#printing services north york
lonestarflight · 1 year
Apollo Program: Lunar Module (LM) production and names
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The Grumman Aerospace Corporation was awarded the contract on November 7, 1962. Originally designated Lunar Excursion Module (LEM), NASA ordered 25 lunar modules (10 test articles and 15 production models) for testing and landing on the moon. This was to go with the 15 Saturn Vs and Apollo CSMs. They were assembled in Grumman's factory in Bethpage, New York.
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"There were initially four major subcontractors: Bell Aerosystems (ascent engine), Hamilton Standard (environmental control systems), Marquardt (reaction control system) and Rocketdyne (descent engine).
The Primary Guidance, Navigation and Control System (PGNCS) was developed by the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory; the Apollo Guidance Computer was manufactured by Raytheon (a similar guidance system was used in the command module). A backup navigation tool, the Abort Guidance System (AGS), was developed by TRW."
-Information from Wikipedia: link
After the Gemini 3 spacecraft was dubbed Molly Brown by Gus Grissom, NASA forbade naming spacecraft. For Apollo 9, this changed due to mission controllers in Houston needing a way to differentiate between the two spacecraft.
Between 1969 and 1972, Grumman produced a series of insignias for their Lunar Modules which were distributed in limited quantities to their employees in the form of decals and prints.
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Apollo 5 (LM-1): none
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Apollo 3 (and later 2) (LM-2): Never used, intended for a mission similar to Apollo 5. The success of LM-1 led to the cancellation.
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Apollo 9 (LM-3): Spider
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Apollo 10 (LM-4): Snoopy. The LM ascent stage in heliocentric orbit and is the only known one to have survived intact
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Apollo 11 (LM-5): Eagle (originally named haystack)
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Apollo 12 (LM-6): Intrepid
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Apollo 13 (LM-7): Aquarius
Humorously, Grumman sent North American (the manufacturer of the Apollo Command and Service Module) a tow bill sometime after the crew returned. North American retorted back saying they've never sent them a tow bill for the previous missions.
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Apollo 14 (LM-8): Antares.
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Apollo 15 (originally) (LM-9): never used, on display the Kennedy Space Center.
Intended for Apollo 15 and was the last H-type mission. When Apollo 18 was cancelled, it was decided to make Apollo 15 the first J-type mission.
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Apollo 15 (LM-10): Falcon, originally intended for Apollo 16. First of the extended stay series.
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Apollo 16 (LM-11): Orion, originally intended for Apollo 17
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Apollo 17 (LM-12): Challenger, originally intended for Apollo 18.
Note: this name was reused for the second operational Space Shuttle Orbiter. After the Challenger Disaster, NASA officially retired the name.
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Apollo 18 (LM-13): never used, originally intended for 19. It was partially completed when Apollo 18 and 19 were cancelled. Later restored by Grumman workers and is on display at the Cradle of Aviation History and Education Center.
Apollo 19 (LM-14): never used, originally intended for Apollo 20. It was partially completed when Apollo 18 and 19 were cancelled. What was completed, was later scrapped.
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Apollo 20 (LM-15): never used, partially completed, scrapped. When Apollo 20 was cancelled, it was intended for modification into the Apollo Telescope Mount. Later the Telescope Mount was integrated into Skylab and this dedicated mission was cancelled.
source, source, source, source, source
NASA ID: MSFC-69-MS-G-1300-27, S67-50927, AS09-21-3183, AS10-34-5087, AS11-40-5946, AS12-46-6726, AS13-59-8566, AS14-66-9306, AS15-88-11866, AS16-113-18339, AS17-140-21370
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stephensmithuk · 6 months
The Man with the Watches
Originally written in 1898 as part of a series of short stories called Round the Fire. Doyle needed money to complete a house he was building in Surrey. Insert your own jokes about actors, bad movies and extensions here.
Rugby is a town in Warwickshire, 83 miles north of London. Yes, it is where the sport of rugby is named after - more specifically Rugby School, a famous private school.
Smoking areas in British trains were gradually abolished from the 1980s, the final ones going in 2005 (GNER and Caledonian Sleeper). I have a 2000 GB-wide timetable showing where smoking was still permitted. In some cases, the trigger for the ban was the move to air-conditioned stock that would result in the smoke circulating in the rest of the train.
A Gladstone bag was a rigid-framed small suitcase that could be opened into two equal halves, named as such due to its used by William Gladstone, four-time British Prime Minister, who would start his final ministry later in 1892.
The guard's van on passenger trains was generally a specific section of a carriage that also had a caged area for carrying luggage, parcels and caged small animals.
Willesden Junction is located in Harlesden, NW London. It no longer has any platforms on the West Coast Main Line, with Avanti and London Northwestern Railway trains going straight past it. Its passenger service today is made up of London Overground Lioness line services from Euston to Watford Junction, Overground Mildmay line services from Stratford to Richmond or Clapham Junction and the Underground's Bakerloo Line from Harrow and Wealdstone to Elephant & Castle. The first and third share the same tracks, while the second operates, on lines shared with freight trains, on separate "High Level" platforms. There is a depot for Overground trains nearby.
Non-gangwayed stock i.e. carriages with no connection between them even for emergency use, continued to be built into the British Railways, with quite a few of the "first generation" of diesel and electric multiple units being built this way. Most got gangways in later refurbishments, but the Class 205 DEMU, bar one example (205205) altered in a refurbishment trial, would carry on without them until final withdrawal in 2004. Most of the survivors then promptly ended up in the hands of heritage railways.
The Bible Society of London was founded in 1804 with the aim of providing affordable Bibles in people's own languages, after the 1800 case of a woman called Mary Jones, who saved up for six years then walked 26 miles to buy a Bible in Welsh. It is still active today.
The London to Rugby line had been widened to four tracks in the 1870s. From west to east, the tracks go: Down (Northbound) Fast - Up (Southbound) Fast - Down Slow - Up Slow. Ergo, you cannot move between two Down trains without a big leap. (https://www.opentraintimes.com/maps/signalling/lec2#LINK_1)
A bunco-steerer is a swindler.
