#probably got brought up in an argument with Neil and neil didn't see the problem (because he's an idiot and he's done it before too)
bun-bun07 · 8 months
Honestly all the hints I'm getting about the Sunshine Court I don't think Jean will be better than neil in fact I think he's going to be worse, you telling me all that time he spent in the nest he is not going to be like:
Jeremy: are you ok?
Jean: I think I broke a rib, Should be okay to play tho.
Jeremy(very concerned): WHAT
Jean: what?
Or it could be even worse, He faints on the court and they find out later that he has a broken rib 😭😭
(it's sad to think about because I think he's just going to try to power through any injury he gets since he's so used to playing in pain)(and he's used to nobody caring)
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