#project chocolate waifu
theclo4ked1 · 9 months
abnormally large paintbrush aura, too (scroll down for the art) Happy New Year, everybody. 2024 is off to a pretty great start so far for me, especially today since we finally got snow on my part of ZA WARUDO. We, mostly me, made these really cool snow-people in the last 24 hours, look.
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These are my friends (in order from left to right), Monkeypaw, Hemorrhoid, and Kankersore. Hemorrhoid is Kankersore's girlfriend. Monkeypaw was found to have fallen over earlier this afternoon, so he's dead, RIP. What I liked about creating them was treating the snow like clay, that's why the men hats made from snow, and even though you can hardly see it, Hemorrhoid has a hair bun. She and Monkeypaw both got dat necklace drip, but only he and Kankersore have brown eyes (the darkness is made from dirt and leaves).
Snow sorry for the sort of cold opening (and the puns), I was just really happy to share that. Anyways, a short time after the last series of paintings, I had started a new project in which I experimented in larger paintings. I made three that time, so lemme tell ya 'bout 'em. Again, like last time, the paintings are ordered by creation.
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I wanna say something, but I wanna see if you notice a change in subject (hint, hint), especially when you get into the next post. So, the one on the left is a Lunar Valley-type grassland with the mountains that line some of the valley's perimeter. It's a very (hmm how do I say...) "airy" kind of painting. It just looks like the texture is cloudy/foggy, especially in the mountains (not pyramids, as a peer had thought). The paint is thin because I diluted the paint with more oil, in addition to pre-coating the canvas in Linseed Oil, which was over a dried layer of extremely thinned brown Acrylic Paint. This series was when I began to incorporate Acrylic Paint into my works. The other painting is an aqueduct whose water flows into a forest, all against an orange sky with the sun standing by. The water is the best thing about the painting, and I was given constructive criticism to improve on the piece, but I've yet to act on it. The best thing suggested was to add bricks to the aqueduct to make it more like an aqueduct.
In the last post, I mentioned "another dreamscape painting I’ve wanted to make for a little over a year now," and how that's "a story for another time." That time is now, BEHOLD, my floating masterpiece: the EGG CarRrRiARrr! AHEM sorry, I had played Sonic Adventure some days ago after about a year or so since I last touched it. My "waifu for laifu" PlayStation3 would know better than I would, but anyways, let me tell you, now the story of the next painting-- wait no, a bit of backstory: I was at friend's birthday party back in October 2022, when I actually had the dream. It was a fun time, and that chocolate cake she shared with us was awesome. I can't remember what kind of chocolate cake, but it was mmmmm… Later that night, I returned home to my bed and slept. The dream began. Please BARE WITH ME as I try to remember exactly what I experienced. I told the same story to my peers, and I think I explained it better since it was at an earlier time relative to now, when I'm more likely to forget more of a finer details of that dream because it was so long ago. It's a weird one, too; Activation-synthesis theory and all:
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I was captured and tied up aboard the evil pirate Risky Boots' ship, just about to walk the plank and thrown into the drink. I was cornered, with the sea to my back, and Risky and her sword across my throat. I don't know what I did, but it was likely I wouldn't make it out of this alive. Next thing I knew, I found myself in the ocean of my own blood, and the last thing I saw was that pirate's face (and her rack). I most likely died by drowning first... It was dark for a period, followed by a gradual brightness and materialization of my environment. A massive and ever-shifting sea of yellow dandelions forming a floor and a ceiling in front of an azure sky that looked like it had a navy-blue rip in the space-time continuum. I was floating over the sea. I wasn't in the air, but I wasn't swimming either. And speaking of swimming, a Blue whale was maneuvering through the environment as if it were swimming in water, it even went into the flowers. For some reason I can't remember, I began calling out to Nina, as if I was brought to this heaven for the sole purpose to find my "daughter" (spoiler: I couldn't find her). I continued floating to a point where the flowers started to end, and a dirt path of green grass began. I had landed. Finally, I was able to walk. I walked, still hoping to find Nina. The path lead to a new environment. It widened; tall trees began to appear and grow taller with every step I took. Zoo animals were present along the road, yet the only one I remember clearly was an elephant. I continued walking until I approached a familiar looking set of fences, which I recognized as part of the zoo that used to be part of a childhood park. Behind me and the fences, was the playground by where my Grama used to live. In this playground was a crowd of people; kids and adults. Among all the noise and children and water spraying from the newly installed play-area was my father, just watching. None of my siblings were there nor my mother. Just him. I walked up to him. I opened my mouth to ask "Hey Dad, have ever you seen 2001: A Space Odyssey?"
