#probably after my other Subnautica AU fics and maybe ch3 or 4 of RU
blonde-fraumell · 2 years
*whisper yells* Just finished first chapter of Repaired Unstable. It totes roocckkeedddd!!!!
Side note before I gush though??? I went to click on your blog and your banner GLITCHED OUT.
It went super small and then zoomed in really fast and then was normal and I was like oh crapples was it a gif this whole time?? But then it happened again in the opposite direction and I was like...nope...deffo glitches out tumblr 😅😅 That had to have been the trippiest thing I've ever had happen🤣
So okay!! RU?? I'm already hooked!! The world building is so darn yummy~ Like you took your time properly building up to that first meeting and ngl I am legit glad because it made me invested~ Also can kinda relate to y/n because my folks kicked me out right after high school graduation (literally the night of mom sat me down and was like "You're a bad influence on your bother and sister and need to leave" despite me never being a party girl or at that point in my life having ever done drugs or gone drinking or anything. Long story short I feel the struggle)
But like hang on tho...SUN IS HOW TALL!?!? Bubbie I'm only 5'4😭😭 He's literally twice my height😭😭
Lol ngl though legit living for it~ Love me a tall lanky boiiiii🤣
Anyway!!!! Since I'm an Undertale fan and I spotted some😏😏 I might just have reading plans for tomorrow hehe💜😏
Love ya buncheesss~
(Also...I may or may not have plans to draw somefin somefin involving RU because I'm a sucker for ur designs and because art things heuheuheu~ I'll be taggin ya when I post em🥰🥰)
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm so glad you liked it!❤🧡💛
The glitching is kinda weird (fitting considering what my picture is tho haha). Hopefully it won't act up anymore?
I'm glad Y/N is relatable. They are certainly my more complex Y/N I've written yet (I try to make each Y/N different depending on the story). Also, tall Sun is my life and I am 5'3", so I understand. He can pluck us up from the ground like a cat 🤣
Heeeeee! I will say my Undertale fics are a bit old, so my writing quality is... not the best 😅. Still, I hope you enjoy them! Those are very slow to update since I'm focused on Sun and Moon right now.
(Thank you so much! I would love to see what you come up with! I'm so excited!😆😊🥰)
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