#pulpy genre faire. sci fi and spy thrillers
grodyego · 5 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!! what do you think influenced u the most (indirectly or directly) when making your specific ocs? i always like seeing people lay out their inspirations
THANK U !!!!!!!!
also i LOVE this question. im trying to be more cognizant when i feel like something inspires me because its actually really hard for me to list any specific examples !!! im under no illusion that anything i make is "100% original" or that outside observers wouldnt be able to trace it back to certain works or concepts or artists, so on and so forth, i am just VERY bad at making the connection myself, lol. i also tend to forget like every single thing ive ever watched or read the minute
UMM ill stick with dove because i CAN remember specific influences that caused me to make him. the first was samurai jack (the show and the character). im not going to derail this ask by opining how often genndy tartakovsky disappoints me with his choices across his entire body of work and how i think if i got to know him in real life i wouldnt be able to stand him, the fact of the matter is samurai jack had a huge impact on me as a kid and i got caught up in the season 5 hype so hard i just had to make a guy about it (not a fan oc, crucially). ive always loved "fish out of water" stories and to me the temporal element is an especially fun way to do it because. aough im having trouble articulating this. people have just always been people i guess, for better and for worse, and everything in between. thats just something i personally think about a lot and its a really good theme to explore in stories, to obvious bias
so anyways i loved jack so much i wanted to make my own guy who was witnessing shit his brain could just barely comprehend but he was so focused on his goal he just kind of made himself go "well, no time to focus on that" and then continue to kind of run on the narrative hamster wheel each week when the achievement of that goal is ultimately yanked from him, in one way or another
the other thing that helped me refine it a bit wassss probably cowboy bebop ? not any particular character, just the show in its entirety. this one's way harder for me to explain. i feel like if you watch the show then you should hopefully see what im saying, but maybe not. also i had dropped dove and his story pretty hard for maybe like a year or two and then i watched cowboy bebop and it somehow instantly rekindled my passion to start it up again and more heavily rework it, so. im sure if i ever put it out one day maybe people will pick up on that. who's to say !
as for why he's a knight: i like them. theyre sexy and cool
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