#private lending australia
whats-in-a-sentence · 1 month
By 1988 AGC was running advertisements proclaiming that 'AGC is now part-owner of a new private health scheme' with enthusiastic, even arrogant, text:
Way back in 1956, Doug Moran first came to us for property finance. He had plans for a modest nursing home. We liked it and financed it. Since then Doug Moran has been back to us more than 40 times, with bigger and better Health Care developments. We financed every one of those. And in doing so, the Moran Health Care Group and AGC Property Finance have now become Australia's foremost experts in what is a highly specialised field. So naturally when Doug planned his dream hospital, the Moran Clinic-Hospital of Excellence, he came to us. Because we were his first choice for finance. Situated on a prime peace of real estate on the Gold Coast, it was a development opportunity we weren't going to pass up. In fact we were so impressed with the plans we not only financed it, we bought 40% of it ourselves. Cementing our working relationship that spans more than 20 years. And even more recently we assisted the Moran Health Care Group in the purchase of yet another 13 private hospitals. Making them the largest private hospital operators in Australia. If you've got a property development, no matter the size, give us a call. You'll find us in every state.
"Westpac: The Bank That Broke the Bank" - Edna Carew
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giddyfatherchris · 6 months
I'm in love with you!!
pairing. felix x gn!reader
type. best friends to lovers
warnings. none except pure undiluted fluff
a/n. fricking loved writing this, it made me miss summer so muuuch, but i had the greatest time while listening to these songs on replay😋 highly suggest to have them playing in the background while reading! or just give them a listen cuz they’re amazing hehe hope you enjoy!! xx
song recommendations. calm - cody simpson, im in love with you - the 1975, island in the sun - weezer, heavenly state of mind - lewis capaldi, the view - skz
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"I like the view right now!" you chanted as the salty wind ruffled your hair and caressed your skin.
Your eight friends started hooting in agreement, all understanding the reference to one of your favorite songs of theirs.
As a celebration of their highly successful last tour, you had all decided to book a trip to a private island off the coast of Australia. It took a boat ride to reach the secluded piece of land filled with villas and populated with a few staff members. It was a paradisiac hideaway for you all, so accustomed to being surrounded all the time.
You turned back with a gigantic smile. Felix, who was standing behind you, mirrored the expression on your face, a certain twinkle illuminating his gaze.
You jumped in his arms, startling him as he caught you rapidly. "And I love going to the beach!"
He spun you around, feet digging in the sand while you both screamed. The rest of the group looked at you with amused expressions. By now, they had become quite accustomed to your antics. You ended your frivolous spinning by plopping down on the sand, slightly out of breath. You stretched your arms as far as you could, relishing in the stunning warmth of the Australian sun, and turned to cuddle against Felix, his nose already nuzzling in your hair. "I'm so happy to be back home, Lix." "So am I," he answered with a soft smile, his eyes half-closed.
After a day well spent outside, swimming and exploring, you had collectively decided to set up a cozy little camp on the beach to enjoy the warm night under a sky full of stars.
"Are you done, you two? We need help setting up!" shouted Changbin.
"I'm coming, you whiny child!"
You faked irritation with rolled eyes, but ever since you walked off the plane, you couldn't stop your lips from tilting upwards. Your soul seemed to be shouting and dancing to the rhythm of your home. Nothing could you get you down from your little cloud of happiness, even a whiny Changbin. You got up to lend him a hand before he started throwing a tantrum, not noticing Felix's hand still subtly reaching for you.
The young Australian looked at the stunning view. You were right. Being home felt amazing. It was wonderful to have some vacations after being on tour, especially here with you.
You had been friends for as long as he could remember.
From meeting in kindergarten to facing high school's adventures to growing into two young adults. You never had any big fights, your friendship having prevailed over any argument and hardship. Even the distance hadn't been enough to pull you apart.
Felix remembers too well the fear he felt before telling you he wanted to become an idol all those years ago. He was so scared you would disapprove and hate him for wanting to go so far away. But your anger only came from the fact that he had never said a thing about it. He remembers fondly how you jumped on him, hugging him tight with tears lining your eyes. From that moment on, you had been his fiercest supporter. You cried buckets when he left for Korea but made him promise to keep in touch every day. So you video chatted whenever he could. You stayed up with him for entire nights, braving the time difference to give him pointers on choreo stuff or to cheer him up when he had a rough day.
Until you no longer had to do any of that.
Looking at you now, getting along so well with his brothers, made his heart tighten with emotion. At 23 years old, he had everything he ever wanted. Well, almost everything
Felix knew since he was 14 years old that he loved you. Part of him had hoped that once he was in Korea, his heart would finally stop beating only for you, but it never happened. He had dated a little, but no one had compared to you. With time, he became accustomed to the idea of never falling in love with anyone else.
It was a thought he accepted without so much difficulty. He couldn't help how his heart started speeding up whenever you were close to him. The reassuring feeling of having you by his side. The way your smile made him see stars. The way you cuddled into his side or held his hand, how your gaze lit up whenever you saw the sea, and how he was the one you reached for when you were sad, angry, or just disgustingly happy. He wanted to experience everything with you, every high and every low. He couldn't and didn't want to imagine himself doing life with anyone else. It would be this or nothing else, and he was comfortable with that.
After all these years, he had never found the courage to tell you. The fear of losing you paralyzed him. But as he looked at the joyful sea, breathed the fresh Australian air, and looked at you laughing and fighting fiercely against an uncooperative beach chair, he thought maybe this vacation was the time. The time to face his fears, as he did almost seven years ago to chase his dream, and see where it would lead him.
