deelathoratorn · 4 years
It is a pick of a thorn
It can pin and pain alot.
It can be a game of the ground
It gives always the pride as pale
It shows a warrior in the mist of liars
It brings joy-end at the exs of drama
It hips in the heavens and plains earth
The beats of the bellows are similar
The strikes of the hellows are same
The songs of the surets are simple
The trues bear the same tracks
A source springs for the day and night.
It is the peak of truth
The hems of the brinks and brains
The truth, the root and roof of the roads.
A day gives birth to the trues
A night gives death to the lies.
The noon judges the arguments.
Trues are healthy in the gallowed games
Falses are sicky and sucky in a danced drills.
Cleared end in trued end
As clouded lies in the mist rains.
By Gbadegesin Akeem Ayodele
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