Put that on Wattpad, why don't I? After that last line, I woke up, and that same morning, I talked to my father about the dream and asked him the same question, to which he responded "yes". He also recommends I give the movie a watch, which I've also yet to do, but it's on my list. In fact, it was the first thing on my "Movies To Watch" list. V For Vendetta was recommended to me also by one of peers to which I told my dream. I think that same peer also commented how the dreamscape painting looks like a flag. By the way, this is only painting with a name in the series. I call it "i died and went to heaven". There were also multiple versions before this one. Sorry, I'm forgetting what I want to say. OH, yeah yeah, so that dream left me pondering. First off, I'm a weirdo who's Agnostic and Christian. What do I mean by this incredibly ridiculous and confusing proclamation? Welp, I'm on the fence about truly believing in God; that He created all, and the stuff about Jesus and whatnot, and I occasionally pray (though I don't think prayer is an exclusively religious concept), yet I'm not really Christian; however, I'm not opposed to the belief of the existence of a heaven and hell. What am I, can you tell me? Back to the dream, after I died, I was taken to the dandelion oceans. I'll chalk this up to the Activation-synthesis theory, but if that was supposed to be my heaven (cuz there ain't no fire and brimstones and all that junk), is everyone's heaven different based on their own perceptions? D-do you understand what I'm trying to ask? I asked my dad about it too, and his answer is one I also cannot remember, but I think he was just as unsure as me. I had always thought Heaven was this magical afterlife, with clouds and sunshine, and the gate outside of Heaven where Madea can stay so she don't have to go to Hell-- what? Well, I suppose that's what TV told me. Ever since that night, my view of what Heaven could, at the very least, look like has been the dandelion oceans, the blue sky with the rip in the space-time continuum, and the whale. It just has to be Activation-synthesis theory, it could only be! Yet, how I do remember almost everything about the arbitrary events. It was illogical, nonsensical, I was travelling backwards through time in the dream for crying out loud. It took parts from all over my unconscious, and not a single GOT damn part of the dream was related to Sonic the Hedgehog OR Dora the Explorer, two of the biggest influences in my childhood. No, it'd have to be subconscious, wouldn't it? I don't know but like, how do you take my favorite flower, NiGHTS Into Dreams, Shantae, the children's playground, the old park with the abandoned zoo, and my dad and make a dream like this? Where did the space odyssey come from?! Aargh! I'm going to bed. As usual, thanks for reading.
0 notes
hakureiillusion · 7 years
Magician Girls and You: A Yu-Gi-Oh! Archetype Primer and the History of the Dark Magician Girl
This ended up being far longer than I expected! I’ll put a break here, but feel free to keep reading where I discuss the origin and troubles of Yu-Gi-Oh!’s Dark Magician Girl (one of my personal favorite cards) and her recent rise, culminating in ideas for a pair of decks that will bring out her recent potential.
History of the Dark Magician Girl
Flash back to the turn of the century. Yu-Gi-Oh! has taken Japan and the US by storm, a multi-media project by Konami encompassing a TV anime, movies, CDs, manga, and of course, the card game itself.
Our main characters at the time were a boy named Yugi Muto and his ancient Egyptian alter-ego Yami. Their ace card: the iconic Dark Magician. Those who played the card game would likely recognize Dark Magician as being... well, largely underwhelming. Even before the game’s massive power creep. Dark Magician was a two-tribute 2500 ATK monster, outclassed by both Seto Kaiba’s Blue-Eyes White Dragon (a 3000 ATK monster for the same cost, also the “rival” character and monster) and Yugi’s own Summoned Skull (matching Dark Magician’s 2500 ATK but only requiring one tribute).