"Felix!" called Changbin, interrupting his train of thought. "Come and walk with us! We want to see how far the beach goes in that direction."
He lifted his head with a smile, looking at his friends waiting for him, bare feet in the sand.
"Hurry!" you waved. "We don't want to miss the sunset!"
It had been months since he had seen you so excited, so eager. He knew you loved coming with them on tour. But he also knew Australia would always own your heart.
"Alright, alright. I'm coming!"
He swatted the sand away from his shorts before walking to your little group.
You started walking on the beach, Felix close to you. Seungmin, I.N, Hyunjin, and Changbin ahead, busy taking pictures in front of the rose-colored sunset. Bang Chan and Lee Know were trying to start your little fire while Han prepared the perfect playlist. Suddenly, you recognized the familiar air of their song, 'The View'. You looked back to Han with a huge smile. He simply winked and gave you a thumbs-up before focusing on his phone once more.
The notes of the music danced around you, making the ambiance even more special. There was something in the air, a prickling, exciting feeling.
You swayed gently to the music as Felix snapped a few pictures. The two oldest near the fire, Han next to the speaker, the boys walking ahead, the sunset. He seemed to be on a mission to commit everything to memory.
You felt his focus shift and noticed he subtly tried taking pictures of you. You walked up to him with a soft smile.
"Are you taking pictures of me, sir?" "I might be," he smiled back, his dimples on display. "Well, I'm afraid you need permission for that…" you continued, taking a step closer.
Without giving him a second to interpret your movement, you stole his phone with a squeal of victory.
"Come back here!" He protested, but you ran as fast as you could to Changbin, giving him the phone. As you expected, he sprinted in the opposite direction while laughing like a dolphin.
"You think you're funny or something?" asked a slightly out of breath Felix as he reached you.
"In fact, I do."
You splashed him and ran off while giggling like a maniac. As hoped, your antics started a generalized water war. Felix kept running after you, deciding he needed to get vengeance while the other boys splashed each other. You laughed wildly and ran in the shallow waters, not daring to look back and give him a chance to reach you.
You had water up to your knees by the time you heard him whine, "Wait! Y/n! You're gonna get all wet."
You turned around with a taunting look in your eyes. "Felix Lee, has the idol lifestyle gotten to you?" You gave him a pitying look. "Have you forgotten all about your Australian roots? Are you scared of a little water?"
A little taunting was usually all it took for you to rile up your best friend, and tonight would be no different. His eyes scrunched with determination, "Oh, you just wait till I get my hands on you." He tried threatening you, but you didn't give him a chance as you dove into the clear water.
Without a second thought, he jumped in after you, fully clothed. He barely broke the surface when you jumped on him from behind and tried to push him back underwater. He managed to take ahold of your wrists, careful not to clamp too hard. You took a deep breath, ready to be ducked under, but he softly made you twirl in the water. You gave him a surprised look as he winked and let you go benevolently.
Complete elation seized you as the beautiful young man looked at you with that smile of his, hair slicked back from the water, a light illuminating his soft eyes.
"I love Australia! I love the beach! I love being in the water! I love this night!!!" you screamed as you threw your arms in the air.
The other boys looked in your direction with giant smiles, drenched in water. The ever-present professional idol aura in their demeanor was nowhere in sight. They shone with pure happiness. For once, they could be only themselves, away from cameras and personas. Your heart sang with happiness for them.
"I love being home!" screamed Chan. "I love Australian BBQ!" added Changbin. "I love vacations!" said I.N "I love to splash Grandpa Chan!" joked Seungmin. "I love sunsets!" screamed Hyunjin. "I love water wars!" laughed Han. "I love cats!" finished Lee Know.
All eyes turned to Felix, the only one who hadn't said anything yet. His soft gaze set on you, the intensity taking the breath away from your lungs. He rallied his breath and screamed. "I LOVE YOU!"
The boys all went silent. You stared at him in disbelief.
"I love you. I love you so much. I always have, and I always will. Since we were kids, no one has ever meant the same to me. I love being here with you. I love being anywhere around the world with you. I love seeing you smile. I love the way you're so passionate. I- I don't want anyone else." It occurred to Felix that this was maybe not the right way to do this, as he noticed the silence surrounding him, but he kept going. "I know this is probably so out of pocket for you. You probably don't believe this is real, but I assure you it is. Since I was 14, I've been thinking of the right way to say this to you. I never thought it would happen like this but it feels right. So right, to finally tell you while you're at the place you love most and where I can see you shine brighter than ever."
You stared at him before a smile tugged at your lips, and you suddenly screamed. "I LOVE YOU!" He stood there with his arms limp at his side. Your words shocked him, and his mouth opened before he asked, "You love me?"
The light of disbelief shining in his eyes made your heart tighten. "Of course, I love you Lix. Honestly, I'm not sure how you didn't notice it," you added with a sheepish smile.
He took a step towards you, "You love me?" "Yes." Another. "You're sure?" you nodded with a bright smile. He was right in front of you, his arms a millimeter from wrapping around your body. "You love, love me?"
"OF COURSE I LOVE LOVE YOU. ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL." You leaped in his arms, water splashing around.
"SHE LOVES HIM!" Screamed the seven other boys in unison.
You smiled as you put your lips on his, barely registering the ruckus of your friends running for the two of you, throwing water around to celebrate the long-awaited moment you two idiots would realize you had been pinning for each other for years.
