demoliticnist · 8 years
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“So all your servants... were... furniture at one point?”
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continued from x with @princebete
        Why does she do this?
        “It’s my job,” she said, watching as he tore fabric for her sake. The familiar scent of whiskey caught the blonde’s nose as his flask opened. He wet the cloth, she reached out with a gloved hand to take the drink. Alcohol did well to numb pain from the inside, just as it worked to clean wounds.
        “If you’d been hit, I wouldn’t be doing my job right.” Helga gave a hiss of pain as the doused cloth made contact with her broken flesh. As strong as she was, pain was not something that the blonde was immune to.
        She watched the Prince’s face as he worked. Was that... regret? Remorse? He actually felt bad that she had gotten shot? Yeah, he was patching her up, but the eyes of others who had done the same did not hold nearly the same emotions. Getting hurt was part of her job. To them, it had been expected.
        He wrapped the wound - silk felt so much different against flesh than gauze - and Helga watched as fingers tied the make-shift bandage off.
        “Don’t be. I’d do it again a thousand times.”
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forvistxkonge · 8 years
Continued from xXx
{ ♚    Hans can’t believe that he was so stupid as to think that he could even fathom having so much as a close relationship with anyone of royal status. He let his guard down, he trusted the man and truly believed that the other genuinely cared about him...only to bring up how bad it was for this to even happen.
                   How this could cause issues for the kingdom...their...FAMILIES.
  A growl falls from his lips as he continues to stalk outside, his heart pounding angrily in his chest and his mind racing..calling himself a fool for even thinking that just maybe someone out there could care about, maybe even love an outcast like him. A black sheep that no one wanted, no even his own family. 
   The auburn haired male would ignore all the calls to his name, asking for him to stop and wait. 
                                                                Why should he? 
  To just be told even further how horrible it was for him to feel like this, for him to have...gotten close to the other man. One he dared to hope could understand him and see where he’s coming from. Chest heaves and tears start to brim at the corners of his eyes, rain would be ignored as it is the least of his problems right now.
  The pain echoing in his mind at the words ‘There’s no one out there who loves you’ and they never seemed to be truer than this. He was a fool, and felt just how Anna must’ve felt when he revealed to her he didn’t love her at all. The heart beating in his chest is enough to hurt him endlessly and want for it to be ripped out of his chest. 
                             Though what made him actually halt was the order to halt. 
  The loud booming voice of the other prince causes anger to raise in his chest and he spins around to glare angrily at the male, hands clenched at his sides. Chest heaving with heavy breathes that fall raggedly from clenched teeth. Pain, hurt and slight betrayal ring true in his eyes. 
  Why must he continue to pursue this? This...man who made him feel like someone could actually care about him...what more can he say to...hurt him. Opening his mouth to counter Hans finds all words taken from him as the words ‘I don’t want to lose you’ fall from the other male and the whole worlds stops. 
  Everything vanishes for a moment and all Hans can see is the Prince in front of him. The only man to reach out to him, to help him in his time of need when no one else would. Where all they would do is sneer at him and say it’s what he deserves. This man...doesn’t want to lose him? 
  Hans swallows thickly, and finds it hard to even move from his spot, even as Adam closes the distance between them. Speaking of how he’ll fight for them, how he’ll show how much Hans means to him. Shock isn’t even the proper way to describe how Hans feels right now. All he can do is stare, the pain subsiding to shock and confusion until the gentle kiss is placed at the corner of his lips and he felt the spark. 
 Fire through his system and it makes him want to crumble against the man in front of him, though he keeps his stance. The feeling that simple kiss gave him, is unable to be described in words that exist. He felt wanted, needed, and even...dare he think it, loved. 
  Swallowing thickly, Hans hears the soft whisper of those exact words and tears mingle with the rain on his face. In all his years, he’s never experienced any such feeling as this he is right now, as the arms would hold him fast against the others form, Hans would press his lips hard against the others as hands would entangle themselves in the soaked strands of the other man’s hair. 
