#anyway thanks everyone who voted for me very cool
gotalittletoosilly · 2 years
welp got my ass beat in the competition competitions </3 sorry silly nation
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writebackatya · 10 months
McDuck Family Members Most Likely to Start Sh*t at Thanksgiving Dinner
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Ah Thanksgiving. The holiday celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November (in America that is), one with food, family, and celebrating what we’re thankful for! (Wanna feel bad? Learn about the holiday’s origins!)
And no family is quite as big as the found family from DuckTales; so arguments are bound to happen at a dinner table filled with so many zany characters with interesting pasts and quirks. Let’s honor those who would throw the first punch at a family dinner, shall we?
Bentina Beakley
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I wanna cut Beakley some slack. She most likely had a long day before dinner even started what with all the preparations she did for dinner. Not just cooking for 20+ family members plus other side/recurring characters but also the cleaning and presentation
But let’s face it. This woman can be so condescending at times. And judgmental. You just know if someone is showing up to dinner wearing jeans and sweater she’d have something to say about it. And she strikes me as someone who would slam the dishes while cleaning them only for someone to say, “Hey Beakley do you need help with the dishes?” and then she’d be like “No. It’s fine. I got them”
But it’s not fine. Go help her with the dishes. She deserves a break
Dewey Duck
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When I was first thinking about this list I originally thought “No way any of the triplets would start anything on Thanksgiving” Huey is a good boy and Louie would definitely take it easy on a day where you’re legally allowed to sit around, be lazy, and eat food. But then I remembered Dewey and how much of a diva he can be
We know Dewey is an entertainer and with everyone coming to dinner, he has a huge “captive” audience that he can perform for. Whether it be an original Thanksgiving song, a one man Dewey show about the first Thanksgiving, a sonnet about a bonnet, or a very special Thanksgiving episode of Dewey Dew-Night; that kid will want all the attention in him. And the very second the spotlight is taken off, oh boy…
Gladstone Gander
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Look at this prick. Don’t you wanna slap his face!?!Anyway I love Gladstone Gander, but he’s the kind of family member that just would go on and on about himself and bring every conversation back to him again and how great his life is
That’s great Gladstone. Happy for you, the rest of us have to pay for our sushi but cool. Glad your good luck is really paying off, jerk
But honestly. It’s his tone. It’s the kind of tone that gives off that he knows he’s starting shit but won’t admit it
Goldie O’Gilt
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I mean, it’s Goldie. What else can I say?
Gandra Dee
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Oh man. There’s so many different ways controversy would start with this morally gray ex-FOWL agent and I’m here for it. Let’s face it, out of all the characters present, Gandra Dee would most likely be the one to bring up the holiday’s horrible origins. If anyone is making it their duty to make a rich white family uncomfortable on Thanksgiving, it’s Gandra Dee
She’d get political and even directly ask Scrooge who exactly he voted for in the past two Presidential elections (he claims to be progressive, but he’s still the richest duck in the world. Just how many tax cuts is this man getting to keep that status?)
Oh and what about the treatment of her overwork and underpaid boyfriend? Why is he still working in the bathroom?
Oddly enough, I can see her and Scrooge bonding over a mutual disdain for Gladstone Gander. What a prick
Kit Cloudkicker
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It’s not that exactly what Kit does that’ll start a fight, but what he doesn’t do.
Kit is the kinda guy that was supposed to bring a dessert but totally forgot to pick something up from the bakery so instead he’s stopping at the gas station on the way to dinner to pick up some Twinkies
Kit is the kinda guy that would “take a walk” before dinner and not do anything to hide the scent and now all the kids are wondering how a skunk got inside
Gyro Gearloose
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It’s Gyro. Something is bound to piss him off at some point
Doofus Drake
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I am so tired of the fandom not including Doofus in this found family (Louie and him made up and are friends now and BOYD is his brother, sorry it’s canon) so he’s here on the list
But he’s still a new addition to this family. And a weirdo and a rich brat with a lot of issues that someone should seriously help him with. He’s gonna make everyone uncomfortable. Is it intentional? Or is he just being Doofus? Who knows
What I do know is this, don’t eat the dish he brought.
Della, Donald, and Scrooge!
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The original three!
These three are responsible for splitting up the family in the first place so it’s no surprise that they’re number one on this list!!
Yes they’ve squashed their beef with one another and moved past the Spear of Selene, but they are still themselves
The ones most likely to start shit over the dumbest things
These three are going to be bickering over who should carve the turkey. And the argument will be so loud and hectic that no one will question why a bunch of birds are eating a turkey
Anyway, hope you enjoyed this list. It wasn’t meant to slander any characters, just did it for fun. Happy Thursday everyone.
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WIBTA for ghosting someone in RP?
This is a very chronically online problem, I'm aware, but I could use Tumblr's input. This is kinda long, so tl;Dr at the end.
So I (ftm), Z (nb), and O (f) (ages unimportant, but we're all adults) have a server for a shared fandom of ours. There are other people on the server too, but they're relatively unimportant to the problem.
One of the major channels to note was an rp channel. Things started off peachy keen! Everyone was having a grand old time! However, little problems started to pop up. O began introducing some ocs to the rp group chat, which, while outlandish for the setting (her ocs were ghosts from 1500's Minecraft Germany or whatever? I'm still not entirely clear since she's bad at continuity). And while I'm not against more out there ocs, the issue was how she used them, constantly trying to solve problems instantly. They felt more like MacGuffin's than characters. But whatever, she's our friend so we didn't really care.
Then, the racism incident happened.
It's a cool name, but sorta makes it sound more important than it was. Basically O had "monster form" at the end of each of her characters names, since apparently they had human forms too. Well, in an argument, a character referred to the group of ocs as monsters (since, how else would you refer to all of em at once?), and in one of her ocs replies they said smth like "oh btw thanks for the racist remark".
IMMEDIATELY in the ooc chat, Z and I both go "hey man, we're not playing the racism game", which... caused O to leave the server temporarily. Fun.
The relevance of the racism incident is to show why we can't just talk to her ooc about the upcoming issues.