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southeastasianists · 1 year
Jo is the holder of a newly minted degree in English literature from one of the top universities in Laos. But the 22-year-old, who graduated only weeks ago, says he already feels "hopeless".
Confronted with a barren job market, the Vientiane resident holds no hope of finding work at home, and instead aims to become a cleaner or a fruit picker in Australia. His aspirations are low, but they reflect a hushed disenchantment spreading among his peers; the result of a severe and sustained economic downturn that has ravaged Laos for the past two years.
"Every person in this generation doesn't believe in the government. They want to leave Laos, they don't believe anything the government says," he tells the BBC. "Most of my friends have the same thoughts, but we only talk about it privately. If you say bad things about them in public, I don't know what will happen."
The economic crisis has been caused by a rash programme of government borrowing used to finance Chinese-backed infrastructure projects which has begun to unravel. The crisis shows little sign of easing, with public debt spiralling to unsustainable levels, resulting in government budget cuts, sky-high inflation and record-breaking currency depreciation, leaving many living on the brink in one of South East Asia's poorest countries.
Faced with a dire economic situation, and with the April shooting of activist Anousa "Jack" Luangsuphom underscoring the brutal lengths authorities in the one-party state will go to silence calls for reform, a generation of young Laotians increasingly see their future abroad.
"[Young people] aren't even thinking about change, it's a feeling of how am I going to get out of this country - I'm stuck here, there's no future for me," said Emilie Pradichit, a Lao-French international human rights lawyer and the founder of human rights group Manushya Foundation.
"If you see your country becoming a colony of China, you see a government that is totally corrupt, and you cannot speak up because if you do you might be killed - would you want to stay?"
The 'debt trap'
A sparsely populated, landlocked country of 7.5 million people, Laos is one of the region's poorest and least developed nations. In a bid to transform the largely agrarian society, the past decade has seen the government take on major infrastructure projects, mostly financed by historic ally and neighbour China - itself on a lending spree since 2013 as part of its global infrastructure investment programme, the Belt and Road initiative (BRI).
Laos has built dozens of foreign-financed dams to transform itself into the "battery of South East Asia" as a major exporter of electricity to the region. But oversupply has turned many dams unproductive, and the state electricity company sits in $5bn (£4.1bn) debt. Lacking funds, Laos handed a majority Chinese-owned company a 25-year concession to manage large parts of its power grid in 2021, including control over exports.
Also among the debt-laden megaprojects is the Lao-China railway, connecting Vientiane to southern China. It opened in December 2021 at a cost of $5.9bn (£4.85bn), but saddled the Lao government with $1.9bn in debt. Beijing says the railway has created an "economic corridor", but the numbers just don't add up for some economists, not least because Chinese state-owned companies hold a 70% stake.
"I'm sure people are happy to travel very quickly across Laos, but it's not justified at the cost that was agreed to," economist Jayant Menon, a senior fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore, says of the railway.
All of this has added to Laos' ballooning debt, which is now ninth highest globally as a share of its GDP, according to the International Monetary Fund. Around half of that is owed to China, and Laos is now having to borrow more from lenders in the country just to stay afloat.
"Laos is so heavily indebted to China that their negotiating position is compromised," he said. "It's having to borrow just to service the debt. That's the definition of a debt trap."
The Lao government could not be reached for comment. But Mr Menon emphasised that Laos has repeatedly rejected other international lenders in favour of Beijing, perhaps because of a belief within the government that China "will not let another socialist country fail". He added that Beijing was also cautious about letting another BRI country default on its debt after Sri Lanka.
The only thing currently preventing that outcome are repeated Chinese debt deferment agreements - the conditions of which remain highly opaque. This has raised concerns over Beijing's growing sway over Laos. When asked if Laos is at risk of becoming a vassal state, Mr Menon said "that ship has sailed".
He said that the "macro-instability" caused by "massive debt accumulation" has also caused the decline of the Lao currency, the kip, which continues to depreciate to record lows against the US dollar. This has led to a decades-high rise in prices, and nowhere is this being felt more acutely than among ordinary Laotians.
'If I don't fight, I'll die'
"'I have never experienced anything like this year," says Phonxay, a frail looking woman in her 60s, selling household staples at a food market in Vientiane. She said her customers are buying less because "prices go up day to day", adding that August was the most expensive month yet. Her family has had to adapt to survive.
"My family needs to eat more cheaply than ever before. We eat half of what we used to eat," Phonxay says. "But I'll fight until the end. If I don't, I'll die."
But it's young Lao, their futures mortgaged off for the benefit of infrastructure projects offering them few tangible opportunities, that will bear the brunt of the economic crisis for years to come.
"Lao is very good to travel, but not good to live in," says Sen, a 19-year-old working as a receptionist in a hotel in Luang Prabang in northern Laos.
The city is bustling once again, with its Unesco World Heritage Old Quarter of pristine French colonial-era buildings filled with tourists. But Sen says times remain tough: "For normal people like me it's very hard. It's just better than living as a homeless person in India, and maybe just better than North Korea. I'm serious, we're just trying to survive."
He earns just $125 per month at his hotel job, but he doesn't see any point in going to university or applying for government jobs as he'd have to "pay lots of money" to corrupt officials to get anywhere as he has no family connections.
"At the moment, almost every Lao student like myself doesn't want to go to university," he says. "They study Japanese or Korean and then apply to work in factories or farming in those countries."