Green goodsmen operated a scam in which people were offered purportedly counterfeit notes printed using stolen plates (so appearing genuine) at a cheap price, being shown actually genuine notes in a bag. During negotiation, the bag was switched for one containing worthless goods, like sawdust or green paper. Having been duped out of real money, the victims were reluctant to report this to police as attempting to purchase fake money was illegal.
Card-sharping is cheating at cards using various means, including cutting bits of cards to mark the ones you would want. Vegas casinos frequently deliberately cut corners off used cards being sold to tourists to prevent them being snuck into their games.
Tammany refers to Tammany Hall, the corrupt political machine that had ran New York City, for much of the 19th century, leveraging support from Irish immigrants by providing them with jobs for example. It had been temporarily ousted from power after the Lexow Commission of 1894-95 into police corruption; to wit, promotions were being sold for large sums of money and officers got that through extracting protection money from brothels etc. However, it would come back in the 1898 elections and retain control with occasional breaks until 1961, when Carmine DeSapio was ousted as its leader. It then lost power and had gone by 1967.
Travelling salespeople would carry samples or models of their products on their trips, sometimes in branded containers. This has largely become a thing of the past, but is still around.
Northumberland Avenue used to have a lot of high-class hotels, but these have mostly gone. Some were taken over for government use for a while, including by the War Office.
"Mary Jane" appears to have been a slang term for a male prostitute; Mary Jane Kelly was the final victim of Jack the Ripper.
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The ultimate sacrifice, three times over
By Jonathan Monfiletto
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According to the Civil War monument that stands in Courthouse Park in the vicinity of the Yates County Courthouse and county office building, 2,109 people from Yates County served in the military during the Civil War – out of a population in 1860 of 20,290 or a little more than 10 percent of the residents here at the time.
Of those 2,109 people, approximately 200 – another 10 percent, this time of those who served – died during the war, according to Penn Yan and How It Got That Way, by Frances Dumas.
And of the families of those 200 people, possibly none suffered more than the family of Romeo and Rachel Gaylord, of Bellona. The family sent three sons off to fight in the conflict between the North and the South – the rebellion, as contemporary newspaper reports often called it – and two of their sons died during their service while the third was wounded during the war.
I began to learn this family’s story when I went for a walk through the Bellona Cemetery one day earlier this summer and came across the Gaylord family gravestone there. The gravestone tells quite a story if you take the time to listen to it.
The marker lists parents Romeo and Rachel on the front of its four sides; Romeo died in 1867 at age 66, while Rachel lived to be 90 years old. Another side lists daughters Amanda and Emily, who both died in childhood at age 7 and less than a year old, respectively. A third side lists son Charles W., who died at age 25 in the Battle of Gettysburg while serving as a private with Co. B of the 126th New York Volunteers, along with daughter Lydia A. Cooper, who died at age 51 in 1891. The final side lists son Oliver C., who died at age 31 in St. Louis while serving as a private in Co. G of the 3rd Michigan Cavalry, along with son Benjamin F., who died at age 37 in Mississippi in 1872. He had been a corporal with Co. H of the 102nd New York Volunteers during the Civil War; whether he was still serving the military at the time of his death, I haven’t been able to determine.
A letter to the editor in the March 3, 1864 edition of the Yates County Chronicle titled “An Afflicted Family” and signed “A Friend” adds more details to the story already told by the gravestone. “There are so many cases of affliction all over our land – caused by this most unholy war and about which so much has been said – that it sems almost like needless repetition to speak of others; but finding that the patriotism of this family is worthy of at least a passing notice, I have ventured, although unaccustomed to writing for the public prints, to state the simple facts in regard to them,” the letter begins its tribute to the Gaylord family.
Friend notes the Gaylord family “has been long and favorably known by many who will peruse this notice,” before he tells of the fates of the three sons called away by military service during the war. Oliver, the eldest son, had resided in Michigan “for several years past,” according to the letter, and enlisted in Co. G. of the 3rd Michigan Cavalry in October 1861. Six months later, in April 1862, he died of chronic diarrhea in St. Louis, having never been in battle.
Frank – as Benjamin F. seems to have been called – the next eldest son, enlisted in Co. H of the 102nd Regiment in December 1861 and was wounded in August 1862 at the Battle of Cedar Mountain in Culpeper County, Virginia. The wound was enough to disable him from further service during the war, and he was discharged in October 1862. It seems he returned to the family property in Bellona, at least for a period of time.
Charles enlisted in August 1862 – August 8, in fact, just a day before Frank was injured on August 9 – in Co. B of the 126th Regiment. He was killed in July 1863 during the Battle of Gettysburg, the northernmost battle of the war but not the only battle to take place outside of the Confederacy.
“And we have the fullest assurance that the two [Oliver and Charles] who have been ‘relieved from duty,’ were well prepared to report to the head-quarters of the Captain of their Salvation,” Friend concludes his letter.
According to Census records, the Gaylord family had at least two other sons – Byron, who was 13 in 1855, and Edward, who was 8 at that time – and at least one other daughter, Elizabeth, who was 21 in 1855. In 1855, the Gaylord family is listed in Torrey, but in 1865 the family is listed in Benton.
Frank’s gravestone indicates he died in Mississippi in 1872. Though I have been unable to find any further information, other than Frank married his wife in New York and they bore their son in Mississippi, I wonder if Frank had somehow re-enlisted in the military and served as part of the occupation of the South during Reconstruction and then somehow died during this service.
Perhaps this was another sacrifice made by the Gaylord family – a family who had already witnessed so much sacrifice and heartache during the Civil War.
