warmthintouches · 6 months
Sometimes I don't feel like we're even a real couple because we do not do any of the things couples do.
We don't spend much time together outside of work. I'm lucky for a mere 15 minutes of your time outside of work weekly. Fucking ridiculous btw
We don't go on dates
We've never been on a date
You have never stayed the night at my house
You still leave me on read sometimes
We don't tell each other much about our days when we're not at work bc we barely talk
You have only ever bought me one gift for no reason that wasn't food and I had to bring it up several times
You don't care if we take our breaks together or not
You don't wait for me after work bc I take 10 minutes longer than you
We've not met any of each others family
Your fb still says single 🚩🚩🚩
You don't ever tell me I'm pretty or beautiful without me asking you if you think so. You never just tell me I'm pretty...ever. never. Ever. Not that I'm beautiful or pretty or even cute. You don't see a selfie and tell me I'm pretty.
You never go out of your way to do anything to help me and I'll never fucking ask
I know all this and yet I like you so much that I just keep accepting it. I just keep trying to be okay with it. I haven't wanted to pressure you or rush you.
I moved for a lot of reasons, but one was definitely so that we'd have somewhere to be comfortable at, and we hang out less now.
I just feel horrible and stupid.
I feel worthless to you
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a-warm-whisper · 7 months
He comes to say bye at work bc he leaves before me if I still have stuff to do.
He starts to walk off
Me: be safe, lmk when you get home safe. Byeeeeee
Him: always *makes heart sign at me* bye babeeeeeeee
Coworker: so how's it going with ProduceBoy?
Me: I am enjoying it. I think its going well
Her: so no "I love yous" yet?
Me: oh nooo. No no no. Too scared
Her: yeah, let him say it first
Her: by that time you'll be settled down on a porch somewhere before he finally says it.
Her: how long have you guys been dating?
Me: four months now
Her: its about that timee....
Me: no. No. No. Too scared. Panic. Im going to pretend we never talked about this.
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warmthintouches · 7 months
I'm just never convinced you actually like me....
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warmthintouches · 8 months
You said
"I miss you"
first today
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warmthintouches · 8 months
Me: my new space is gonna be such a cluster of vibes. Bc I want moody/witchy nature vibes, but I also have a lot of weeb/cute stuff
Him: it'll be interesting, just like you 😘 but you're gonna make it look great
Me: im so happy. It's hard to decorate here at my dad's bc everything is so cramped and dark and I can't do what I want with my space. It'll be so nice so have a nice clean spot to work with 🫶
Me: 🥲 sorry if I'm annoying about moving
Him: its not annoying at all babe, I like seeing you finally getting excited about it 😘😊😊 you deserve it and I know you'll be so much happier there. You deserve a space to feel comfortable and happy in.
Me: eeeeeeee 🥰🥰
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warmthintouches · 8 months
Me: Can I ask you something that's a little weird and a little late to be asking this?
Him: Sure
Me: You value me right?
