#pro knitting unit
keikiri-kitten · 1 year
a/n: wanted to go into depth about pro hero dabi with a small little angsty drabble! we get to see all the family together and how they cope with normal family arguments and not their brother/son literally being a villainous murderer.
Family dinners at the Todoroki household had become something far and few in-between due to the recent success of proheroes Dabi and Shoto. It seemed as though the entire atmosphere changed when the two brothers were missing dinner and instead being shown on the television for the rest of the family to see. There was a motherly pride not only radiating from Rei but Fuyumi as well, watching the men cover their screen. Advertisements, interviews, news segments and entertainment show spots were just some of the things that they would sometimes catch at the right time.
Endeavor, who always knew his sons were bound for great success because of his training, kept mum on their celebrity. Why comment on the inevitable? The only one who didn’t seem to understand was Natsuo. Natsuo tried to live a normal life. He chose college, a normal job, dating on his own terms and at his own time. He didn’t want what could come from being a hero. 
The Todoroki family had always been a close knit unit. There was nothing they didn’t know about each other. But when Natsuo could feel the separation widening within this unit, he began to pull away from the brothers. That was until the family were sitting at the table with all sorts of expressions when the pushy Dabi got Natsuo to chirp about his new fling.
“Touya, eat your food. Mom and I worked really hard on it.” fuyumi scolded her brother, resting her wrist on the table with an annoyed appearance dressing her face. She hated when Touya got chatty, it would always lead to someone getting defensive over his brash commentary. She knew Natsuo was his next victim.
“I will but this has a bit more flavor,” Touya propped his hand in the air to exaggerate his statement. Pinching his fingers together, he kissed his fingertips before leaning over the food slightly to intimidate his brother into talking. “Seriously Natsuo? When did this happen?”
Shoto always maintained a neutral stance, but he couldn’t help but realize the pest Touya could be. “When he’s ready, he will tell us.” 
“Shoto,” piercing blue eyes snapped to the youngest with agitation, “shut up.”
Natsuo could feel the spotlight on him burning brighter as he was put in the hotseat. The cameras were for the other boys, not him. He wasn’t good with moments like this. “Ah, it’s stupid, maybe she’s a rebound–” he tried, chuckling with his eyes glued to his food. 
“It’s not stupid!” Touya's face lit up again before his fists banged against the table, grabbing all of his family’s attention. Even Enji was startled. “My brother gets a new girlfriend and it seems like all of my family knows but me!” The wide grin he had was beginning to shake as he stared at his brother– his supposed best friend. “ I wanna know about her. We’re supposed to be close.” 
“How close can anyone really be to the number 2 hero anymore?” Natsuo didn’t mean for it to come off so harsh. He looked apologetic the moment he was finished, spotting a frown on his older brother's face.
“What? I make time. As much as I can.” Touya scoffed, brushing his brother off with his hand waving in the other direction. It was a front, even you, his fiance sitting besides him knew that. There was a very loud silence in the room. No one said anything, even you. It made him flush with embarrassment. “I make time,” his voice went cold and filled with hurt.
“Please don’t start at the table…please.” Rei begged, holding out a hand to reach for her son.
“Where is this coming from?” Touya didn’t stop, looking around the table to realize not a single individual was looking him in the eyes.
“Touya,” his mother tried again.
“Mom–” he snapped, yanking his hand from her touch all while stitching his brows. “So you all wanna be quiet when I’m asking you a question? You all feel like this?” 
Rei didn’t want to see dinner ruined after many days of seeing one of her children missing from the table for various reasons. One good meal with her babies and she would be fine. “Touya, we can think of something else to talk about, yeah? This is a discussion you two can have afterwards.” 
“No, if this is something you all wanna be tight lipped about, I’m not talking about anything.” He dropped his utensils on the table and dusted his hands on his clothes before looking Natsuo in the eyes. Natsuo stared at him in regret. The eldest stood from his seat to point at his brother. “I’m sorry being number 2 makes your skin burn but I’m not the only brother in the top 10 and I don’t see anyone giving Shoto heat for his success. I’m successful.”
“It’s not about that Touya–”
“Oh piss off Fuyumi, you’re a school teacher. You can come home after your nine to five without a scratch on you and they’d still love you more than the one fighting for their lives,” he barked at his sister, tilting his head down before holding a hand out for you to take. “Come on. We’re going home.”
As you stood up, you whispered a goodbye to the family and sauntered off with him. The table split looks of either disapproval or shock. They knew Dabi was a hot head but one thing they didn’t really understand was how emotionally charged he was. That night was only opening the cover page of his chapter book of feelings and emotions. As the family once again sat in silence, Rei jumped from her seat to chase the both of you down. 
“Touya!” Rei trekked through the corridor to spot the both of you prior to you stepping down the stairs. “Touya wait!” 
“There’s nothing you can say to make me stay. We’re going home, ma.” he didn’t want to hear it. He knew it would be an excuse to come back inside and finish a plate in silence.
