#previously pamgetyourcoat
nellie-nelson · 7 years
Answer these theatre tag questions, and then anonymously ask 4 other users to do the same: 1) Favorite Musical 2) Last theatre related song you listened to 3) Current favorite stage actor and actress 4) Why theatre means so much to you 5) Dream job in theatre (career, role, it doesn't matter)
Ahhh this is cute!!!1) tie between Dear Ev/an Hansen and SA. They Mean The World To Me 2) anybody have a map, according to amazon music3) fuuuuck okay right now probably Christy Alto/mare and Ben Pl/att but that might just be because I Fucking Love DEH And Ana/stasia4) This Is Going To Get Really Personal And Sappy so im putting it under a read more Yikes: 
when i was younger i was really into ballet but when i got to fifth grade that’s when DepressionTM hit and i lost interest in pretty much everything which meant that i fell way behind in ballet and my instructor started hating me (okay im sure she was just fed up with the fact that i was never in class but it felt like she hated me) so I dropped out. i realized that toward the end of when i did ballet, the only reason i was doing it even then was because i loved the sense of community and the fact that we got to perform the nutcracker because I Loved Being Backstage So Much so i started looking for acting workshops and after-school programs for young kids and in my searches found an audition for young cosette at a summer program the next town over and I Was So Hype and somehow out of fifty two (much more experienced) kids they cast me as young eponine and at that program i actually made friends? and had fun? and then i discovered that not all shows were about people from the past that i was too young to really relate to but????? there were shows about kids! and teens! and shows with kids with mental illnesses! and just??????? ive made so many friends through theatre both in person and on here???? I was a lonely and awkward kid but i found a real family through theatre(also: last year i went through some Shit with a group of people i used to be close friends with and i was so fucking alone and sad and i just wanted to curl up and never leave my bedroom and then by some miracle i got tickets to Dear Evan Ha/nsen and Wow. when the lights came up after you will be found i just. sat there. for a solid five minutes. i couldn’t move. i had just spent the past eight months without any friends and without any hope and there was fucking ben pl/att singing about how things Will get better and how no one should ever feel the i had been feeling and just…….. this is super fucking long and i know no one read this but i had actually been meaning to write this out, regardless, so)5) Direction!!! ive realized recently that im really much more into how the characters interact with each other and with the world that they’re set in than i am actually performing ! (although lbr id perform in a fucking heartbeat)aaaaaah thank you for sending me this and im sorry it got so fucking long and incoherent
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