((Very offhandedly she also keeps trying to pressure Z specifically into rping? Even though Z has made it clear many times this month that they are busy with the holidays??))
Anyways, time passes and O keeps wanting to tack on useless shit to her characters (both canon and ocs) for literally no reason. From "Bruno esk powers" to "shapeshifting genitals", it just felt like feature creep.
Eventually this comes to a head when she asks if her 32 year old character could be a WWII veteran.
You know. In the text chat based rp where characters use hashtags and emotes and talk about Twitter.
After a small back and forth between Z and O in the ooc chat, Z just kinda, gave up. Part of the reason they made the server was to transfer their previous rp writings to a server they own, so they don't have to worry about it getting deleted. (Before anyone assumes Z is just being strict, trust me. Z had been very accommodating with letting me and O make inputs and have our characters make an impact. This wasn't an issue of O's lack of control, but rather lack of care about the setting.)
Z admitted in a group chat with just me and their partner that they basically are just going to give up on their previous rp, and just let O do whatever she wants.
This really, and I mean REALLY, ticked me off.
Now, I will not start a ruckus about it on the server itself since I know Z hates confrontation, but now I've just settled on to give O the cold shoulder in rp, not replying to her ocs, barely interacting with her canon characters, etc.
I feel like in character I have a valid reason to ignore her (her ocs made one of my ocs upset, and my other characters are upset for him), but I can't tell if this would be too mean?
ALSO quick little note I forgot to mention above, but it's basically just the three of us in the rp chat, so with Z busy for the holidays, I'm the only other person who O would be able to rp with, if that impacts the vote.
TL;DR - Someone in a rp server is being a right ass and we cannot talk to her about it without potentially starting a huge fight, now I want to ignore her in rp. WIBTA
What are these acronyms?
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greeneyedsigma · 7 months
Who’s-Who: Wasn't icarly that guy that girlbossed too close to the sun because he was down for Apollo?
Drake: ICARUS?
Drake: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
Luffy: You don't think I can fight because I’m a girl!
Kid: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Who’s-Who could fight in that dress either.
Who’s-Who: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
Kid: I will send my army to attack!
Kid: *releases a dumpster of raccoons*
Hawkins: What do you think Zoro will do for a distraction?
Who’s-Who: He’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That's what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Who’s-Who: ...or he could do that.
Hawkins: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something.
Drake: You left me, Luffy, and Kid in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Hawkins: I did that on purpose, try again.
*while waiting outside the principal’s office*
Who’s-Who: What are you in for?
Drake: Oh, they just want to know if it’s cool if I miss my classes tomorrow to run sound and lights for a presentation in the auditorium. What about you?
Who’s-Who: I stabbed a kid with a screwdriver.
Drake: We live very different lives.
Who’s-Who: Yes we do.
Luffy: I was voted “friendliest classmate” in high school.
Hawkins: I was voted “most likely to become a clown”…
Kid: You think that’s bad? HA! I was voted “most likely to get rabies”!
Who’s-Who: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Drake: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our boss.
Who’s-Who, hanging it on their wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Hawkins: Would never stab anyone.
Drake: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Luffy: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Who’s-Who: Would stab without warning.
Kid: Would stab as a warning.
Who’s-Who: I'm so happy, I could kiss you!
Drake: Um...Neat.
Drake, lying face down on her bed: I said "Neat," Kid. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid.
Kid, fiddling with his arm: Don't beat yourself up too much, Drake. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Luffy confessed her love for me?
Drake: Didn't you thank her?
Kid: *drops his screwdriver and looks at the ceiling* I fucking thanked her.
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centellazul · 1 month
So, that's the end of this adventure..
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it's time for my little girl to get some rest, I think she deserves it!!
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some thoughts and thanks on keep reading:
(KOCT = Kirby Original Character Tournament)
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Anyway, many thanks to everyone who supported her and voted for her (and even drew WOW that still surprises me!)
Maybe we didn't manage to win any round and lost humiliatingly, yes, but I think it was more of a personal victory, I mean I met new people, I saw wonderful people, I met some amazing characters and stories and I feel that's what's important!! 💖💖💖
A special thanks to my dear friends!!! (especially to Pat and Ñoquis tqm <3)
and also, congratulations to Shade Knight!!! I hope their next rounds go well, I think they are very cool c: ❤️
Ahora, no creo que vaya a publicar tantas cosas tan seguido como solía hacerlo, pero planeo continuar con los dibujos relacionados con Kirby y mis OC.
long posts, thank you for read and see you in another occasion!! ✨
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babacontainsmultitudes · 10 months
Dndads friends, speeches (and maybe some news 👀) will come for you soon lol bear with me. @sexiestpodcastcharacter Well, first and foremost, congrats to the Night Vale/Carlos fans! And also to the vengeful Lovelace fans 😏 (meant teasingly but affectionately), you guys' memes genuinely got a good laugh out of me and plenty of the other glennfuckers, so thank you lol. And genuinely, best of luck to you next year! (oh mod if you wanna share the captain poll again when you rb this you may- she has my vote lol)
OTHERWISE- TMA FANS DO NOT DESPAIR I will *probably* still complete the compilations I mentioned even though Glenn didn't reach the goal, because you guys were very nice and I think you're cool haha (and I want the compilations too lmao). You are not immune to propaganda, and I am not immune to compliments on my marketing techniques. Peace and love! ✌️
Of course a HUGE thank you to everyone who supported Glenn throughout the entirety of this journey, whether it's because he's the hot sexy demon dilf who transed your gender, because you were successfully bribed, because you didn't want your character's loss to be in vain, because you saw how *damn* hard we were trying, because you clicked the poll on accident, or any other reason! It's been a wild ride, and we couldn't have gotten as far as we did without all of you!!!
An ENORMOUS thank you to everyone who joined our cause by offering art, or pet photos, or music, or heartfelt speeches, or punctuation hehe, or anything else!!! This competition brought a ridiculous amount of cool stuff into the world, and I think that's fucking sexy as hell. People who literally don't know who Glenn is but urged people to support him anyways out of respect for the grind or anything in that vein, I love you???? Thank you!?!?!?!?