Despite this, most kids loved Dark Magician, even if largely for sentimental and iconic value. Dark Magician was always there whenever Yugi or Yami needed him, always coming out on top somehow despite the odds being stacked against him. Later seasons would expand on the duo’s relationship with their favorite card even more by revealing the card’s inspiration to be one of Yami’s retainers from when he ruled Egypt as its Pharaoh.
With Dark Magician’s popularity, Konami naturally began to capitalize by creating more cards built to support the iconic monster. Among the first was a female counterpart, aptly named Dark Magician Girl.
Dark Magician Girl made her debut in the year 2000, a particularly rare card that did not get released worldwide or with any saturation until years later. Her popularity spiked when she made her anime debut in episode 26, where Yami uses her to defeat another Dark Magician user named Arkana. And that was the day the world fell in love.
There were many reasons for Dark Magician Girl’s rather immediate popularity. For starters, having a card that supported the iconic Dark Magician gave her a leg up already. Second, her design is... well, it’s adorable, to be frank. Rather cutesy, but also quite cool in her own right, in sort of a girl-power way. Combine this with an audience of adolescents and prepubescents, and you have a recipe for many a future weeb’s first waifu.
Though despite the popularity and love she received, Dark Magician Girl would once again prove to be an underwhelming card. Along with her consistent popularity both in the anime and along other adaptations, she quickly went the way of Dark Magician; iconic and beloved, but borderline useless and only used in decks by people who really wanted to use her. And even when Dark Magician did get some eventual support to bring him up to a more viable status, Dark Magician Girl was left in the dust, now outclassed in every way.
Now fast-forward to the present, and Dark Magician Girl has finally gotten the support to match her popularity. More Dark Magician support cards have been made with her in mind, giving her some extra options, but her time to shine was finally reached with the release of the most recent movie, The Dark Side of Dimensions. This set introduced--among other things that help her--five new “Magician Girl” cards, not only to support Dark Magician Girl but also to establish her as the leader of a new archetype of cards. This has also made her quite unique in that she fits into both the “Dark Magician” and “Magician Girl” card archetypes, allowing her to benefit from cards that support both. Not only can she now stand alongside Dark Magician in a deck built around him, but she can even surpass him and run the show with her new Magician Girls behind her.
And now that I’ve thoroughly gone over Dark Magician Girl’s long-winded history, that’s what the rest of this little piece will be about: a pair of decks that capitalize on the new synergy between Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, or just Dark Magician Girl herself. And whichever way you prefer, with the new Magician Girls backing them up, they are more dangerous than ever before.
About the Magician Girls
Including Dark, there are six Magician Girl cards; each are Spellcaster-type effect monsters from levels 1 through 6, together spanning across all 6 main attributes. Though their ATK and DEF may rise as their levels do, each are unique and bring their own irreplaceable support to each other. Before we go into deck ideas, let’s look at each of them in general.
Berry Magician Girl Level 1 EARTH Monster - Spellcaster/Effect ATK/DEF - 400/400 Effect:  “If this card is Normal Summoned: You can add 1 "Magician Girl" monster from your Deck to your hand. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when your opponent activates a card or effect that targets this card, or targets this card for an attack: You can change this card's battle position, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Magician Girl" monster from your Deck, except "Berry Magician Girl".”
Berry, while the weakest of the six, brings a very unique and vital ability with her. While four of the six Magician Girls have the ability to search out and/or summon more monsters to help them, Berry is the only one who requires no sort of cost or action for one of her abilities that do so. Her first allows you to add a Magician Girl to your hand just by normal summoning her, while her second--in addition to protecting her by changing her to defense position when attacked--will allow you to Special Summon another Magician Girl from your deck.
If Berry can be protected by other cards until the next turn, every turn is an opportunity to Special Summon another Magician Girl. However, this is rarely worth it; her job is to stack your hand with fuel for Lemon and Apple’s abilities, and replace herself with something better before her inevitable (and likely quick) destruction. If she survives a turn, she can be useful tribute fodder for Kiwi or Dark, but aside from that you shouldn’t fret over losing her.
Lemon Magician Girl Level 2 LIGHT Monster - Spellcaster/Effect ATK/DEF: 800/600 Effect: “Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 "Magician Girl" monster, except "Lemon Magician Girl"; add 1 Spellcaster-Type monster from your Deck to your hand. Once per turn, if this card is targeted for an attack: You can Special Summon 1 Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand, but its effects (if any) are negated, then change the attack target to it, and if you do, the attacking monster's ATK becomes half its current ATK.”