“I’m not here to stop you.” his mother spoke up and out of breath. “I just wanna talk to you,” sending you a gracious glance, her focus shifted back to her son. “Just you.” it was a cue for you to leave, though being engaged to someone like Dabi, you made sure to never be too far away. You found comfort taking a few more steps to pause at the bridge that went over that small pond you adored.
“Natsuo is just a bit sensitive. You aren’t just brothers but you’re his best friend. He feels like he’s losing you to the rest of Japan.” Rei placed her hand on her son’s shoulder.
‘Why doesn’t he treat Shoto with that same shitty logic? I’m not stopping him from becoming a goddamn hero.” 
“You watch your mouth,” his mother spat. “And he’s not that close with Shoto. No one is.”
Touya tried to take a step back from his anger and think about his next words. While he was heated, he felt more hurt than anything. “I try to come around,” his voice hushed to avoid anyone other than his mother hearing him be vulnerable. “Do you think I spend too much time away from you guys?” he quizzed. “Mom?” 
“I think we have a very complicated family dynamic.” Touya rolled his eyes but looked back to his mother as she continued to speak. “I don’t want you to feel bad about the time you spend away doing what you love or being with who you love. You save people, Touya. I’m proud of you. You could have been doing anything else in the world. With all the things your father has put you through I’m more shocked you stuck to your guns and became a hero. You and Fuyumi try your hardest to keep this family together. Natsuo is scared. We all are.” He tried…he really tried hearing his mother’s side and from the bridge, you could see his face falling. 
“Of what? I can take care of myself.” Touya’s brows stitched together as he raised his hands to emphasize the world around him.
“Japan needs Dabi, but we need Touya. I need Touya.” Rei scolded, “you’re my baby and I would never ask you to stretch yourself thin. If you’re trying and your brothers and sister cannot seem to understand it, let yourself be misunderstood. You do what is best for you. I always told you that.” Placing her hand on her son’s chest, she gave him a nod of approval.
He tried to stand strong, but he couldn’t. Dabi took his mothers hand and kissed her knuckles, staring into her steel colored eyes. “I think we’re going to head home.” 
“Will you talk to Natsuo before you go?”
“I’ll head back over tomorrow. I promised my fiancé some alone time.” grabbing the back of his mother’s head, he kissed the top of her head. “I love you Ma.” backing away from his mother, he waved her a small goodbye before scraping his shoes along the dirt and holding a hand out for you to take as he stepped up the bridge.
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Welcome my newest OC
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I’m back on a BNHA kick and got SUPER inspired to make a new OC! So without further ado… Aranea Kazunori! *PRESENT MIC VOICE*
“Her quirk?! SPIDER!!! She can do most anything a spider can! She can climb and jump to great heights with ease, and spin strong thread silk like webs that can be used for capturing prey�� or in this case VILLAINS!!! Talk about an apex predator!!!”
Though her exterior is that of a fearsome spider. Her demeanor couldn’t be more different! She’s a kind soul that strives for equality for all beings, big and small. Even though she’s an underground hero, her tactics and work are well-known and credited when referencing high-risk rescue and recovery operations. Not being entirely fond of the media, she makes sure to stay away as much as possible due to past conflicts regarding her appearance. 
For the last 3 years she was working in the United States but found herself going to Japan due to an important request from an old friend. Bags packed and ready to go, she heads to Musutafu Japan to offer guidance to the newest generation of heroes.
More about her: 
While she can climb walls like a pro, there needs to be something for her to grip on or stab into like an ice pick to secure her legs. This means surfaces like glass, some tough metals, and sticky surfaces are a no-go!
She’s extremely attentive to the size of the thread she spins. She can spin 2 kinds. One with a sticky coating for capturing prey, and one without which is better for everyday use. The thread can be as thick as 1.5 inches in diameter or as thin as the sewing thread. After a large meal, she can spin up to 3 miles of thread in one sitting, though she gets quite hungry afterward. Unsurprisingly, she’s great at sewing, knitting, and crocheting!
For having 8 eyes, only 2 of them have average vision. However, she could probably benefit from glasses if they would fit her. Since her eyes aren’t always helpful, she navigates using vibrations in the ground and air around her. Even in the dark, she can sense someone’s faint breathing, which makes her great for missions where light might be scarce. 
She’s a powerful ally in landscapes with lots of obstacles like the concrete jungle and mountains, but in areas like open fields or out on the seas, she finds her abilities hampered. 
She’s a huge part of “The Quirk Conservation and Protection Alliance” (QCPA). An organization that fights against discrimination and protects citizens that have these unique abilities. She and many others worked together to help shape Quirk guidelines that later became law. Some of the legislation she has helped pass is the “Unlawful experimentation and Research Act”. Unsurprisingly, this is where she met Nezu. When the law was in the works, he heavily contributed to the cause due to his past abuse in the lab. 