And most of all, thanks to you mod, for running this entire circus, >:] and putting up with us little troublemakers for so long ("troublemakers" not including the people who actually said or did genuinely offensive things throughout the course of the tournament, yikes! Fuck that!)
Cheers to all of you! 🍻
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redditreceipts · 10 months
I've been a very staunch supporter of trans ppl for years. I have learned to swallow my discomfort around some of the things said in those circles. When they said it was transphobic for lesbians to not like dick, I bit my tongue. I told myself, "this is just the loud minority" and to be fair I do think that is the minority but still ... as a lesbian I wasn't even able to talk about people who argued that because "it never happens. No one says that. That sounds like a transphobic lie." And I hate the constant assertions that gender is real, innate, and that everyone feels it. I can't describe my own experiences with growing up as a woman without someone telling me that maybe I'm nonbinary ... no thanks I tried that for a while. I respect everyone's gender, or I want to, but apparently doing that also requires me to put that oppressive structure onto myself and act like it's liberating.
The final snapping point for me was a trans woman telling me that I'm privileged for being a cis woman because I've never experienced dysphoria ... except I have. I grew up with intense thoughts about my body and hating my vagina and breasts. It was never that bad but I would often imagine mutilating. I'm in a better place now but I still feel some discomfort over my body sometimes. And when I expressed this to her, she asked me if I was really cis or was still questioning ...
They act like misogyny doesn't exist or something. I just ... I disagree with a lot of radical feminists beliefs or at least I think I do. But for years I have felt like radfems were the only ones even talking about misogyny anymore so idk
Anyway what I wanted to say is that I really like your posts and perspectives and thanks for this blog. I want to learn more and question more and your blog has become a helpful resource to help me start thinking critically about some things
Hey :) thanks for writing to me and sorry for the late answer. 
And yeah, you are totally right. I have also spent such a long time justifying gender ideology because I really wanted it to be right. I’ve excused so much weird behaviour with weird mental gymnastics because I didn’t want to accept that I had been wrong for such a long time. 
The entire “that never happens” thing - and then you show them an occasion where it happened, and they say “well, it doesn’t happen that much”. And yeah, people have suggested me being non-binary as well. I mean, by strict gender definitions I am non-binary because I don’t identify as a woman lmao. Just as the “you’re uncomfortable in your body?? what about fucking cutting it up??!!!!” thing. 
And for disagreeing with feminist beliefs, the thing is that being a feminist is not a package deal. You are not being some sort of heretic if you disagree with certain things, and I know that I am most probably wrong on a lot of stuff myself. If I wasn’t, I would be the first person who is always right in human history. And yes, even in feminist spaces, there is sometimes some sort of imperative to follow every single belief or you are not a “real feminist”. But being a feminist is not an identity, it is an action. It is an action towards yourself, in the workplace, in interaction with other women and men, in your consumption, in your voting, in how you support women in your personal life and how you do political action. So yeah, I would say that it is less important whether you follow every rule of the radical feminist catechism and more important to support women in your life (which includes yourself). At least, that’s my opinion. 
So if you want to learn more, you can look into literally anything Julie Bindel says on Youtube, I really like her perspective. And cool that you’re here! 
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rainbowsky · 1 year
Hiiiiii. I'm here again!💛 My question is: what are your top 3 solo dance performance of Web?
Mine includes his recent interpretative dance of Like the Sunshine, opening dance during SDOC4, and the classic Versace on the Floor, duh! 😘
You're anonymous so I have no idea who you are, but hello! Nice to see you! 😊
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I absolutely love this question, thanks so much for asking it! DD's dance performances are always exciting, and something I eagerly anticipate - probably more than anything else from him!!
#1 Like the Sunshine
There can be no other winner. Truly the most memorable performance he's ever given. So special on every level. Even though I've been unable to watch it since January (long story that I talk about in my post* about the song, which is still in drafts), I think about it a lot. Exceptional, beautiful, powerful.
*Sorry to bring up a mystery post, it WILL be published eventually!
#2 SDOC3 Captain Dance & Rehearsal
I loved this practice version because we got to see DD dancing out of costume, and he looks so fucking amazing (he really can rock a tight-cuffed pant, windbreaker and ball cap like no other). This clip holds a special place in my heart. I love watching his practices. DD in his own clothing, just being DD, being a great dancer.
Both the practice and the live performances show DD's strong skill, professionalism, and talent. (DD's starts at 12:40).
After the captains' opening performances the dancers all voted with their towels to choose the best one. DD ended up getting the fewest votes of all the captains.
If you rewatch the performances you can see that other performances weren't nearly as intricate, coordinated or frankly 'cool' as DD's, but we got to see these performances from a very different vantage than the dancers, so I'll cut them some slack for being so blind. There were even some comments after the fact, that they couldn't see the complexity of it from where they were sitting.
It's crazy to me to think that he ended up in the bottom from this, and he even made a statement about hoping to improve. 🥺
This dance was so good, he performed it so well. It really shows that perspective is everything.
It feels like this performance wasn't meant for our eyes (😅), but I love it anyway. For all the same reasons everyone else does. It's just so smouldering and sexy, and he looks godly here.
My CPN post about the performance can be found here.
Special Mention: YH Practice Clip
This practice dance has to be mentioned because it's been a favorite of mine for years. Not just because he looks so stellar in it, but also because more than a lot of other videos out there, this one really shows DD's exceptional gift for dance.
If you watch the presence/power of his performance vs the two dancers behind him, you can really see how much he stands out - how much star power he has just based on his overall demeanour. He has such beautiful lines, precision, musicality and quality of movement. He hits every beat and every step effortlessly, while giving so much swagger and fluidity. His transitions are unbelievable - so smooth and so strong. It's mesmerizing to watch.
It's crazy to think it's only 1 MINUTE of dance. It feels like an entire epic story of movement.
The same is also true with the Swalla video that is popular among fans. Same thing. You can really see DD's talent in these clips. I fervently wish he'd release more of these, although I understand it's not likely to happen again. It would be a feast for me if he did.
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zedecksiew · 8 months
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On 31 January 2024, the tabletop-roleplaying-game community voted for the Best Blog Post Of 2023.