  Letting his heart beat against the others chest and in time with his heart, it’s not something Hans ever expected to happen to him. Loneliness is the only thing he’s ever known, power and title is the only way he’d known to garner attention and even respect. Though this...this is on an entirely different level. He’s not sure how to react, so he lets his body and even heart over ride his mind. Not thinking as he feels himself press against the warmth of the other man. 
  Desperate for this to be true, desperate for the love to be real...if that’s what he’s feeling. If it is...Hans doesn’t want to let it go. Ever. A desperation is felt in the way he grasps Adam, close to him and how his lips would move against the others. Wanting to stay in the others hold for as long as he could, the feeling of want, and the desire to be needed something he wants to hold onto.
                       Is this love? God he wants it to be, more then anything.  ♚ }
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sunlightswallowed-a · 8 years
❣- What calms your muse down?
Sewing and reading are two of Arianna’s favorite pastimes, and they’re usually pretty good ways to calm her down. 
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princebxte replied to your post “εїз”
i looooooove that song// also he bb how you//
i like melanie martinez, but i never listened to mad hatter before now. i like it. busy. lotsa stuff happened over the past few months, but most of it’s been p good. how’ve you been?
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ridingthief-blog · 8 years
princebxte replied to your post:headcanons Flynn gets along better with cats. He...
pu   ss in boots- p   uss n rider,
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continued from x with @princebete
        He practically melted into the kiss, and it was with all the strength that came with her profession that Helga didn’t do likewise. The goal had been a simple one: throw off those pursuing them with a public display of affection. It would make them look away and give them both time to bail.
        But his lips were soft and his hands held her as if this was a natural position. It was he who broke the kiss. For the best, Helga reasoned. She could do this for as long as it took the diversion to work, after all. But him? Probably not.
        “Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable,” she said softly, her own blue eyes glancing around. It worked. Helga grabbed his hand. “Come, your Highness. We don’t have much time.”
        They needed to get out of sight. Maybe, if all went well, she might apologize for the intimate act by repeating it.
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demoliticnist · 8 years
Munday Meme
✫: Why you began RPing.
I actually don’t really remember? I think it was because some of my favorite characters didn’t have much canon material to work with so I wanted to add to their stories?
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lxnguxst-blog · 9 years
@princebxte continued from here
“Well I did manage to fly an atlantean ship and save an entire culture.” Milo pointed out holding crossing his arms looking at the other with a raised brow. “So yes I am certain.” He said though he failed to mention he couldn’t drive a car on that trip, but minor details can be lost in translation most of the time. 
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forvistxkonge · 9 years
Mating Season
Most certainly at his breaking point, Adam sometimes feels like there is a whole other thing going on during these kind of moments. Being played with, somewhat manipulated, toyed, and led like he were a dog. Of course, Adam was a Beast at one point, but never did he really behave in such a manner unless it was something he wasn’t quite 100% in. Like dating, and relationships. His servants had to teach him. Like they taught everything. This felt like that time. Like he was being schooled. But by Hans, unwarranted– It sort of hit a sore spot, and Adam recognized it. He recognized that this was intentional, and was of course able to follow along with the scheme. Then again, he didn’t really want to follow along. He was no dog.
Just having been here minding his own business till the sudden need-filled urge took him over. Honestly, it was not often that such a thing happened. Considering other males, this was strange to even say Adam had only really been aroused once or twice without another party to cause it. Adam felt somewhat ashamed to feel this way. Not only was it uncomfortable, and that it did’t happen a lot … He wasn’t used to it, and by social norms and the rules of etiquette, he was not supposed to give in or have such urges. Swallowing rather thickly, the prince’s mouth dropped, and he trembled at the pinches. “ Ah- … Ahh– I wasn’t going to go anywhere till it… Ah– Went away…” The prince admitted, not really having thought about that dilemma that Hans was beginning to address. He was right, how was he going to go out to the hall like this? How humiliating. ..  But oh,
Ohh. Fuck.
