delicehm · 1 year
Me - I don't trust communism
My bookshelf - You a currently reading procommunistic book where a guy pretending to be Jesus unites thousands of peasants against curropted church and capitalists to create socialistic dream in one big city of equals without the concept of money (that would be betrayed by 9 out of 13 people that were with him from the beggining).
Me - I said that I don't trust it not that I don't like it!!!
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toadqveen · 3 years
following an account for military pics but they keep posting absolutely braindead procommunist shit
just post the pics bro stop
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chmyri · 3 years
eddsworld can either be the best anticommunist propaganda or the best procommunist propaganda depending on the person
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trendingph · 4 years
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‘Bato’ asks Facebook: Are pro-communist accounts showing good behavior? FILE PHOTO — Sen. Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa on September 22, 2020. (Screen grab/Senate PRIB) MANILA, Philippines — “Bakit? Maganda ba behavior ng pro... https://trendingph.net/bato-asks-facebook-are-pro-communist-accounts-showing-good-behavior/?feed_id=129353&_unique_id=5f78483c690e5 #accounts #asks #bato #behavior #facebook #good #philippinenews #philippinesnews #procommunist #showing #trendingph
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What are some of your favorite pieces of classic literature?
OH BOY. Nonny, I love to babble on aimlessly about books so I was excited to get this message and here are a lot of words!! about books!!
Pride and Prejudice by Jane AustenIt’s so cliche of an answer, I know, but I love P&P. It’s a little difficult to get into in the beginning, but once you start to understand the pace and style it’s hilarious and wonderful. I wish I was witty and clever Lizzie, but let’s face it, I’m totally socially awkward Darcy. Jane Austen invented romance, guys.
Catcher in the Rye by J.D. SalingerI LOVE CATCHER IN THE RYE. Also, it seems like, on tumblr, people either love Catcher or absolutely hate it. I attribute my liking it partially to the fact that I read it at the right time. It’s a bit of a teen angst novel and I read it in the throws of my teenage angst. Salinger is sort of the anti-Hemingway, in the way that they both served in war (for Salinger it was WWII, and for Hemingway it was WWI) but instead of being like “ahhh war, booze, women, ~manliness~” in his novels, like Hemingway was, Salinger wrote Catcher in the Rye which is just about the fucked up teenager, Holden, and all the crappy things that happen to him. (Also my veryyyyy hot english teach and and I bonded over our mutual love of Salinger and mutual hatred of Hemingway) (oh and if anyone wants to fight about Hemingway.... I don’t want to. I just hate his books. You’re not going to change my mind.)Holden is the epitome of the “stale cinnamon roll, been in this world too long, too cynical” meme. He’s kind of a jerk?? but I love him. 
1984 by George OrwellStill terrifyingly relevant, 1984 imagines the dystopian future of the year... 1984. I’ve only read it once but should probably read it again. AND! FUN FACT! 1984 was banned in the USSR for being anticommunist, and in the USA for being procommunist. 
Les Miserables by Victor HugoI cry every time I try to verbally explain Les Miz. The book is long as fuck but soooooo good. But like. I read the whole book and I’m telling you that, while it’s very good, the movie-musical is a great and accurate adaptation that doesn’t loose any content but also adds musical number so just watch the movie-musical if you do’t want to read the 1400 page book.
Much Ado About Nothing by William ShakespeareI lied earlier in this reply, Shakespeare invented romance. Much Ado is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE of all of his plays. Much Ado About Nothing is about these two people, Benedict and Beatrice, who hate each other (they have a “merry war of wits” and if that’s not my otp type, idk what is) but then their friends decide to trick them into falling in love because their perfect for each other. Then!! Beatrice’s cousin, Hero, is engaged to this other guy (Claudio?) but then is accused of something she didn’t do so Benedict is like “hey Beatrice, what should we do?” and Beatrice is like “KILL YOUR FRIEND CLAUDIO.” and Benedict is like *jake peralta voice* “sure sure sure cool cool okay.” because he now totally trusts her judgment on this. (actually jake/amy from b99 are kinda like benedict/beatrice- HOW AM I JUST NOTICING THIS??) ANYWAY. A lot of other stuff happens and it’s amazing and everything works itself out in the end.If you have a heard time reading Shakespeare, I suggest listening to a dramatize version of it or watching Joss Whedon’s movie version, because, for all his faults Joss did an amazing rendition of Much Ado. Very aesthetic but still keeping with the original dialog. 
Emily Dickinson’s PoetryBecause I too like unconventional punctuation but hate leaving my room. “A soul selects her own society”(303) is my favorite of her poems. 
I’m planning on reading Bleak House later this year (after I finish the fellowship of the ring) and I’ll probably have a lot of opinions about that book as well. Also Dancing Shoes by Noel Streatfeild isn’t technically a classic but it’s a classic in my heart. 