Contenders were drawn from the winners of four categories. Links, as well as their very excellent acceptance speeches---more exhortations and manifestos, really!---found here:
Anyway---you voted. Results were very close; I was constantly worried about a tie. Nevertheless, a winner emerged:
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Congratulations are in order, and an acceptance speech follows.
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(Like an idiot, I didn't plan for, and therefore didn't have the time to make a bespoke prize for the overall Bloggie winner. So they'll just get a full quadtych of lino prints. Fortunately these don't look too bad together!)
🔮Re-inventing the Wilderness: Part 1 - Introduction🔮 from SachaGoat
As an (award-winning) blogger who only started 6 months ago - I want to use this "acceptance speech" to share the 5 steps that will start your blog: 1. You don't need a cool blog name. screenname(dot)blogspot(dot)com is probably available - you can move it later if you think of a cool name. The trick here is to set it up so your ideas can go live as soon as you're happy (or tired of editing). 2. Post something. Dust off your notebook (or note-taking app) and turn those musings into a structured post with paragraphs and context. Don't have anything ready to go? Take your latest game session and write a play report or spotlight a specific moment. This will take less time than your ttrpg prep. 3. Share it! With your gaming group, ttrpg friends, community discords, xwitter/bluesky, reddit, forums etc. 4. Don't worry about the rest. I don't have a fancy blog template. I've yet to compile a sidebar or blogroll. I don't have a newsletter or patreon. 5. Continue. Your readers will contribute with comments. You will be shared in community newsletters. Peers will write posts inspired by your posts. Your ideas will be used at another gaming table. (And if you're lucky, you can win the next BLOGGIES.) If you've shared your prep with a fellow DM… if you've contributed opinions on a ttrpg discord or forum… if you've read a blog post and have a thought that builds on it… if you have any tabletop advice or ideas … 👏 Start 👏 a 👏 blog This finally brings me to the "thanks". Winning the 2023 BLOGGIES is such a wonderful welcome to this creative niche. Many thanks to the creators who encourage the community to blog (especially around June 2023, I can actually see the thread that motivated me to start). I also want to thank a community whose collective enthusiasm and support nudge me to release the next post. And finally, everyone who voted for my post over the amazing nominations this year - a huge thank you.
On a personal note: I am really thrilled at this final result.
The BLOGGIES can come off as clique-ish. Voting is public, but "public" on the Internet generally means a circle-jerk between subculture friends, a popularity contest.
This thing began as a jokey riff on those best-tweet-of-the-year polls over on Twitter. While Prismatic Wastelands grew it into a celebration of OSR blogging culture, it still has NSR / POSR inclinations---the specific community soil it sprung from.
As host this year I tried to extend the BLOGGIES' reach. Canvassing for nominations outside the OSR space got a couple of indie-RPG designers on the finalists list. Am proud of that; we have much to learn from each other.
I made prizes---hoping that, one day, with enough dangling carrots, these awards will eventually be tasty enough for non-POSR cliques / communities to attempt a takeover? We'll see.
Ultimately: I am glad to water this sapling and watch it grow slowly. Community is made by growing trees, not building greenhouses.
SachaGoat snagging the final win is a vindication.
Sacha's blog is new. We don't share any Discord servers. We've never spoken, hitherto; the first time I messaged him ever was to tell him he'd won the Advice category.
The BLOGGIES fulfils its purpose: to introduce folks to quality blogs; to preach the gospel and importance of blogging. Its shade is spreading.
I'm glad to get to know Sacha and his blog. (Obviously it's been added to my must-read list!) I am honoured to be passing the torch: Sacha has agreed to host BLOGGIES 2024.
Thank you, everybody. Here's to growing trees.
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On Air Island - chapter 1 - part 4
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As the previous poll ended in a tie, I removed my own vote to break it 😑 Can't believe y'all made me say something mean about my girl Alice. Feels bad feels inorganic. Anyway, let's tune in!
(the transcript is available below the poll, under keep reading)
Transcript legend:
In-game text
Character speaking: dialogue line
regular chat message Donation: donation message
available donation messages
{ Alternative translation }
———— ———— ————
Hanse: So.... Naoto is the 3rd place, Alice is in the 4th place. But the gap in vote results between them is quite significant.
[player] donated 30 Small Diamond: Wow, ALICE has such a nice voice.*sarcasm*
Hanse: What? Oh, right...... Alice Somerset nickname is ALICE, right?
KimPearl: Yes she is hahahha DevilMan: You should have hear Alice's voice when she gets pricked by the needle MinjunGF: Enough to be an opera singer
Hanse: Thanks to Alice stepping up, I've gained a lot from the production team... I mean, I've learned a lot. { Thanks to Alice coming forward, we ripped off... ah, no, we gained a lot from the production team. }
SaMSiKi: Anyway, what does that person do? FactOppa: Just someone who did a knitting broadcast HotKiz: Wasn't it just because she was rich that she became famous?
Hanse: She's a really reliable ally...... ahaha.
fantasy: Hahahaha yummy99: Hahahhahaha
Alice: Hanse, are you laughing now?
ek_98_ke: OMG c'monya: *shiver* forhanse: trembling
Hanse: Hehe, Alice......!
Alice: That's how you should do to make a living! So, please focus and concentrate! { Then how are you going to make a living! Come on and focus! }
MyMaster: Really Iwant: Is this right? Kissme3: Alice is worrying about someone? 178x181: And it's Hanse?
Alice: You have to realize how serious the situation is for everyone!
CLAPCLAP: Hanse is so optimistic… bbongGGu: And naive yummy99: I think he need to be more cautious
Hanse: Oh, yes......! I'll keep that in mind!
