nomorerww · 2 months
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"I just hurt every time I see an attractive girl"
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grlofswords · 2 years
According to Slay Blanchard the AGP equivalent for us trans men is autohomoerotic. I personally am in the pseudobisexual lost lesbian cister crowd (all jokes all jokes love you)
Miss Slay Blanchard is keeping the boys fed I see!
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hestiasroom · 5 months
naturally charlieissocoollike also discovered he was bisexual while transing himself. sounds like the classic pseudobisexuality of AGP to me.
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stonedfemmeblues · 1 year
the pseudobisexuality of my autogynephilia (attraction to paul dano) manifesting when i suck the meat off these fucking buffalo wings
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thyesteann · 2 years
happy mother's day gerri <3
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rantingcrocodile · 2 years
I know it’s probably not true but I can’t help thinking that my attraction to women is fake or just a fetish. When I was in elementary I only liked boys, but then I became for SSA-leaning in middle school and it’s been like that ever since. And because of that I worry that my attraction isn’t natural or I wasn’t born bisexual. I worry it’s a fetish because I also developed a porn addiction in 7th grade up until high school, and 7th grade is also when I first got a crush on a girl. But then again the women I like look nothing like the ones I would see in porn (i like butch/masculine women). I don’t have so much internalized biphobia as before (I used to force myself to be straight/lesbian) but I still worry that I have “pseudobisexuality.” Sorry if this is a lot.
Don't apologise. There is nothing "fake" about your bisexuality, and you very clearly don't have a "fetish" for women.
I sincerely hope that you've either managed to work through your porn addiction, or are currently getting help for it, because that's incredibly damaging on several different fronts, especially when you were so young.
If your attraction to women was based on nothing but porn, then you would be focused on women in a porn-affected way, fixated on that kind of "look," where the porn would come first. Being attracted to GNC women far, far from any pornified context is just natural, same-sex attraction.
You don't wake up one morning and suddenly feel attraction to both women and men in the same moment. To be bisexual, you have to have the capacity to be attracted to both sexes. That can mean having a crush on a girl one day, then a crush on a boy a few weeks later. It can mean falling in love and marrying a man, only to divorce and then suddenly stumble across the woman of your dreams when you hit 50. So much of attraction depends on your individual circumstances, who you meet, etc.
Please don't be so hard on yourself. You were traumatised as a child and that affected you, and if you're still struggling you should reach out for help, but you're not "fake" in any way.
Reach out to bisexuals and spend time with us, because we're right here to support you.
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Don't u think many GC are mischaracterizing mtf as "most straight" instead of "most are bi" since so many pair up with other mtf? I'm quite skeptical of the "pseudobisexual" stuff that is thrown around as justification because it seems to not account for genuine gnc attraction in the picture. How do you see it?
I think more are bi than straight.
i think a lot of bi men pretend they aren't bi/say they don't experience ssa, like either by pretending they're a "lesbian" while in an mtf/mtf relationship or basically like a "oh i only like *women*" rationalization likely due to internalized homophobia and since "twaw" is a thing this gets them woke points with a lot of people and they're seen as "straight" and inclusive or w/e.
pseudobisexuality is interesting and i think it's definitely possible to condition oneself into conflating conditioned sexual responses with attraction, especially with how many are often porn sick. however this likely wouldn't be able to hold up mentally for very long if they are trying to be sexually active on a regular basis.
i don't think they're mischaracterizing them necessarily, i think it's just because the straight ones are the worst offenders more often than not and are talked about the most.
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rarted-moved · 3 years
im pseudobisexual
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servalias · 6 years
“pseudobisexual autogynephile”
bitch what language is this
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paroxetine-patty · 2 years
regardless of all else, I want you all fuckers to know that I really really hate you (meaning the militant *metal* *cosmic sphere* morons). none of you shitting on the masterdoc and various para-lesbian identities and comphet know anything about what I have to go through. none of you. I don’t know why I’m even writing these posts and trying to justify my very existence. oh right, because I hate myself and this kind of self-harm is at least relatively safe.
what am i talking about though, all of you are radfem so you also most likely hate (read: disregard feelings of) all dysphoric people unless they toe the line you favor. I swear I would be on the libfem side if only it wasn’t so misogynistic, homophobic and plain stupid. but it’s not much better in here, either.
whenever I turn, I’m just a freak and this is how I have to live and this is how I’ll die. a pseudobisexual miserable wreck who will never find happiness because my stupid sexuality is split and broken and my own communities (plural) hate me in multiple devious ways. one forbids me from disliking dick, another from being repressed.
fuck you all. sincerely, fuck you all.
I wish I would just die.
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osberend · 7 years
Tell me, oh Tumblr
How do i find porn of something, when naive googling just gives me radfems attributing that thing to porn?
Because I don't know about you, but when I search for "pseudobisexual porn" (without the quotes) I'm not looking to read TERF propaganda. Or responses to TERF propaganda.
(Or anything else, for that matter.)
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servalias · 6 years
Honestly “pseudobisexual autogynephile” is the funniest thing anyone’s ever called me thank you terf whose name I haven’t bothered to remember for giving me that gem.
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rarted-moved · 3 years
pseudobisexual lesbian cusp
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