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birdzflycom · 1 year
Unabomber Ted Kaczynski Found Dead in Prison Cell
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Img Source: https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-560w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2023-06/230610-theodore-ted-kaczynski-unabomber-mjf-1309-ec8630.jpg
Ted Kaczynski, Known as the Unabomber, Dies at Age 81
Ted Kaczynski, the man infamously known as the Unabomber, was discovered dead in his prison cell in North Carolina, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The 81-year-old, who had been serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for a series of bombings across the United States, had been transferred to North Carolina in 2021 due to his deteriorating health. The exact cause of Kaczynski's death has not yet been disclosed, leaving many questions unanswered about the circumstances surrounding his passing. Kaczynski gained notoriety for his role in a string of bombings that targeted scientists and claimed the lives of three individuals. His reign of terror began in 1978 and continued until his arrest in 1996. Previously held in a maximum-security prison in Colorado, Kaczynski's declining health prompted authorities to move him to North Carolina, where he would receive the necessary medical attention. The decision was made in 2021, ensuring that he could be provided with appropriate care while serving his sentence. Kaczynski's arrest took place at a primitive cabin he inhabited in western Montana. Following his capture, he admitted to orchestrating a total of 16 explosions that caused casualties and injuries spanning from 1978 to 1995. His homemade bombs, often sent through the mail, induced fear and changed the way Americans approached package delivery and air travel. One particularly alarming incident involved an altitude-triggered explosion aboard an American Airlines flight, which detonated as intended. This event and the subsequent threat to blow up a plane departing from Los Angeles before the end of the July 4 weekend in 1995 caused chaos in air travel and mail services. The Unabomber later dismissed it as a "prank." The Unabomber's targets were primarily universities and airlines, earning him his infamous moniker from the FBI. As a highly educated mathematician trained at Harvard University, Kaczynski developed a vehement opposition to the consequences of advancing technology. His anti-technology manifesto, titled "Industrial Society and Its Future," was published by The Washington Post and The New York Times in September 1995 at the insistence of federal authorities. The Unabomber had promised to cease his acts of terrorism if a national publication would print his treatise. Kaczynski's reign of terror, marked by his bombings and the ensuing manhunt, left a lasting impact on American society. The hunt for him became the longest and most expensive in the nation's history. Ultimately, his arrest and conviction brought some measure of closure to the victims and their families. While the news of Ted Kaczynski's death raises questions, it also marks the end of a dark chapter in American history. The impact of his actions and the fear he instilled continue to resonate, reminding us of the importance of vigilance and the pursuit of justice. Read the full article
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signlandcanada · 5 days
Signland: Elevate Your Business with Professional Print and Signage
At Signland, we believe that your business deserves to stand out. With our high-quality print and signage services, you can create a professional, memorable image for your brand. Whether you’re looking for custom canvas prints, sleek acrylic letters, or eye-catching channel letters, we offer a range of services to help your business shine. Serving Toronto, North York, Mississauga, and the Greater Toronto Area, Signland is your trusted partner in all things design and print.
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Our custom canvas printing services allow you to transform your images into high-quality artwork that’s perfect for any space. Whether you’re looking to showcase your products, promote a service, or add some personality to your office, our durable canvas prints will bring your vision to life. We use the best materials and printing techniques to ensure your prints remain vibrant and eye-catching for years to come.
Acrylic Letters: Modern, Bold Signage
Acrylic letters provide a sleek, modern look for any business. Whether it’s a logo for your storefront or signage for your office, our custom acrylic letters are designed to make your brand stand out. Built to last and available in various colors and finishes, these letters are a perfect choice for businesses looking for stylish, professional signage that makes an impact.
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Channel Letters: Light Up Your Brand
Channel letters are one of the most effective ways to make your business visible, day and night. At Signland, we specialize in creating custom channel letters that are illuminated to attract attention and enhance your brand’s visibility. Perfect for storefronts and large-scale signage, our channel letters are designed to help your business stand out from the competition.
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digitalwibe · 2 months
North America Aircraft Aftermarket Parts Market: Dynamics, Regional Growth, and Forecast (2024-2032)
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The North America Aircraft Aftermarket Parts Market is set for robust growth from 2024 to 2032, driven by advancements in technology, rising aircraft demand, and evolving industry dynamics. This blog explores the key dynamics, regional growth factors, and forecasts shaping the market.
Market Dynamics and Key Drivers:
The North America Aircraft Aftermarket Parts Market benefits from several key dynamics that drive its growth. Key drivers include increasing aircraft fleet sizes, the need for regular maintenance, and advancements in aftermarket technology. The region’s robust aerospace sector, with major players like Boeing and General Electric, significantly contributes to the market's expansion. For a detailed analysis, explore the Aircraft Aftermarket Parts Market.
Technological Advancements:
Advanced Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) Technologies: The integration of advanced MRO technologies, such as predictive maintenance and data analytics, enhances the efficiency and reliability of aftermarket parts. These technologies allow for proactive part replacements and reduced downtime.
3D Printing and Customization: The use of 3D printing in producing aftermarket parts is revolutionizing the industry. It allows for the rapid production of customized parts, reducing lead times and costs.
Enhanced Supply Chain Management: Improved supply chain strategies, including real-time inventory management and automation, are optimizing the availability and distribution of aftermarket parts.
Regional Growth Factors:
Increasing Aircraft Fleet: The growing number of commercial and military aircraft in North America is driving demand for aftermarket parts. This trend is expected to continue as airlines and defense contractors expand their fleets.
Regulatory Requirements: Stringent regulations and safety standards in North America mandate regular maintenance and part replacements, further boosting the demand for aftermarket parts.
Investment in Aerospace Infrastructure: Significant investments in aerospace infrastructure and technology by both private and public sectors are supporting market growth.
Forecast and Future Outlook:
The North America Aircraft Aftermarket Parts Market is projected to experience substantial growth, driven by technological advancements and increasing demand from the aerospace sector. The focus on innovation and regulatory compliance will be key factors influencing the market's trajectory.