It's this "sense of discouragement among Lao youth… that needs urgent attention," says Catherine Phuong, the deputy resident representative at the UN Development Programme in Laos. She pointed to the "staggering" NEET (not in education, employment or training) rate of 38.7% among 18-to-24-year olds - by far the highest in South East Asia.
"We're especially concerned in Laos that with the debt situation we are seeing reduced investment in the social sector, including health and education," she told the BBC. "I'm sure you can imagine the impact that will have on this generation, not just in the coming years, but in the next 10 to 20 years."
But with the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, which has ruled the country since 1975, intolerant of dissenting voices, young people have had to turn to social media to air their grievances.
It was in March 2022, as inflation and the cost of living began rising, that Anousa "Jack" Luangsuphom created Kub Kluen Duay Keyboard or "The Power of the Keyboard", one of a growing number of social commentary Facebook pages critical of authorities.
The 25-year-old was drawing tens of thousands of followers when he was attacked at a cafe in Vientiane on April 29. CCTV footage shows a masked man firing a bullet into Jack's face and chest. A police statement days later blamed a business dispute or lover's quarrel. Jack survived the attack, but for his followers, the culprit was obvious.
"I feel really bad that the government would shoot him, that they would try to control us like that," says Jo, the university student in Vientiane, who follows Jack's Facebook page. "Jack is the voice of Lao people, he said things that normal people are afraid to say."
But these calls for reform will only be ignored or suppressed, and few know this better than Shui-Meng Ng - the wife of disappeared Lao civil society advocate Sombath Somphone.
Sombath has not been seen since being detained by police in Vientiane in December 2012, a time when his influence was growing and there was hope of reform.
Speaking to the BBC from her craft shop in downtown Vientiane, the last place she saw her husband the day he was abducted, Shui-Meng said voices like Jack's and Sombath's are squashed because they grow "too big a following" at times when the "Lao political elite are facing difficulties".
"Every time something like [Jack's shooting] happens, you see this," she said, zipping her lips. "People go silent."
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Erin Reed at Erin In The Morning:
On Wednesday, Dr. Hillary Cass gave her first American interview with NPR about the Cass Review. The review, which appears heavily politicized and lends credence to debunked theories about being transgender, such as "social contagion," is being used as a pretext to ban care in the United Kingdom. In the interview, Cass called for "other ways" of managing dysphoria besides transitioning and blamed being trans on factors such as autism and pornography. However, one particular point of note was her response to a question about the evidence supporting gender-affirming care, where she suggested that the real measure of transition success should be the employment status of transgender people. When asked about “actual outcomes” for the effectiveness of cross-sex hormones in transgender youth, Cass sated that there was a need for long followups to see if transgender people thrive on hormones, and that the outcomes that she was most interested in included employment, “getting out of the house,” and relationships. See her answer here:
[CHAKRABARTI: Regarding cross sex hormones, the systematic review authors said there is a lack of high-quality research assessing the actual outcomes of cross sex hormones. CASS: Yes, because we need to follow up for much longer than a year or two to know if you continue to thrive on those hormones in the longer term. And we also need to know, are those young people in relationships? Are they getting out of the house? Are they in employment? Do they have a satisfactory sex life?] It is important to note that all of these potential outcome measurements may be heavily influenced by transphobic sentiments in society. Should transgender people be judged on their ability to be "employed" or their willingness to "get out of the house," their own discrimination may then be used against their ability to access medication. According to the National Center for Transgender Equality, more than one in four transgender people have lost a job due to bias, and three-quarters report experiencing workplace discrimination. Therefore, it is inaccurate to blame transgender people and their medication for what appears to be an issue with societal discrimination.
In recent years, many reports have emerged showing high levels of satisfaction and low levels of detransition for transgender people. A recent report in the 2022 US transgender survey shows that out of 90,000 transgender people, less than 1% report feeling less satisfied after beginning gender affirming hormone therapy, with the vast majority feeling “a lot more satisfied.” Detransition appears to be similarly rare. One recent study out of Australia found complete data on 548 of 552 transgender patients and discovered only 1% of transgender youth detransitioned over several years before being transferred to adult services. Another study showed that transgender youth are stable in their gender identity 5 years after transitioning, with only 2.5% reidentifying as their assigned sex at birth. Even Cass’s own report found less than 10 detransitioners out of the 3,000 trans youth patients in England, which led to her claiming that the real reason she didn’t find more detransitioners is because adult clinics refused to provide private patient data.
Dr. Hilary Cass, the woman behind the anti-trans Cass Review, made absurd claims that a person’s transition success should be measured by their employment status instead of satisfaction and joy.
See Also:
Assigned Media: TWIBS: Cass Says Porn Makes You Trans
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Metalocalypse #27: “Dethwedding” | April 1, 2008 - 1:15AM | S02E07
Hey it’s been a little while since we got to watch Metalocalypse. In this one, Pickles brother Seth invites Dethklok to his wedding, which already advertises the fact that the wedding “features” Dethklok. His video invitation is hilarious. Seth is dressed in his Sunday best set against serene backdrops while he brags about his sobriety. Pickles is mortified to the point of despondency. The other band members just think it’s very, very funny. 
The tribunal explains what American weddings are during one of their meetings. These scenes can be a pointless reminder that there is such a thing as the tribunal, and it also lends a false sense of gravity to the plot of each episode. It also serves what might be an accidental function of supplying future-proof context; let’s say there comes a day when the once-standard American wedding becomes an obsolete curiosity.