When she was 9, she was transferred to a foster family and moved from Korea to a remote location in Eastern Japan. Later did she find out that the whole operation was for her protection after finding herself being kidnapped for illegal experimentation and exploitation. She escaped the ordeal, but is deeply ashamed of the extreme cruelty she inflicted upon her attackers all these years after. Since then she’s committed to resorting to violence as an ABSOLUTE last resort.
She has a natural talent for mentally grounding others in scary situations. No wonder she was hired to be a student guide. However, even though she’s usually very soft spoken and kind, she’s not afraid to serve up tough love when it’s needed. She makes sure to use a variety of teaching and guidance techniques to ensure each individual student gets what they need when they need it.
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dreamcelebration · 2 years
Church of God in Christ Reaffirms Pro-Life Stance
MEMPHIS, TN January 21, 2022 – The Church of God in Christ (COGIC), the largest African American Pentecostal denomination in the United States, today reaffirms their historic commitment to the sacredness of human life.  Presiding Bishop, J. Drew Sheard issued the following statement:
“The Church Of God In Christ is pro-life and pro-family, and we march for life – all life with the deep-seated hope that abortion will soon be unthinkable and unnecessary. We acknowledge the disproportionate damage abortion has caused to the black community – particularly to women – and long to see women in crisis and children in need genuinely cared for. Women deserve better than abortion. Every human being is made in the image of God and worthy of respect, love, and justice.  Psalms 139:14-15 states God knit us together in our Mothers womb…We are fearfully and wonderfully made.”
“COGIC has always been pro-life in doctrine, but today we reaffirm our stance and will continue to be visible and vocal on this matter.  We need to make sure our churches, neighborhoods, cities and states are equipped to speak life and offer hope to those who have been deceived into believing that abortion is their only option.”
Last year, COGIC reaffirmed its strategic collaboration with Human Coalition, one of the largest pro-life organizations in the nation, operating a growing network of Telecare and Brick-and-Mortar Women’s Care Clinics across the nation. Additionally, COGIC recently acquired the Monastery of St. Clare in Memphis, which will become their Kingdom World Missions Center.  They plan to have a Pregnancy and Continuum of Care Clinic for Women and Families along with housing for Women in need.  Click here to read COGIC’s Resolution on the Sanctity of Human Life.
The Church of God in Christ is one of the oldest Pentecostal denominations in the World and the fourth largest Protestant group in the United States, with 12,000 churches in 120 countries and millions of adherents worldwide.
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lalsingh228-blog · 2 months
Animal wearing clothes Market: Study Navigating the Future Growth Outlook
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Global Animal wearing clothes Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, player’s market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions. Major Players in This Report Include, Shinola Pets (United States), Ruby Rufus (United Kingdom), Canine Styles (United States), ED ELLEN DEGENERES (United States), OH JOY! (United States), Rororiri (United States), Moshiqa (United States), Ralph Lauren Pets (United States), LAZYBONEZZ (United States), K9 Pro Wear (Canada). Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/172829-global-animal-wearing-clothes-market Pet clothing comprises garments used to protect pets from cold and rain and to provide them additional warmth. Pet clothing includes coats, sweaters & knit wear, hoodies, coats, shirts, dresses, pants, skirts, head & neck wear, waterproof shells, & swimwear. All these clothing serve specific purposes. For instance, sweaters offer additional warmth to pets that are hairless or suffer from cold. Pet clothing are used both for fashion and for useful purposes. Animals & pets wearing clothes are a popular trend over the globe. Pets are kept by human as comforting companions. They give emotional well being to the owners and in turn the individuals are taking responsibility of the well being of their pets, which gives the exponential growth of the pet care market. At first, the animal food, animal health care, and animal grooming items were tapping the market and as the choice of adopting pets have increased in the market the item variants have also increased. Market Drivers
Increasing Awareness of Pet Care
Increasing Disposable Income
Changing Lifestyle
Increasing Adoption of Pet Animals
Rapid industrialization
Market Trend
Celebrities opting for High Priced and Branded Animals Clothes
Untapped Market of Developing Countries
Introducing Clothes with New Feature and Materials
Fluctuating Raw Material Cost
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/172829-global-animal-wearing-clothes-market In this research study, the prime factors that are impelling the growth of the Global Animal wearing clothes market report have been studied thoroughly in a bid to estimate the overall value and the size of this market by the end of the forecast period. The impact of the driving forces, limitations, challenges, and opportunities has been examined extensively. The key trends that manage the interest of the customers have also been interpreted accurately for the benefit of the readers. The Animal wearing clothes market study is being classified by Distribution Channel (Online, Offline), End-Users (Horse, Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Others), Material (Cotton, Nylon, Velcro, Mesh, Others) The report concludes with in-depth details on the business operations and financial structure of leading vendors in the Global Animal wearing clothes market report, Overview of Key trends in the past and present are in reports that are reported to be beneficial for companies looking for venture businesses in this market. Information about the various marketing channels and well-known distributors in this market was also provided here. This study serves as a rich guide for established players and new players in this market. Get Reasonable Discount on This Premium Report @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/172829-global-animal-wearing-clothes-market Extracts from Table of Contents Animal wearing clothes Market Research Report Chapter 1 Animal wearing clothes Market Overview Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers Chapter 4 Global Revenue (Value, Volume*) by Region Chapter 5 Global Supplies (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions Chapter 6 Global Revenue (Value, Volume*), Price* Trend by Type Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application ………………….continued This report also analyzes the regulatory framework of the Global Markets Animal wearing clothes Market Report to inform stakeholders about the various norms, regulations, this can have an impact. It also collects in-depth information from the detailed primary and secondary research techniques analyzed using the most efficient analysis tools. Based on the statistics gained from this systematic study, market research provides estimates for market participants and readers. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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eqbcnys · 3 months
Unveiling the Legacy: Inside Queens Boxing Gym
Established decades ago, Queens Boxing Gym has evolved from a humble neighborhood institution to a renowned hub for boxing enthusiasts of all levels. Its walls echo with the memories of legendary trainers, world-class athletes, and everyday individuals striving to hone their craft.
