#prism (rejuv)
cherubinym · 1 year
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if you pet it you die btw
(mostly rejuv oc exclusive but also jsut Funny scorpion prism dragon)
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kaitopedestrian · 7 months
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Having a bit of trouble in rejuv
I've been trying to claim the gift from Tesla's villa in the protag's room but everytime I get to the black prisms, it puts up an error and basically turns off every control in my game
And I do want to claim it for the XL experience candies
Does anyone know what to do?
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heretodefyfate · 1 year
New Rejuv dev blog: link
Damn, everyone is getting a glow up, i love how Valarie just get extra arms
I’m actually glad Mr.Luck getting a bit more lores, cuz’ him randomly appear in Gardevoir’s backstory needs more contexts
ohh Ruthless pokemon and Black Prism. Damn, all my money is gonna go into buying pokeballs, huh. So, wait...what is the different benefits between Shadow Pokemon and Ruthless Pokemon? like, other than earning Prism and Essence to trade stuffs. And different moveset. Shadow Pokemon also get eggmove too right? and also move that the pokemon don’t get?
“Collecting Black Prisms and trade it to Mr.Luck for all sort of things, even changing Variya’s contracts to different host” ... ...... ....... ............ what??? Like, what??? what is the in-universe reason for this??? what the heck is black prism? maybe it related to Black Shard that let you switch dimensions? so technically, your soul jumping through different dimensions, and in that dimensions, your host was someone else? Or like, it’s like that one mirror puzzle in Reborn in which Luck “mirror” you and now you’re in different dimenssions. The gigantic hat could be a mirror room? Great, more questions, woohoo~ Like, in Desolation, you do have option to switch your playables, but it’s more of a funny meta thing since all of them don’t have plot relevance or “real world” connections, only the one you picked is.
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cherubinym · 1 year
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cherubinym · 2 years
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 ad astra per aspera 
" bring [US] to heaven's ;; light bring [US] to further heights
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cherubinym · 2 years
oh please tell more about prism, how did they get affiliated with those two? what are their general motives? :0 any friends besides.. the ones lost along the way :(?
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=== Author's Notes
-> Now, of course I still can't give everything away. There are important points I do not wish to say yet; or even can't do so, to be honest. This is more of the basic timeline and information, yet still malleable depending on how much new content ends up changing the direction of stuff drastically pfft. Especially considering their story involves the third and second layer, and garufa corp, whom we still know very little about. It goes purely off of the little information we have, along with speculations and headcanons. Please keep this in mind.
Adding a read more link to not make the timeline space perish lol... Also yeah oops um, Chapter 15 spoilers beyond this point? Lmao
Many spoilers for Rejuvenation in general.
-> About Prism <-
-> Prism is Not their real name. I half think that should be obvious, half think "no, that's absolutely something someone would be named here." Regardless, it is indeed Not the real name. Technically listing their name isn't really a big deal.
And technically the real name doesn't really matter. And technically I've already dropped it before. But I'll refrain from saying here, so if you want to spend a couple hours digging then be my guest. Don't recommend it though! It isn't that important.
-> Physically, they are around 25 years old. Existentially? Many, many years. Probably centuries in technicality, if I had to guess? Or decades. Something like that. Rejuvenation's timeline and lack of pieces needed makes this ???. So I'll just say existed for Many years.
-> Aevian/Filipino/Sinnohian/Malaysian
-> Also obvious; nonbinary (AMAB), they/them. World's ending no time for gender.
-> 6'2" / 188 cm
-> Their name Prism, however, comes with the Suspicious Pokemon they travel with-- a Necrozma that they name as Sirius. They are shockingly casual about having Sirius out around other people, implying a level of confidence in their ability to battle.
-> Sirius is an unsettling Pokemon. It sticks around wherever Prism is, but doesn't seem to speak at all. Sirius is quite distant, and seems to simply space out whenever Prism starts on one of their long sessions of speaking to "themself". Constantly cold to anyone who approaches, Sirius lacks much care for any individual. Clearly, for being with Prism for so many years and timelines, Sirius has something they need of each other--- but for what?