Lemon’s main ability will become quite familiar to you very quickly; half of the Magician Girls have variants of it. While Berry protects herself by switching herself to defense position, Lemon does so by both weakening its aggressor (cutting their ATK in half, permanently until they leave the field) and plopping a meat shield in front of herself, which the attacker is then forced to target. She can Special Summon any Spellcaster that doesn’t have unique summoning conditions in this way, giving you great freedom in exchange for the summoned monster losing their effects until they leave the field. While powerful, this needs to be used with caution, as a lost effect can make the summoned monster lose much of its value.
Her second effect likely won’t be used much, as it’s not particularly prudent to lose any of your other Magician Girls on the field just to stack your hand, but it plays well into her own ability. Berry can be tributed once her purpose is served, for instance, to grab a stronger or more vital Spellcaster into your hand and ready for Lemon’s next effect. Just be careful not to use Lemon to summon them if you need their ability.
Lemon synergizes well with the main “muscle” of the Magician Girl deck, namely Dark Magician Girl and Dark Magician of Chaos. Neither of their abilities are particularly vital, and after the ATK-reducing effects they can take down monsters with base ATKs of 4000 and 5600 respectively. For decks that also run Dark Magician himself, he has no ability to lose from being summoned by Lemon, making him a prime choice as well.
There is some debate as to whether or not Lemon’s effect-negating extends to the effect of Dark Magician of Chaos that states to banish him when he leaves the field. While people are assuming that it does not, other rulings for similar situations (such as Archlord Kristya and Skill Drain) do suggest so, as well as the exact wording of his effect... Konami will likely need to issue an official ruling on this soon, but until then, figure it out with your friends.
Apple Magician Girl Level 3 FIRE Monster - Spellcaster/Effect ATK/DEF: 1200/800 Effect: “Once per turn, if this card is targeted for an attack: You can Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand, then change the attack target to it, and if you do, the attacking monster's ATK becomes half its current ATK. If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can target up to 3 other "Magician Girl" monsters with different names in your Graveyard; add them to your hand.”
Just like Lemon, Apple’s main claim to fame is her ability to simultaneously weaken anything that attacks her while pulling monsters from your hand to protect her. Compared to Lemon, this ability is slightly more limited, requiring the monster to be level 5 or lower, but doesn’t carry Lemon’s effect-negating drawback. On the plus side, all of the new Magician Girls ARE level 5 or lower Spellcasters.
With the effects of monsters summoned by Apple perfectly usable, this means that you can effectively “chain” Apples. Have one summon another, who in turn summons the next (or Lemon, or Chocolate), cutting your enemy’s ATK further each time. Nearly anything that can be bested in battle WILL fall to this.
Apple’s second effect will be your saving grace. When her effect falls short and she ultimately kicks the bucket, she allows you to take three different Magician Girls back from your graveyard. This allows you to recycle the ones that tend to end up there most (Berry, Kiwi, and Dark, in my experience), and makes her a fantastic mid-to-late game trump card.
Chocolate Magician Girl Level 4 WATER Monster - Spellcaster/Effect ATK/DEF: 1600/1000 Effect: “Once per turn: You can discard 1 Spellcaster-Type monster; draw 1 card. Once per turn, if this card is targeted for an attack: You can target 1 Spellcaster-Type monster in your Graveyard, except "Chocolate Magician Girl"; Special Summon it, then change the attack target to it, and if you do, the attacking monster's ATK becomes half its current ATK.”
While Dark may be the face of the Magician Girls, and Kiwi the biggest of the new five, Chocolate is the star player by far. Her respectable 1600 ATK makes her decent muscle, especially if she comes in on a half-ATK enemy.
Obviously though, her worth lies in her abilities. Just one look at them should tell you what you need to know; summon her, dump a Spellcaster to draw a card, summon that Spellcaster next turn to protect her. Easy, and frighteningly effective. Dump your strongest Spellcasters and bring them back, or use her to give Apple another go after Apple fetches Magician Girls from your Graveyard.
She’s as simple as she is powerful, and you’ll find yourself giddy with excitement every time you draw her or add her to your hand, as she is usually the initiator of the most devastating combos a Magician Girl deck can pull off.