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At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services. MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions. To stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 5.24 (before 1940)
919 – The nobles of Franconia and Saxony elect Henry the Fowler at the Imperial Diet in Fritzlar as king of the East Frankish Kingdom. 1218 – The Fifth Crusade leaves Acre for Egypt. 1276 – Magnus Ladulås is crowned King of Sweden in Uppsala Cathedral. 1487 – The ten-year-old Lambert Simnel is crowned in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, Ireland, with the name of Edward VI in a bid to threaten King Henry VII's reign. 1567 – Erik XIV of Sweden and his guards murder five incarcerated Swedish nobles. 1595 – Nomenclator of Leiden University Library appears, the first printed catalog of an institutional library. 1607 – Jamestown, the first permanent English colony in North America, is founded. 1621 – The Protestant Union is formally dissolved. 1626 – Peter Minuit buys Manhattan. 1667 – The French Royal Army crosses the border into the Spanish Netherlands, starting the War of Devolution opposing France to the Spanish Empire and the Triple Alliance. 1683 – The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, opens as the world's first university museum. 1689 – The English Parliament passes the Act of Toleration protecting dissenting Protestants but excluding Roman Catholics. 1738 – John Wesley is converted, essentially launching the Methodist movement; the day is celebrated annually by Methodists as Aldersgate Day and a church service is generally held on the preceding Sunday. 1798 – The Irish Rebellion of 1798 led by the United Irishmen against British rule begins. 1813 – South American independence leader Simón Bolívar enters Mérida, leading the invasion of Venezuela, and is proclaimed El Libertador ("The Liberator"). 1822 – Battle of Pichincha: Antonio José de Sucre secures the independence of the Presidency of Quito. 1832 – The First Kingdom of Greece is declared in the London Conference. 1844 – Samuel Morse sends the message "What hath God wrought" (a biblical quotation, Numbers 23:23) from a committee room in the United States Capitol to his assistant, Alfred Vail, in Baltimore, Maryland, to inaugurate a commercial telegraph line between Baltimore and Washington D.C. 1856 – John Brown and his men kill five slavery supporters at Pottawatomie Creek, Kansas. 1861 – American Civil War: Union troops occupy Alexandria, Virginia. 1873 – Patrick Francis Healy becomes the first black president of a predominantly white university in the United States. 1883 – The Brooklyn Bridge in New York City is opened to traffic after 14 years of construction. 1900 – Second Boer War: The United Kingdom annexes the Orange Free State. 1901–present 1915 – World War I: Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary, joining the conflict on the side of the Allies. 1930 – Amy Johnson lands in Darwin, Northern Territory, becoming the first woman to fly solo from England to Australia (she left on May 5 for the 11,000 mile flight). 1935 – The first night game in Major League Baseball history is played in Cincinnati, Ohio, with the Cincinnati Reds beating the Philadelphia Phillies 2–1 at Crosley Field.
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yourusatoday · 7 months
Unveiling Ricoh Co., Ltd's Global Presence: A Comprehensive Overview of its Locations
Introduction: Understanding Ricoh Co., Ltd's Global Reach
Ricoh Co., Ltd stands as a beacon of innovation in the realm of imaging and electronics, renowned for its cutting-edge technologies and commitment to sustainability. With a global footprint spanning continents, Ricoh's strategic locations play a pivotal role in driving its mission to empower digital workplaces and enhance customer experiences. Let's delve into the intricacies of Ricoh's key locations across the globe.
Exploring Ricoh Co., Ltd's Key Locations
Tokyo, Japan
As the birthplace of Ricoh Co., Ltd, Tokyo serves as the heart of its operations and innovation. Nestled in the bustling metropolis of Japan's capital, Ricoh's headquarters embodies its ethos of precision, efficiency, and technological advancement. From research and development to corporate strategy, the Tokyo office serves as the epicenter of Ricoh's global vision, driving innovation and shaping the future of imaging and electronics.
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London, United Kingdom
In the vibrant city of London, Ricoh's presence is synonymous with excellence and reliability. The London office serves as a strategic hub for Ricoh's European operations, catering to the diverse needs of customers across the continent. With its strategic location and multicultural workforce, the London office fosters collaboration and innovation, enabling Ricoh to deliver cutting-edge solutions and unparalleled service to its European clientele.
New York City, USA
Amidst the iconic skyline of New York City, Ricoh's presence exemplifies its commitment to innovation and customer-centricity. The New York office serves as a pivotal outpost for Ricoh's North American operations, providing comprehensive support and solutions to businesses across the region. From digital imaging to managed print services, the New York office offers a diverse portfolio of products and services, empowering organizations to thrive in the digital age.
Sydney, Australia
Nestled amidst the stunning landscapes of Australia, Ricoh's Sydney office serves as a strategic gateway to the Asia-Pacific region. With its vibrant culture and dynamic economy, Sydney provides Ricoh with a platform to expand its presence and drive growth in key markets such as Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia. The Sydney office embodies Ricoh's commitment to sustainability and innovation, offering environmentally friendly solutions that empower businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and enhance operational efficiency.
Conclusion: Navigating Ricoh Co., Ltd's Global Landscape
Ricoh Co., Ltd's global presence underscores its unwavering commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. From its headquarters in Tokyo to its strategic outposts in London, New York, and Sydney, Ricoh's locations serve as pillars of its success, enabling the company to deliver cutting-edge solutions and unparalleled service to customers worldwide. As Ricoh continues to expand its reach and redefine the future of imaging and electronics, its global locations will remain integral to its journey towards excellence.
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zooterchet · 7 months
Driver's License Marks
1: Snitch on Yeltsin Arms Combine, murder of Carlin Sarkesian, representative of the RIAA; imminent school shooting, on Respite Center, for developmentally disabled; autistics, Down's Syndrome.
2: Snitch on Obama Northampton Sheriffs, mutilation of the genitals, breasts, and organs, of police officers intended for roadside stops for drugs; imminent takeover of gender studies logic, from infiltrators in federal, state police, and espionage programs; not feminism, police protocol of New England.
8: Masonic Degree, rejection of Freemasonic Temple; informed tip on George W. Bush, for stealing semen, with Islamic Rabbinicals, on behalf of British government and Confederate Southern Army; Skyfall, Raoul Silva, NSA agent and Air Force Lieutenant, tapped by Prosecutor Joseph Kennedy III, now Congressional envoy to North Ireland, to infiltrate Massachusetts State Police, Saudi medical programs relying on film for prescription and theory of act and interaction.
Hawk: Langley assassins license, to hire out of Boston City Hall, State Department, Municipal; authorized thespians kills, as undercover within organization of shell company, for print to screen; notarized bank account, and audit of potential tax paid, in same bank as residing town, under own account; otherwise, wire fraud, SWAT raid upon registration to vote.
