#project: taishous favorite
scolek · 9 months
my animal crossing island might be named after onisister but there is another team in my heart. so i spent a normal amount of hours designing a ryuseitai-themed upstairs for kid cat in hhp
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and it is
so allow me to. well. to speak further in depth on this topic
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first off, the centerpiece of the whole room, the media center. they dont all get to gather in the a/v room like last year so they get this.
behind the projector is a patchwork sofa chair in the 'leaves' colorway, which combines with the loveseat, the cushion, and the barstool to form the seating arrangements. its not actually a hard and fast arrangement, chiaki radiates heat which kanata can only stand for so long, so he'll switch with one of the juniors or just kick chiaki off the couch entirely if feeling particularly puckish.
also visible here is the sushi on the kitchenette, the fries and basil-y tomato-y pizza margherita on the coffee table, and the "galbi" (carpaccio di marlin blu) and "hyorogan" (coconut cookies, i couldnt find anything that looked like shinobus actual favorite food, umeboshi. i think if i had cherry jam? closest legal relative, but still more of a stretch than the coconut cookie-hyorogan stretch. like, hyorogan does actually look like that.)
so, from here, we go to the specific areas
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a pond for pukapuka, some fish, what more could you possibly need?
though the glow stickers on the wall were probably not put there by kanata himself but rather by the person who put the rest of the glow stickers up,
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shinobu! froggie chair. another one with not a lot to point out, everythings pretty self explanatory. i was going to make this space more enclosed, because, you know, ninja, but i was running out of space. i couldve maybe done better if there wasnt a doorway in the middle of the other wall and it could be off to the side or something.
also the middle thing on the wall there is a switch lite, because im not sure how much of a gamer shinobu is but i know he was really excited when he learned hasumi-dono knew about p*kemon....
the keroppi snack could belong to either shinobu or the person on the other side of the divider,
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midori! this is an awkward photo. i dont actually very much sanrio furniture despite having the cards, otherwise i wouldve used it more here, im too lazy to scan them in. otherwise the posters of the sanrio villagers would be on the wall next to jack, who stands at the precipice of midori's chill out zone to scare off chiaki, which otherwise contains nothing but plushies, a futon to take a depression nap on, and a tv to secretly enjoy things on (which is apple shaped because midori is the produce boy).
and then across the doorway is
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see, this is a much larger space, i couldve used fewer tiles, but because i wasnt trying to replicate a set like i was for the crazy anthem one, i was actually minding the doors and windows of the space.
ok so the. the cross-stitch. ok. i thought there was like a folding fan or some framed embroidery or something, but there is NOT, so. tetora's prized gift from his beloved taishou is. cross stitch (cock (manly)).
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this is another area which is mostly self-explanatory. the thing next to the basketball is a pile of model kits, no idea if chiaki actually does those, but it is more toku merch, so.
the picture frame in the shelves is a customizable thing and i didnt vibe with any of the options so thats a. custom design i made to spice up my beaches. its transparent, so. lets just call it a shadow box displaying a shell chiaki recieved as a gift or something.
also theyre like switching leaders every project now but you see that stack of papers? you know whos probably doing like, the most of the paperwork. probably wont even let anyone else do it even if they ask. what paperwork. theres barely any paperwork theres no paperwork what are you talking about.
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beastranpo · 1 year
I like to translate things in my spare time and am particularly interested in translating anything and everything Edogawa Ranpo related, and I was sitting on a few projects, so a while ago I decided to translate an old article about Edogawa-sensei and his actual love for sweets!
You can find the original article here. ♥
[ Edogawa Ranpo had a sweet tooth?! Ranpo visited Ikebukuro Mihara-do ]
Edogawa Ranpo. Whenever someone hears this name, the image of the famed writer may come to mind. What kind of person was this great man who was the driving force behind detective and mystery novels, a genre that had not yet been established in Japan at the time, and who created such unusual settings as "Hell of Mirrors" and "The Human Chair"?
“Actually, he had a really big sweet tooth.” “To the cameras, he carried himself as a true pro.” “But to me, he was just a nice old man.”
Hirai Kentaro-san, his grandson, told us about such an unexpected side.
Here, we will try to get closer to the "real face" of Edogawa Ranpo, whom no one knows about.
Edogawa began his career as a writer in earnest around the age of 30. He created masterpieces such as The murder on D street, The fiend with 20 faces, The Human Chair, and The Boy’s Detective club. Active as a critic and producer after the war, he established detective and mystery novels as a literary genre by developing the Japanese detective novel world together with his friend Yokomizo Seishi, a member of the ‘Detective Hobbyists Club’.
TN: Yokomizo Seishi is the same Yokomizo that is Oguri's close friend in Bungou Stray Dogs
“My grandfather’s friends would often visit, bringing all kinds of gifts,” Recalls Hirai Kentaro.
He had a wide circle of friends, celebrities in all kinds of professions, who would bring local sweets when they visited. Ranpo, who was not particularly a fan of alcohol, seemed to have quite the sweet tooth.