Just like most other Pokemon, though, Sirius will follow Prism's orders--- provided Prism is also attacking. It is ruthless and direct with its tactics, as opposed to Prism's preference to toy with the opponent in a slow and painful battle.
-> All of their Pokemon are named after some of the brightest stars in the sky.
-> We have Sirius, the Necrozma* .
-> Followed by the rest of their main roster; Canopus, the Mega Corviknight
-> Arcturus, the Hydreigon
-> Capella, the Raikou*
-> Antares, the Crested Cinccino*
-> Aldebaran, the Aevian Musharna
-> And many more! Here's the full image list. Do note it's very messy... and considering some new Pokemon or Forms, may get an addition or two in the future ;)
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-> Of all of these, the starter may surprise you-
-> Or starters rather. At first in their life in the Third Layer, Prism only owned TOLIMAN and POLLUX.
-> Despite the prankster esque nature, they are rather partial to hyper offense.
-> Yeah, but like, where did they come from, and why? <-
As I had stated before, Prism was born in the Third Layer; under a different name, of course. Clearly they got out of it eventually for a time, for it doesn't exactly seem inhabited ingame, does it? Save for the Xen members that were down there and the mech Pokemon.
As a child--- it was relatively normal, really. They lived in the Nova District, a district simply neighbours with Bridgeport; where their closest friends Lunala and Leo resided as well.
People knew each other, for sure. Those three, along with a few other close friends of theirs, grew up as one would normally presume, surely. Aiming for whatever goals they would have. Battling. But they were all scouted by Garufa Corps in some way, and many started gravitating towards assisting the company in some way.
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( Please do not mind the Very old art. Help. )
HARPER RENSIAR (She/her), AURELIA JEANNE (He/they), and SETH ADEVEAM (They/them)
Harper and Aurelia ended up becoming top scientists and such in the corporation. They were highly trusted with tasks relating to {REDACTED} and many other experiments. Both held a level of sarcasm to their names, yet despite the rudeness of especially Harper, they got along with their entire friend group very well.
Harper's ace was Kabutops. Aurelia's ace was Aurorus.
Seth was a top biologist and nurse in particular. They kept checks on patients' health and investigated any abnormalities in... whatever. They're shy and reclusive, only really piping up with their friends; and mostly if they have something to say. Their ace was Carbink.
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GIBBOUS (GIBBY) ALTHEA (He/she), LEO EOS (He/they, picture unavailable bc redoing design lol) and LUNALA EOS (She/they)
Gibby had a VERY outgoing nature. Despite the clownery, he was also in a top position of Garufa Corps along with Harper and Aurelia. She secured a job in well--- security of various kinds, as well as an experimental position on occasion. One of the top students of his graduating class, she can be a little aggressive if rubbed the wrong way, but nothing Usually comes of that? His ace was Reuniclus and Silvally.
Leo was serious and to the point. He was highly protective of friends, and while unable to stop whatever chaotic, life threatening antics they were usually up to, at least made sure they came out of it alive. They did have a little habit of covering up the truth to make people feel better, but go too far and that tends to bite you in the ass. His ace was Solrock and PyroarM
Lunala was very cheerful and affectionate with friends. She had a tendency to be really blunt, unlike her brother, because she figured it was better to make it easier to heal. They'd do anything to heal a situation, and was rather self sacrificing in a way. Her ace was Lunatone and Crobat
-> ... Y'all like the past tense here? Yeah, they're all dead. Pretty sure that was clear with precious ramblings--- but, yep.
Maybe their souls are still wandering aimlessly somewhere. Maybe they aren't. Who knows.
Prism holds conviction that they can be brought back somehow for sure. Perhaps too much hope, ironically, for someone whose mere existence brings grief and despair.