At the helm of this venerable institution is Coach Joe "Knockout" Rodriguez, a seasoned veteran of the sport. With his grizzled demeanor and unwavering passion for boxing, Coach Joe embodies the spirit of Queens Boxing Gym. Under his guidance, aspiring pugilists are molded into formidable fighters, both inside and outside the ring.
Walking through the gym, the sound of leather meeting leather fills the air, punctuated by the rhythmic thud of heavy bags. Rows of speed bags sway in unison as boxers sharpen their reflexes and footwork. In one corner, novices receive personalized instruction, while seasoned pros spar with fierce intensity in another.
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But Queens Boxing Gym is more than just a training facility; it's a tight-knit community united by a shared love for the sweet science. Here, individuals from all walks of life come together, bound by a common goal: to push their limits and unleash their full potential. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or a curious newcomer, there's a place for you within these walls.
Beyond its physical offerings, Kids boxing classes Queens Queens Boxing Gym serves as a beacon of hope for the youth of the neighborhood. Through various outreach programs and youth initiatives, Coach Joe and his team provide mentorship and guidance to at-risk youth, instilling values of discipline, respect, and perseverance.
The gym's impact extends far beyond its four walls, reverberating throughout the community. Countless success stories have emerged from its ranks, from local amateurs to world-title contenders. But perhaps even more profound are the intangible lessons learned within these hallowed halls: resilience in the face of adversity, humility in victory, and the unwavering belief that with dedication and hard work, anything is possible.
As the sun sets on another day at Queens Boxing Gym, the echoes of training sessions past fade into the night. Yet, the spirit of determination and camaraderie lives on, ready to greet another day of sweat, sacrifice, and triumph. For those who dare to step through its doors, Queens Boxing Gym isn't just a place to train—it's a home away from home, where dreams are forged and champions are made.
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julien5-malfunction · 4 months
01022024 Holy shit I had 2 dreams tonight.
(It's weird bc ususally I don't remember them)
The first one was the classic 'you need to pee' but I became lucid at the and went to this one dude (who was kinda like Suus from Gravity falls, super helpful and kind) and told him (after shitting myself in the dream) 'Like, dude this is a dream, I need to wake up.' The guy was like, he believed me and knew what he had to do, asked some another gal to come outside with us and then tells the gal 'why don't you find a nice big stone on the ground, would you?'. I start walking away from them and, I think that I was head shotted with said stone, but I did indeed wake up.
The other dream after involved someone I know from real life, I'll call her 'A'.
In this drem I'm in the mental ward but it has some sort of crafting classroom (one of the wards I've been in had something like that). I think I was following a prisoner of some kind who was being escorted there and kept kinda loosely as he managed to rip open a random door on the side of the industrial hallway. The door was to a cleaning closet and now he was commenting that it smelled like cigarettes in there. In the class room were some other peoples projects on a rack, I examined a black top hat and commented that it was actually made by a pro or something. There was this other dude (who lived in the unit at the same time with me, should I just call them mr. V or the 'Beef' bc he pissed me off and we didn't have beef but he was more beefy than me, but also annoying about it. ) mr. Beef was doing something with orange and green yarn there and Miss A was there knitting a black and red /black and pink striped sweater. Don't know where escorted crazy guy went, looking for cigarette buds in the closet, I imagine. The teacher was just like that one old lady who knits everything else but socks an sweaters bc she ain't basic and can probably demonstrate karate if you misbehave. She , goes Well hello there, yeah, just look around and see what you can come up with out of the materials here and I'll help you out if you need anything. I think I started running around the class room or something, I'm not sure... I think I grabbed Beef dudes yarn and run away from him, I had something same coloured was flying next to me as I ran. (that would be something I'd do in real life btw. I'd give it back when they caught me ofc) At some point I talked to Miss A and asked why how'd she end up in the ward and she muttered something that she said something that made the doctor concerned and thought she was insane.