DUCKACOON: For those in the lower ranks, a modest meal has been prepared quack. { For the lower ranks, an unsightly meal has been prepared quack. }
hanseria: Unattractive JinStan: Unar Patient: tive
Ezra: It's refreshing to be at the bottom, and I'm ashamed to think of my colleagues in the lab. { It's refreshing to be in the lower ranks. I feel ashamed before my colleagues in the lab. }
mochimo: He got the visual top ranks IloveHim: Does it make sense to put a celebrity with normal person in a tv show? 4Loss: A celebrity lost to a normal person tho CatProf: hahahhhah Know_all donated 5 Amazing Diamond: So from what i get, he is a researcher conducting a research on biology…
Ezra: It was a very close race with the person directly above me, so I'll catch up soon.
honeyhan: Good luck good looking guy! HisFat: Who is that person? YDD: A researcher? Know_all donated 20 Amazing Clover: Hmm…. Graduated at the top of the class in genetics major? But why is he here?
Jin: Well...... It is not too different from what I expected.
1ilthree: You are so cool! 1sthanse: Waaa… So good looking LoveNari: Visually TOP 1 yummy99: Why am i fluttering? Know_all donated 20 Small Clover: It's really hard to look for her information! She was a soldier!
Jin: At least I avoided last place. Thank you for sponsoring me.
HisFat: Cool sis urfuture: You can't lose your muscle sis! Know_all donated 20 Amazing Clover: She planned to make her own camping ground… and that's all
Hanse: Ezra is in the 5th place, followed by Jin in the 6th place! Even though they are in the lower ranks, they still earn a lot! { Ezra got the 5th place, and Jin got the 6th! Although they're in the lower ranks, they still earned a lot! } 
rusure: Hanse, this is not the time for you to do that huhuhu urnothot: A researcher won over Hanse? PRISMFAN: Hehehehh
Who is Ezra?
Jin? I've never seen her before.
Hanse, you have to take some time to introspect.
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Hear me out guys…Story of Evil Royale High AU 👑
I’m mostly making this to sadly reminisce about Royale High. When I played the game today, I joined the classic campus and the chat was DEAD silent. Like, I remember the old days where people would actually roleplay there 😭 Anyways, let me tell you what this AU is all about, and feel free to comment your headcanons or any fancy names for this AU.
King Arth was the founder and principal of Royale High before he passed away from an illness. His wife, Queen Anne, took on his role as principal and enrolled her two children, Rilliane and Alexiel into Royale High once they turned 13. A year later, she passed away from an illness as well. The PTA had a huge debate on which child should become the new principal, and they eventually agreed on pulling both Rilliane and Alexiel out of classes to become co-principals. Doesn’t that sound cool? Anyways, Alexiel takes his role as a co-principal very seriously and makes sure to help guide his peers towards the right path, but he makes sure to study for a few hours at night to keep his mind sharp. Rilliane, on the other hand, abuses her power and is having fun while doing so. When Queen Anne was the principal, she’d throw school balls on very special occasions, but Rilliane throws school balls every single night since she’s a party animal. During the ball, she holds a nightly competition on who the best Supreme Royalty (basically Prom King and Queen) is based on looks, and she rigs the votes so her and Alexiel win every single time.
Clarith enrolled herself into Royale High so she can earn diamonds in order to afford medication for her sick mother back at her poor village. She liked to keep a safe distance from everyone else, because she was going to leave Royale High once she graduated, and nobody there really seemed to like her anyway. One day, she meets Michaela, the most popular girl at Royale High and Rilliane’s friend. Alexiel has a crush on her. Michaela befriends Clarith and they slowly fall in love through silly hijinks and shenanigans.
In this AU, Kyle is 16 years old and is dating Rilliane because of his mother, Prim, who arranged a marriage between them after graduation. Kyle doesn’t love Rilliane, but he does like her. They act more like best friends rather than partners, and everything is swell. Kyle also has a crush on Michaela, but he doesn’t tell Rilliane because he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. Elluka Clockworker, Mariam, Leonhart, and Prim Marlon are the teachers at Royale High. They all have to listen to Rilliane and she bends them to her will. Leonhart is a friendly teacher and a loving father to his daughter, Germaine. Germaine is a tomboy who’s friends with Alexiel and loves stealing his old uniform to wear for herself. Since there aren’t enough adults to teach students, a few students actually volunteered to help educate their peers. Ney Marlon and Chartette Langley, two seniors reenrolled themselves as teachers instead of students, which is really neat! That means they don’t get to do any homework for the rest of their time here :D
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That’s all for now! If you made it to the end of this, thank you for reading my ideas. It truly means a lot to me <3
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tracidant · 2 years
Writing prompt: The bats have an ugly sweater contest....AND GO!!!
(Minor warning for Jason's inappropriate sense of humor and the song "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.")
"So are we doing the Ugly Sweater party this year, Father? Now that I understand the concept, I plan on winning."
Bruce sighed. He didn't mind the ugly Christmas sweaters, but a certain adult child of his had a tendency to find the most inappropriate sweaters possible. Last year's seem innocent enough, until the lights were turned off. Bruce couldn't even imagine where one would find a light-up sweater with Batman and Catwoman doing very NSFW things on it.
"Oh, no. I know that look. Just because Todd tries to offend everyone, it doesn't mean the rest of us should be punished!"
"You're right, Damian. We'll do the party. I'll have Alfred talk to Jason. He'll listen to him."
A week later, Bruce was standing in his living room, in a God-awful pink and green plaid monstrosity of a sweater with bells that jingled when he walked. Selina was in a beautiful black and gold sweater-dress.
"Sorry, Bruce. I don't do ugly."
Bruce kissed the side of her face. "Nothing you could wear would look ugly anyway."
Dick, Barbara, and Haley were already there in matching reindeer sweaters talking to Cassandra, who had found a glow-in-the-dark sweater with elves that danced when you turned the power on.
He heard Alfred greeting someone at the door and braced himself. Female voice. He relaxed. Stephanie came running into the room yelling a minute later.
"Happy Ugly Sweater day, Waynes & Wayne-adjacents!"
Stephanie hugged everyone and showed off her sweater. She made it herself, and the quality was quite good. It was purple, of course, with real, blinking Christmas lights in red, yellow, and green. It also had Santa dressed like a 80s metal band rockstar, and said, "Have a rockin' good Christmas!"
Tim and Bernard arrived next. Bernard's sweater was a Freddy Kreuger Christmas sweater, and Tim's was "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer"-themed. (Complete with Grandma face down with reindeer tracks across her back.)
