prism-week-2017 · 7 years
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Prism Week Day 7: Farewell
Sevendays Love, Sevendays Friend
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letsudraw · 7 years
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“Most dreams end like this.....All i hear is ‘farewell’, and then the color along with my being disperses into nothingness... This dream used to be more frequent, but it’s starting to go away...”
I hope you ll learned a little more about my vocaldoll oc; Halulu! ^_^
Art and Character (c) Me
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prism-week-2017 · 7 years
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Prism Week Day 5: Loss
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prism-week-2017 · 7 years
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Prism Week Day 6: Growth
Let them be happy…. ;_; 
Under the cut this is a very long post about why I like narine so much??
Okay so the first time I watched rainbow live I didn’t ship them (tbh the first time I watched rainbow live I wasn’t understanding anything lol) but the second time i watched it,, they were so cute together,, like at first rinne is so quiet but she clings onto naru all the time and naru just rolls with it 
and they just want to see each other happy AND THEY SUPPORT EACH OTHER SO MUCH (and naru teaching rinne human stuff and them just hanging out is the cutest thing ok)
NOT TO MENTION RINNE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR NARU. She cherises her memories with Naru so much (she sings about it in Sevendays). Just look how she promises her “she’ll be back” when she goes to perform Sevendays. SHE’S GOING TO WIN FOR HER AND HER WORLD. and I think the main reason Rinne cares about Naru’s world is because Naru teached her about it.
And the ship is so dynamic but it’s always cute?? It can be like, Naru trying to make a super quiet Rinne happy and Rinne smiles but only when she’s with Naru, or it could be a Rinne that just cares about Naru and protects her a lot
…..and it’s such a self indulgent ship for me ok. I relate both to Naru and Rinne and to think someone like Naru, who doesn’t really know what to do in life and doesn’t have much experience of the world, has someone like Rinne, who is quiet but extremely caring and would do anything for her… It’s such a fluffy ship and it gives me hope tbh. 
Anyways, I love them so much. They’re so heartwarming.
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prism-week-2017 · 7 years
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Prism Week Day 2: Dreams
faruru still has a special place in my heart ;_;
I love her so much, I watched pripara thanks to her and to me she is just so perfect and deserves to be loved,, I fell in love with her performance and,, I think she does feel sad sometimes but she loves her friends a lot 
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prism-week-2017 · 7 years
Prism Week Day 4: Victory
Bell is such a great character! She’s ladylike but she also has her own way of being harsh. She’s super relatable and it’s so moving to see her realize she’s loved, too. I think she’s one of the best pretty rhythm characters. And the way she’s so strong and determined even though she’s in a complex situation, I really admire her. She’s super chaming and funny as well.
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letsudraw · 7 years
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“My biggest Victory?...Being born...”
Art and character (c) Me
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letsudraw · 7 years
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“The person who scanned me must have thought I was a coord...When they found out I wasn’t, they said some hurtful things...”
Art and Character (c) Me
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letsudraw · 7 years
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“M-My Dream? To Awaken...”
Art and Character (c) Me
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letsudraw · 7 years
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“Mystery Chan….she’s my best friend…The only one who accepts me for me…Her eyes are so…kira kira…”
((This is centered around my vocaldoll oc Halulu btw))
Art and characters © Me!
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prism-week-2017 · 7 years
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Prism Week Day 1: Bond
ALIVE unsure, still choosing, laughing, getting stronger (That is you) My heart, our hearts (Filling up) People will  Love as they live
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prism-week-2017 · 7 years
Prism Week has started!
Good luck everyone!~
Late entries will be accepted, but puntuality is appreciated.
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prism-week-2017 · 7 years
Prism Week will take place between April 2nd and April 8th!
You can start making your fanworks now if you haven’t started yet! Reminder that themes are:
Day 1 (April 2nd): Bond
Day 2 (April 3rd): Dreams
Day 3 (April 4th): Inspiration
Day 4 (April 5th): Victory
Day 5 (April 6th): Loss
Day 6 (April 7th): Growth 
Day 7 (April 8th): Farewell
When you’re done, post your works on the assigned day, queue the post, or submit it to the blog! If you need anything, feel free to ask :)
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prism-week-2017 · 7 years
-This is a week dedicated to Pretty Rhythm and Pripara! First, a date will be set. For example, if the day chosen is march 3rd, then the event will be from march 3rd to march 10th, etcetera. You will have time to make fanworks related to pretty rhythm and pripara, and when the set date arrives, you will publish your fanworks on the respective days!
-The event will have themes! That means you can make a fanwork for every day of the week, but it has to be related to the theme. For example, if the Day 1 theme is “Friendship” then you’ll have to do a fanwork that has to do with friendship! The themes aren’t set yet, but I’ll update the blog when they are decided.
-Please include #prismweek2017 in your first 5 tags so people and this blog can see it easily!
-All kinds of fanwork are allowed! Drawings, remixes, fanfics, videos, anything! If you're not too sure about what you can submit, feel free to ask!
-When you have finished your fanwork(s), wait until the set date comes and publish your fanworks on their respective days! For example, if the date is set on march 3rd: Day 1, theme: Friendship: You will have to upload your friendship-related fanwork on march 3rd! Day 2, theme: Victory: You will have to upload your victory-related artwork on march 4th. And so on! You can queue the post or submit it to this blog if you'd prefer too.
-Be sure you don’t accidentally upload your fanworks before the set date! Your submission won’t be valid if that happens. Don't submit your Day 6 work in Day 2, for example.
-Please keep all your work SFW!
-OCs are allowed, but they have to belong in the pretty rhythm or pripara universe.
-You are free to choose if you want to do PriPara or Pretty Rhythm fanworks! You can make all your fanworks Pripara only, Pretty Rhythm only, or a combination of both!
-Crossovers are allowed too, but Pripara/Pretty Rhythm should be the main focus!
-If there are people who upload fanworks every day of the week, the event will be active! But it’s ok if you can’t make a fanwork for every day of the week!
-Please spread the word around! If a lot of people participate the event will be more fun!
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send them! :)
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prism-week-2017 · 7 years
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What do you mean you’re not good enough?!?!?!?!
Prism Week Day 3: Inspiration
These two are so inspiring, Mia is loud and impulsive yet she’s a super good prism star, and Hye I worries as much as me lol. They’re also extremely different but they would do aything for each other, yet they’re also rivals and just want the other to become even better. They have such a strong friendship and I really liked that when watching dear my future!
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