The next thing I remember, I was walking back to the hospital and the ward. But we were out side, on the sidewalk of the road leading back to the hospital, there were tall snow piles next to the roads and I would climb and walk on them as miss A walked neatly on the sidewalk. We chatted something. For some reason I could fly too, but didn't know how exactly yet and when I jumped off the snow piles I would either stay in the air or flop on my face and the ground. At one point miss A says 'I figured you might like me' and stops me on the side walk. I go 'Yeah, so what if I might?' I guessed some one at the crafting class snitched on me. She grabs me thight and says 'Why don't we show it to them, then?', pulls me in for a kiss, but I tilt my head and dodge. 'no no no, I'm nervous' I tell her and I think I heard her say 'you're fainting' as I remember falling to the ground, body went completely numb but I could still see.
I woke up. I dead ass, just had a dream about a girl trying to give me a kiss and I BLACKED OUT. IN THE DREAM. I'm ashamed to admit that it probably took 10 minutes to write down the last few sentences of that bc my body keeps having pretty strong, uncanny reactions to that memory now. ...fuck.
That kinda stirrs something around inside me. I could. use it as an excuse to
do the same thing i did yesterday and
text her.
'Hey! I saw u in my dreams last night, you were knitting a striped sweater in the class room, uwu.'
' How's 2024 been so far? ' idk.
' BTW IG ILY ' no, I... I can't do that... Fuck.
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esoutherngolf · 9 months
Sky Valley: Come for the Golf, Stay for the Lifestyle
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Sky Valley: Come for the Golf, Stay for the Lifestyle Georgia, often celebrated for its southern charm, lush landscapes, and rich history, is home to a hidden gem that combines natural beauty with an outdoor lover's paradise at Sky Valley. Located at the intersection of the Georgia and North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains between Clayton, Georgia, and Highlands, North Carolina, Sky Valley is surrounded by the Nantahala National Forest and has pristine mountain terrain featuring waterfalls, hiking trails, and phenomenal views. Mud Creek Falls cascades for over 100 feet. Having the distinction of being the highest and northernmost city in Georgia, with an elevation of 4,200 feet, Sky Valley allows you to immerse yourself in nature's grandeur and a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The city's centerpiece is the 15,000-square-foot, member-owned Sky Valley Country Club, home to the par-72 championship golf course and two championship croquet lawns. However, there is much more to Sky Valley than just a round of golf or a game of Croquet. In addition to golf and croquet, there are many other activities to discover, such as tennis, pickleball, hiking, biking, fishing, boating, camping, whitewater rafting, mountain climbing, bird-watching, and even zip lining. With so many activities to partake in and the year-round mild temperatures, it is no wonder that some call Sky Valley Heaven on Earth! Sky Valley Golf The Signature Par 3, 15th at Sky Valley drops in elevation 60 feet, tee to green. The Sky Valley Golf Course, a part of the Georgia Golf Trail, is strategically situated amid the stunning beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains and offers an intriguing blend of challenge and enjoyment. Designed by architect Bill Watts, the course features 18 holes that cater to players of all skill levels. As players make their way through the course, they are treated to glimpses of lush forests, meandering streams, and an array of vibrant flora and fauna. This harmonious integration of the course with its natural surroundings enhances the golfing experience and fosters a deep appreciation for the environment. Head Pro Steve Heher says, "Sky Valley is a fantastic layout. It's a mountain golf course that winds its way through the valley. It features great views from the elevated tees at the 2nd, 8th, 12th, 15th, and 17th holes. Our signature hole is the par-3 15th, which has a 60-foot elevation drop from tee to green." With a par of 72, the course offers a balanced mix of par 3s, 4s, and 5s, ensuring that players must employ a variety of shots and strategies to navigate the terrain. The undulating landscape presents golfers with elevation changes and plateaus, adding an exciting dimension to the game. Sky Valley Croquet The United States Croquet Association recognized Sky Valley Country Club as the 2018 New Club of the Year. The Croquet Lawns blend tradition and nature, offering an atmosphere that promotes leisure and camaraderie. Most days, the lawn is alive with the sounds of players engaged in friendly matches with club members or organized tournaments against teams from neighboring clubs. This elegant pastime provides a great way to socialize and brings people together in a beautiful and engaging way. Players who enjoy a challenge can experience the excitement and competitiveness of golf croquet as they skillfully navigate the wickets with mallets in hand. This increasingly popular variant of the classic game offers a fresh take on the game, making golf croquet a delightful addition to the world of lawn sports. A Mountain-Friendly Lifestyle Sky Valley, Georgia's lifestyle epitomizes a tranquil and close-knit mountain community, offering a harmonious blend of nature-centric living and relaxed charm. Residents and guests enjoy a slower pace of life characterized by breathtaking vistas, fresh mountain air, and a strong sense of community. This community radiates warmth and kindness, strengthening neighborly bonds and lifelong friendships. The sense of camaraderie is evident in local events and gatherings, where residents come together to celebrate festivals, share stories, and create lasting memories. The tight-knit social fabric is a testament to the welcoming nature of the community. The unhurried lifestyle allows you to savor the simple joys of each day and relish in the beautiful surroundings. In Conclusion Sky Valley, Georgia, offers an immersive experience in the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the charm of Southern mountain living, where people take the time to care for one another. If you are ready to relax and be rejuvenated, visit Sky Valley, Georgia, where an extraordinary quality of life exists. For more information, please visit skyvalleyga.com or skyvalleycountryclub.com     Read the full article
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universalinfo · 10 months
Decoding the Science of Lubricant Testing - The Road to Engine Awesomeness
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Engine manufacturers are on a never-ending quest to make vehicles and engines cooler, faster, and more reliable. And guess what? Lubricants play a starring role in this journey. They help engines reach peak performance while being all eco-friendly and stuff. But how do these magical lubricants get tested? Buckle up as we take you on a wild ride through the science behind new lubricant testing. Let’s get started.