Kiwi Magician Girl Level 5 WIND Monster - Spellcaster/Effect ATK/DEF: 1800/1200 Effect: “During either player's turn: You can discard this card; "Magician Girl" monsters you currently control gain 300 ATK and DEF for each "Magician Girl" monster with different names on the field and in the Graveyards, until the end of this turn. Spellcaster-Type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects, and your opponent cannot target them with card effects.”
And finally, here’s Kiwi. She’s the most different one out of the new five, being the only one who doesn’t Special Summon another monster, as well as the only one higher than level 4 (and therefore the only one requiring a tribute to Normal Summon). In return, she gets two very unique and VERY helpful effects. I referred to Apple as a trump card earlier; and while that may be true in many situations, Kiwi is your REAL trump card.
Kiwi’s most basic effect is that she completely stops card effects from destroying your Spellcasters (including herself), and stops your opponent (but not you) from targeting them. This shuts down most ways for your opponent to deal with your monsters short of attacking them; which, if you’ve been paying attention, is exactly what you WANT your opponent to do so that you can activate the effects of the other four.
Mirror Force? Laugh in its face. Raigeki? Useless. Your own Dark Hole? Wipe your opponent’s side of the field, but not yours. The applications of Kiwi’s protective effect are endless, and crafty players know just how to summon her at the perfect time to avoid a board wipe. To properly counter this your opponent needs to use effect-negating or hand-returning effects that don’t target, and then has to deal with your setup afterwards to ensure you don’t just get Kiwi right back up and running.
Kiwi’s other effect, while not as all-encompassing, is equally fantastic. By discarding her from your hand, she gives every Magician Girl you control an extra 300 ATK and DEF for each uniquely-named Magician Girl on the field and in both graveyards. At best, that’s a solid 1800 ATK and DEF (if you have all six Magician Girls available). Combine this with the other Magician Girls’ effects that halve enemy attack and redirect attacks, and you have ways to beat high-ATK enemies in battle while also dealing some rather substantial reflect damage. This ability can be activated during damage calculation as well, allowing you to time it perfectly.
For all her utility, Kiwi is still somewhat on the weak side; 1800 ATK isn’t great, especially for a monster that needs a tribute, plus she’s the only one of the new five that can’t Special Summon others to help her, so she could use some protection from enemy monsters. Do that, though, and you’ll find her to be an invaluable support.
Incidentally, Kiwi is the only Magician Girl not to get censored in any way. Apple, Lemon, Chocolate, and Dark each have had their art edited to cover and/or remove parts of their cleavage and/or thighs, Berry and Dark have had the stars on their brooches replaced with simple red gems to avoid any relation to a pentagram, and Apple and Chocolate have had the garter straps on their legs removed. Kiwi got away scot-free, somehow.
Dark Magician Girl Level 6 DARK Monster - Spellcaster/Effect ATK/DEF: 2000/1700 Effect: “This card gains 300 ATK for every "Dark Magician" or "Magician of Black Chaos" in either player's Graveyard.”
The original Magician Girl herself. Once a lone counterpart to Dark Magician, she now stands at the crossroads between the Magician Girl and Dark Magician archetypes, a huge threat in conjunction with either.
Dark hasn’t changed at all since her inception; if anything, her effect is even less useful than it used to be. She gets an extra 300 ATK for each Dark Magician and Magician of Black Chaos in each graveyard, and while before this meant it took two dead Dark Magicians for her to pull more weight, over time Dark Magician support made him more useful than even the most powerful Dark Magician Girl.
But that time is over. Dark doesn’t even NEED her effect anymore, not with the other Magician Girls backing her up. Her small 300 ATK boosts are just icing on the cake, giving you a small leg up for each Dark Magician you lose.
Dark’s new claim to fame is having the highest ATK of all the Magician Girls. 2000 isn’t fantastic, but considering that half of the time she’ll be coming in on a monster whose ATK just got halved, it’s plenty. And Lemon’s drawback of negating the effects of monsters she summons is hardly a worry when it comes to Dark, who often isn’t relying on (or even using) her effect to begin with.