-> Other 3rd layer individuals that Prism knew, with some relevance to everything going on, were Azar, Sebastian, Emma, Hannah, Jessica, and Gillian.
-> And of course, Adrest and Variya, but
(looks at my lawyer)
That has to wait some more. Sorry.
-> Mysterious Figures? <-
Sometime in the present... a mutual goal. Prism first came into contact with them soon after their creation.
Much like Clear and whoever-the-fuck in WLL, they simply came in acquaintance because they had that similar goal--- of Oblivion. But what is oblivion, exactly?
For Prism, it is the nullification of Existence--- they wish to break the cycle of grief; of everything.
In their case; Prism is not still alive because they Want to be. Being "immortal", in a Sense, is more punishment for them than a blessing. Either they stop existing, or they demand to exist in Their World as Normal again (aka, the life they had back in the 3rd Layer, before Something occurred. Unfortunately, the attempted necromancy of their old friends has not exactly worked... mostly because they cannot find their souls. If they could find their souls, the black boxes could be of assistance...)
Hence, the other reason why they joined forces. The black box technology. The intention to be able to bring one back in a sense over and over was... Intriguing to them. Especially considering their assistance in the archetype project.
Cue, alas, a bitter rivalry with Crescent as well--- because she ended up stealing the Black boxes from the MFs. Prism was not present at that time; they were busy moping around in the 3rd layer again.
I wouldn't say they get along with the MFs at all. But strangely, they hated Eden. They get along the most with Kieran due to their similar personalities.
-> So to tldr the motives; either complete oblivion so they can be freed from the curse of Life; and everyone can be free of the cycles of grief, etc, so nobody must feel pain ever again; or being able to Return to a normal life with their old, dead friends from before. Which, the former feels more likely to them, hence the closer allegiance. But they still feel a bit of hope.
-> Friendship is Magic <-
As for friends, ummm... If they become your "friend"-- they need something from you. They are Not anyone's friend, really.
They do have quite a few enemies though... and Madame X is--- not one of them...?
Common enemies include -> chirp chirp (Vitus), vrr vrr (Nymiera), sus (Variya), Team Player, Team Xen, might as well seem like everyone probably.
It's Complicated includes -> Madame X, Adrest
-> But seriously, they refuse to get attached normally in the present. Prism is too stuck in the past... whatever the Past technically entails :)
-> ... Maria?
-> Timeline after timeline... oh Interceptor PLEASE don't fuck up this time.
-> Oh yeah and they made Necrozma (help) steal the light and rain judgement in their grief after Lunala and Leo died. that's pretty cool innit?
-> addition to Necrozma/Sirius section, it kinda just crash landed after a Big Mistake(tm) into the Third Layer from a wormhole one day lol.
-> not the whole story, clearly. It's boring to tell Everything immediately.
-> they talk to themself a lot. or talk to Sirius while Sirius pretends to listen aka still talking to themself.
-> Their trainer classes include "Child of Light" and [REDACTED]
Let's end this hell once and for all.
Sorry if that was boring or anything. I genuinely don't have enough information ingame for some specifics, or don't wanna ruin certain surprises haha.
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cherubinym · 2 years
O’ Blinding One
Rejuvenation OC; The Prism
Vague spoilers for Chapter 15 and Rejuvenation in general.
I don’t share my writing outside of RP much because Anxious but I do want to. Write and improve more.
I keep to a? Sort of poetic stance. Writing long paragraphs and story is hard.
O’ Blinding One, lay thy time
To the darkest days the grief ; arise
Tell me, O’ Light, where you find
The horizon of continuity , life divine
Not sane nor insane, I plead to thee
Leave our people , a lingering sympathy
Again and again , life may arise
Yet confined in end , the souls hereby cry
Of instinct and terror , to The World we beg guidance
Let me leave ; surely my time remains rife ?