Him: Absolutely babe
Me: 😅😅 ...you ...you want to spend time with me? It's not like ...a burden when I ask to spend time with you? you enjoy talking to me every day? Eeeeep
Him: Your never a burden, i enjoy every moment with you in person or texting on here.. just wish we had more freedom (which hopefully should happen once we get you moved in with Dusty)
Me: It should be a lot easier once I move, which is a major plus to me moving. I just overthink (as you know i do) and I thought about how I always initiate hangouts and stuff...(usually) and got worried that I was only fun when it's convenient? 😅 eeeeeeeeeeep
Him: Im just very low maintenance.. I usually just wanna chill, watch something, play something etc.. not a huge going out person and the car hangouts are cool but its just some music a little talking and great sex lol
Me: I'm like that too, I would much rather just watch something or play something while chilling in my comfy clothes together. But! Quality time means something to me too.. 👉👈 so I know it might be lame but I like to know that spending time with me means something to you?? And when we don't do it very often I start to second guess my worth? Idk if im explaining it very well 😓
Him: I do understand, but you should never second guess your worth with me.. if it somehow fades then I will let you know because you deserve my complete honesty babe
Me: I really appreciate the honesty 🫶 it means a lot. I will also be honest about that too. I uh, I just think im trying to say that I would be comforted maybe if you tried to spend more time with me? Or suggested spending time together? I know it's lame to just hang out in the car or just go eat or something but...I'd like it? And it will be different im assuming once I move/less difficult to figure out things to do. I'm sorry im being annoying
Him: No need to apologize, i want you to express how you feel so we can work on things
Me: 🫶🏼🫶🏼 want you to be comfortable with me
Him: I am comfortable with you.. im still partially stuck in my loner routine of leave work asap, shower, eat and game/yt.. so im never trying to just leave you after work its just my mind goes straight into routine mode after lunch basically
Me: I'm glad you're comfortable with me and I know it takes some getting used to. I just like spending time with you but I don't want to be too much. So I don't like to bug you bc its out of your routine. And im simple I don't require much, just need some time wiff you. And to talk to you outside of work.
Him: Maybe we need to work on scheduling/ setting a more legit schedule to regularly hangout for a bit.. since we are both creatures of routine
Me: Maybe so? We do have the same Wednesdays off. And I just get tired of our only interactions being at work 🥺 but! We can talk about it tomorrow or something. You need to get some rest, im sorry for keeping you up with silly things.
Him: Nothing silly about this babe, but yes lets try and continue this tomorrow
Me: I appreciate you caring and taking time to talk to me about it 🫶 let's try to talk about it tomorrow if we're not too exhausted. You need sleeps
Him: Sounds good babe, get some rest as well 😘🫶🏼 sweet dreams and see you tomorrow
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warmthintouches · 9 months
What happens when we get tired? What happens when we get tired of car banging/you sneaking me in to your house while your parents are at work and I leave immediately afterwards? What happens when we just want to cuddle? What happens when we get tired of having to make plans to do something when I simply just want your presence and want to just be near you? What happens when you get tired of me constantly wanting to just sleep next to you and we can't do that? What happens then? What happens when eventually, inevitably, we get tired of how things are and we want more? Will you just let me go? When you're tired but I want some time to cuddle after work? Will you realize how much effort I require? Will you get annoyed eventually? What happens then? Will you just
Let me go?
Will you try at all? Or are you just done at that point? Is that what you're waiting on? Are you just waiting to see how long I'll last being okay with how things are? Will you just say it isn't going to work and that's final? Is that it? Will I have liked you for nothing?
I'm too scared to bring anything up. I don't wanna fight, I don't want you to say "when you agreed to this you knew our living situations would be difficult"? Bc .. I cant handle you just being gone. And yet all I want is to just ....relax with you. But im too afraid to tell you.
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warmthintouches · 10 months
Him: im sorry, im not 100% myself tonight, I keep zoning out...
Me: thats okay, we can talk about it some other time, but soon
Him: okay, thank you. We can decide something tomorrow.
Me: okay 😊 do you want me to leave you alone for the night?
Him: not at all
Me: okay, just checking
Him: ... please never leave me 🫶
Me: 🫶🥹 I won't
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warmthintouches · 10 months
Making out in the car
Him: you know what you do that I think about all the time
Me: what???
Him: you smile or giggle while we kiss and ive never experienced that before
Me: really?
Him: yeah *blushes*
Me: it just happens. If im comfortable and happy then I smile or laugh a lot, even when kissing.
Him: its beautiful
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warmthintouches · 10 months
Me: im so sick of having nightmares istg
Me: okay.. please don't yell 🥺🫣🫣
Him: didn't mean to yell, just want to get the point across...
Me: I'll call Monday and see which place accepts my insurance 👉👈 promise
Him: okay babe
*sends pic of alarm I set to call the doctors*
Me: I even set an alarm
Him: am proud of you, I just want you to get some peaceful sleep for once. And I dont know if it's normal to just fall asleep all the time like you do. Maybe they can help?
