fogdpsu · 6 years
Be Honest—Full FAQ
Important Details
Date: Saturday, May 4th
Time: See schedule below
Location: Wieden+Kennedy, 224 NW 13th Ave, Portland, OR
Sign Up: Here!
Facebook Event Page: Share with your friends/family!
Hashtag: #behonest2019 (Share your process work!)
Schedule & Logistics
12:00pm: Set up volunteers arrive (15 total). 2:00pm: All participants arrive. Tables are first come, first serve, with the exception of seniors* (see note below). All participants MUST be at W+K at 2:00pm and ready to set up your table. It takes more time than you may expect to have everything set up. 4:00pm: All participant tables need to be set up. 5:00–9:00pm: Student Showcase—doors open to the public at 5:00pm. 9:00–10:00pm: ALL PARTICIPANTS help with tear down.
*SENIORS: Not all seniors will fit on the first floor. We are working on devising the way the tables will be split up. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to table on the first floor. More information on this will be sent via e-mail to the senior participants.
Did I get into the showcase?
You will receive an e-mail from [email protected] on Monday, April 22nd. If you didn’t receive an e-mail, please forward your Google Forms response (sent to your e-mail when you signed up) to [email protected].
Getting there
Parking in The Pearl is a pain, so carpool, use public transportation, or have someone give you a ride.
During the event
During the event we will be serving beer, water, and maybe pizza (TBD) for our guests. We’ll also have GOOD Market selling student work and a general information/welcome table for PSUGD/FoGD. You will be at your table from 4:30pm until 9:00pm.
Each student will have a 3 feet wide by 1.5 feet deep area to display their work. It’s not much, so please plan ahead and carefully consider what you want to show. Consider how you can stack items vertically using boxes or other items to elevate work, as well as hang items from the front of your table. Take a look at these past photos to see how students set up their tables and displayed their work.
Full table size is 6 feet wide, which means they’re split in two. You can pick a table buddy within your grade level. It is okay if you do not have a table buddy in mind—someone will join your table! Again, tables are first come first serve! Tables will be grouped by grade level (Sophomore, Junior, Senior). Be aware that Seniors will be split onto two floors this year.
What to Bring
Bring your own materials to decorate your table. Remember to bring tape, binder clips, string, etc. Whatever you think you might need to set up. Try doing a table “dress rehearsal” at home!
Many participants choose to make business cards, buttons or other fun giveaways for our guests. For sophomores/juniors, between 25–50 business cards should be fine.
We will not have access to power supply or wifi, so make sure you’re charged up and prepared if you plan to show any work on your tablet or laptop!
WATER and snacks! It can get hot when it’s crowded, so make sure you hydrate and eat a meal before the guests arrive.
Bring any of your design work that you would like to show. Work in progress is okay!
Some past participants have suggested you bring in process work or sketch books!
Dress Code / Etiquette
Less casual than an interview, more formal than everyday. “Creative Casual”
Wear comfy shoes! You will be standing most of the night!
During the Event
Be nice! Treat everyone kindly, you never know who you may be speaking to.
Be prepared to talk about your work!
Ask specific questions about your work to get feedback.
Participant Fees
The fee to be apart of Be Honest is $10 dollars; please pay in cash, and have a post-it note or paper clipped to your cash with your first and last name.
Fee drop off times will be announced soon!
E-mail [email protected] if you cannot make one of the times to make other arrangements.
Are You Ready Checklist?
Do you have takeaways? (business cards, post cards, prints, buttons, other super creative things!)
Is your website up to date?
Are you prepared to discuss your work? Do you have specific questions to receive feedback?
At this point you’ve worked really hard so have FUN and meet the great people that make up Portland’s creative community!
GOOD Market
GOOD Market FAQ here
Stay informed!
Join the PSUGD mailing list on psu.gd
Join the Friends of Graphic Design Facebook group
Check fogdpsu.tumblr.com
Follow @fogd and **@psugd **on Instagram
Once again, thank you for participating! If you have any questions, please email them to [email protected].
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somefacesforbooks · 12 years
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Hey, sophomores!
