reksigh · 2 years
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ever at your side!
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mysteriousbean5 · 2 years
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A quick something for @promptisweek22 day 5!
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freesiavacadoo · 2 years
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day 3: fav outfits
yeah guys remember when they dressed up as sora and riku and nothing bad ever happened haha yeah me too
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mildlycuriousdragon · 2 years
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Promptis Week Day 2!
2 bros sittin on a roof top~
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calamity-jam · 2 years
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Promptis Week 2022 - Fav Headcanon/Crossover | Blue | “Dude, are you seriously trying to kill me?”
@mildlycuriousdragon and @farbsturz ‘s detective au! :D
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prompurii · 2 years
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day 1 | red
a charm in memory
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gingerel · 2 years
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The hotel room door snaps shut as Ignis and Gladio leave. Prompto turns his face into the pillow and groans.
He’s not in any pain — not anymore. The three potions he went through today saw to that just fine.
Three. Three. In one day. Prompto is supposed to be getting better at this, not stagnating, not backsliding. Ignis told him it didn’t matter, Gladio needed healing today too, it’s nothing to worry about — but he knows that isn’t true.
They warned him it would be tough. Cor outright told him they wouldn’t normally send someone so green out into the field for this long.
Prompto wanted to help, but all he’s really doing is hindering.
Prompto’s just a normal guy. He never intended to be anything other than that, never really thought he would have to be, beyond figuring out who he wanted to be before becoming friends with Noctis.
When the door opens back up Prompto doesn’t move. It can only be Noctis, Ignis and Gladio were stepping out to top up their supplies and there’s no way they can be done yet. The bed shifts, dipping as Noct sits on the edge and Prompto slides a little towards him.
 “I didn’t have as much change as I thought,” Noctis murmurs, like they’re in the middle of a conversation. “I could only get one.” There’s a tell-tale crack, followed by a fizzle that indicates a soda can opening. Noct’s first sip is noisy — the can clinks as Noct sets it down on the little table between the two beds.
The soda is cold, Prompto can tell from the chill of Noct’s fingers as they slide against his back, right under his shirt and against bare skin — because of course he does.
“You’re warm,” Noctis says, humming appreciatively. Prompto doesn’t respond. After a full minute of silence, Noctis sighs. “Okay, what are you sulking about?”
“I’m not sulking,” Prompto defends himself, though it’s a lie.
“Prom,” Noctis urges, pushing at his side to get him to roll over. At first, Prompto simply ignore him, but he keeps doing it, prodding, and poking and tickling until he becomes so annoying it’s easier to roll over and face this than lie there and take it. He glares up at Noct though, just so he knows he’s an annoying brat.
“What happened?” Noctis asks. Prompto’s glare deepens.
“You know what happened?”
Noctis blinks, frowning himself as his eyes flit over Prompto’s face like he’s searching for visible clues.
“I — messed up?” Noctis offers.
Prompto sits up, rockets forward so suddenly he almost bumps their heads together.
“I messed up,” Prompto corrects. “Today, when we were fighting.”
“When?” Noctis blurts.
“Constantly,” Prompto mutters. “Every time — Gladio and Ignis have had to go out to buy back all the potions I used.”
“We all needed stuff today,” Noctis says. “We bit off more than we could chew — it happens. I’m just sorry you got hurt.” His palms chafe up and down Prompto’s bare arms, his expression sufficiently despondent it kind of takes the wind out of Prompto’s sails.
 “I’m not ready to be here,” Prompto whispers. He means to say more but Noct snorts, leaning away enough to retrieve his soda.
“None of us are read to be here,” Noct says bitterly. He takes a hearty gulp before pressing the can into Prompto’s grip. He doesn’t take a drink himself, just stares down at the generic can and flicks the tab with his thumb.
Noctis drags the backs of his fingers over Prompto’s cheekbone, lets him look away without forcing his attention, lets him be quiet if he needs it.
“I thought we cleared this up just after we set out?” Noctis says. Prompto glances up a little nervously, only staying calm because Noct’s still gently petting him. “You’re doing great, you deserve to be here.”
Prompto sniff. “Maybe.”
“No maybe,” Noctis says. “Definitely.”
“But —”
“Prince’s decree.”
Neither of them points out he’s technically the King now. They should work on fixing one bad mood at a time.
“You really abuse that power,” Prompto mumbles. He finally lifts up the can, presses the cool metal to his bottom lip and lets the drink flood his mouth. The expected cherry flavour never comes, instead the sweet-sharp fizz of lemon-lime.
“Were they out of cherry?” Prompto asks.
“Huh? No, I told you — I only had change for one,” Noctis explains. He grins, tugging on a lock of Prompto’s hair. “You don’t listen to a thing I say, do you?”
Prompto lets himself lean forward, hiding away in the curve of Noctis’ throat. He feels the need to apologise again, even though that’s stupid. Noctis curls his arms around Prompto’s back, nuzzling Prompto’s ear.
“Can we have a nap?” Noctis asks quietly. “Until Ignis and Gladio come back.”
Prompto smiles, mouth stretching against Noct’s skin.
“Sure thing, bud,” Prompto agrees.
Ignis always says things seem better when you sleep on them.
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promptisweek22 · 2 years
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Hello everyone! Thanks to the great feedback we received we are officially organizing a Promptis Week for the middle of november! The themes for each day will follow soon, so please look forward to it! We’re also on twitter!