Let me see , the sun and moon
My friends , my family , nova far too soon
Ad astra per aspera , a tale laid with sacrifice
Long Live Garufa Inc ; a death row for life .
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cherubinym · 2 years
This Prism(tm)
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Lost focus and found a friendship in a timeline despite saying they would never ever get attached in a timeline again
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cherubinym · 1 year
Hello, What does Prism think of Vampires!
they sure are there. they can be hot. theyre a go-to halloween costume. believes they exist
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cherubinym · 2 years
9 for Prism!
That would be ... their time with Them. Those long gone friends, from the Third Layer.
They practically treat any memory with them as a fond one now, even if it wouldn't technically be positive.
Any moments they can remember. They have regrets for not being able to Stop It.
Particularly their childhood-- it was fortunately calm. Their first Pokemon was an Emolga, actually! That's another fond one. They did not fear Pokemon. While that Emolga is not on their main team anymore ... it is still With Them
And their time working with Adrest, until [####################]
After the Light was Shattered, after everything fell to void-- no memories ever held fondness like Home.
There are Some of them.
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cherubinym · 2 years
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when ur a silly little goose but also a literal multi level threat to the timelines.
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cherubinym · 2 years
going a little crazy a little insane over this prism lore i've actually kinda referenced once before but shhh
the transformation scene in my head bangs Hard
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cherubinym · 2 years
🍰 for prism
💥 for Betelgeuse
:3 ay!
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes? -
They don't exactly *prefer* cake in general, so they aren't that specific. However, Prism does like sponge cakes in particular !!
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Ah, a complicated one--- for many people anyway. Betel has some difficulty telling the difference between platonic and romantic love, much like many people! Sadness in general is another one. They kind of just don't know how to deal with any trauma they may acquire or stuff to do with grieving in general; so they'll either be bottling stuff up or have difficulty understanding why something is sad or such.
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cherubinym · 2 years
☁️ for all
hoo, ok, if I actuaLLY did all my ocs we'd be here for like a whole nother day or so oopS
so i'll do the mains!
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Prism - plays gentle tunes on the moon and sun flute in remembrance for the dead mostly, but also will just play them for wild pokemon on occasion if nobody else is around :)
Azahara - them and their bird pokemon sometimes just decide to form one giant nest and they snuggle with the feathery pile. sometimes, they'll get Talon to join them too. It's very comfy. (one of my personal favs)
Betelgeuse - look after baby pokemon and eggs with their H-Zoroark while the babies' parents go gather food, etc. either that or gathers the food for them; then they have a picnic.
Thuban - Helps sing the orphanage survivors (and any other children who are survivors of trauma in reborn) to sleep and basically fosters them often.
Faenna - sometimes sleeps in her Kangaskhan's pouch to sleep if she's too scared to sleep outside; (esp with Xen around) (she's small enough to do so; the pouch baby doesn't mind either)
Jade (Desolation) - seems like a should touch grass person, actually touches grass a lot. if they have a little time outside of cybersecurity work, they help the Rangers out on remote missions; enabling communication even in the wackiest of area signals.
Onyx (Rejuv) - makes sandcastles in the desert with the assistance of the desert pokemon when he's bored.
Yinan - has a collection of tiny baby cactus- like seriously there must be like 50 in his office- and will fight anyone who insults the cacti family.
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cherubinym · 2 years
🌠 shooting star for prism?
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
Easy one, for them. For their friends to yknow, Not Be Dead loL. Have that previous life back. Likely in a way that wouldn't end up destroyin another world in the process---
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cherubinym · 2 years
🌙🕷for prism? sry if i got the wrong emojis im on mobile. i mean moon + spider
you got the right ones dw!
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
To have their world back, even if it means reducing the current one to Nothingness.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Their biggest fear is being alone, and well, they kind of already live that everyday haha. But the close second fear is of indecisiveness-- ever Hesitating on any decision, lest it cost them.
I don't think any of their fears would count as mundane?
(The Unknown is also feared; death is not.)
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