livingwiththedrums · 7 months
i hate to bring this up, but... the magister has said before that he wasnt a nice person before this all happened, and didnt me mention that koschei.. before he forgot, was the closest to hoow he was prior to the paradox... and... he mentioned that he and/or the docotr killed a kid right? i... i really dont think he was a good personn.... i mean, goingg back and reading his first posts... he was enjoying this at the start... then he got bored... and THEN started to gain his morals... and it only got better for him after they split apart...
we can... we can hope that his morals get reslly strong before they merge again but if they dont get strong rnough to overcome what was already there...
... um... but thats all speculation... im sure if there was anything major, u could find it on the gallifreyam history stuff in your tardis database or whatever it is... maybe check a prisonrecord or something?
…he… I don’t…
…he was- he was disturbed by his future selves, he didn’t want to end up like them… I don’t… I don’t think he wanted any of this…
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