#probably why i didn't make propaganda for myself whoopsie
gotalittletoosilly · 2 years
welp got my ass beat in the competition competitions </3 sorry silly nation
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poppystheories · 4 months
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When I first read DGM, Allen not knowing anything about Innocence prior to arriving at the Black Order seemed like a contrivance to justify an exposition dump. He was apprenticed under Cross for years, after all.
Now, looking back, the fact that Cross didn't teach this all to Allen makes all this information extremely suspicious. Yeah, Cross may not have had much motivation to teach the 14th's host much besides how to stay alive long enough to be consumed by Nea, but Cross is one of the most in the know characters in the series. He probably didn't particularly feel like teaching Allen any ancient propaganda of dubious validity.
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Whoopsie, turns out none of these three know the truth about much of anything.
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Ok. Ok ok ok.
So. Assuming the message with the cube isn't complete bull, there's something a little interesting here. We've got two groups of people confirmed to have existed in the previous world: on one hand, we've got the Noah, who survived using the Ark. They would then somehow end up, like, cursed to reincarnate eternally into their descendants until they completed some unclear objective using the Earl.
On the other side, we've got a very mysterious other group that did not survive, despite claiming to have won. Based on what we know, they probably perished to the Pillar.
They then warn of impending doom, supposedly because the Noah escaped and the Earl will continue to exist. Or something.
To combat this threat, they are sending salvation. The Order obviously thinks that salvation is the Innocence.
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Because what destroyed the world was Innocence, right? Why are they sending the exact thing that destroyed them as "salvation"?
Why will using the Innocence to defeat the Earl again change the result this time? If defeating the Earl with Innocence somehow creates the Pillar, won't they just be repeating everything?
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What if the Black Order has the interpretation backwards, and the Innocence is the impending doom, and the Noah/Earl/Dark Matter the salvation, sent to the future using the Ark? What if the cube people are saying that by using the Innocence, they made a mistake?
Well, I'm not entirely sure I buy that theory myself, but it does seem possible, right? Cross and Nea clearly believe that it can't be Innocence that defeats the Earl, but that it has to be Nea himself, which makes me think that: the Earl + defeat by Innocence = Pillar...
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