Star: Concealed weapons permit, firearm, anything legal in the State of Massachusetts, under New England physical obstruction laws of placement of federal, state, or local crime; civics of Beacon Hill, the textbook annex source of the United States government, through Saudi Arabia and the Italian Vatican; the Stockyard Steak House.
York Flower: Upright flower of psionic, American service; bound with "Batman Forever", and finished completion, with "Batman (2022)", as NASH series of CIA assassin; duplicating Glenn Wolfram, Hungarian World Bank, torture expert for New York fruit markets and bank keys.
DC85: Department of Commerce, year of birth not conception, as 1985. Seized licenses, Dragonball, Megaman X1, Quake 1, Area 88, UN Squadron, Harry Potter. Placed in comics, as Jean-Paul Valley, with daughter prospective, as "BANE". Sperm donated, to Venus Terzo, under alias, "Silver Laventi", for Russian Federalist tactical nuclear project, to face Ukrainian defectors from Vladimir Putin; Russian separatists, desiring their own farm independence, to sell to Federal Republic of Germany and Pennsylvanian police guilds.
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lawyersdatascraping · 11 months
New Jersey Lawyers Email List
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Maximizing Law Firm Success with the New Jersey Lawyers Email List
In today's dynamic legal landscape, effective marketing is essential for law firms to stand out, attract clients, and establish a strong online presence. The New Jersey Lawyers Email List by Lawyersdatalab.com is a powerful tool that holds the potential to transform law firm marketing strategies and drive successful marketing campaigns. This comprehensive email list offers law firms a direct connection to legal professionals in New Jersey, opening the door to a world of opportunities for strategic outreach and engagement.
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roskindesign · 11 months
The Language of the Locksmiths
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Dear friends and clients, we had many messages from you asking for specific words and meanings in locksmith business. We decided to write this article with basic locksmith terminology and some local lingo that might be helpful for you to know. Locksmithing is an ancient craft, and we are proud to have a rich vocabulary,so dive in and learn something new today! It will make the negotiation with a locksmith during work so much more understandable for you. We would love to have your feedback on this article!
First in the list is “ keyway”, it refers to the specific groove or channel cut into a lock cylinder, where the key is inserted. Keyways vary between different lock manufacturers and models, and knowing the correct keyway is crucial for cutting or duplicating keys.
The “master key system” is also something that we are asked frequently. It is a complex system that allows for multiple keys to operate different locks, while one master key can open all of them. This is often used in commercial and industrial settings to provide access control.
Have you heard of “ bow of the key”? This is the segment of the key which is not fitted into the lock. It is the part which you hold on to. Often it also has some useful information printed on it, such as a company name or a code. 
Next for explaining is "bump key" this is a specially crafted key used to bump a pin tumbler lock open. This is considered a security threat, and locksmiths may provide services to secure against bumping.
“key blade” is the part of the key which is inserted in the keyhole, and which operates the lock. This is one of the coolest words in the list, what do you think?
Does the “tumblers” ring a bell? These are the parts inside the lock which need to be aligned for the lock to open. In key locks this is done by turning of the key, while in combination locks the task is accomplished by entering the correct combination.
“Keyway” a pattern of grooves and millings along the side of the part of the key which is inserted into a lock is called the keyway. The keyway of the key should be compatible with the lock for it to turn the tumblers and operate the lock.
"Key blank" - A blank key that has not been cut or shaped. Locksmiths use key blanks to create keys for specific locks by cutting or duplicating them.
"Mortise Lock" - This is a type of lockset that is embedded or mortised into the door, typically used in commercial settings. It consists of a lock body and a separate knob or lever.
“Master-keyed”- A group of locks, in which each lock is operated by its own individual key, but also can be operated by a master key which can access each lock in the group. This means that all locks in the group should have keyways which match with those of the master key.
“Keyed-Different or  Keyed-Alike?”- When different locks in a group of locks are operated by different keys, it is termed as being keyed-different. Whereas, if a group of locks can be opened by the same singular key it is referred to as being keyed-alike.
“Rekeying” is the process of replacing the tumblers inside the cylinder of a lock with tumblers of different size. Such a lock then requires a new set of keys and no longer can be operated by the old set. 
"Deadbolt" - A type of lock mechanism that doesn't have a spring and is operated manually by turning a key or knob. Deadbolts are more secure than spring bolt locks, making them popular for exterior doors.
These terms and phrases are just a glimpse into the great vocabulary of locksmithing, which encompasses a wide range of techniques and tools to secure and provide access to various types of locks and security systems. 
Understanding these terms can help individuals communicate effectively with locksmiths and better comprehend the locksmithing processes!
If you have any other questions, you can contact the locksmith near you - Etobicoke , Toronto , East York , Scarborough, North York, Markham, Richmond Hill, Mississauga, Vaughan and Oakville
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workbusiness · 1 year
What Can You Do with ITA Airways Manage Booking?
Managed booking allows VITA Airways passengers to make changes to their flight reservations. Through Manage Booking, passengers can:- Change their flight dates- Change their seats- Add luggage- Upgrade to a more expensive class- Add special services- Cancel their reservations- Request a refund- Rebook a flight different- Print your e-tickets
Important Routes of Alitalia
The Alitalia airline, in addition to providing complete coverage of Italy, extends its wings to the main European capitals, North Africa, America, Asia and the Middle East. As of early 2023, the airline flies to 44 destinations on 59 routes and aims to expand to 74 destinations on 89 routes by 2025. A couple of major cities in its expansive and expanding network include Algiers, Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Brussels, El Cairo, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Geneva, Hamburg, City of London, London Heathrow, Madrid, Malta, Munich, Nice, New Delhi, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Paris Orly, Sofia, Stuttgart, Tirana, Tel Aviv, Tunis and Zurich. Some of the important and popular transatlantic routes are Miami-Rome, Miami-Venice, New York-Florence, New York-Bari, Los Angeles-Milan, Boston-Palermo.
