wanderingsimsfinds · 2 days
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Introducing the Kids Collection - 2000 Followers Gift
There are 45 seamless patterns included (Kids 1-45)
There are ZIPs for sims3packs & packages with PNGs included
There is a MERGED package file with all 45 patterns
DOWNLOAD (SFS) (MediaFire)
Source: Creative Fabrica, Spoonflower, Adobe
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kunstmull · 1 year
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Left: a leftie (plays guitar right-handed) - does full make-up only on the left eye
Right: a rightie (plays guitar left-handed) - does full make-up only on the right eye
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egbertgender · 1 year
What would the homestuck kids dnd classes be
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kaiasky · 2 months
i think fighting games are. as much as i can't get into them, an eminently more impressive virtuosity than whatever i have with like poi or piano stuff where you do coordination on your own terms. on account of the PSPACE of it
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thewertsearch · 1 year
AA: y0u really d0nt understand anything yet d0 y0u AA: and yet y0u bug and fuss and meddle AA: with things m0re danger0us than y0u can imagine
An accurate assessment. Rose is acting on information from the Gods, and it's glaringly obvious that she hasn't been given the full picture. As a result, her plans are flawed and dangerous.
Now, if Aradia would enlighten us as to why Rose's plans are so dangerous, we might actually get somewhere. She seems uncharacteristically chatty at the moment, so my hopes are high.
AA: what d0 y0u want with the s0urce 0f the first guardians AA: what g00d d0 y0u really think c0uld c0me 0f it TT: Do you know about it? TT: The sun?
So First Guardians are created by the Green Sun.
Wait - actually, I think they're created from the Green Sun.
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While Bec was being cloned, the screen which originally displayed Nanna and Grandpa changed to a field of flickering green lightning.
It almost looks like the appearifier was pointed inside the Sun itself, which leads me to wonder what would happen if you tried to summon the thing. Maybe some of the Sun's material was teleported into Bec's body, to serve as the fuel for his abilities.
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That would certainly explain his astronomical internal temperature - but Bec is basically a god, so he could also just be doing this with his powers.
AA: y0u cant p0ssibly wield its energy 0r put it t0 c0nstructive use
I'm sure it could defeat Jack - although the word 'defeat' falls a bit flat when you're reducing someone to elementary particles.
Using the Sun against him feels like bringing a nuke to a knife fight - it's ridiculous overkill, and will get literally everyone killed.
TT: That isn't exactly my plan.
Well, now I'm stumped. All my theories about how Rose would use the Sun were predicated on the assumption that she wanted to access the First Guardians' powers - or, at least, the enormous energy they wield.
But it doesn't sound like she's trying to empower herself, or convert the Sun into a weapon. What can you do with the Sun that doesn't qualify as 'constructive use', but does contribute to killing Jack?
Well, I suppose she could corrupt it. Maybe the gods want her to transmute it into the Black Sun, and create some eldritch First Guardians to fight Noir.
That said, they'd be hard-pressed to create a Guardian who's more corrupt than Doc Scratch.
AA: y0u w0nt find it either AA: its imp0ssible
The Sun is implicitly connected to every First Guardian, so it's unlikely to be in any specific session. I don't think there are multiple instances of it, like Skaia, because it's not supposed to be an official part of a session in the first place; Rose had to essentially datamine Sburb to learn about it.
I assume, then, that the Sun is somewhere more fundamental than any specific Medium instance. It's probably in intersession space - perhaps even beyond the Furthest Ring.
AA: im thr0ugh with c0nsci0usly c0ntributing t0 inevitable 0utc0mes TT: Well, TT: Aren't you doing that regardless? Right now? AA: 0bvi0usly AA: but im just talking [...] AA: maybe if i behave in a manner s0 rand0m AA: parad0x space w0nt kn0w h0w t0 handle it! AA: blah BL00P blee BLUH!@#$%^&()_+ AA: didnt see that 0ne c0ming did y0u pspace??? + ?rand(413^612)
Well, I don't think you can break predestination with a run-of-the-mill pseudorandom number generator - but I do like where your head's at. Probability might just be the key to fighting fate.
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I mean, Vriska is apparently able to alter probability - despite the fact that all Alpha Timeline outcomes should be set in stone.
What's up with that?
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Aradia Megido, Rose Lalonde
Act 5, page 2808
-- apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] --
AA: what d0 y0u think y0ure d0ing!
AA: just st0p
AA: st0p st0p st0p st0p st0p st0p
AA: maybe if i say st0p en0ugh s0mething else will happen instead 0f the thing that d0es
TT: Hi.
AA: y0u arent g0ing t0 st0p are y0u
TT: Do you want me to stop using magic too?
AA: n0 i d0nt care ab0ut that
AA: its y0ur quest t0 tear y0ur sessi0n apart
AA: i kn0w its exciting
AA: breaking stuff
AA: and n0t w0rrying ab0ut it
AA: but there are c0nsequences t0 hum0ring y0ur destructive impulses
AA: and c0nsequences t0 f0ll0wing
TT: ?
AA: what they say
TT: Who?
AA: y0u kn0w wh0
TT: You sound frustrated.
TT: Like you know you can't change my mind.
TT: I presume your future footage of me has already verified this?
AA: i d0nt even need t0 watch y0ur future acti0ns t0 kn0w this
AA: the kn0wing is the same as this elusive feeling 0f sickness thats been with me f0r years
a: pr0bably since bef0re i died c0me t0 think 0f it
AA: it was always a big setup
TT: You died?
TT: Revived via dream self, I take it?
AA: n0
AA: i never had 0ne
AA: s0rt 0f a special case here
TT: Hmm.