"Timbo, you're definitely in the lead for ugliest sweater, depending on what Damian, Duke, and Jason come up with."
Duke came in just then, as if on cue. His sweater was green, with gold tinsel and purple and blue ornaments hanging off of it. It had a hood too, shaped like the top of a tree, complete with a giant star on top. It was pretty horrible.
Damian and Titus came in next. Titus had on a beautiful argyle sweater, because apparently Damian's dog was too good for ugliness. Damian's sweater on the other hand, was truly ugly. It had mint green, fuchsia, teal, yellow, and black stripes, with a hideous Krampus on the front and back.
"Wow, Damian. That is absolutely the ugliest sweater I've ever seen."
The teen beamed. "Thanks, Grayson. I plan on winning this year."
"Well, you'll have to wait for Jason and see what nightmare-fuel of a sweater he found, but you have my vote."
"Pennyworth spoke to him about ugly vs. inappropriate, so we'll see. Todd isn't getting that prize this year."
Bruce heard the door again. He didn't hear Alfred chewing Jason out, so it must not be too bad. Then he heard...
"Sorry, Al. You told me if I wanted to wear an ugly sweater to wear one with a picture of me on it. I'm just following your rules."
Bruce heard Alfred sigh, and his pulse instantly started to increase. It must be bad. Maybe he could escape.
A moment later, Jason came in. "Here's your winner, bi-otches!"
Bruce looked at Jason's shirt, then closed his eyes. He was hoping he imagined it, but when he opened his eyes again, it was true. All the kids spoke at once.
"Seriously, Jay?"
"Oh. Em. Gee."
"Is that what I think it is?"
"No way, Todd! That has to be disqualified! This year is mine!"
"Not cool, brother. Not cool."
"Sorry, Bernard. I warned you my family's a bit crazy. Some more than others."
Finally Bruce found his voice. "Jason. Is that your autopsy photo on your sweater?"
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
hey i just wanted to say i really enjoy your posts. i'm a 30-something who works in reproductive health care in pennsylvania, and while i often feel pretty bad about our government, i still think voting is essential.
i get really frustrated with a lot of the people around me who seem to almost delight in being fatalistic. dems just might be able to secure a majority in our state house which, along with a pro-choice governor, means we could finally secure some protection for abortion access instead of just constantly praying the gop doesn't reach a veto-proof majority. and when i share this with my friends i either get silence or, literal quote, "that would be absolutely incredible and by absolutely incredible i mean in keeping with the barest sliver of hope for the future but i guess it's a low bar" and it's like????? hey fuck you???
anyways, i like how you balance optimism and pragmatism and seem like someone who doesn't just want to smoke week, play mariokart, and talk about how every candidate sucks.
Thanks, this means a lot to me. I have been cavilling in the lonely Tumblr wilderness about elections, voting, the necessity to do it, the toxic and useless "Progressive Online Leftist" culture, why you need to support Democrats, and so forth ever since at least 2016. As you might expect, this has not always gone down well, but I am stubborn.
Also: yes, this election wasn't a blue wave, but yet again, I'm astonished at how fast the goalposts changed, and suddenly the best midterm results for an incumbent president in recent history were Actually Bad. The almost universally-expected Republican red tsunami didn't happen at all, and while they may scrape out the House in a tight race (let's hope not the Senate too), that is hardly the barn-busting result that everyone was crowing about. Their craziest and most dangerous candidates, in the places where they had the chance to do a lot of damage, almost universally lost. Democrats even made pickups in places where they weren't expected. They held their own and made it exponentially more likely that we can stagger into 2024 without going full fascism, and that is important.
I know the nihilist millennial/Gen Z culture tends to make everything as bad as it can be at all times (and don't get me wrong, it is indeed very bad), but just being Edgelord Darko at all times to show how cool and cynical you are... eh, it just doesn't appeal to me, it never has, it never fixes anything, and is as much a self-serving fantasy as the Republicans' Big Lie. In both cases, it conveniently excuses the person from having to do anything to actually help the world and the state of things, if everything is already fucked anyway, and I'm definitely not cool with that.
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runawaymun · 1 year
WIP Poll Sentences Update!!
so re this poll I did a while back, where you guys voted on a WIP for me to work on and then I had to write as many sentences as the poll got notes, here's 81 sentences from the next chapter of Boundless Sky.
Disclaimer: Thane Dickwad has yet to be named, and so he is Thane Dickwad for the purposes of me taking away possible excuses to procrastinate writing. This is a rough draft lmao. I'll comb through some Saxon names and give him a proper name after I'm done suffering over the rough draft.
Disclaimer 2: these are not continuous. This chapter is getting written piecemeal because it's one of those that's giving me a headache. So this is just a bunch of disjointed snippets and sentences, sorry!
quick CW: It's a Fram chapter, so this includes...well the Éothéod of And the Stars Shine the Same. They're kind of their own warning. But this chapter includes depictions of slavery (we've got thralls), and a small amount of violence.
So anyway, here are those 81 sentences (plus a few extra tbh) that you guys made me write! Thank you to everyone who voted and thanks for your patience while I've been wrestling with this chapter!!
Frumgar’s hall was a cavernous longhouse framed in timber and roofed with green sod. Painted pillars stood in rows like sentries guarding the throne and dais at the far end. A huge central fire burned brightly in the great hearth, belching out plumes of smoke up toward the ceiling. In that haze, thralls scurried like ants, laying out long trestle tables for that evening’s feast. Fram and Etheldred walked side-by-side through the fray, past the common space, and through a thick woven curtain into the corridor beyond.
It felt strange and mostly empty — almost ghostly — in comparison to the bustling main room. There were only a few people mulling about between the private rooms. Fram let out a breath, then glanced over at Etheldred to find him moping. 
 Fram honestly hadn’t even been paying enough attention to notice her. She was standing in the corridor, a cleaning pail at her feet, and with her was one of his father’s bannerman who was looming in the doorway of one of the private rooms, blocking entry. 