A slew of new cards (and a few older ones) have also given Dark plenty of support, to make her even more deadly on the field. She’s the biggest of the Magician Girls, and while not strictly the baddest, she packs the heaviest punch. And that’s really all she needs to do; leave the trickery and strategy to the other five, and plop Dark down on the field when something needs to die.
Now that we’ve introduced the six Magician Girls, let’s go over two vague deck outlines to put them to work. When I mention quantities, those are cards that you’ll definitely need; when I don’t, you can probably live without them, but they may be quite helpful.
Deck #1: Magician Girl
This deck will eschew the standard Dark Magician entirely, focusing around the six Magician Girls. The main point of this deck is to cut down on fluff, keeping it at a trim 40 cards that all synergize well. Primarily a gimmick deck; we all know you just want to use a deck full of cute girls. But it still works well if you play it right!
Main Monsters Surprisingly, you’ll find ONE male here! There are only seven different main monsters in this recipe, so if you have three of each you’ll have 21 total. A pretty good number for a 40-card deck.
Berry Magician Girl You’ll want three of her, for sure. She can search out just about everything in this deck, keeping your hand and field ready for whatever may come.
Lemon Magician Girl Three isn’t a bad idea, but you can live with two. Lemon synergizes well with both Dark and Dark Magician of Chaos, as they are the strongest monsters in this deck and their effects aren’t vital.
Apple Magician Girl Like Lemon, three is preferable but not required. Three gives you the ability to chain their effects nicely, but two is all you need to properly have them recycle each other as they die.
Chocolate Magician Girl You want three copies of Chocolate, hands-down. Like Lemon she synergizes well with Dark and Dark Magician of Chaos, discarding them to draw a card and then summoning them back when she gets attacked, effects intact.
Kiwi Magician Girl Again, three is the best, and HIGHLY recommended as she is the only one whose different effects require her to be in different places. If you want to run two you can, but you tend to always want to have an extra in your hand.
Dark Magician Girl You need three Darks. You will be searching them out frequently with Berry and Lemon, and those three will be out of your deck very quickly. If you could have four in a deck, I’d tell you to put four.
Dark Magician of Chaos In a pure Magician Girl deck, this is the only monster who will fall outside that archetype. Dark Magician of Chaos can be summoned by Lemon and Chocolate, and his 2800 ATK will make mincemeat of anything that had its ATK halved by their effects. Even things that didn’t will have trouble matching him. While Dark is more versatile for fetching and summoning, Dark Magician of Chaos is the real muscle in the deck and a fantastic choice when you can get him out. Three of him. Period.
Extra Monsters For the Extra Deck. You can’t possibly fill this up with viable monsters that can be summoned, so if you want to toss in a few extra level 1-5 Xyz monsters, go nuts. Just make sure they’re Spellcasters.
Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight The only non-Spellcaster this deck will run. She doesn’t get protection from Kiwi, but since she technically IS a Magician Girl, she does benefit from Kiwi’s boosting effect. Plus her own effect is nothing to scoff at, nor is her 2600 ATK.
Magi Magi Magician Gal As of yet unreleased in English, and it’s difficult to get her out since she needs two of a type of card you only have three of, but her utility is great and you have plenty of room in your Extra Deck to fit her.
Ebon Illusion Magician Like the Magician Gal, Ebon Illusion Magician is going to be hard to get out. You technically don’t have any level 7 Spellcasters to summon him with, but he can also be summoned by a rank 6 Xyz Spellcaster... namely, Magi Magi Magician Gal. Again, he probably won’t come up, but your Extra Deck is just that; extra. Having him in it can only help.
Spells Ironically for a Spellcaster-focused deck, you won’t find many necessary spells here. But there are obviously some you need.
The Eye of Timaeus This is how you get Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight out on the field. It’s cheap and effective, plain and simple. Not worth having more than one or two copies of.
Magical Dimension While there are plenty of great ways to use this card, you should keep one as a bit of insurance; if your opponent tries to wipe your board with a card effect, use it to summon Kiwi from your hand and protect them. Or summon Dark Magician of Chaos with it and use his effect to recycle it! I tend to run two of these in my deck, though three can be useful too.