Snapping back to his reality, the prince drops his head back even further, straightening it so to accommodate the hand that sought a place to caress his aching parts.
Which now, because of that slight touch Adam’s body called for more. Making the French prince curse to himself. Damn it, Hans. How was he going to deal with this now? But that was not all that Adam had to worry about.
Words of sweet release, and pretty nothings.
Echo through Adam’s mind, falling off the other’s lips causing Adam to forget where he was in space. What… Is… Happening…
He lets out a heated breath, trying not to imagine the things they could do in the next few minutes in his study. What if someone walked in on them?
Thinking and weighing this option, Adam just about opens his mouth to speak in protest, when Hans straight up walks away. What? Adam’s eyes widen. What in the hell? Hans playing these games with him again…Ugh. I should have known.
But the way he moves, and the scent that carries across the room after having stewed in Adam’s space, he didn’t realize it till now, wafting and fill the air around him. Adam’s toes curl, and he licks his lips before biting the lower. Watching Hans, in a painful physical ache for touch– Adam can barely handle it anymore. The way Hans just starts removing items of clothing, walking, and moving and bending… His rusty hair, and shadow contrasting against the flame of the fireplace, whereas the flame lights up parts of Hans that make him look even more striking. Light touching and dancing against the prince. He was almost supernatural to see. … It was all a puddle of things Adam wanted. He grips the sides of the bench, steadying himself and makes the decision to stand. Walking over to Hans, he looks at the other prince. His eyes filled with a number of things. Desire, curiosity, frustration, confusing…allurement. All of these things, as he gently grasps the fire poker from Hans’ hand, and leans in to stoke out the flame a bit more so.
“ Put out… My flame.” Adam murmurs lowly. This command sits in the air, before Adam looks at Hans again. Wondering what he might do, might he understand–
  At first Hans is struck but the fact that Adam had managed to walk over to him, with the painful bulge he’s carrying around..it can’t be at all pleasant. Watching the furious concentration on his face, Hans can almost feel the wicked smile grow on his lips but he looks way from the other as the words ‘Put out my flame’ were spoken.
  Desire and chills run down Hans’ spine at the idea of relieving the other of his predicament and helping him through it.  It’s just mouthwatering just thinking about it...though he can’t seem too eager to jump on this, he needs to remain casual, the ever pleasant diplomat he is.
        After all jumping the gun did cost him his title, as well as any chances at a throne. 
      “Put out your flame?     I’m afraid I don’t understand, it is rather cold tonight, putting out the fire might be...counter     productive.     After all, you might need something to help keep you warm.”
  He will help him, but Hans has to yank his chain first, act innocent about the demand as f he were a child speaking to a parent after they catch them in the act. He believes he knows Adam’s tolerance, so he won’t poke the bear for long, after all that would be counter productive and Adam won’t ever let him in...or touch him, again.
  Though is words to have a double meaning, speaking of taking the problem to bed with him and taking care of it himself...of course even if it were that simple, Adam wouldn’t do it. He’s dignified and would handle it in a dignified manner...hence the piano playing, of course that didn’t work out to well for him...as it seems.
  Staying silent for a moment, Hans looks back over and studies Adam’s features, watching the low glow of the fire highlight the prominent cheek bones that lead down to his masculine jaw before carving into that perfect chine. The long but strong arch of his neck that lead into the powerful shoulders, where the muscles flex lightly with each prod of the fire poker.
  This man could very well have been Adonis in another life, or at least sculpted out of marble by the gods.
  Clearing his throat, Hans had to look back at the dancing fire, as Adam sent spark through it and causing the flame to climb higher, transparent red hands reach up  to grip te air and pull it down in order to keep it fed so the fire won’t go out. 
  Breathing in slowly through his nose, Hans leans lightly against the fire place before looking back at the French Prince. Hearing the subtle cracking sound the flames make when they are over fed and telling you it’s okay to stop, which causes Hans to step back a bit.
      “I think you can stop prodding the fire, keep it up and your liable to get burned.”