A member of the SkyTeam alliance, ITA Airways serves aviation markets across continents.
Baggage Allowance
The free baggage allowance on board Alitalia flights allows from 23 to 32 kilograms, depending on the class of travel and destination. Free carry-on baggage may have a maximum weight of 8 kg and measure no more than 55 cm high, 35 cm wide and 25 cm deep, including handles, side pockets and wheels. Business Class on long-haul flights allows two check-in bags of up to 32 kg each, while Premium Economy and Economy allow baggage up to 23 kg. In addition, one can carry an accessory baggage that can be their handbag, work backpack or laptop. This must not be more than 36 cm high, 45 cm wide, 20 cm deep. On Alitalia flights, take into account the destination rules on extra baggage, which differ depending on the destination between 60 and 250 euros.
Travel with Infants
Sailing at high altitude with all the comforts is a pleasurable experience, Alitalia goes the extra mile to serve its passengers with unmatched amenities and facilities. Alitalia airlines are among the few airlines that allow their passengers to select their preferred seats in case they are traveling with children and babies. Passengers can reserve a rear seat free of charge if they are traveling with a child under 12 years of age. When checking in online, adults traveling with infants under the age of two can select a standard seat free of charge. The assignment of a seat, next to the minor’s, is guaranteed for at least one of the parents/companion.
Gourmet Meals Inflight
Alitalia flights offer a wide range of delicious menus on all its routes and classes. Enjoy delicious meals ranging from snacks and a beverage of your choice on international flights under three hours to culinary variety on flights from Italy to intercontinental destinations with two services; One serving with starters, main course with dessert followed by a second serving for snack or breakfast. A specially curated meal is also on the menu along with your choice of beverages on flights with a duration of 11 hours or longer.
Long-haul Business Class flights have an expert chef on board who prepares the most amazing traditional Italian dishes. Passengers in this class have the opportunity to try the most incredible cuisine organized by star chef Enrico Bartolini, who, for flights departing from Italy, has reinterpreted two traditional Italian dishes: pappa al pomodoro and Amalfi-scented chicken thigh. . Traditional recipes, inspired by home cooking, are also served for station passengers.
Stay Connected with Wi-Fi Onboard
Making air travel highly convenient for business and leisure travelers alike, Alitalia flights offer the all-important facility of making phone calls to the ground using satellite technology. You can even call a fellow traveler on the same flight, but with farther seats, by dialing her seat number. Furthermore, one also has the pleasure of having Wi-Fi connectivity on board. Once you board the flight, and once the crew allows it, when you open the browser, you will be automatically directed to the ITA Airways Wi-Fi portal. You can buy an Internet package that suits you best by following the instructions on your device. Once connected you can call, chat or browse thanks to the international roaming service.
Travel Classes
Alitalia (ITA Airways) offers you a variety of travel classes to suit all budgets. You can choose to enjoy the convenience of traveling in style and comfort in five different classes of travel. From Business Class Long Distance, Business Class Medium Distance, Superior, Premium Economy and Economy. Each class offers travelers personalized services.
Business Class Long Haul offers some of the most amazing flight experiences with a seat that reclines up to 180° with a fully flat bed position and a massage function. The atmosphere in the cabin is super relaxing with lights that vary in intensity and color depending on the time and the stages of the journey in the new A330s. This fleet of aircraft comes with personal screens and a fabulous collection of movies, games, music and TV shows. In Premium Economy Class, passengers can also enjoy excellent inflight entertainment with 10.4" and 10.6" personal screens (A330 fleet), a wide repertoire of movies, games, music and TV shows.
Premium Economy also has a quiet, separate cabin section with 17 ergonomic seats that recline approximately 120° and offer up to 40% more legroom. Alitalia has a great facility to request an upgrade in travel class. Passengers can make an offer for a higher class online, and if the airline accepts the offer, then the passenger can enjoy the higher flight experience at the price he/she decides. However, a lot depends on the availability of seats at the time and also on the offer made: the higher the offer, the more chances there are of getting an upgrade.
About ITA Airways
ITA Airways is a leading global airline carrying passengers to various destinations around the world. Their main priority is to guarantee the safety, comfort and satisfaction of their passengers. ITA Airways has a modern fleet of aircraft, excellent amenities, and a highly-trained team of professionals who work together to establish the airline as a model of excellence and reliability in the aviation industry.
Its route network covers popular tourist destinations, major business centers and remote locations, offering different classes of flight to meet the unique needs of each traveler. Passengers can choose between economy, business or first class and enjoy a personalized and pleasant experience on every flight.
ITA Airways offers passengers more than just flights by providing various complementary services such as baggage handling, delicious food on board and a variety of entertainment options. The airline is committed to providing a smooth and seamless travel experience from booking to arrival, and this commitment is evident in all aspects of its operations. From the moment travelers book their travel, ITA Airways strives to make their experience as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.
A critical cornerstone of ITA Airways’ success lies in its unwavering commitment to safety and security. The airline strictly adheres to safety regulations and implements a rigorous training regimen for its pilots and cabin crew, equipping them with the necessary tools to navigate potential in-flight emergencies.
In addition, the airline makes significant investments in cutting-edge safety and security technologies, ensuring the protection of passengers and crew throughout the flight experience.
The main aspect that travelers need to take care of while booking air tickets is to control the fluctuating price of air tickets. Here, what needs to be considered specifically is to look for the best deals that seem affordable according to the budget. Therefore, it is always of great benefit to know about all the benefits that are provided and make the best use of them during online air ticket bookings. Choose cheap airline tickets after checking them all.
Travelers always look for cheap flight bookings whenever they plan to book airline tickets. One way to execute this wisely is to start planning the same or check the best flight deals at least a month before the trip. This greatly benefits them by satisfying their need to travel for less and get the cheap air tickets available. Travel time planning is another important aspect that is less taken into account or mostly forgotten. Therefore, travel experts recommend planning your travel time and considering all available options before booking your flight online.
Making use of online flight booking features or travel apps is the best thing to do with the progress of technology. In this way, travelers can see the main options that airlines offer and compare them several times before booking plane tickets to their destination. In fact, each airline strives to provide its travelers with the best options to travel for less, in a more direct and faster way. As a result, there is less third-party involvement in booking cheap flights.
