Unus Annus
So in memory of Unus Annus i just randomly sayed “EEF!” to my friends for the last week. And there reactions where priseless XD 
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ellus986 · 5 years
Always knew you / chapter seven
Joe Mazzello x reader
Warning: swearing, suprises every where.
Comment: Y/N is corrently 22, while Joe is 35.
Summary: you knew Joe all of your life, and as best friends you two always find the way back to each other.
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Your heart was beating in your stomach. You felt like the whole world is turning around you right now. You were waiting for Joe to come home from his meeting. You already finished cooking, you were just waiting for the door to open. When it does you almost collapse.
You are about to put the plates down when he hugs you from behind and kisses your neck. “Hi” he says, hiding his head into your hair.
“Good afternoon, Babe!” You nod.
“You were waiting for me with food? You want to spoil me?” He giggles, and you can feel his breath on your nape. When he want to sit down there is a box on the chair. “What is it?” His eyebrows are raising high.
“Open it!” your voice is shaky, and don’t speak about your hands. He is still looking at you instead of the box. “Come on! Open it!”
“My birthday will be months later!” He wishpers.
“Yeah, I know.” You nod, with a half smile on your face. When he opens it you see him freezing for a second, than looking up at you with a big smile.
“It is meaning that...?” He can’t even finish his sentence.
“That you are going to be a father!” You nod.
He gets you into his arms and gyrate with you around between the bed and the table. He kisses you as he puts you down. “You made me the happiest” he wishpers.
“So I didn’t ruin your life?” You wishper back.
“That I did not had any children before, does not mean I did not wanted to have!” He starts. “I just didn’t had the balls to get closer to you before!”
“And another women?” You ask.
“Maybe before you turned 18 I could imagine my life with someone else, but after that drunk night, noone was good enough!” He wishpers.
“You remember?” Suprise runs trought your body.
“You do?” He asks back. “You were fucked up as hell, and you said you not really remembering!”
“Yeah didn’t remember a lot, but our kiss. That is a memory!” You nod.
“You didn’t told me you remember?” He kisses you quick, and stars at you.
“You neither!” You laugh. “You would have saved 4 years for yourself!”
“What?” His voice get higher.
“You think you are the only one who saw the dates compered to someone? Someone next to me right now...” you giggle.
“What?” His voice is still high, and the look on his face is priseless.
“Noone was good enough, because they weren’t Joseph Francis Mazzello III.” You say.
“You love to say my full name.” He smirks.
“I love to say your full name.” You nod.
“So if we are having a boy, we name him Joseph Francis Mazzello IV.?” He asks with a big smile.
“Maybe” you kiss him on the cheek.
He puts down the box with the most adorable smile on his face, you ever seen, to sit down, and eat.
After dinner you are just lieing in bed cuddleing, with his hand on your stomach. His face is just the brightest you seen in your life, and you feel the same.
“I love you” he wishpers it into your ear for the first time.
“I love you too” you wishper it back with closed eyes.
The last two weeks were wonderfull. Joe always tried to make you happier than you already were, even sometimes it looked impossible, he did it. Everynight he kept his hand on your stomach even there was still no seeable bump yet, he was just so obsessed with you being pregnant, and looked the happiest. You just get out of the 7th week meeting at the doctor, holding your first ultrasound picture. Joe’s eyes are still tearful, when you get into the car.
“Are you ready for the sleepover?” You ask.
“To finally tell my family? Couldn’t wait more!” He nods.
“I love you!” You wishper as he starts the car.
I love you too Silly!”
The kids are playing video games, and everyone is snacking in the living room, when you look at Joe with a question on your face. He nods and your heart start to race again. Joe cough, and everyone is looking at him as he stands up. Your mom thinks you two want to tell everyone in person too, that you are a couple now. As you walk next to him, only the kids don’t watch you.
“So we want to tell you something” Joe starts, and even some of the kids are turning to you.
“We know you are together!” Shots John between.
“We knew the moms will tell everyone, but we are having some another news.” He nods, as he hugs you from behind putting the ultrasound picture just over your belly. “Next year will be an another Mazzello at the sleepover” he says, and everyone is looking with shook on they face.
“You kidding” Mary is the first to say something.
“No we are not!” You shake your head.
“Y/N, it is a bad joke!” Says your mom.
“Still not joking!” You shake your head smiling.
“Joe! This is not a joke material!” Says Ginnie.
“Mom, we are not joking!” Joe kisses the back of your head and you can feel his smile.
Still everyone is looking at you like they don’t believe you, until your niece Emma runs to you. “Antie Y/N, are you really having a baby in your belly? Like mom had Noah in hers?”
“Yes, exaclty! You will be an antie, isn’t it exciting?” You answer, and all of your family runs to you to hug you and Joe, when they finally get that you didn’t joked around.
After everyone cooled down, you sit on the floor in Joe’s lap who is playing with your hair. “Something never changes” laughs your mother. As Joe realise what she is meaning, he start to braid your hair. It looks teribble everyone is laughing on how much he forget to do it.
“Maybe I need to learn again” he smirks. “I mean one from the six just will be a girl” you almost choke on your lemonade.
“With who you want to have six children?” You ask turning your head in his way.
“With you!” He pokes you.
“You’re not Deacy to have six children!” You say, before you turn to your family. “We are not having six children”
“Yes we will” he wishpers and his mom can’t help but laugh.
“No we won’t!” You look up in the ceiling. “Let’s have one first!”