She was well-behaved. Never stepped out of line. Very good at keeping out of sight. Fram couldn’t think of the last time she’d ever managed to upset a member of the house, not even his mother, so he was left racking his brain about what she could have possibly done to warrant the ire on the bannerman’s face. 
“Funny way of looking for you, trying to get into my room,” the thane snapped,  and it was more directed at the mouse, who ducked away from him, darting closer to Fram. Her left ear was bright red, likely from a cuff, and that made Fram flash hot. He had no right to go around touching his father’s thralls. 
Fram took a step forward, effectively hedging the mouse behind him, and let his gaze drift back to thane. Next to him, Etheldred folded his arms. 
“Keep your thralls out of my room.” 
Right. That was it. Thane Dickwad, from the Narrows. He had traveled quite a long way to be here, and if Fram remembered rightly, had lost many men in that battle with the orcs that spring when the king had ridden upon Rivendell to retrieve Fram from Lord Elrond. Fram collected himself and stood up a little straighter.  
"That’s a mouse. It’s meant to go in your room to keep it tidy. It’s only doing as it’s been told, like all the rest of them. I’ll have my mother inform the household to keep out of your room for the rest of your stay. I apologize,”  and that was said with a thin smile that made it clear Fram was not at all sorry, “We are only trying to be good hosts.” He craned his neck, glancing past Dickwad’s shoulder into the chamber, and noted the way he sidestepped to block his line of sight. “Hiding something in there?” 
“Of course not,” Dickwad snapped.
“Then you have no reason to get so angry, do you?” Fram replied. Then, he kept his tone cool as he addressed the mouse: “Apologize to Thane Dickwad and let’s go. You’ve wasted plenty of my time already.” 
The mouse bowed very low, muttering a panicked I’m sorry. Thane Dickwad just scoffed in disbelief and shoved past them, storming down the corridor and out into the main hall. 
Fram let out a sigh of relief. The mouse was still shaking at his side, no doubt waiting to be dismissed. He gestured, indicating that she was free to go, and she was quick to snatch up her cleaning bucket and hurry off, shoulders drawn up to her ears, the bucket clenched in a white-knuckled fist. 
 “No thanks,” Fram said, tone sour. “Lost my appetite. I’m going to my room.” When Etheldred’s good-natured expression pulled at the edges, Fram took a second to file the sharpness off of his voice before he offered: “See you tonight?” 
“Sure,” Etheldred agreed as he started for the door. “Should be fun.” 
Fram was in a black mood for the rest of the afternoon. In hindsight, antagonizing his father’s bannermen wasn’t exactly the best way to spend his time. There had probably been a better way to handle that situation with Dickwad and he ought to have been harder on the mouse, he just couldn’t bring himself to. It (she, she) had just been doing her job. He couldn’t fault her for that.
Beyond that, though, it was Thane Dickwad’s reaction to the mouse entering his room that bothered him, and the way he had tried (seemingly without being conscious of it) to block Fram’s view inside. Fram felt sure that if the mouse had interrupted something important, then the thane surely would have said so. But no, he had said she was snooping. 
Well, Fram had known her a long time. She kept to herself. She never got into any trouble. There was no way she could have been snooping. 
So why was Thane Dickwad so worried about it? 
It was likely wounded pride, and nothing else. Most of his father’s bannermen were quick to anger, especially when it came to thralls. Fram could count on one hand the number of men who were not. 
He resolved to put it out of his mind and get ready for the feast, lest he spend too long sulking and wind up late for the feast. 
As Frumgar got up from the table, the mouse hurried in again to collect his plate. Fram’s mother struck out with her table knife and pinned the mouse’s hand to the table with a sickening crunch of bone. 
Fram sat there, stunned, watching as blood bubbled up all over the scrubbed oak board. The thrall’s body had gone rigid, her jaw working, liking she was biting her tongue to keep from crying out. 
“It’s polite to go slowly, and to wait and see if anyone has need of you, rather than darting in and out from the table. It’s annoying. We should rename you to gadfly. It seems more apt,” his mother said, in a voice still and cold as a frozen lake. “Do you understand?”
Frantically, the mouse nodded. 
Next to her, Faedlimid looked as green as her dress as she sat there, staring at her lap. 
“Mother, let her go,” Fram tried. 
Instead, she quietly said: “Refill my cup.” 
The music from the dance seemed both too loud and somehow fuzzy. Fram couldn’t feel his tongue as he sat there, white knuckled, watching the mouse shakily reach for the jug of mead on the table, lift it, and carefully, carefully pour it into his mother’s glass.
Only when she was finished, and had set the jug aside, did his mother yank the knife out of her hand with another horrible crunch. As soon as she was free, the blonde mouse fled the table, choking on her tears and cradling her hand, and three more of them rushed in with rags to sop up the blood. 
Fram watched in disbelief as his mother simply sat back in the chair and drowned herself in her cup, watching his father make his rounds through the room. He looked down at his plate and found the slice of pork he’d been so interested in earlier was flecked with blood. Fram pushed the plate away, sick, and stood from his chair. 
“Where are you going?” Faedlimid asked, looking betrayed.
He tried to find a smile for her. “I just need some air. I’ll be back.”
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deathschool · 2 years
WELCOME EVERYBODY!!! Round two is HERE and ready for your votes!!! the poll will close FEBRUARY 5th 10:00 PM MST so hurry to get in your votes!!!
I also would like to say thank you so much to everyone who voted! we got a grand total of 120 votes that is amazing!!!!! @ KI look we care about the ravenwood npcs stop being cowards.
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With this also means the announcement of the ROUND ONE WINNERS (as well as some fun notes and commentary)..... check below the cut!
This fight was a bit tight in the beginning, but ultimately Sabrina kept a strong lead, winning with 80 VOTES (66.7%) to 40 (33.3%)!! Electra losing, thats such a storm wizard thing to do....
Mindy never stood a chance. throughout the entire poll malorn had a STRONG lead, the 2nd best in this whole poll! Malorn won with 97 votes (80.8%) to 23 (19.2%)!!
This one was very hard fought.... but ultimately Penny came through!!! She won with 72 votes (60%) to 48 (40%)!! Sorry suzie enjoyers.