Secret Village of the Spellcasters Situational use for when your opponent doesn’t have any Spellcaster-type monsters, maybe better as a side-deck card but can find use for discard effects in the main deck as well. This card synergizes FANTASTICALLY with Kiwi, making her (and therefore your other Spellcasters) even harder to remove than before.
Mystical Space Typhoon A classic. Raigeki Another classic.
Dark Hole Yet another classic, but now with Kiwi you don’t have to worry about wiping your side of the board as well.
Dark Burning Attack Budget Raigeki. Not as good, but totally unlimited.
Swords of Revealing Light Honestly sometimes goes against the theme of the deck (you WANT your Magician Girls to get attacked), but buying a few turns when things aren’t going your way is always a plus. Also useful for flipping your opponent’s monsters to nail with Dark Burning Attack.
Bound Wand This is how you keep Kiwi alive; the extra 500 ATK and ability to summon her back after her death will make her an absolute terror.
Traps According to my recent Google Image searches, Dark Magician Girl can be a trap too...
Magicians’ Defense Damage reduction and Special Summoning; everything you could ever want.
Dark Renewal Trade in one of your Spellcasters (and your opponent’s freshly-summoned monster) to Special Summon Dark Magician Girl or Dark Magician of Chaos from your deck or graveyard.
Torrential Tribute Again, Kiwi will save your own Spellcasters from this.
Magician’s Circle All six Magician Girls can be searched and summoned with this.
Magic Cylinder Another classic, for when you want to give Berry a chance to take a second hit or to protect Kiwi.
Call of the Haunted Kiwi’s effect stops the monster tied to this card from being destroyed by its effect. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Kiwi is amazing.
Shift Opponent isn’t attacking the Magician Girl you want them to? Make them!
Battle Mania The best way to deal with a Magician Girl deck is to not attack. Unless Battle Mania happens.
Deck #2: Dark Magician Duo
This deck will use the Magician Girl deck as a base, trimming some of the fat to add Dark Magician and his support cards. This deck has stronger monsters and tends to not worry too much about waiting for your opponent to attack, though to keep enough copies of proper cards your deck might start to slip further and further away from that 40 count.
Main Monsters Now featuring even more Y chromosomes than before!
Dark Magician Obviously. As a normal monster he’s a prime candidate for Lemon’s effect, and even Chocolate can make great use of him. You’ll want three of him, two minimum.
Palladium Oracle Mahad Arguably just as useful as the Dark Magician himself, better on his own but without the support Dark Magician gets. But when he dies, you get a Dark Magician anyway. Fit as many of him as you reasonably can in the deck.
Magician’s Robe Basically a free Dark Magician if you can pull off its effect.
Extra Monsters A few more possibilities open up once Dark Magician and Mahad are in the deck. You still have plenty of space, fitting at least two of each.
Dark Paladin The classic dragon-slayer, and with The Eye of Timaeus you don’t need Buster Blader to bring him out.
Amulet Dragon Can be useful if your opponent runs a spell-heavy deck. Keep in mind that Kiwi does not protect him.
Ebon High Magician An Xyz monster that can be summoned with the help of Dark Magician or Mahad. When he dies you can then pull Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl to replace him.
Spells Wait for the best card ever...
Dark Burning Magic The best card ever. Between all the Magician Girls and Magician’s Robe, it’s painfully easy to plop down a Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl during your opponent’s turn and the wipe their field during the battle phase.
Sage’s Stone Here’s a Dark Magician Girl, and here’s a Dark Magician. A tried and true card, though not as useful as it used to be now that there are more ways to get Dark Magician out. But with the ease with which this deck can get out Dark Magician Girl, you can’t ignore it.
Dark Magic Attack If you can’t pull off Dark Burning Magic, this is good too.
Dedication Through Light and Darkness Generally there are better ways to find a Dark Magician of Chaos, but if you need one NOW...
Dark Magical Circle This card is expensive for a reason. It makes your Dark Magician into an annihilator while also helping you make the most out of your deck.
Traps Dark Magician traps, not nearly as cute.
Magician Navigation Like Dark Magical Circle, this card is expensive because of how good it is. Pull a Dark Magician, and then either another one or a Dark Magician Girl. Then later use it to kill trap cards. It does everything.