AA: i just wish
AA: back when i was behaving recklessly
AA: i had s0me0ne t0 tell me t0 st0p listening
AA: even if i ended up ign0ring their advice
AA: it w0uld have been nice
TT: What did they tell you?
AA: i was assured i w0uld be saving my race
AA: which is maybe still true i d0nt kn0w
AA: but if it is then it will be the punchline t0 the vast j0ke
TT: Is that anything like the ultimate riddle?
AA: y0u really d0nt understand anything yet d0 y0u
AA: and yet y0u bug and fuss and meddle
AA: with things m0re danger0us than y0u can imagine
AA: what d0 y0u want with the s0urce 0f the first guardians
AA: what g00d d0 y0u really think c0uld c0me 0f it
TT: Do you know about it?
TT: The sun?
AA: y0u cant p0ssibly wield its energy 0r put it t0 c0nstructive use
TT: That isn't exactly my plan.
AA: y0u w0nt find it either
AA: its imp0ssible
TT: How do you know that?
TT: Could you please share your information with me?
AA: n0!
AA: y0u still havent gathered that y0ure the pr0blem
AA: im thr0ugh with c0nsci0usly c0ntributing t0 inevitable 0utc0mes
TT: Well,
TT: Aren't you doing that regardless? Right now?
AA: 0bvi0usly
AA: but im just talking
AA: maybe the things i say will indirectly trigger y0ur critical acti0ns
AA: maybe n0t wh0 kn0ws
AA: maybe!!!
AA: maybe if i behave in a manner s0 rand0m
AA: parad0x space w0nt kn0w h0w t0 handle it!
AA: blah BL00P blee BLUH!@#$%^&*()_+
AA: didnt see that 0ne c0ming did y0u pspace??? + ?*rand(413^612)
AA: oh look and now i suddenly refuse to type zeroes in my sentences
AA: isnt that crazy! who thought that was even a possibility
AA: bslick never would have imagined THAT little vestibule of probability was tucked somewhere in his huge glistening blow sack
AA: ribbit ribbit ribbit
AA: hahaha!
AA: 0h w0w im sure y0u were just being faceti0us with that but y0u have n0 idea h0w funny that is right n0w
AA: y0u had n0 way 0f kn0wing thats a thing i d0 all the time but with zer0es
AA: this is great
AA: i think im 0n t0 s0mething here
AA: maybe if i dig deep en0ugh int0 my circuitry and rer0ute all 0f my reserve p0wer thr0ugh my quantum based rand0m number generat0r i can pr0duce behavi0r s0 c0mpletely 0ff the wall that parad0x space will have n0 ch0ice but t0 change everything!
TT: You have circuitry?
AA: maybe i will also rig my p0wer s0urce t0 the 0utc0me 0f the functi0n and rand0mly bl0w myself up!
AA: that w0uld be just
AA: really
AA: really
AA: really*rand(rand(rand(rand(rand(0M)*0M)*0M)*0M)*0M) where 0M = s0me number drawn quite at rand0m fr0m 0ne 0f y0ur absurd human hats
AA: !~M~0~D~N~A~R
AA: g00dbye r0se
AA: enj0y y0ur rampant indiscreti0ns
AA: talk t0 y0u later assuming i havent rand0mly bl0wn myself up!
TT: Wait, don't go!
TT: You were actually interesting.
--- apocalypseArisen [AA] ceased trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] --
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designers-teaparty · 8 months
L/ve and de//pspace jumpscare on my dash
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@etirabys: puts in DoorDash order huh. It will be here in...-126 minutes.
@eightyonekilograms: it's going back through time.
Me: Whoa. I can already tell DoorDash's new tachyon-based delivery tech will be a huge hit.
5 min later
Me, increasingly concerned: you know, it's only a matter of time before DoorDash realizes they can build a computer based on a closed timelike curve, which means they'll be able to solve PSPACE-complete problems in polynomial time.
81k: was gonna say, they'll be able to send stock orders and troop movements back in time.
Me: yeah, unless someone wrests control from them, DoorDash will be world hegemon in a week or two. We need to stop them.
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574rc45m · 2 years
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twocubes · 2 years
combat system should at least be PSPACE-hard, preferably EXPTIME-hard in terms of resources (hp, mana, pp, exhaustion, ammo, time, units...) imo
give some space for the gods to play
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wanderingsimsfinds · 12 hours
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Introducing Celestial 2 Collection - 2500 Followers Gift Part 1
There are 45 seamless patterns included (Celestial 1-45)
Found under THEMED
There are ZIPs for sims3packs & packages with PNGs included
There is a MERGED package file with all 45 patterns
DOWNLOAD (SFS) (MediaFire)
Source: Creative Fabrica, Spoonflower, Adobe
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kunstmull · 1 year
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When you're flying so high your shadow arrives before you do
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eightbots · 2 years
kinda want a whisper icon rn but i can't... i've had this pspace redglare icon for so long i'm basically married to her
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pinolitas · 10 months
trying to relearn the entirety of algorithms course because I just discovered the term pspace-complete
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lorriloo1109 · 11 months
It seemed surreal. It seems an age ago that it happened but we are still feeling the effects of it. There was hardly any TRAFFIC on the main road into our town, when normally it is almost jammed to a standstill with traffic. In fact all the streets were almost empty. Even the pavements were nearly empty and most of the shops were closed. It almost seemed like we were in outer pspace. We were not…
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museofscale · 1 year
attention passengers on ur left you can c the absolutely goddamn cutest cherub in all of pspace just wearing some bomb ass digs. like holy fuvk how does a girl be such a slammin goddess while doin sweet fa.
im finna crash this fictitious plane into her bedroom in about 12 seconds if she keeps up being the muse of pretty af
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