Which of the 7 sins are you?
“i guess i’d be lust? maybe pride. my hubris will be my downfall. honestly, i don’t know, is there one where you don’t take life seriously enough?”
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redremys · 4 years
Send 🌋 and my muse will blurt out the first thing that comes to mind when they see your muse // accepting.
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“I tried sliding in your dms a couple years back, please don’t check them if you have service.” a pause, “my game was weak, alright?”
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luxcass · 4 years
for every 👀 my muse will reveal a guilty pleasure.
“ok, i know this is going to make me sound like a basic bitch, but dipping strawberries in chocolate, or even dipping them in nutella at a pinch. god, it’s honestly the best combo, we should get that. right now. or chips. i also love chips. not nutella and chips, although, i would try that.”
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blvirambrosio · 4 years
🔮 Do you believe in dark magic?
“Yeah sure, I definitely think it’s real. I do not want to mess with it, but something tells me I’ll have a hard time avoiding that.”
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maddox-mckinnon · 2 years
   It was too late to still be at this, truthfully, but the warm glow of the pub and the din of the room, conversation, laughter, the sound of pints landing on the table? It was as calming as the silence of a library for others. Maddox did his best work when the world was it’s loudest, it was a unique talent of his to simply block it out and focus on the task at hand. His quill tickled his nose as he stared at the parchment spread out on the table before him. He had been working steadily through individual player stats and predictions for the next season, having finished the Kestrel’s roster and had moved onto the Magpies, but he was struggling. He’d gone through part of the team, but when he’d reached Nenad, well. It got complicated there, didn’t it?
    He wasn’t sure how to account for Nenad’s suspensions in his stats, and Niko’s unpredictability made it difficult to estimate his impact next season. There was no doubt he’d be an impact player, but what would that impact be and would it serve or hurt Montrose? He sighed deeply, not glancing up as he reached for his pint of butterbeer and brought it to his lips. He’d have to come back to Nenad and just keeping going through the roster. He noted movement in the corner of his eye, but ignored it. The pub was still full of enough people, and he had no reason to be jumpy. 
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isamacmillan · 2 years
     Diagon Alley was so beautiful like this. Isa had loved visiting Hogsmeade, but she hadn’t wanted to neglect Diagon, even though there was that sense of hesitancy this year that was so unusual. She’d taken the fireplace to the Leaky Cauldron, but hadn’t stayed for a drink or meal this time. She was too preoccupied with the other shops whose doors were wide open, welcoming guests with music and decorations, and sales too good to pass up. 
     She hadn’t minded going alone, having run into friends and family alike throughout the evening, but the last person she expected to run in to was Cygnus. Her distant cousin never did feel like the type to enjoy overly sweet festivities such as these, but she smiled to see him anyway. She hadn’t seen him in months, really only speaking to Walburga recently. “Cygnus?” She greeted, the surprise in her tone not masking the warmth there. She shifted her bags of shopping to one arm, not the least bit ashamed. She was already in the midst of planning a winter tea party, and she wanted to take samples back to Lucretia for opinions. “It’s good to see you, how are you?” She asked, though she knew better than to step too close. Cygnus was difficult to read, but small talk seemed a safe enough option. 
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redremys · 4 years
closed starter for @prevaricatcr​
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since his incident in the back yard, remy found comfort in either sleeping or drinking. considering he only had a couple more joints to his name before he was going home, he thought this was probably his best course of action. he just couldn’t get that bizarre conversation out of his head no matter how hard he tried. and if he wasn’t getting a little fucked up, he would find himself drawn back to the board. like it wanted him to ask the questions swirling through his mind. but he wouldn’t. 
so off to the kitchen he went. but what he found surprised him. elliot gallagher. now that was a big name he knew. while they rubbed elbows in california, the two were on completely different wave lengths. “you’re the fuckin’..” he began, his voice trailing off as he pointed. okay, he knew exactly who he was but he didn’t want to look... like that big of a fanboy. “the uh, don’t be afraid cecilia, i’m the satellite,” he tried. that much was obvious but remy was many things, tone deaf being the strongest. “I’m about eighty percent your music got me laid once.” he was one hundred. 
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redremys · 4 years
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baby, take me on a journey, i've been thinkin' lately,                      i could use a little time alone with you.
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