After dinner the kids start to get ready for bed, and you feel tired too. Just as when you were 3 you and Joe get the inflatable mattress in the living room, next to Emma’s new one, who is following Joe like a shadow since he suprised her with a niece or nephew. It gets cuter when she just falls asleep next to his leg. You look up to your mother. “I did this too?”
“You two perfectly looked like this most of the time.” She laughs.
“And I haven’t aged a day since!” Joe says.
Your brother comes and take your niece to her own place. And you get closer to Joe. He is grabing you into his arms, and put one hand on your belly. You see your mom -who is get the sofa bed with your dad- melting, as do you too. You love how much he is over the moon about your child. All the kids are asleep only the adults are awake. The conversations are flying between all of you, it is really like it was before. You feel Joe getting tense, and you know he is missing one person from the crowd. You turn to him, to see his tearful eyes, you kiss him to give some comfort. You slick his cheek and turn back to the family talk. You can’t get out anyones face, so you are the only one who had seen Joe’s tears in the dark.
“I tried to count but if you are 7 weeks now, even I don’t mind the first 2 weeks, it is still 5 weeks, but as far I know you are together 3 weeks now. How this is works?” Asks your brother, and you blush while everyone is looking at you two.
“Does it matter?” Asks your mother trying to save you.
“Yes, because if Joe hurts my sister, I will kill him!” Comes Tom’s answer.
“I would never hurt her!” Comes Joe’s answer more quicker than you thought. “She is everything I needed in my life, so believe me I will never hurt her, maybe annoy her, but would never want to see her suffering.” He kisses the back of your head, and now your eyes are fulled with tears. “She won’t ever get rid of me”
“Good! Don’t forget I’m watching you!” Says your brother and everyone is start to laugh.
The conversation goes again, but you feel like you can’t keep your eyes open, so you just lie down, and hug Joe’s legs, who is still sitting with his back to the wall. You fall asleep while Joe is playing with your hair.
Ofcourse you are the first to wake up with morning sickness. Even who the hell named it morning sickness if it is all day with you? Joe moans, and you just tap his chest to tell him he can sleep. After you huged the toilet for a massive half an hour, you get up and wash your mouth. You just sit down in the kitchen with your lemonade when your mom comes in.
“Good morning honey!” She looks at you with a tired smile.
“How long have you been up?” You ask.
“Too long!” She nods. “Thank you!” She kisses your cheek when she finds fresh coffee in the coffeemachine.
“Don’t hate me...”
“Mom! What did you do?” You cut in.
“Just needed to make a picture relax!” She get first a picture down from the fridge and then get her phone out. “Don’t tell me this two doesn’t look the same.” She laughs, your yawn drops. You start at a photo of you sleeping on Joe’s lap 19 years ago, and next to it the one you sleep exactly the same just hours ago. “As I said something never changes” she kisses you when she sits next to you. You hear Joe turning around and around so you get up make him a coffee and wake him up, before his dream gets worse.
“Babe!” You say while slick his face. “Wake up, I get you coffee!” You wishper with a little smile on your face. His head fracture on the pillow again, so you shake his shoulder and when he wakes up he is out of breath. “Come here” you say and hug him, to help him calm down. When his heart is beating normally again you give him his coffee, and kiss him on the cheek.
“Thank you, Babe!” He hides his head in your neck and you know he did not thanked the coffee more the wake up before his dream got way worse.
You go back to your mother, and she is looking at you with shining eyes. “What?” You ask.
“You knew?” She asks.
“What?” You ask again.
“That he had a bad dream!”
“Yes...” you nod.
“How?” She asks, with pride in her eyes.
“He started to turn too often, and mostly he gets bad dreams when he is alone in the bed.” You wishper.
“He has a lot?” She asks.
“No, since he is living with me there was 4 of them, but just one was bad, the others were just like this one.” You answer.
“I remember the first one he had after he ended shooting pacific, it was frightful, him screaming in the middle of the night.” She wishpers.
“Yeah, there is no more like that, atleast he had none since he is living with me...” you stop because Joe is coming in your way.
“Morning Lilly! What are you ladies speak about?” He asks, and you get the photo on the table.
“That I just slept on you like 19 ago.” You show him the picture and his face is softening.
“See? I haven’t aged since!” He says with a smirk on his face and you need to laugh.
“No, you just get sexier!” You nod.
Your mom turned on the radio quietly, so everyone started to wake up to it. The two of you start to make the toasts and Joe is serving them. After everyone got they breakfast Emma grabs Joe’s hand and ask him to braid her hair. He looks at you, and you go with him to help him. When it is finished your niece looks up at you and Joe with bright eyes, she says thank you before she runs to play some video game.
To be continued...
@spacedust1124719 @mrsmazzello @mazzello-lee-jones-malek
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aclassofluxury · 8 years
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Traveling with best friends is priseless❤️
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anndria2 · 6 years
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when your best friend puts on your clone trooper helmet and stands in the yard
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aclassofluxury · 8 years
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Prom time! www.aclass-limos.com #limo #likeforfollow #limousine #prombus #promday #hummerlimo #hunmer #h2 #comfort #priseless #partybus #pinkescalade #pink #white #bentleystyle #rollsroyce (at Hutchinson Island South, Florida)
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zoe19760202 · 9 years
...then this happens after a good run. #Priseless #Thankful #iLoveiTThough (at The Munro Boutique Hotel)
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