Experimental Development and Lab Testing: Cooking Up Formulation Breakthroughs
Picture a mad scientist's lab, bubbling with ideas and bubbling beakers. That's where the magic begins. Engine whisperers concoct experimental lubricant ideas to meet the ever-evolving market demands. They tweak fuels, lubricants, and filters to play nicely with fancy hardware like fuel injectors and exhaust after-treatment systems. 
But they don't stop there. They put their ideas to the test in lab experiments, using crazy computational tools and top-secret modeling software. These experiments separate the "meh" from the magnificent.
The product life cycle of lubricants kicks off with experimental ideas that can fulfill the demands of the ever-changing market. Think of it as a scientific kitchen where engine whisperers mix up different ingredients to create the perfect lubricant recipe. They want to make sure it jives with all the advanced engine parts like fuel injectors and exhaust systems. 
That's where the lab comes in. Scientists put on their white lab coats, grab their bubbling beakers, and start monitoring testing these experimental concoctions. They use fancy computational tools and top-secret modeling software to simulate how the lubricants will perform under different conditions. It's like creating a virtual engine playground!
Field Trials: Putting Lubricants Through Real-World Boot Camp
Field trials are like lubricant boot camps, testing their mettle in real-world conditions. Before they make it to this stage, lubricants have already aced the lab tests like a boss. But can they handle the real deal? 
Well, field trials exist to prove that these lubes can handle the heat (literally). They protect engines under extreme conditions, control heat buildup, and keep contaminants at bay. Sometimes, field trials even uncover surprises like coolant in the oil sample or the wrong type of oil added during a service. Whoops!
Field trials are where the real action happens. Lubricants that pass the lab tests with flying colors get the chance to show their stuff in the real world. It's like sending a rookie athlete to compete against seasoned pros. These lubes are put to the ultimate test, facing harsh conditions and challenging situations. 
Imagine an engine running in scorching heat or cold, enduring heavy loads and high speeds. Field trials ensure that lubricants can handle it all without breaking a sweat. Sometimes, unexpected issues arise, like coolant sneaking into the oil sample or a mechanic accidentally adding the wrong oil. It's all part of the adventure!
Executing a Successful Field Trial: Partners in Lubricant Crime
Collaborating with commercial fleets is crucial for success. These fleets are the lubricant superheroes, changing their oils regularly and sending samples for analysis. Technicians and scientists become friends, chatting away about lubricant performance and inspecting trial units like detective buddies. 
And guess what? Good field trials have backup plans. They make sure to have enough trucks running the new lubricant and a reference truck for comparison. It's like having a trusty sidekick, always by your side.
Executing a successful field trial is like pulling off a heist movie but without the illegal stuff. It takes a tight-knit team of lubricant enthusiasts, fleet operators, and technicians. They work together, hand in greasy hands, to make it happen. Commercial fleets are the heroes of the story, changing their oils like clockwork and collecting samples for the scientists to analyze. 
Technicians and scientists become inseparable pals, discussing lubricant performance like they're talking about the latest blockbuster movie. And here's the secret to a great field trial: having enough trucks running the new lubricant and a reference truck using the old stuff. It's like having a double agent, gathering all the evidence you need.
Field Testing for Fuel Economy
Ah, fuel economy: the holy grail of lubricant performance. But measuring it accurately is like trying to catch a unicorn. That's why we do real-world fuel economy trials, where the rubber meets the road (literally). 
We equip test vehicles with fancy sensors to track torque and fuel consumption. Also, we set up precise acceleration schedules and drive on a super-long, super-level test track. We keep an eye on maintenance, weather conditions, and even exhaust differential pressure. And voila: we find out if these lubes can make your engine go the extra mile.
Fuel economy is the gold at the end of the lubricant rainbow. But measuring fuel economy accurately is like trying to juggle flaming bowling pins while riding a unicycle. It's tricky business. That's why we take the trials to the real world, where engines roam free and roads stretch for miles. 
The Future for Lower-Viscosity Formulations: The Lubricant Revolution Continues
Welcome to the future, where lubricants are lean, mean, and fuel-saving machines! Lower-viscosity formulations like FA-4 are the rock stars of the lubricant world. They're like the superheroes that save the day, protecting engines and saving fuel like nobody's business. 