With immense growth and involvement of technology, booking airline tickets has become a much easier process with widely used apps. These help travelers with personalized notifications and messages every time they book their air tickets. Also, in the process of booking cheap flights and others, these platforms help travelers to have a well-planned trip by sending personalized messages, emails, and invoices that are highly beneficial from the beginning to the end of their trip. Through these airline tickets, travelers also receive small benefits, such as information on nearby malls, history of booked airline tickets, variable fares, and sometimes a descriptive itinerary. This is the main reason why the need to book cheap flights is always increasing.
Because BookOTrip has been heavily involved in the field of travel, we are able to meet people’s needs to travel for less money both domestically and internationally. We make sure that, through us, booking airline tickets online becomes a unique experience and that the trip is much easier. BookOTrip offers a completely different flight booking process whereby travelers can view the best available options and make a final decision on their bookings after exploring all available options.
The reason why we strive to be one of the most trusted choice of our happy customers is that we create a platform for user-friendly experience regarding online flight booking to get desired cheap air tickets. Ultimately what we hope is to offer cheap flight booking services like no other and offer travel services to book airline tickets at desired rates. BookOTrip also offers an expanded opportunity for travelers to make digitized payments in a split second and stay ahead of other competing travel agencies.
Alitalia Web Check-in
Alitalia’s web check-in service can be used 48 hours before flight departure. However, for flights to/from the US, online check-in is only available 24 hours prior to your flight departure. To do your web check-in, click on the ‘Book and Manage’ tab on the airline’s homepage (https://www.ita-airways.com/en_en/), enter your PNR number along with your name and surname. Then proceed with the check-in. Also, note that seat selection is free in Economy Class for Classic Plus and Flex fares, so don’t forget to choose your favorite seat.
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esgdatainrate · 1 year
Americas Wall Covering In-Depth Profiling With Key Players and Recent Developments, Forecast Period: 2021-2031
The Americas wall coverings market size was valued at $67,034.4 million in 2021 and is projected to reach $1,04,199.0 million by 2031, registering a CAGR of 4.6% from 2022 to 2031.
Wall coverings is used to enhance the aesthetic appearance and protect the vertical surfaces of houses and offices. Depending on individual needs, it is a coverings that may be used on both internal areas and external facades. Wall coverings are widely implemented in residential and non-residential sectors. Wallpaper, wall-panel, and tiles such as marble and ceramics are some of the popular materials used as wall coverings. Wallpaper and tiles are used at offices, business premises, and homes to make them look elegant and stylish.
Americas wall coverings market has grown due to expansion of residential and non-residential construction in emerging countries. Furthermore, these coverings have various advantages, such as being moisture & stain resistant, they enhance texture, and protect wall surface. All of these benefits are expected to propel the Americas wall coverings market forward. Moreover, increase in government and private investments in infrastructure in developed countries have fueled the market growth. In addition, technological advancement in digital and traditional printing has created growth opportunities for Americas wall coverings market forecast period.
The Americas wall coverings market has experienced growth as a result of increase in construction and infrastructure activities in countries like U.S, Canada and Brazil. A change toward visually pleasing interior and exterior wall designs has occurred as a result of rise in personal disposable income, which is anticipated to support market development. Furthermore, rise in construction spending in developing countries is expected to have a positive impact on total market demand. For instance, in March 2022, the U.S. President invested $3.1 billion in funding for new energy-efficient residential buildings. Hence, these investments are expected to provide lucrative in the Americas wall coverings market growth.
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The market is segmented on the basis of product type, application, end user and region. On the basis of product, the market is divided into paint, wallpaper, plaster panel and tiles. On the basis of application, the market is divided into new construction and renovation. On the basis of end user, the market is divided into residential and non- residential. Region-wise, the market analysis is conducted across North America and Latin America.
Competition Analysis
The key players that operating in the Americas wall coverings market are Adfors / Saint Gobain, Benjamin Moore & Co., Brewster Home Fashions, Crossville Inc., Daltile, F. Schumacher & Co., J. Josephson Inc., Maya Romanoff Corporation, Waldan Paper Services LLC, and York Wall coverings
Full Report With TOC:-https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/americas-wall-coverings-market-A31777
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chrisframeofficial · 1 year
Why is the Titanic called “Titanic”?
Well over 110 years after she sunk, Titanic still captivates the imagination. The size and scale of the ship is often credited as the reason behind her name: Titanic. The word means ‘of exceptional strength, size, or power’ - and the ship was designed to reflect all three of these attributes.
But the truth behind the name of Titanic is deeper than that. So let’s explore this history and discover why the world’s most famous ship was named Titanic. 
You can watch the video above or if you prefer to read check out the story below.
Origins of a name
When Titanic entered service in 1912 she was the flagship of the White Star Line, and in order to understand the origins of the ship’s name, need to start with the company that created her. 
White Star Line was a brand that had been plying the world’s oceans since 1845 - initially undertaking sailing ship voyages to Australia. But in 1868 this all changed. White Star had fallen on hard times, so the brand name and house flag were acquired by the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company, under the watchful eye of Thomas Henry Ismay.
Ismay set about re-establishing White Star as a North Atlantic line. The company set about building a fleet of propeller driven steamers, starting with the revolutionary Oceanic in 1870. Oceanic was joined by three sisters, Atlantic, Baltic and Republic - and it is here that the first hints as to the origins of Titanic’s name can be found, have you spotted it?
Names ending in “ic”
The origins of Titanic’s name were set down decades before the giant liner was ever dreamt up. 
As you’d have noticed, the first four White Star Liners had names ending in “ic”. This became an established norm at White Star - with nearly every ship operated by White Star Line carrying a name ending in “ic”. 
Today we are familiar with naming conventions for cruise lines. For example, all of the modern Royal Caribbean ships have an “of the seas” suffix. Historically, Cunard used an “ia” suffix and today use a “Queen” prefix. Ships of modern-day P&O Australia carry a “Pacific” prefix while Holland America Line ship’s past and present carry a name ending in “dam”. 