“My grandfather really loved sweets. He especially liked iced red bean.”
TN: It’s essentially like if you made red bean soup into a slushie. (see images here.)
TN pt 2: This preference for red bean is actually referenced in Bungou Stray Dogs, as in the "Untold Story of the Founding of the Agency", Ranpo exclusively eats the red bean provided in the red bean soup he orders due to Fukuzawa's generosity, because the mochi in it isn't sweet enough for his liking. It's a cute reference that makes me so emotional :")
It was the Taishou Era. During that time, there were no electric refrigerators, so to keep his refrigerator cool, Ranpo would buy ice from Ice Houses and use some of the ice to make shaved ice.
People began eating shaved ice in Japan near the end of the Edo Period, after Yokohama’s port was opened. At that time, it was said only the wealthy were able to eat it because it was so expensive. Although the industrial revolution that occurred in the late 1890s led to the development of ice machines, it was not until the rapid economic growth of the postwar period that ice spread to the general public.
Ranpo, who moved 46 times throughout his career, made a large house in Ikebukuro his final residence. He often visited Ikebukuro’s Mihara-do, a long-established Japanese Wagashi shop located a five-minute walk from the west exit of Ikebukuro, to buy sweets.
In “This world is a dream [Utsushiyo wa yume]”, Ranpo wrote that since it was founded in 1937, Mihara-do watched the growth of the city alongside him.
“When I was talking about my favorite store, the first thing that came to my mind was the sweets from Mihara-do in front of Ikebukuro West Exit Station. That store is probably one of the most prominent Ikebukuro specialties.”
Ranpo was particularly fond of the “Yam Manjuu”. Made with refined and moist azuki beans from Tokachi, Hokkaido, and wrapped in a high-quality yam skin, these Manjuu look just as they did back then. The wrapping paper that gives the image of manuscript paper is very nice.
Even now, in front of the gates of Rikkyo University, all that remains of Ranpo’s residence is his storehouse which is referred to as “Ranpo’s storehouse”.
The Busse come in two flavors to represent the modern image of Ranpo — a bittersweet apricot jam and a rich cheese butter.
TN: A ‘Busse’ is a type of sweet that looks a bit like a cream puff or cream sandwich.
Edogawa Ranpo was a man who pursued his passion for food, making iced red bean at home and frequenting sweet shops.
Warp back to the Taisho Era with a sweet treat from Mihara-do, a place that fascinated even Ranpo!
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anchencosplay · 7 years
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Touken Ranbu Midare Toushirou: Rei Rabbit  | Atsushi Toushirou: @anchencosplay Photo by Sui
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helgaw321 · 4 years
Takeru’s way of saying thank you
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“Please be careful on your way home.“
This message, handwritten by him, was shown at the end of his 30th birthday event last year. What a lovely way to end the event, right?
I sometimes think why he’s doing this far for his fans, even after he’s getting more and more famous like now. He can just doing his work as usual, doing movies, dramas, without any interactions with fans, and I’m sure there are lots of people still will watch it. But he chooses to do something extra, through events, LINE, and Sugar, to provide fans some way to connect with him. He always said during the fan meetings, that he won’t be able to reach this far without his fans. So, maybe it’s just his ways of saying thank you to us. What a man.
I think because he understands that not all of us can just go to attend his events, he provides another way to convey his gratitude, and what’s even better, he chooses to convey it through one of his favorite things, riddle :))
(P.S: it will be a quite long post below, you have been warned :3)
First of all, just to avoid any misinterpretations, this is the 30th birthday anniversary book:
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This book, or I should say dictionary, consists of every single piece of his work from his debut, be it, movie, drama, photobook, calendar, Taketere, you name it. After you’ve read all of it (it will take around 2 weeks according to Takeru XD), at the very last page, you will find a mysterious content:
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You must be wondering what the heck is this, right? Don’t worry, I also felt the same at the first time seeing this XDD
The Japanese words loosely reads as: “My feelings is written at the tip of ......”
Now we have to find a way on how to fill those six words, so we can get the answer based on the highlighted boxes.
If you read the book close enough, you will find out that there are more riddles hidden throughout the pages, and you have to solve each of that, so we will need 6 riddles to fill all the blanks.
(Ah yes, so Takeru has provided the explanations for this riddle in Taketere 64, so you can watch that too~ )
For the first one, letter A, we need to turn the page to p.39:
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See something different? As a warning, all of the riddles will be that small XD
Lemme make it bigger, riddle A is: “ ひandまandめ ”.