This was also an INCREDIBLY tight battle... they went back and forth a few times but ultimately Regina prevailed, with 65 votes (54.2%) to 55 (45.8%)!!!
This wasnt a fight it was a slaughter. Marla held the strongest lead throughout the ENTIRETY of the poll, out of any other fight, with 99 votes (82.5%) to 21 (17.5%)! Anna didnt just get written out of firecat she got written out of the UNIVERSE.
Another very tight battle! This one went back and forth but Nolan pulled through in the end, with 69 votes (57.5%) to 51 (42.5%)!! Garrick's raw cool just wasnt enough 😔
Im sorry boris. This was a pretty solid victory for Ceren, with 87 votes (72.5%) to 33 (27.5%)! No more greetings for boris... only farewells....
Once again artur stood absolutely no chance here. Duncan dominated this fight with 97 votes (80.8%) to 23 (19.2%)!! Good job with this one guys ☺️🤭
Now for some interesting notes!!
First of all, EVERY storm wizard was knocked out of the running. All of them. Conversely, EVERY death wizard won their fight. This says a lot about society....
Similarly, both ice wizards lost, while both life wizards won!
Additionally, from each main battle street, only one wizard prevailed from each! (Except firecat... sorry anna...)
And NOWW on to my fav part. Some of the funniest comments left on the poll you guys made me chuckle
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Im sorry this person has to leave now.
anyway ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU EVERYBODY!!!! This has gone WAY better than i expected lol so i hope youre all excited for round 2!! <3
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princesseevee06 · 1 year
heyheyhey!! 'Your Turn Ryoko' is very yummy and i love your brainrotting and art so much T_T its really cool to see the yttd cast in different roles! i am oh so very invested hehsjfhsj
noww, i was wondering what Maple and Midori's dynamic/relationship is like in your au? 👀
(i ask this because i was thinking to myself how funny it'd be if Maple was still Out To Murder™ Midori at the beginning of their relationship [or something akin to that,] and if Midori was still Terrified™ of her even as a human HAHA though its unlikely ^^")
also, if Sou and Shin are taking the roles of Shin and Kanna respectively.. what does that mean for the main game of chapter 2.... o.o
but yeah, dont feel pressured to answer anything if its too spoilery or just straight up wrong haha!! i love your au and i look forward to seeing more :D
hello bread!!! (is it,, okay if i call you that??? i dont really know what else to 😭) thank you for continually being so kind and supportive about my au and art in general ;-; i am glad someone enjoys my silly ramblings. i also think your art is super duper cool!!!
okok for the maple and sou question: so because maple wanting to kill him was kind of part of her programming as an obstructor, that wouldn’t really apply here, but that idea is still SO funny to me?? i’ll def have to doodle that at some point lmaooo
their dynamic here is actually really polite! i see them as being good buddies :) maple is one of the participants who’s closer to sou, because she very much wants to work together with the others and see the good in everyone. it’s very much like. “awwww what a nice guy!” and then the guy in question is plotting murder ahsjkskdks
just as an example:
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although, i still can def see sou being a little bit scared of her, because maple very much can be scary when she wants to. she’s very opposed to the ideas that the death game perpetuates, what with suspecting and betraying one another, and so while most of her ire is directed towards the floormasters, she can also get pretty pissed when the actual participants try to trick each other. so…yeah, sou tries to stay on her good side and be a nice boy. but he also does genuinely think she’s neat!
for the shin and sou question: i wasn’t actually going to talk about the second main game for at least a little while, but im horrible at keeping secrets anyways and talking about this excites me, so why the hell not!!
so, while over time i’ve leaned less into the idea of a character’s “role” determining the actions they take (e.g. just because shin takes kanna’s role doesn’t mean he acts like kanna), the one thing i have stuck to is that when one character takes another’s role, they will always die at the same point in the story. i wanted to also incorporate ‘branching paths’ for ytr as well, because it’s one of the things that really sticks out to me about yttd!
…so yeah the second main game vote is either between voting for shin or sou (or technically ranmaru, but then everyone else would die). it’s vv tragic to me, because i love both of them </3 but i do what i must for angst.
i’m definitely going to give the main games their own posts (and almost 100% some art as well) in the future, but if you’ll allow me to get a bit rambly about shin and sou’s dynamic here and how it affects the main game, ehehe… ^_^
sou and shin at the beginning of the death game very much start out with ulterior motives. yes, they are friends, but they also gain something out of allying with each other: someone who they can rely on/who can vouch for them, which improves their chances of surviving. so they act all buddy-buddy, but there’s definitely tinges of manipulation going on from both sides (and while they realize exactly what’s happening they still acknowledge that this “trade-off” (both literally and metaphorically lol) is a good deal for both of them)
but throughout the death game they end up getting a lot more comfortable/vulnerable with each other, and soon enough they realize they really care about each other (really, they have the whole time). and this obviously complicates things because them wanting to protect each other throws a wrench in the whole “every-man-for-himself” ideology they’ve been preaching.
so, kind of like kanna, sou tries to get the sacrifice card during the second main game trading phase, but he does it with the intention of having him and shin escape together. …he does not actually get the card because the cards get swapped by gashu (there’s different reasoning for why they’re swapped this time but i’ll get into that in another post as well probably). hence, pain.
i envision the end of the 2nd main game being almost a screaming match between the two as they desperately try to convince everyone else to “vote for me so he can live!” (sort of like the shin and kanna vote but even angrier) (because kanna is a sweetheart and sou is Not) (it’s horribly ironic as i’d consider shin and sou the two characters with the strongest survival instinct in this cast, yet they are both driven to self-sacrifice here)
okok uhhhh sorry for the long tangent as you can see i’m evidently insane about these two’s dynamic in this au! ANYWAYS this vote is a lot different from the shin & kanna one because no matter who ryoko votes for as the tiebreaker, the one who survives will be PISSED. and by god they try everything to make her life a living nightmare in chapter 3 (because. being ryoko is suffering)
…i apologize so much this is probably incoherent because at the time of writing this it was past 1AM. but regardless thank you so much for the ask and your continuous support, and expect more content soon!!! :DD
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