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Above: Pacific Explorer features the P&O “Pacific” prefix.
With over 300 cruise ships in service today, familial names make it easy for travellers to identify which ship belongs to which brand when reading reviews, checking out brochures or watching YouTube videos to decide what cruise to book next.
Rewind to the 1870s and consider a world where the primary form of communication was print and there were hundreds of ships to travel on… the need for easy identification becomes even more essential. 
Shipping lines of the day relied on printed sailing schedules and black & white newspaper advertisements to inform customers of their voyages. In this setting, a traveller’s ability to quickly identify White Star’s ships was deemed essential. 
A common naming practice, used in conjunction with the distinctive house flag and brand name meant that potential passengers could identify White Star ships by their names… it’s basically Brand Management 101 - keep it simple, consistent and recognisable. 
A newspaper listing in the shipping movements showing Oceanic sailing to New York at Noon on Sunday was as easy to associate with White Star as a print ad for Republic’s next voyage, or poster showing a sailing aboard Atlantic, or Baltic. 
This naming convention was a success, and it stuck, even after advertising became more sophisticated. And so, by the time that the Titanic was under development, the ship’s name was going to end in IC. This narrowed down the choices for the name of the vessel.
Titanic Mythology:
The next consideration for White Star when naming Titanic was the significance of the ship - or more precisely - the significance of the class of ships she belonged to. Titanic was the second of a trio of giant ships which became known as the Olympic class.
These ships were designed to eclipse their rivals at Cunard and Norddeutscher Lloyd in size and luxury, and were built at White Star Line’s preferred shipbuilder - Harland and Wolff.
Now you’ll notice that Titanic was part of the Olympic class - not the Titanic class, but why is this? 
Well when a variant - or class - of ships are built the class is generally named for the first ship in the variant. We still see this today - with the Fantasy class of Carnival Cruise Ship’s named for the first ship Fantasy, or the huge Oasis class named for Oasis of the Seas - the first ship of that class.
So why Olympic class? Well the first ship in the trio was named Olympic. And this gives us our second hint into the origins of the Titanic’s name. 
White Star had carefully considered the names of their new trio. They were the largest liners of their day - so size was important. But White Star also knew that in time, they would likely be eclipsed in size. So the names had to be something that was draw attention over decades, well after the initial excitement of their maiden seasons.
The brand looked to Ancient Greek Mythology to elevate the status of their new ships. In particular, the interconnected story of the Titans, the Olympians and the Giants. 
Perhaps the most well known group were the Olympians:  A mythical race of immortal beings, worshipped as gods of the Greek pantheon. They were named for their home atop Mount Olympus. 
As the class leader, Olympic was always intended to be the most famous of the trio. And in fact, until April 15 1912, she was. 
She was the first ship to smash the size barrier, the first to introduce the opulent interior that the trio were known for, and she was the first in the class to set sail for White Star. So it was fitting that Olympic was named after the most famous of the Greek gods: The Olympians. 
Sticking with this theme, the second ship in the class was also named after Ancient Greek Mythology. The Titans had ruled before the Olympians, thus, Olympic’s sister ship was named Titanic, adding the IC to the word Titan, to ensure she retained the naming convention. Titanic also signified strength, size and power - but this was not the primary consideration for the choice of the name. 
The Third Ship? 
So now we know that Titanic was named after the Titans, following a naming convention that included a name ending in IC as well as incorporating Ancient Greek Mythology as established by her sister, Olympic. 
But what of the third ship in the Olympic class? Well the origins of the name of the third ship is slightly more blurry.
It is believed that White Star intended to call the ship Gigantic. The giants were a race of great strength, who battled with the Olympian gods, so the name Gigantic fits within the theme of Ancient Greek Mythology. 
There do exist newspaper reports from the time that talk of plans for White Star’s Gigantic, as well as some period advertising posters that survive in private collections. However tracking the origins of the ship’s name back to official primary sources is more challenging, and there are plenty of other maritime historians who will tell you the Gigantic name is the stuff of legend. What do you think? Is the Gigantic name fact or fiction? 
Regardless, the new ship had not been completed when Titanic was lost and was ultimately launched as Britannic, breaking the naming convention of the Olympic class white retaining the “ic” ending of the White Star Line.
So now we know why Titanic was called Titanic. It wasn’t just a nod to her size and strength, but rather a continuation of an elegant naming convention established at the birth of the White Star Line’s transatlantic service.
We also know that Titanic was never intended to overshadow Olympic, and though Titanic did add a few extra amenities when compared to her sister, Olympic was well and truly the more famous of the two ships - until Titanic sunk. 
The name Olympic is a great hint as to White Star’s pride of the class leader - as the Olympians had defeated the Titans - and it’s only really due to the allure of the Titanic story that we’ve associated her name with an unintended bias towards the second ship in the class.
Make no mistake, in an alternative universe where Titanic and Britannic had survived their maiden seasons, White Star would have been immensely proud of all three ships in the class. 
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signlandcanada · 12 days
Signland: Quality Print and Signage Services for Your Business
At Signland, we understand the power of great design and high-quality prints. Our mission is to help businesses like yours stand out with our wide range of creative services. Whether you need vibrant canvas prints, sleek acrylic letters, or bold channel letters, we have the expertise to make it happen. We proudly serve clients across Toronto, North York, and the Greater Toronto Area.
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Our canvas printing service allows you to turn your photos or artwork into beautiful, high-quality prints. Perfect for decorating your office, store, or home, these prints are durable and vibrant. Whether it’s for a professional or personal touch, our canvas printing is designed to impress.
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Acrylic letters are a fantastic choice for businesses looking for modern, professional signage. At Signland, we custom-make acrylic letters that are sleek, weather-resistant, and long-lasting. Whether used for your business name or logo, acrylic letters are designed to stand out.
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If you want to increase your business’s visibility, channel letters are the way to go. Our custom-made, illuminated channel letters are perfect for storefronts and building signs, ensuring your business stands out day and night. Available in different styles and lighting options, channel letters are a powerful way to make your brand shine.
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