#pudding slowly becoming an hippy the moment she doesn't have BM nagging her is my roman empire
memoriescut · 8 months
meta + selfcare
even though her concept of selfcare could be summed up with "she should drop her mom already", there are some habits that have been part of pudding's routine for years, and while some have evolved with time here they are:
on cacao island she'd get 8h of sleep every night, waking up very early due to having to set up her café before opening. there's a lot of running around involved with working in restoration, which is pretty much the only physical activity she does.
when she finally sets sails, her sleeping schedule is still 8h but more scattered throughout the day due to pudding being a bit of a night owl. as for physical activity, she enjoys walks / runs in the woods, and does a bit of yoga every morning since with her new career she spends a lot of time sitting at a desk.
well, as we know already a lot of pudding's emotional needs were either met in half or not at all - her anger was weaponized and fed at every chance BM had. she never got to talk through her inner turmoils and was instead spoiled with clothes and stuff as a way to keep her quiet.
a huge part of pudding's true awakening comes with the awareness of self, which is something she obviously had difficulties with at first due to her upbringing. living with the three eye tribe helped find ways to channel all her suppressed emotions into something to feel proud of - she writes, paints, tried to learn an instrument and even attempted pottery! art has been quite useful in her journey.
before the disaster wedding, pudding's social life wasn't the best neither with her family or the citizens of cacao island although with the second most of the time she was obviously using her powers to stay in their good side. she's respected in her workfield but still, it's quite a lonely life she leads.
the true awakening has put a lot of things in perspective. pudding actively tries to build connections with her siblings as they are the only family she has left - it works better with some than others but now she doesn't feel bad about it anymore. she's actually interested in the lives her coworkers lead - learns names of their kids and loved ones, keeps up with things that matter outside of her life even though she gains nothing from it. at the same time, she's finally learned to set some boundaries and do what makes her feel good rather than what she thinks would please other people.
before the awakening pudding had never really tended to her spiritual needs since BM didn't believe it would actually be of any use. well, jokes on her!
after the awakening, due to the many voices and new feelings and dreams, pudding has started journaling - by the time she's a little older there are so many piles of worn down notepads and diaries full of thoughts, recipes, pictures... memories, just a different way than what she's used to see them. she meditates a lot and loves to spend her time surrounded by nature - the woods are pretty much her favourite place in the world and it's not unusual to see her find some peace and quiet over there.
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