How do we know? We've been in the field, testing these lubes in heavy-duty fleets and crunching numbers like math geniuses. And let us tell you, the fuel savings are off the charts! But we're not stopping there. We're on a mission to develop even more mind-blowing lubricant technologies that will revolutionize the industry.
We've taken you on a wild journey through the science behind new lubricant testing. From mad lab experiments to field trials that put lubes through their paces, it's been one heck of a ride. For more details visit us at https://veritylabsltd.com/.
But here's the scoop: lubricants are more than just slimy fluids. They're the unsung heroes that keep engines running smoothly, efficiently, and with a dash of coolness. As the automotive world keeps spinning, the science behind new lubricant testing will keep pushing boundaries and bringing us even better lubes.
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ninetimesnetwork · 1 year
Is it a good idea to Move to Maui?
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Is it a good idea to Move to Maui?
As a professional Maui real estate agent, I often encounter people who are considering moving to the island and wonder if it's a good idea. The answer to this question is dependent on various factors, such as your lifestyle, career aspirations, and personal preferences. This blog post will explore some of the pros and cons of living in Maui to help you make an informed decision
Advantages of Moving to Maui
Natural Beauty:
Maui is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, featuring stunning beaches, waterfalls, and mountains that are unparalleled in the world. The warm tropical climate makes it an ideal location for people who enjoy an active lifestyle and outdoor activities.
Great Weather
We are blessed to have amazing weather for most of the year.  This allows residents to spend more time outdoors.
Challenges of Moving to Maui
High Cost of Living:
Maui's cost of living is relatively high compared to other cities and towns in the United States. Housing, food, and other necessities can be costly, and salaries may not be as high as in other places. Nonetheless, there are many ways to reduce expenses and live comfortably on the island.
Limited Job Opportunities:
Maui's economy is heavily reliant on tourism, making it challenging to find jobs outside of this industry. However, many remote work options are available, and the island's small business community is growing, creating new job opportunities.
Cultural Adjustment:
Moving to Maui can be a significant cultural adjustment, especially if you're coming from a mainland location. The island has its unique customs, culture, and way of life, and it may take time to adjust to these differences.
Real Estate Market:
Maui's real estate market can be competitive, with high demand and limited inventory. It's essential to work with a knowledgeable local real estate agent who can help you navigate the market and find a property that meets your needs and budget.
Is Moving to Maui Right for You?
Moving to Maui can be a life-changing experience, but it's crucial to consider your options carefully before making the move. If you're looking for a new adventure, a warm tropical climate, and an active lifestyle, Maui could be the perfect place for you. However, suppose you're looking for a more traditional urban environment or have a specific career goal in mind. In that case, you may want to consider other locations.
If you're still undecided about moving to Maui, it's always a good idea to visit the island and explore the area for yourself. This will give you a better sense of the island's culture, climate, and lifestyle, helping you make an informed decision about your future.
Living in Maui can be an excellent choice for those who are seeking a change of pace and an active lifestyle. However, it's essential to carefully consider the advantages and challenges of living on the island before making the move. Working with a knowledgeable local real estate agent can help you navigate the market and find a property that meets your needs and budget. With its natural beauty, tight-knit community, and exceptional healthcare services, Maui offers a unique and fulfilling lifestyle that's difficult to find elsewhere.
Mahalo for reading our blog. We are Nine Times Network, and we intend to be your go-to Maui Real Estate Team.
Whether you are looking to buy a home or sell a home on Maui, we are here for you.
Please reach out anytime.
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Maui Home Buying Guide
Maui Relocation Guide
Maui Home Sellers Guide
The Ultimate Moving to Hawaii Guide
Top 20 annual Home Maintenance Tasks
Your Guide to Buying a Condo on Maui
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“Unity League Enters Fight,” Border Cities Star. February 14, 1933. Page 5. ---- Left Wing Group Ready To Oppose Railway Wage Slash ---- And Duff Report ---- Oscar Kitching Reiterates Plea for Joint Action. By Railroaders ---- The Workers' Unity League, a "left wing" Labor organization, plans to join the fight against the Duff Railway Commission recommendations and the 10 percent pay reduction effective next month.
WARNING SOUNDED District Labor leaders recognize the authenticity of this report as indicated at last night's regular session of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen when Oscar Kitching, boilermakers delegate, warned: 
"Other organizations, we know, are ready to step in if we step out of this fight against pay cuts and other Duff Commission recommendations. Their entry into the fight will be on the assumption that we in the trades unionists movement are fakirs and are not genuine in our stand." 
Delegate Kitching, who has been active in the fight to organize the 16 local rall unions into a closely-knit "railwaymen's council" with a working affiliation with the Essex County Trades and Labor Council, had the Workers Unity League in mind when he dropped his hint at the trainmen's meeting. 