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taswhapstuff · 5 years
Chapter 18 - Vietnam War (1955-1975)
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A people’s history of United States is a non-fictional book written by Howard Zinn and published in 1980. The book covers the whole “lifetime” of United States since 1492 until now. The purpose of Howard when he wrote this book (in fact, all of his books) is to deliver history from a different perspective – lower class; this also what makes this book special. Chapter 18 is mainly about the Vietnam War (1955-1975), the first war where the powerful empire, United States, lost over a small country half that globe from it. In this chapter, Howard Zinn begins by retracing the story back to the French Era. Vietnam had just finished their 8 year long war against French colonists, in which the French was to negotiate and sign a treaty in the Geneva Conference. This then causes all French troops to pull out of Indochina. However, peace was not present for long. Upon fearing Communism to take on the Domino Effect, the US government chose to intervene Vietnamese affairs, preventing elections from taking place. Similar to South Korea, the US assembly aided South Vietnam through money, artillery, and advisers to help keep it stable. With strong nationalism from the Vietnamese which began from the Declaration of its independence in 1945, they wouldn’t accept being divided. Because of such, war was inevitable.
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Vietnam was a part of French colonies called the Indochina along Laos and Cambodia. Indochina was controlled by France up until WWII when it was invaded by Nazi and be replaced by Japan. Vietnam got independent from Japanese and became the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1945. Also during this time, Vietnam extended the war against French, which then became the first Indochina war. Coincidentally, the Cold War in the US brought them back to anti-communist regimes while Soviet Union and China were backing to Procommunist. The controversy between Democratic and Communist broke out in Vietnam. As the result, Vietnam was divided into two parts in 1954: Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the North and the Republic of Vietnam in the South. In the South, Ngo Dinh Diem became the prime minister as they prepared for a referendum on reuniting the country but then failed by the voting in 1955. This them moved Vietnam to the second Indochina War, aka Vietnam War (1955 – 1975). The US was looking on in fear, believing that communism would spread like the dominoes (Dominoes theory) and if Vietnam fell, it would threaten India, Japan, and other nations in that regions. This potential political regime triggered the US to take action, began with supporting French. In 1965, the U.S. sent soldiers to Vietnam. The U.S. troops had better technology and weapons. They had jet bombers, tanks, and helicopters. The Vietcong fought in small groups that hid in the jungle. They controlled most of South Vietnam. However, the result was quite contracting to what people had expected, Vietnam won in 1975 and became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (united). 
Chapter 18 talks more about how the US lost rather than how it happened. Wars such as ApBac was never mentioned, and Zinn only focused on the perspective of Americans which opposed the Vietnamese War. He listed out the negatives: Truman not replying to Ho Chi Minh’s plead for economic assistance, My Lai’s massacre, and the US’s lies towards the American public.
Regardless of how the author claims and present themselves, all have a certain level of bias in them. Their thoughts would often invade their writings, and because of such, history is never accurate. History is often written by the winners, who generally like to lace in over exaggerated victories and blur devastating defeats. However, what was notable about this passage was that Zinn did not glorify America. It should also be noted that Zinn was actively protesting against the Vietnam War at the time. These two crucial facts implies that Zinn has negative views against the Vietnamese war, and his writings reflect that point of view. Chapter 18 was just a justification of his thoughts of the war. Regardless, his thoughts are still very biased due to the fact that he is not Vietnamese and that he is American. If one wants to create an unbiased piece of work, only a third person from a “third”, uninvolved country could do it. 
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Due to the fact that his work is mostly anti-Vietnam War, it can be inferred that his intended audience is the American public who only knew about what the government feeds them in their education. He wanted to exploit the unethical ways the American government actually handled the war so that the readers understand the truths of the war.
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Person who said that antifa stands for anti first amendment vs person who said that u cant be procommunist and antifa bc communism leads to fascism Fight
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featuredshirts · 5 years
As For Me And My House We Will Serve Tacos Shirt
As For Me And My House We Will Serve Tacos Shirt
This attacker a chinese soldier The As For Me And My House We Will Serve Tacos Shirthong kong government also does terrible things and the chinese government does something. Worse humans all over the world already know the people who hinder democratization in hong kong just stopping by to. See how my fellow americans will spin this into a progun story in the comments tldr procommunist mainland…
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chiliconsharls · 6 years
the best joke on procommunists is the way they think it solves poverty. havent they ever opened a history book? they took away your wealth in the name of deprivatization and then everyone was equally poor as fuck (ofc other than the political leaders and their handymen). and newsflash, no one could hate on rich people bc then the black car would come for them.
anyways im only reading the Smart anons from now on
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