For this, you’ll need a bit of Japanese knowledge. “and” is “to (と)” in Japanese, so we just need to read that as is, and we’ll get “ひとまとめ (hitomatome)” as the answer~
Move on to the next one, let’s open p.157:
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We need to zoom this one in, so here it is:
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Recognize something? Yup, so those 4 icons at the corner represent the suits of a card, thus the next step will be easy:
1 = ace = えーす  11 = jack = じゃっく  12 = queen = くいーん  13 = king = きんぐ 
Then we just need to put these in the blanks, read the letters based on the numbers, and we’ll get “jinx (じんくす)” as the answer~
Move on to the next one, p.179:
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“What is the animal name in ???“
This one will be a bit tricky. Notice that the letter C is kinda out of place compared to the previous riddle. Actually, it serves as a hint, saying that we have to add some letters around it to make this one more readable. The other hint is lots of “か (ka)”. There is a set of Japanese words that ends with “ka”, and that is the first ten days of Japanese dates (tsuitachi, futsuKA, mikKA, yokKA, etc). Because the last 2 letters are already present, so we just need to add the first letter, becoming like this (tsuitachi - ついたち - 1st is an exception because we need to add 2 letters):
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From this illustration, we can see that the answer is “itachi - いたち - weasel”.
And we’re half way already! Let’s take a break~
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Okay, so let’s continue with letter D, let’s open p.221:
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I really couldn’t solve this one at that time lol. Annoying things about fill the blanks, when you don’t get the theme, you won’t be able to solve it. And for this one, the hint is only those letters....
Thanks for Takeru’s explanation, we now know that these letters represent Japanese era name, and by looking at the letters, the eras we need are (left > right): Meiji > Taishou > Shouwa > Heisei. Put them all into the boxes:
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Read it with the given order, and we’ll get: “たんじょう - tanjou - birth” as the answer~
Let’s move to letter E in p.267:
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For this one, you actually don’t need any Japanese knowledge, you just need to look at the shapes of the question, and compare with the big picture, so the answer will be taken from 2nd, 9th, and 7th letter, and we’ll get: “じゆう - freedom” as the answer~
Last one! Turn to p.371:
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“Name a person who always eats udon as the final dish after eating nabe“
This is another tricky question, and we need to read the book again thoroughly to be able to understand it. Specifically, the hint is written in Takeru’s answer to Suzuki Ryohei’s birthday message:
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“saigoudooon“ ---> “saigo (end)” + “udooon“
Got it? “always eats udon as the final dish”
He purposely gives us a word pun LOL.
So the person is Suzuki Ryohei, or rather, his role as Saigou Takamori, which is also called Saigou-don (Mr. Saigou in Kagoshima dialect), so the answer is “さいごうたかもり - saigou takamori”.
So! We’ve got all 6 answers. All we need is go back to the last page, and put all of those letters in the boxes like this:
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“My feelings is written at the tip of a tranquilizer gun (the highlighted word is masuijuu - tranquilizer gun)“
That’s it???
Well actually, this message is the final riddle from him. As he said in Taketere, if we really read this book thoroughly and been following his career for years, this sentence must mean something.
Does “tranquilizer gun” ring a bell?
Not yet? Then how about this:
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If this doesn’t help either, then you still have homework to do :>
So, yes, because we need to look for this gun picture in the book, the fastest way is to go through AJIN section, and look for any gun picture.
But there’s nothing about the gun in AJIN section...
There is this cute “frozen” Takeru and Ayano Go tho XDD
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Let’s open the book again from the beginning.. So before the start of the whole list of his project, there’s this page called PLAYBACK, which contains the photo summary of all of his projects. If we look at this page thoroughly... FINALLY we’ll find a gun picture, and this is the proof:
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“written at the tip of a tranquilizer gun”
So we need to look around this picture to find out, if we zoom it in:
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“大好き。“ - “DAISUKI.“ handwritten by himself.
Still not enough? Actually he still has more to give us. Go to this website, input the answer (ますいじゅう), and hit submit (送信).
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Then, when the next page appears, enter the page of the message, because it’s on p.16, so input “016”, and hit submit again.
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You will get a zoom-able Playback cover picture. Find out the message in that picture, and click it. If you are lost, just find that Nagai picture or look at this guide (circled red):
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Has the picture loaded? 
Yup, we will get ANOTHER thank you message 😭
"Thank you for reading '13years~TAKERU SATOH ANNIVERSARY BOOK 2006→2019~' until the end. Please look forward to the 30-year-old-Satou Takeru!"
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Isn’t he just too sweet? 😭😭😭
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anchencosplay · 7 years
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Touken Ranbu Midare Toushirou: Rei Rabbit | Atsushi Toushirou: @anchencosplay Photo by Sui
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anchencosplay · 7 years
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Some months ago i worked on my Atsushi Toushirou Costume. Beforehand I did my research and read a lot about samurai armor and even found some pattern for it. I started with the sewing parts and i used cotton twill for the uniform. The white stips made it a lil bit like a puzzle but it’s was easy to sew. Even the bias tape. Next was his right Kote. For the sayagata pattern on it i quilted the outerlines and fill it in with some fabric dye. So it's like a lil blanket for my arm. For his amor i used sintra and craft form. I cut it out and heat it up so i could bend it in this slightly rounded shape. Then i sewed the small parts directly to the Kote. Exept the Sode. I tied the seven parts together and glued on some bands for attachment. At the end i bought some belts, bands, the necktie and the Socks. Also i modify some old shoes and my Daichi Wig so it fits for Atsushi.
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