#probably going to clear out that one in favor of citrus puns next
amplexadversary ยท 3 months
I have finally finished going through my Critical Role tag!
That's 128 pages of fixed tags, once I cleaned up unnecessary duplicate posts, and now it should be pretty easy to navigate. Everything that's tied to a campaign is either CR1, CR2, CREXU, or CR3, and everything else has a cast member's name tagged.
Characters now have only one tag per character, stuff involving most or all of a party is now tagged as the party (Vox Machina, TM9, Bells Hells), and I have tags for CR NPCs, CR Guests, and CR Setting. So if I forget what tag I used for someone, I can go into one of the above and find a post about them pretty quickly.
I have about a million more fandoms to go through and do this for but I'm confident that with one exception (Pokemon) each individual one of those is going to be a much shorter task.
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