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fixme-in45 · 2 years
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promptis week day 3!
fav outfits :]
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charmms · 2 years
Two lonely boys realize how nice it is to have a friend.
Or: A series of moments focused on the evolving kinds of love between best friends: as peers, as a teenaged crush, as ‘something more’ than what it started as.
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otteli2000 · 2 years
Day 3 is here already 🥰 So 5 times Prompto tried to confess to Noct and the one time he did 💚🤍💚
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mysteriousbean5 · 2 years
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Promptisweek22 day 6: ever at your side❤️
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mildlycuriousdragon · 2 years
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Promptis Week Day 1!
Lil bit of each prompt~
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calamity-jam · 2 years
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Promptis Week 2022 - Fav Headcanon | Green | “Go back to sleeping, beauty.”
Resting after a fight!
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prompurii · 2 years
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day 6 | fav photo | indigo
noctis would like to sleep but at least prompto got his favorite photograph now
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gingerel · 2 years
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Noctis steps out of the shower before he can fall asleep in there. Every time he moves a limb, shifts a hand, or turns his head his vision turns blue, remnants of his days, too much warping, too much magic all at once.
It’s better than standing still. Better than letting life push him on a track he’s not ready, not truly willing to take. Noctis can do good here, even if his errands are small and mostly inconsequential, they make people happy, makes their lives a better for at least a little while.
He’s lazy with the way he towels himself off, regrets it the minute he starts pulling on a clean pair of fatigues and the fabric clings to his skin like half used sticky tape in the humid, tiny camper bathroom.
Noctis stumbles into the front part of the camper, finds Ignis and Gladio having a low conversation while Ignis works at the small stove. It’s not as good as the camp gear they have packed away, but Ignis thinks it would be a slight to set it up outside when their accommodation provides. Over the smell of the food, he picks up coffee and sure enough, a steaming mug sits on the side next to an open beer.
Gladio catches his eye, jerks his towards the door.
“He’s outside,” Gladio tells him.
Noctis figured as much but he mumbles thanks anyway, not bothering with his boots and just stepping outside in his socks.
Leide is still hot, sun on its way down but still beaming heat down onto Hammerhead. Prompto showered before him and his hair is mostly dry already, soft without product, slightly floofy on one side where he’s not bothered to try and control it.
“Hey,” Noct greets him. Prompto blinks sleepily but offers him a smile.
“Feel better?” Prompto asks.
Noctis flexes his hand, an inexplicable kind of fatigue heavy in his bones.
“Yeah,” he half lies, dropping into the chair at Prompto’s side, shoving it closer in a way he hopes isn’t too obvious. Not that it matters, they’ve been together for a while now.
Noctis should really know exactly how long, but his feelings predate their first kiss by so long it’s all a mess inside his head.
“Long day,” Noct offers.
Prompto snorts, “So long.”
They need something, he knows. A distraction, something akin to how they’d sneak away back home in the absence of being able to — maybe they could go for a walk, but it’s not worth watching Ignis have kittens worrying over what might happen to them while they’re by themselves.
And he doesn’t exactly want to invite Gladio along to … watch.
It’s harder to pull stuff from the Armiger you didn’t put there, but not impossible if you know it’s there. Gladio only bought the four pack this afternoon so —
The bottle is cold in his hand, preserved by his magic to be the exact same way it was when it was slipped inside. He lines the lip of the cap up on the edge of the table and smacks his palm down on top.
“Do you know what you’re doing?” Prompto asks drily.
“I’ve seen Gladio do this a thousand times,” Noct mumbles. He tries again, catches the lid right but doesn’t get it off, adjusts it just a little and this time the cap pings away. Prompto manages to catch it before it hits the ground, and he spins it around in his fingers before setting it on the table between them.
“You know we can just buy some right?” Prompto says. “We don’t need to steal from Gladio.”
“Stealing makes it taste better,” Noctis says — it’s not true, but it makes Prompto laugh, which is what he really wanted. “Besides, it’s gross, I’m not paying for something gross.”
He takes a sip, wincing at the bitterness, made not at all palatable by the carbonation. Prompto takes it from his hand when he tilts it his way, running his thumb over the sun emblazoned on the label before tipping the bottle back for his own swallow.
“Ugh,” Prompto complains.
They never really drank much back home, never saw the appeal — much preferring artificially flavoured soda and overcooked popcorn while an uninteresting movie plays in the background. Something it didn’t matter if or when they got distracted.
Prompto takes a second swig and sets the bottom down, shifting his chair closer in a move that is clearly not supposed to be subtle. He folds his arms on top of the table, directly in Noct’s space before burying his head into them. Without hesitation Noctis wraps himself around his boyfriend, nosing at the soft curl of hair at the nape of his neck and folding them into an impossible pretzel of limbs.
They’re all using the same soap now, so Prompto smells less like himself and more like Noctis. It’s good and bad.
“Ignis and Gladio are going to make us sleep in the bunk beds,” Prompto complains, words muffled.
“Yeah,” Noctis says. It makes sense, Gladio literally cannot fit in any bed but the pull-out double.
“Lame,” Prompto mutters.
Noctis noses further into his hair, trying to pick up any of his old smell underneath Noct’s woodsy soap.
“Wanna curl up on the bottom bunk?” Noct teases.
Prompto giggles, falls silent, and then, after a full minute —
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