The schedule for review and info sessions for the 2013 review is now available and is helpfully reposted above for your scheduling concerns. The first info session is coming up next week on Tuesday in right next door in room 160 of the Annex at noon, with another session on Wednesday—same bat-time, same bat-channel (by which I mean location).
If you're thinking at all about review, and I'd guess you are, getting into one of these ASAP to learn all you need to do to succeed is highly encouraged.
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nicolelavelle · 12 years
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PSU students: There are still some spaces left in my summer Design Thinking course! This one will be really fun. I can promise: reading, writing, walking, picnics, presentations, field trips, and at least one afternoon of sitting by the river.
And lots of learning.
Sign up now! There are only a few spots left. All majors and class levels are welcome, this is not just for design students. Also: what this image doesn't note is that it's a ten-week course starting on June 26.
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jgspdx · 7 years
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Are you, or someone you know, looking for a summer intern or entry level hire? Next week we will be showcasing our biggest graduating class to date, 53 students! You can see a preview of their work now online at PSU.GD/FRESH and then come meet them in person next week to see the work in detail! DM or email me if you'd like a link to register for the event. (at Portland, Oregon)
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fogdpsu · 7 years
Be Honest - Sign up and FAQ
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Thank you so much for your interest in being a part of Be Honest! Here is some of the information we have so far! We will also have an information session on Thursday, April 12th from 1:00–1:45pm in AB 320. 
Sign up by Thursday, April 19th!
Event Details
Location: Wieden+Kennedy, 224 NW 13th Ave, Portland, OR 97209 Date: Saturday, May 5th Time: Please plan to be at Wieden+Kennedy from 2:00–9:00pm (plus a little extra time for cleanup) 
What is Be Honest?
Be Honest is Portland State University Graphic Design's student portfolio showcase. It's part portfolio show, part party, part open house, part alumni reunion, part pop-up shop, part entertainment, and ALL FUN. Simply put, it’s our biggest party of the year, and we can’t make it happen without YOU!
Who can participate?
All sophomores, juniors and seniors in the Design Program may participate in the event! We have a sign-up form here. The sign-up form asks for a link to five pieces of your work. This part of the process is only for us to ensure that you are in the graphic design program, and making work. We are not evaluating the quality of your work, and it doesn’t have to be ready for presentation at the event before you apply. So don’t sweat it, sign up now! 
What is the participation fee for? When can I drop it off?
The participation fee goes toward renting tables, security, event insurance, and all of that good stuff! There will be several times to drop off your fees (in cash!) in person. The first will be at the info session on Thursday, April 20th from 1:00–1:45pm in AB 320. More times will be announced soon.
Is my work good enough to show at Be Honest? and/or Do I have enough work to show?
YES. Design students of all levels participate in this event every year. It is very common for sophomores (and let's be honest, juniors or seniors) to have concerns about the quality or quantity of their work. Not only is this a great benchmark to have work completed for the portfolio review, but it’s SO FUN to participate in this together before the review. The whole community is here to cheer you on! If you need a pep talk, reach out on the FoGD Facebook group, and we will get you there! Please sign up!!
Can I sell my work?
Students will not be selling work at their tables, but you may sell a small selection of your work at our pop-up shop GOOD Market. More details on this to come soon!
What should I bring?
Yourself and your work! You will have a 3 foot wide by 1.5 foot deep table (shared with a partner of your choice). Work in progress is OKAY, especially for sophomores looking to get feedback before the review. You’ll also need a tablecloth or any decorations you would like. You might want to think about some giveaways---buttons and business cards are very popular! 
Will you need volunteers?
YES! We will need the participants to volunteer in the weeks before Be Honest to do things like make buttons and fold programs. We will also need some students to arrive early to help set up tables, and we will need EVERYONE to help clean up the space at the end of the night. Freshman or students not participating in the event can volunteer that night to help us make sure everything is running smoothly.
Where can I get more info?
For the most up-to-date info, be sure to join the mailing list on psu.gd, join the Friends of Graphic Design Facebook group, and follow @fogd and @psugd on Instagram. Also, look out an invite to the info session on Thursday, April 20th to get detailed information about what to expect at the event.
Once again, please sign up HERE by Thursday, April 19th! We need the whole community to make this event amazing. If you have any questions, concerns, etc. please email them to [email protected]
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