Or, let’s say this episode is being shown to a species of aliens who have no idea what a wedding is. You know the type of aliens I’m talking about: the kind that mock our god, oppressively holding up the Holy Bible and remarking “HUMAN PROPAGANDA”.* Just by satirically describing what a wedding is brings all those weirdos up to speed, even though it seems gratuitous. The tribunal actually declare that they will not intervene. Why would they? Dethklok’s just going to a wedding, for fuck’s sake. 
*I am actually making a very specific reference to a circa-early-2000s episode of The Outer Limits, where a robot does this. I don’t know the title of the episode, but Heather Graham is in it. 
Things are tense between Pickles and his brother. Seth immediately starts drinking again. He has scumbag friends who suck. Seth constantly asks for money. Dethklok perform a song with a little music video accompaniment (for us watching on television at least) featuring a married couple decaying and then eventually mutating into one another, getting all Cronenbergy. Dethklock get Seth a blender, which is just an item on his wedding gift registry. When Seth chews out Pickles for cheaping out, Pickles beats his brother up. Later, he feels bad, so he installs Seth as the head of Dethklok Australia, whose leader was recently assassinated by the Revengencers. Over the closing credits we see Seth thriving in his new position at the absolute expense of Sydney, Australia, which is practically in ruins while he surveys his land, doing a big smile like a tyrant would. 
This one is very good. Metalocalypse’s misanthropic sense of humor really shines. The show will often show spectacular examples of gore and mayhem, but nothing is treated with grim incapability like family is...treated. With. Fuck. You know what the whole not ending your sentence with a preposition thing is lame and bad. It’s not that I’m bad at writing. I’m taking a stand.
The show has been taken down from HBOMax since the last time I watched it. It’s currently streaming on Adult Swim. At a glance it seems like it’s streaming in its entirety. It may or may not require a cable log-in. Actually, I’ll check in a private browser. Hang on. Okay. I did it. It played! It’s also on DVD, which is nice, but my copy’s digipak has shattered disc hubs so the discs are not fully secure in the box. Not good. Is there a way to fix this? Wait. Let me google it myself. Okay. Huh. I found something called “adhesive-backed spider DVD/CD disc hubs” that literally might be the exact thing I’m looking for. Wow. Well, you learn something extremely important like that every day, don’t you?
Robert Zunes In (2007)*
Remember when I was asking about the Robert Osbourne host intros? I’m guessing these are what that wiki was talking about! Either whoever wrote that got confused (these were taken from a ZUNE that Adult Swim gave away I guess with select episodes of select shows loaded onto them), or they repurposed some of those intros for the April Fools stunt. Neat! Thank you Kon for finding this and showing me them. Thank you.
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Jacinda T.Thomas
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jscontracting · 2 years
Rural Heritage at Piallamore - History Reborn
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Built with pieces of history, this new homestead embodies modern rural living. A derelict old tobacco drying barn once stood on this farm and when it was time for it to go, we reclaimed the bricks for the owners - one by one. Now, these old bricks take pride of place - repurposed to create this new home and serve for many more years to come. Complementing the bricks with traditional materials and colours has ensured this home will never truly date - a piece of Australia that looks like it belongs.
Working with the slope of the land as it falls down to the river, a framed floor using bearers and joists keeps the home high and avoided the need to dig it into a flat pad, plus it allows an improved view of the river flats below. The result: greater visual impact is achieved, and the need for a host of other water management solutions is eliminated.
Outdoor living is well served by an undercover alfresco area with direct views to the river flats below, and a smaller private verandah with direct access from the main bedroom. With composite timber decking being laid on each of these, minimum maintenance will be required to keep these looking great.
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Inside, a feature wall boasts more reclaimed bricks (this time in their original uncleaned state) and another tribute to history with the original vents from the old tobacco barn bricked in again as they had been for many decades before. But this feature wall isn’t just decorative; it serves a double purpose. Shielding the home from visitors at the impressive double door entrance, it also serves as thermal mass to smooth out the internal temperature and improve living comfort.
A custom designed highlight window above the northern entrance allows for extra light to stream into the home.
Tiles reach to the ceiling in each bathroom, and the showers feature arched screens, custom sized to fit the needs of the shower spaces. The bath is positioned so you can just lay back and enjoy the view as you relax on a lazy day.
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In the ensuite, the asymmetrical mirror is a highlight. This is something the owners were keen on having, but we couldn’t just go out and buy it off the shelf; a specific size was needed to fit the space and double vanity so that it was still functional. So Justin drew up a template and it was custom made to perfectly suit the spot!
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Solid spotted gum timber floorboards, secretly nailed, grace the living areas, lending them a sense of warmth and country. A raking ceiling provides spaciousness. The beautiful shaker style kitchen with stone benchtops is complemented by a walk-in pantry for loads of extra storage and is perfect for a rural home. A purpose-built study nook with VJ panelling and solid timber shelving sits adjacent so it’s easy to multitask whilst cooking.
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Full width double-glazed stacking doors from the living area are great for climate control without the need for heavy drapes. They lead to the undercover alfresco area, and allow the river flats view to be enjoyed from inside or outside. Entertaining is made easy on the alfresco via a servery kitchen window.
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This is such a welcome place to come home to; the owners enter via the laundry/mudroom where there’s room to sit, take off your shoes and generally “land”, before moving into the heart of the home.
With ventilation paths, insulation, double glazing and multiple heating and cooling options, it is designed and built for comfort and low running costs; not only to benefit the owners now, but for the lifetime of the dwelling. A house with roots in the past now looks to the future.
History is not lost! This home is a tangible connection between the old of the farm, and the new.
