starscelly · 3 months
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☀️ roope sighting ☀️
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itsrobinsparkles · 10 months
il palo enorme che prenderò con loro due anche a sto giro ma did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion quindi si continuerà a shippare fino alla fine perché le cose semplici mai
e quanto son palesemente gelosi l’uno verso l’altro amiamo vedere manuel rosicare brv continua così !!
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danielsarmand · 9 months
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Un Professore 2.09 · Leibniz: Rimorsi e Rimpianti
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Un professore s2 moodboard, parte 1:
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1 Sarah Kane, Febbre // 2 Charlotte Bronte, Villette // 4 J.D. Salinger, Franny e Zooey // 5 Romain Gary, Gli aquiloni // 7 Sarah Kane, Dannati // 8 Sylvia Plath, La campana di vetro // 10 Yasmina Reza, Felici i felici
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italofobia · 9 months
se non eliminano nina nella terza stagione come hanno eliminato pin giulio aureliano e chicca spacco tutto
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comunque davvero. nella s1 simone e manuel erano un duo. c'era cameritismo, appena succedeva qualcosa se lo dicevano, passavano il tempo insieme ecc., nella s2 addirittura vivono nella stessa stanza e voi volete farmi credere che NON SI CAGANO???
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killiandestroy · 10 months
io ieri non ho commentato perché le ho viste in differita di un'ora e passa, ma le ultime due puntate sono state una cosa a dir poco vergognosa che cazzo era non tutti gli uomini NON TUTTI GLI UOMINI???? MA PIUTTOSTO DI CORREGGERE UN'ADOLESCENTE CHE HA RISCHIATO DI SUBIRE UNA MOLESTIA DI GRUPPO PENSA A DENUNCIARE GLI AGGRESSORI E NON RIMETTERLI IN MECCHINA E FARLI ANDARE VIA
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shadowsofkpop · 10 months
In tutto questo io vorrei solo dire che ringrazio Dio per Damiano Gavino in Nuovo Olimpo. Se dovevamo stare ad aspettare la rai per qualcosa di vagamente queer col suo personaggio stavamo freschi..........
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inkyself · 8 months
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A me sì comunque, se per te fa lo stesso nic
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useless-rambling · 9 months
la conferma della s3 mi ha portato a pensare ai possibili (e allucinogeni) scenari futuri, e a riflettere sul fatto che la storyline di manuel - ora che l'argomento sessualità è stato accantonato - sia già stata conclusa in un arco narrativo relativamente breve e quasi privo di conflitti: ha ritrovato suo padre e scoperto di avere una sorella, con cui è in buoni rapporti; proprio in virtù di detto padre, non ha più problemi economici; ha una famiglia allargata che gli vuole bene e una ragazza che ricambia i suoi sentimenti. insomma, tutti i piccoli pezzi di puzzle che caratterizzano il suo personaggio sembra siano stati messi in ordine (seppur ad mentula canis). cos'altro rimane?
non so, sento che in questa stagione abbiano completamente stravolto il ritmo narrativo - già rapido di suo - per concentrare quanti più elementi possibili in un mappazzone che avrebbe potuto tranquillamente essere diluito tra la s2 e la s3.
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hellokittyhairclips · 9 months
d’ora in poi chiamerò la coppietta tra simone e mimmo “relazione cucciolotta”
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Ex simuelinə turned mimmoners:
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deathshallbenomore · 2 years
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reasonsforhope · 26 days
"The first modern attempt at transferring a uterus from one human to another occurred at the turn of the millennium. But surgeons had to remove the organ, which had become necrotic, 99 days later. The first successful transplant was performed in 2011 — but even then, the recipient wasn’t immediately able to get pregnant and deliver a baby. It took three more years for the first person in the world with a transplanted uterus to give birth. 
More than 70 such babies have been born globally in the decade since. “It’s a complete new world,” said Giuliano Testa, chief of abdominal transplant at Baylor University Medical Center.
Almost a third of those babies — 22 and counting — have been born in Dallas at Baylor. On Thursday, Testa and his team published a major cohort study in JAMA analyzing the results from the program’s first 20 patients. All women were of reproductive age and had no uterus (most having been born without one), but had at least one functioning ovary. Most of the uteri came from living donors, but two came from deceased donors.
Fourteen women had successful transplants, all of whom were able to have at least one baby.  
“That success rate is extraordinary, and I want that to get out there,” said Liza Johannesson, the medical director of uterus transplants at Baylor, who works with Testa and co-authored the study. “We want this to be an option for all women out there that need it.”
Six patients had transplant failures, all within two weeks of the procedure. Part of the problem may have been a learning curve: The study initially included only 10 patients, and five of the six with failed transplants were in that first group. These were “technical” failures, Testa said, involving aspects of the surgery such as how surgeons connected the organ’s blood vessels, what material was used for sutures, and selecting a uterus that would work well in a transplant. 
The team saw only one transplant fail in the second group of 10 people, the researchers said. All 20 transplants took place between September 2016 and August 2019.
Only one other cohort study has previously been published on uterus transplants, in 2022. A Swedish team, which included Johannesson before she moved to Baylor, performed seven successful transplants out of nine attempts. Six women, including the first transplant recipient to ever deliver a baby back in 2014, gave birth.
“It’s hard to extract data from that, because they were the first ones that did it,” Johannesson said. “This is the first time we can actually see the safety and efficacy of this procedure properly.”
So far, the signs are good: High success rates for transplants and live births, safe and healthy children so far, and early signs that immunosuppressants — typically given to transplant recipients so their bodies don’t reject the new organ — may not cause long-term harm, the researchers said. (The uterine transplants are removed after recipients no longer need them to deliver children.) And the Baylor team has figured out how to identify the right uterus for transfer: It should be from a donor who has had a baby before, is premenopausal, and, of course, who matches the blood type of the recipient, Testa said...
“They’ve really embraced the idea of practicing improvement as you go along, to understand how to make this safer or more effective. And that’s reflected in the results,” said Jessica Walter, an assistant professor of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, who co-authored an editorial on the research in JAMA...
Walter was a skeptic herself when she first learned about uterine transplants. The procedure seemed invasive and complicated. But she did her fellowship training at Penn Medicine, home to one of just four programs in the U.S. doing uterine transplants. 
“The firsts — the first time the patient received a transplant, the first time she got her period after the transplant, the positive pregnancy test,” Walter said. “Immersing myself in the science, the patients, the practitioners, and researchers — it really changed my opinion that this is science, and this is an innovation like anything else.” ...
Many transgender women are hopeful that uterine transplants might someday be available for them, but it’s likely a far-off possibility. Scientists need to rewind and do animal studies on how a uterus might fare in a different “hormonal milieu” before doing any clinical trials of the procedure with trans people, Wagner said.
Among cisgender women, more long-term research is still needed on the donors, recipients, and the children they have, experts said.
“We want other centers to start up,” Johannesson said. “Our main goal is to publish all of our data, as much as we can.”"
-via Stat, August 16, 2024
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dallasoverdueessay · 4 months
submitted my final assignment of the semester and now i feel sad. summer break means i need a new routine :((
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killiandestroy · 9 months
tecnicamente il fatto che i personaggi non possano sapere che fine farà mimmo non significa che debba sparire dalla serie
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