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          ( MEME; ACCEPTING )   |   @princebxte​   |   Mad Hatter; Melanie Martinez
Carlos wasn’t having a good day, as far as his ADHD went.
He hadn’t slept well, he was stressed out, and he could feel the toll it was taking. He could list all the symptoms he was showing, even if he couldn’t stop himself: fidgeting, lack of focus, restlessness, the twitches at little things in the crowd. He normally had a handle on his symptoms better than this, but yeah, it was a bad day.
“Hey, can we go sit down for a minute?” he asked rather abruptly, tugging at the hem of his shirt. “My brain is scattered, and I just need a break.” And maybe some coffee. That helped sometimes.
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* [ he's askin for a smackin]
Send ‘*’ to kiss my muse full on the lips.
This was what women dreamed of. A handsome prince taking hold of them, kissing them deeply on the lips as a romantic gesture. It was the idea that had been pushed at girls since their childhood to want.
Unless, of course, that little girl was Helga Sinclair.
Gunmetal blue eyes widened in shock as the Prince’s lips met her own, and she gave a muffled scream. Leather-clad hands reached out for broad shoulders and pushed him away. Instinctively, her hand went to her gun.
Never without her consent.
“Good boys ask first,” she said through clenched teeth, ready to shoot if he tried again.
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notalone-butfree · 9 years
Send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse…☽ = wandering alone at night.princebxte
Very rarily Elsa left the castle at night. She sneaked out a lot more than she used to, since her parents’ deaths, but it was mostly during daytime, when she could see where she was going. One of the perks of going out at night, was that she didn’t have to hide for other people much, she had never been caught by anyone and she didn’t think she ever would.
The princess  had practiced with her powers and was able to make stairs from the window of her bedchamber to the ground. She then just passed the guards at the gates by showing them who she was. Sometimes she would visit the market, sometimes she would just go into the forest to be alone some more, just with different surroundings.
And during nights she would walk around and see how peaceful Arendelle could be. Sometimes she would have short talks with elders, who were still outside, or help children who were lost and had a curfew. Never anyone but the guards and Gerda knew she was out, and no one ever recognized her, with the cape that covered her whole body and the hood that hid her face.
Elsa had reached the edge of the village, and didn’t even think about going into the forest at night, let alone up the mountains. She walked along the edge for a while until she reached the fjord, when she turned around to start her way back home, she noticed someone else there, in the distance. Surprised to find someone else out there, she supposed it was a guard, so she quickly walked closer.
Still far away, but close enough to realize it was not a guard, she slowed down. It was late and Elsa doubted if any citizen would be out at night, afraid of wolves and thieves, probably. “Hello!” She also doubted if it was a good idea to yell at someone she didn’t know, at night, but curiousity won. “What are you doing out here? Have you any idea how late it is!”
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princeofconjurers · 9 years
The other side of the glass. [ I'm trash]
Send “Such a beautiful specimen.” for your muse to be a scientist keeping mine in captivity.
Alternatively, send “The other side of the glass” for your muse to be the test subject.
Erik watched Adam with a frown. He hated doing this to him. His prince shouldn’t ever be restrained, but he was unstable and very dangerous to others and, more importantly, to himself.
Erik walked carefully into the cell with a plate of food. “Adam? I brought you food.” He told him, and he slid him the plate. He was being very cautious. He didn’t know what condition he was in. “I’m working on a cure… I think I might be onto something.” It wasn’t a total lie. He did have an idea, but he had no idea if it would work or not. It was a long shot, he knew. All of this was a long shot. He knew so little about true magic. It may very well be possible that he couldn’t cure it, but he had to try.
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I like how you give her so much depth, and provide me with such a rich vocabulary and unique way of describing things, I actually feel like my IQ gets higher after reading one of your responses on a thread. [ oops i guess that is more then one thing]
                  tell me one thing you like about how i portray                                                             my character!
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         (MEME; ACCEPTING)               The XX - Angels
“If someone believed me, they would be as in love with you as I am.”
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