We worked with the owners of this house through the demolition of the original tobacco barn, the design phase for the new home, and the build phase: taking it from Concept to Creation. Working with the slope, the views and the original bricks allowed us to create a unique home that makes the most of its location and fulfils the wants and needs of its owners. To see more photos of this home, click through to our Facebook page or our website.
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bbtfinance · 23 days
New Fintech Startups in Finance Company Sydney
Finance company Sydney industry has a rich and diverse range of businesses. Some are long-established institutions with a global footprint, while others are new fintech startups with ambitious goals.
Zip provides payment and credit solutions like Zip Pay and Pocketbook that simplify spending, budgeting, saving, and tracking. They also offer an online e-commerce platform for retailers.
Brighte offers a finance solution to Australian homeowners for energy-efficient upgrades, such as solar power systems and batteries. Its products and services include a buy now, pay later payment plan, a green loan program, and other finance options. It also has a marketplace where customers can find products and services from empanelled vendors.
The company recently closed a $195 million debt facility backed by green bonds. This financing is enabling Brighte to expand its financing operations, including supporting the ACT Sustainable Household Scheme and the Tasmanian EV Charger Grant scheme. The company has also simplified its pricing model, removing the application fee and fortnightly processing fees.
Waddle offers a digital cash flow solution for small businesses that uses outstanding invoices as security. The service is more flexible than a traditional bank loan and connects to business accounting software such as Xero. It also automates many of the manual processes involved in invoice finance.
The Stream Working Capital platform allows customers like Jarrod McGrath to bridge gaps in cash flow. The application process and in-life management of the facility are fast, simple and straightforward. The company is based in Sydney, Australia and has an experienced team of entrepreneurs.
Waddle was recently acquired by Commonwealth Bank through its venture-scaling arm x15ventures. The acquisition will enable the company to accelerate its growth and deliver innovative working capital solutions.
Xinja was Australia’s first app-based “neobank”, promising to shake up the banking industry with high interest deposit accounts targeting Millennial customers. Its popularity grew rapidly, with $200M invested in its savings accounts within months of launch.
The company then secured an ADI license, allowing it to offer transaction accounts and a Stash savings account. However, the company struggled to raise additional capital. Its directors blamed the COVID-19 pandemic and an increasingly difficult capital-raising environment for the bank’s decision to close its customer accounts, return their deposits, and hand back its licence.
Xinja’s team is made up of experts from around the world who work remotely to deliver products that help Australians take control of their money. It also offers state of the art security.
Marketlend is an online platform that facilitates prompt lending in a secure environment. The company offers supply chain finance, debtor finance and secured lines of credit for SMEs. It also provides investors with quality returns in a conservative secured investment regime.
Leo Tyndall, founder and CEO of Marketlend, believes that small businesses deserve access to capital that is fair and transparent. Marketlend charges a fee to process the transaction, but not an excessive amount of overhead or commissions.
The company recently closed a $1 million funding round led by Crayhill Capital Management, Jon Barlow, and Mati Szeszkowski, former head of KKR’s technology private equity practice. The money will be used to automate the platform’s systems and originate more loans.
Tyro Payments
Tyro Payments is a technology-focused and values-driven company that offers payments and value-adding business banking products to over 66,000 Australian merchants. Its solutions include credit, debit, EFTPOS card acquiring, Medicare and private health fund claiming, and unsecured business loans.
Customers can also save on fees with the country’s first least cost routing solution. They can also control who has access to their data and for how long. They can also choose to share their Tyro account details with accredited organisations for a limited time.
Tyro also provides 24/7 customer support, seamless reconciliation with integrated bank feeds into Xero and BPAY, plus intelligent notifications.
uno Home Loans
uno Home Loans offers a digital mortgage platform that lets consumers search, compare and acquire home loans from 22 brands. It also offers advice on home loan products, interest rates and credit policies. Its goal is to serve 10 percent of Australia’s mortgage customers by 2028.
The company has received multiple awards and accolades for its digital tools, including the Good Design Award. These achievements can help it attract clients who are seeking personalized and attentive financial services.
uno Home Loans has a number of strategic partnerships, including Velocity Frequent Flyer and Acacia Money. These partnerships can lead to cross-selling opportunities and expand its customer base.
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poonamcmi · 2 months
Buy Now Pay Later Platforms Market is Estimated to Witness High Growth Owing to Increasing Consumer Demand
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The buy now pay later (BNPL) platforms market allows consumers to purchase goods and pay for them in installments interest-free, without requiring credit checks or long application processes. BNPL platforms provide flexibility and convenience to shoppers and have gained popularity among millennials and Gen Z consumers. Key BNPL players provide various payment plans ranging from 4 interest-free payments over 6 weeks to paying back within 3-6 months with no additional fees. This enables consumers to manage their cash flows effectively and avoid interest charges associated with credit cards. The increasing popularity of e-commerce and growing need for flexible payment solutions among consumers are fueling the demand for BNPL platforms.
The Global Buy Now Pay Later Platforms Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 17.72 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 10% over the forecast period 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players: Key players operating in the buy now pay later platforms market include Baxter International Inc., ICU Medical. Inc, B. Braun Melsungen Ag, Grifols, S.A., Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC, Vifor Pharma Management Ltd, JW Life Science, Amanta Healthcare, Axa Parenterals Ltd, and Salius Pharma Private Limited, Pfizer, Inc, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Ajinomoto Co., Inc., B. Braun Melsungen AG, Soxa Formulations & Research Pvt.Ltd, Sichuan Kelun Pharmaceutical Co Ltd.