Me: it'd be nice to sleep and not be terrified awake
Him: I know, and im sorry if that came off aggressive or pushy, I just want you to sleep well
Me: I know I appreciate that, just get scared if I feel like I'm being yelled at or I made you mad
Him: im sorry it came out so aggressive
Him: 😘😘
Me: 🥲
Him: I didn't mean it as a yell, im really sorry
Me: its alright, just caught me by suprise I guess
Him: I apologize, I could have said it more softly, I just really care. When you woke up the other night crying from a nightmare, I realized how bad they actually are even tho you've complained about it since we first became friends...
Me: its okay 🫶 I appreciate you wanting me to get some help with it
Him: you're precious to me, I always want to help you with something you're struggling with
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warmthintouches · 11 months
Why did you wait until I was finally moving on from you, being with someone else, trying to date someone else...
to finally admit
That you have very strong feelings for me.
To finally admit
That you want to be more with me...
I should hate you for this.
But what do I do? Break it off with the other dude to be with you. You fucking asshole.
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warmthintouches · 11 months
I've had feelings for you for so long
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warmthintouches · 1 year
Talking about wrestling bc thats his thing
But he was attempting spicy texts right before this
Me: Oh, i figured out the wrestler man I thought was hot. You're gonna laugh.
Him: oh ok
*ignored him for a bit*
Me: lol nvm 🫣😳😚
Him: tell me
Me: nope
Him: please
Me: ...no.
Him: 😢😢
*hour passes*
Me: sorry too sleepy now
Him: 😓😓
Me: im sorry
Me: you worky tomorrow right?
Him: don't remind me
Me: if you nice to me tomorrow... I'll tell you
Him: 😑😑😑😑 hate that it's a fair trade lol
Me: it really is 😈💅
Him: go to bed butt 😘
Me: hehehehe night 😘
Him: night 😚
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warmthintouches · 1 year
You seem different about us. And have for a while, and I've been ignoring thinking about it bc I don't want to catch the big feelings for you again.
But you... sometimes you go completely out of your way to talk to me at work. Even when there are people around. You've been very flirty with me in front of people. You even touch me sometimes... sometimes very obviously. You have tripped me twice and caught me... the one time you even put your arm around my back, and there were at least two people close to us who saw the whole thing.
You also have been admitting to people that we talk outside of work and even admit we hang out sometimes.
I was standing talking to Liz, Kass, and Kristin y you walked by, and I flipped you off. Then you said to the three of them, "you better get her in check she's been fiesty ever since she went to her friends house last night" which most def implied we had been talking after work. Then we were walking to break together with Deb out to our cars and you asked if I'd listened to the song you sent me yet (I hadnt) so you INVITED ME TO YOUR CAR in the day time to listen to it. And people saw us, and Deb acted like it was no big deal. Like she knew we were at least friends.
Also, you've been caught several times by my coworkers standing very close to me. Too close. Or touching me slightly. One time, our faces were so close I blushed so hard.
Maybe you're just becoming more comfortable with me? Or you finally realized everyone knows we're friends. Or... you like me....more than I think you do.
But I don't want to think about it too hard.
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warmthintouches · 1 year
Me: don't mess wiff me when im sleepy, I get weird lol
Him: you're always weird 😉
Me: very true ☺️☺️
Him: .. and mean 😆
Me: least I don't trip people and make them almost fall 😑😑😑
Him: I caught you silly goose
Me: 😑😑 I got scared
Him: ...I wouldn't let you get hurt 🫣
Me: ...you sure about that?
Him: yes...never again.
Me: ???
Him: I hurt you twice, at least feeling wise. Never going to let that happen again. Or hurt you physically, either. That'd be horrible.
Me: wow, uh.. ty 👉👈
Him: yw ❤️😘
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warmthintouches · 1 year
I am no longer in the "I just want to fuck" phase, but thats all I seem to be attracting.
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