Other Options
Monsters Magician’s Valkyria Normally shunned due to how difficult it is to pull off her combo, the Magician Girls have given her one last shot at relevance by making them easier to get out. In particular, combining two of them with Kiwi can effectively lock out your opponent; Secret Village of the Spellcasters makes them even harder to break through.
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Magician Girl decks aren’t as flush with Dark and Light monsters as standard Dark Magician or Spellcaster decks would be, but he’ll still have plenty of fuel for summoning and is always useful. Again, keep in mind that he is NOT a Spellcaster.
Magician of Black Chaos Usually not worth running, but he can be useful, even if just to feed Dark Magician Girl.
Spells Dark Magic Veil Only three monsters in this deck can be summoned by it, but they’re all things you want out.
Magic Formula Bolsters Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl’s ATK and gives you a bit of LP back, but generally not worth the space in the deck.
Traps Eternal Soul Good support for Dark Magician, but you need Kiwi to avoid getting wiped if it gets destroyed. Probably not worth it unless you build around it.
Dark Horizon Situational but can save you when nothing else may.
And there you have it. She’s had a long and bumpy ride, but Dark Magician Girl is finally where she deserves to be: not just in the hearts of people everywhere, but their decks as well.
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-02 10 FUNNY now
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Happy Birthday, and see you soon! xoxo, Cancer
Namaste, asshole.
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0 notes
anchencosplay · 9 years
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Yesterday i was in Nuremberg with my sister at the peppermint anime festival! We watched the Love Live Movie and other really good Animes and of course we wore our Love Live Costumes! It was really nice to watch Animes all day long in the cinema, even though that sometimes i couldn't read the subtitles when a tall someone sit in the row in front of short short me.
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-02 07 FUNNY now
Awkward Family Photos
The Back Up Plan
Godzilla vs Easter
Easter Egg
The Delivery Room Selfie
Mustache To Heaven
Babylon Bee
How To Argue On The Internet: A Step-By-Step Guide
Report: It Is Finished
Trump Projected To Be Last Remaining Member Of White House By 2 P.M. Tomorrow
Report: 56% Of All Conversions Direct Result Of Christian T-Shirt Parodies
Theological Prodigy Points Out Similarities Between Aslan, Jesus
The Kushner Family Passover Haggadah, 2018 Edition
A Brief Oral History of Babe Ruth Claiming His Bat Was a Wizard’s Staff
An Open Letter to Collegiate Basketball Benchwarmers
Excerpts from My Upcoming Novel, Ready Player Two: Girl Stuff
Email Sign-Offs Employers Will Fire You For, Especially If You Happen to Be a Woman
Passive Aggressive Notes
Coming soon, from Pixar…
Donna, bring a sweater
You can’t spare three squares?
Happy Birthday, and see you soon! xoxo, Cancer
Namaste, asshole.
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The Swedish ending of “Finding Dory”.
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Anatomy of TV Shows
Horribly Funny Taxidermy Fails
The Blogess
She’s naturally part rabbit.
Crowdsourcing how to be a good parent.
Why I love twitter.
There is a fine line between crazy and sane and I live there.
I quit. Sort of.
The Hard Times
Help! I’ve Been in My 30s for 2 Years Now and I Still Don’t Like the Hold Steady
Google Honors Punk History With Terribly Offensive G.G. Allin Doodle
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The Onion
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Doctor Asks New Mother If She’d Like To Keep Newborn’s Exoskeleton
Whiskey Leaks
Science Explains Why Tide Pods Taste Like Cilantro To Some, Soap To Others
Cummy Bears? Say “I Love You” This Valentines Day With Candy Made From Your Essence
Redskins’ Owner Unveils Newly Acquired Team Logo
Self-Driving Uber Suspended After Touching Self In Front of Female Passenger
OP-ED: A Man Can’t Even Hug A Female Now Without Her Noticing That He’s Raping Her
0 notes
anchencosplay · 9 years
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Last week i added all missing details to my Hanayo Jacket and the suspenders. Also i found randomly thights with the right pattern, sadly not the right color but i think it fits well to the rest of the costume so i made new stockings out of them. And now it’s finally finished! \(*^▽^*)/ ☆゚.*・。゚
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anchencosplay · 10 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
In the last days I've been working on a new cosplay. I started with the shoes and also i already begun the shirt :3
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