Key opportunities: Growing e-commerce sales and social commerce trends are opening Buy Now Pay Later Platforms Market Demand Moreover, opportunities exist in developing nations with increasing internet and smartphone penetration.
Global expansion: Major BNPL players are expanding globally to benefit from the untapped growth potential. For instance, Afterpay and Klarna have extended their services across North America, Europe, Asia, and other regions.
Market drivers: Increasing consumer Buy Now Pay Later Platforms Market Size And Trends In addition, pay later capabilities on shopping apps and buy now pay later at brick and mortar stores are fueling the adoption of BNPL payment methods among consumers.
Political: Regulations around consumer lending are constantly evolving with new laws around transparency and responsible lending practices. This affects the operations of buy now pay later platforms.
Economic: A rise in discretionary spending and consumer confidence has positively impacted the buy now pay later market. However, an economic downturn could see a reduction in purchases made using these platforms.
Social: Younger consumers are more comfortable with the idea of paying for purchases over time and instalments. Buy now pay later options address changing consumption patterns and preferences.
Technological: Advancements in payments technology and the rise of smartphones have enabled new platforms in the online and offline space. Real-time approvals, syncing with bank accounts and virtual cards are driving growth.
Geographical concentration
In terms of value, the buy now pay later platform market is currently concentrated in North America and Europe. The US and UK markets have seen strong growth due to a large young population and greater adoption of online shopping in these countries. Australia has also emerged as an important early adoption market.
Fastest growing region
The Asia Pacific region excluding Australia is projected to be the fastest growing market for buy now pay later platforms from 2024 to 2031. Rising incomes, expanding middle class and increasing digital payments penetration in countries like India and China offer significant untapped potential. Buy now pay later also provides these markets an innovative credit access point. Get More Insights On, Buy Now Pay Later Platforms Market
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thesunshinereporter · 4 months
Royce Stone Capital: The Rapid Growth of Private Lending in Australia and the Importance of Private Credit in Portfolio
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thealphareporter · 4 months
Royce Stone Capital: The Rapid Growth of Private Lending in Australia and the Importance of Private Credit in Portfolio
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columbianewsupdates · 4 months
Royce Stone Capital: The Rapid Growth of Private Lending in Australia and the Importance of Private Credit in Portfolio
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newsheadlinesnow · 4 months
Royce Stone Capital: The Rapid Growth of Private Lending in Australia and the Importance of Private Credit in Portfolio
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sillygalaxyangel · 5 months
🌍💼 Let's embark on a journey through the diverse landscapes of banking systems across the globe!
In this comparative study, we'll explore how different countries approach banking, finance, and economic stability. 🏦💡
🇺🇸 United States: The U.S. banking system is characterized by a mix of commercial banks, credit unions, and investment banks. With a strong emphasis on innovation and competition, it's a hub for fintech startups and traditional banking giants alike.
🇬🇧 United Kingdom: The UK boasts a sophisticated banking system dominated by a few major players. It's known for its regulatory framework and the presence of the Bank of England, which plays a pivotal role in monetary policy.
🇨🇳 China: China's banking system is unique, with a blend of state-owned banks and rapidly growing private institutions. The government exerts significant control over the sector to ensure stability and support economic growth.
🇩🇪 Germany: In Germany, banking is characterized by a strong network of regional and cooperative banks, known as Sparkassen and Volksbanken. This decentralized approach fosters local economic development and financial stability.
🇳🇱 Netherlands: Dutch banking is notable for its focus on sustainability and ethical investing. The country's banks prioritize environmental and social responsibility, aligning with the nation's progressive values.
🇦🇺 Australia: The Australian banking sector is dominated by a handful of large banks, which have faced scrutiny for their market dominance. Recent reforms aim to promote competition and improve consumer outcomes.
🇨🇦 Canada: Canada's banking system is known for its stability and resilience, thanks to stringent regulations and conservative lending practices. The "Big Five" banks dominate the landscape, but smaller institutions play a vital role in serving niche markets.
🇮🇳 India: India's banking system is undergoing rapid transformation, driven by technological innovation and financial inclusion efforts. Digital banking and mobile payments are becoming increasingly prevalent, revolutionizing access to financial services.
From traditional powerhouses to emerging innovators, each country brings its own unique approach to banking and finance. By studying these diverse systems, we gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities shaping the global economy. 📈💬
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johnthejacobs · 6 months
Cars24 Share Price Rallies High
Cars24, a leading AutoTech company specializing in streamlining the sale, purchase, and financing of pre-owned cars, has witnessed a remarkable rally in its Cars24 Share Price, reaching unprecedented levels. This surge in Cars24 Share Price has captivated the attention of investors and industry observers alike. CARS24 stands as a frontrunner in the AutoTech industry, spearheading the transformation of the sale, purchase, and financing processes for pre-owned cars across multiple countries, including India, Australia, Thailand, and the UAE. With a commitment to ensuring utmost transparency and expediting lending procedures, CARS24 Financial Services Private Limited, a professionally managed Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) registered with the Reserve Bank of India, extends a range of focused value-added services to its clientele.
Founded in 2015 by Vikram Chopra, Mehul Agrawal, Gajendra Jangid, and Ruchit Agarwal, CARS24 was conceived with a visionary goal of revolutionizing the global pre-owned car market. Since its inception, the company has rapidly expanded its footprint, boasting over 205 branches spread across 182 major cities in India alone.