UNITY LEAGUE ACTIVE Representatives of the local branch of the Workers' Unity League have been active since different rail unions, all representing the shop crafts, started to hold special rallies a month ago. Some of them, in fact, have been busy handing out literature to railroaders as they passed into the Labor Temple. It is expected, however, that the Workers Unity League will make its first break into real action in Winnipeg and in other western centres. 
The trainmen gave Delegate Kitching an attentive hearing last night as he urged swift, united action in the campaign against further wage and staff reductions. Co-operation was promised by union delegates and it is likely that district members of Parliament will be urged to oppose the Duff report at the current sitting of the House of Commons. 
While only one of the "Big Four" railroad brotherhoods, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, was represented at the pro- test rally in the Labor Temple Sunday night, it was learned today that none of the locals of the shop crafts have adopted any definite stand against the impending pay cut. 
NOT THREATENED YET "It is a peculiar thing." Delegate Kitching reminded the trainmen last night, "that our men have not yet been threatened with another 10 percent cut, but this we do know and that is that we'll certainly get the cut after you get your cut if it is put over. It is no joke with us, I can assure you." 
Delegate Kitching recalled that in past years the Canadian railroaders wage schedules had been governed by the conditions of the rail men across the boundary line and by the decisions of the United States rail boards. But today, it is different. The Canadian roads are setting up their own schedules without regard to the situation in the United States. 
Reminding that the railroad workers are the best organized on the North American continent, Delegate Kitching submitted it is the duty of all of the rail brotherhoods to participate in the present fight; and also to take up the struggle for the unorganized worker as the latter naturally is affected by anything which affects the rail unions. 
$2.49 FOR TWO WEEKS The speaker, in passing, referred to a pay cheque of a Briggs plant worker which had been exhibited at the Windsor Labor Temple and which indicated the workman had been credited with $2.49 for a two-week period and that $2.00 had been deducted for insurance. 
Delegate Kitching, pleading for co- operation of the railroad running trades and the shop crafts, urged: "The fight should not be left to one organization or group of organizations. We have been at it since November and today we have not got the local railway council' of workers actually functioning." 
The speaker made it clear he was in the fight as a trades unionist of 26 years' experience and not as provincial vice-president of the Labor Party of Ontario.
"HOMESTEAD RIGHTS" Canadian National Railway unions, it was learned last night, are furthering their campaign for a restoration of the "homestead rights" throughout District 14, of which they have been deprived in recent weeks. The appeal, denied by lesser officials of the road. is to be carried, if necessary, to Acting President Hungerford by high union authorities. 
Under the "homestead rights," men who had been established in one centre since 1927 or previously, could not be "bumped" by outsiders with more seniority rights. This has been abolished and the "universal promotion" system is in vogue, only, however, in the one district which comprises the centres of Windsor, Sarnia, London, Stratford, Fort Erie, Niagara Falls, Port Colborne, Welland and St. Thomas. 
Michigan Central men report, incidentally, that all firemen working on the Canada division, are "classed engineers." The Canadian National men report that of the 754 firemen who were on the working list from Windsor east to Brockville, there are only 83 left today, many of them engineers back at the firebox. 
Another guest speaker at last night's meeting was C. E. Robinson, of Jackson, Mich., general chairman of the trainmen of the Michigan Central railroad.
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fearsand5 · 1 year
Boys School Shoes for Dummies
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corkstate3 · 1 year
Boy's School Uniform Shoes Things To Know Before You Buy
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jacketlegacy · 2 years
Which type of fabric should be used to make bomber jacket?
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There is no single answer to this question — it depends on your specific needs and preferences. Different materials have their own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to consider all of them before making a decision. we will take a look at some of the most popular bomber jacket fabrics and discuss their pros and cons.
A bomber jacket is a jacket made to be worn in cold weather. The bomber jacket was developed during World War I as a type of jacket that would be worn by aircrew. The original bomber jackets were made of wool. Today, bomber jackets are made from a variety of materials, including leather, nylon, and polyester.
There are many types of fabric available in the market that can be used to make a bomber jacket. The most popular fabrics are wool, cotton, and nylon. Each fabric has its own unique set of features that make it a good choice for making bomber jackets.
Wool is a popular choice for making bomber jackets because it is a natural fiber and is known for its warmth and durability. Cotton is another popular choice for bomber jackets because it is breathable and comfortable. Nylon is often chosen for bomber jackets because it is strong and weather-resistant.
A bomber jacket is a type of coat that became popular in the United States military and then with American youth in the 1950s. It is also known as a flight jacket or an MA-1. A bomber jacket is usually made of nylon or other synthetic fabric and has a fur-lined collar, a front zip, knit cuffs, and a waistband.
A bomber jacket is a versatile item that can be worn in a number of different settings. The type of fabric that you choose to use will affect the overall look and feel of the jacket. we will discuss the different types of fabric that can be used to make a bomber jacket. We will also provide some tips on how to choose the right fabric for your needs.
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pantylamb24 · 2 years
How Boys School Shoes can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
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forceslice0 · 2 years
Our Boys Back To School Shoes for Shops Ideas
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