In its journey towards innovation and growth, CARS24 has garnered significant investor interest, raising a total investment of ₹ 11,280 Cr. through various funding rounds. This substantial funding has propelled the company to a pre-money valuation of ₹ 23,048 Cr. Notably, on December 20, 2021, CARS24 secured ₹ 2,632 Cr. through a Series G equity round, with leading investor Alpha Wave Global (formerly known as Falcon Edge Capital) spearheading the investment. The infusion of capital is earmarked to fuel the brand’s expansion endeavors in the Middle East, Australia, and Southeast Asia, while also fortifying its market presence in India. Post this funding round, the valuation of CARS24 stands at an impressive ₹ 25,680 Cr.
Established as a Private Limited company on August 12, 2015, CARS24 is headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana, serving as a testament to its commitment to innovation and excellence in the AutoTech domain. With a relentless pursuit of redefining industry norms and enhancing customer experiences, CARS24 continues to chart new territories, setting benchmarks for the global pre-owned car market.
The Rally
In recent trading sessions, Cars24's share price has experienced a significant surge, breaking previous records and exceeding market expectations. This surge has been fueled by various factors, including robust financial performance, strategic initiatives, and favorable market sentiment towards the automotive and technology sectors.
Strong Financial Performance
Cars24's impressive quarterly performance has been a key driver behind the rally in its share price. The company has reported stellar revenue growth and profitability, driven by increased customer engagement, efficient operational management, and innovative marketing strategies. Investors have responded positively to Cars24's strong financial results, leading to heightened demand for its shares.
Strategic Initiatives
Additionally, Cars24's strategic initiatives have contributed to the rally in its share price. The company has implemented various measures to enhance its market presence, including expanding its product offerings, forging partnerships with key industry players, and investing in technological advancements. These initiatives have bolstered investor confidence in Cars24's long-term growth prospects, driving up its share price.
Favorable Market Sentiment
The overall positive sentiment towards the automotive and technology sectors has also played a significant role in propelling Cars24's share price to new heights. With the increasing adoption of digital platforms in the automotive industry and the growing demand for pre-owned cars, investors have shown a keen interest in companies like Cars24 that are well-positioned to capitalize on these trends.
In conclusion, Cars24's rally in share price reflects the company's strong financial performance, strategic initiatives, and the favorable market sentiment towards the automotive and technology sectors. As Cars24 continues to innovate and expand its presence in the AutoTech space, investors remain optimistic about its growth prospects, driving further momentum in its share price.
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reduanur · 6 months
Private Lenders and Private Loans in Australia
As a leading private lender in Australia, we specialize in offering tailored private loans and funding solutions to our clients nationwide. With competitive private finance rates starting at 0.35% PCM, our loans require no documentation or credit checks. We lend to individuals and businesses with bad credit histories.
No Doc and No Credit Check Loans
Tired of being denied financial assistance due to your credit history or existing commitments? With our no doc and no credit check loans, you'll have access to financial aid regardless of your credit score. Say goodbye to the hassles of traditional banking rejections.
Same Day Approvals for Qualified Applicants
Need funds fast? Our streamlined approval process ensures same-day approvals for qualified applicants, providing you with the financial assistance you need when you need it.
Private Construction Loans
Embarking on a construction project? Our private construction loans offer flexible financing options tailored to your specific needs, allowing you to bring your vision to life without the delays of traditional lending.
Private Home Loans
Dreaming of homeownership? Our private home loans provide competitive rates and personalized terms, making owning your dream home a reality, even if you have a less-than-perfect credit history.
Funding for Individuals, Entrepreneurs, and Startup Businesses
Whether you're an individual in need of personal financing or an entrepreneur seeking capital for your startup, our funding solutions cater to your unique circumstances, providing you with the support you need to achieve your goals.
Unsecured Personal and Business Financing
No collateral? No problem. Our unsecured personal and business financing options offer flexibility and convenience, allowing you to access funds without putting your assets at risk.
Residential and Commercial Loan Solutions
From residential mortgages to commercial property loans, we offer a comprehensive range of loan solutions to meet your diverse needs, ensuring that you have access to the right financing for your situation.
Lending Services Available Across Australia
Wherever you are in Australia, our lending services are available to you. From Victoria to Queensland, New South Wales to Sydney, Perth to Melbourne, Brisbane to Adelaide, we're here to offer you the financial assistance you need, tailored to your unique situation.
Private loans in Australia are an amazing finance option for aspiring homeowners, vehicle owners, and those looking to consolidate debt. With highly competitive rates, flexible terms, and features tailored to your individual needs, these loans can provide significant savings compared to traditional banking options.
Don’t let a bank rejection bring you down. Our private lending services are designed to provide you with fast and easy access to financial aid, regardless of your credit history or existing commitments. Apply now and let us help you find the perfect loan deal for your situation.
Why Choose Us? Key Advantages:
Fast and Efficient Settlements: Our streamlined approval process ensures quick access to funds, with less paperwork compared to traditional lenders, providing you with a hassle-free experience.
Flexibility in Credit Scores: We understand that not everyone has a perfect credit score, which is why we offer loan options to borrowers with less-than-perfect credit histories, expanding financial opportunities for all.
Competitive Interest Rates: While private lending may come with slightly higher interest rates, we strive to provide the most competitive rates in the market, balancing risk and affordability for our clients.
Diverse Lending Options: From personal loans to business financing, we offer a range of loan products to cater to various financial needs, ensuring that you have access to the right solutions for your unique circumstances.
Apply now and experience the difference of private lending with us. Unlock financial freedom and take control of your future today.
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