#put it on repeat all day and notice every little instrumental and background vocal detail in it. maybe then you'll be normal
hongjoongpresent · 1 year
the entire essay I could write about the background vocals in terrible man. you don't understand
#onlyoneof#why do you think that first beat drop at the first chorus hits so hard. dude#that's the only spot in the song that I can find where the background vocals completely disappear#also the chorus is the only part of the song where the beat is completely clear and not muddy#there are 2 other spots in the verses that has a bit of the chorus beat too but it's not *as* clear as in the chorus#god when that motto motto tsunaide mou uso demo ii kara furetete HITS. it hits#this song is so insanely good and for no fucking reason I could write an essay about it. maybe I should#the intro has that . instrument that I can't name in it and then the verse has that too but with the beat from the chorus#and then the prechorus is all wahhhwoohohhf floaty. it's floaty airy breathy no clear beat#AND THEN THE. CHORUS HITS and man. uifkvfjvnfjjvjfjvbvfj yeah#also the way rie sings mimi kara karada kills me every time. unrelated to the discussion around instrumentals but#THE BACKGROUND VOCALS IN THE 2ND CHORUS BTW#the woaaahhh that continues into wooohooohh in the chorus...#the ohoohhh ohooooh#dude? listen to hidoi otoko by onlyoneof. that's what I'm saying here#really listen#put it on repeat all day and notice every little instrumental and background vocal detail in it. maybe then you'll be normal#cuz I sure am. so normal and regular about this song#GOD it's so good#sorry if you don't get it. I'm right#the only crime this song commits is being too short#the ohh woahh in the first prechorus. that part is different in the korean version of the song and that one little part is why I prefer the#japanese version of the song. literally just one woahh background vocal is what makes me heavily favor this version. lol#me when I'm so normal about my favorite background vocal parts of a song. is that even a thing it is now. it is to me
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idolizerp · 6 years
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Very good at acrostic poems
Can chug a whole 1L bottle of pepsi in under a minute
INSPIRATION: His general love of music and playing the guitar.
From a very rich background, but never mentions it and had no help from his parents 
High school graduate, never went to college or university 
Seems to be friends with everyone if you look at his phone contacts 
Practically self taught himself the guitar
He wants to get out there more, do some more variety shows which fit his character and personality and to help promote his group. He also wants to get into lyric writing to one day produce his own song.
His main long-term goal is to stay with XLNC and build up a large fanbase and grow in popularity. He’d love to go on a world tour and sell out large stadiums and not have to worry about falling through and being forgotten, for everyone to know who XLNC are. That is where he would like to be in the future and doesn’t even want to think about not achieving that goal. Jinho would also like to work more towards variety as well and maybe get a returning or permanent position on a notable variety show, or several as he loves doing that kind of thing.
Han Jinho seems to just flit through life like nothing every bothers him despite the criticism he always seems to get because of it. Some seem to think that he is undeserving of being in the position he’s in as he never seems to take anything seriously. But this is far from the case, he is a man who is willing to do anything to keep where he is, often spending hours practising by himself out of the public eye and staying awake until the early hours of the morning working and desperately trying to make sure everything is perfect with his music. He’s scared to disappoint, scared to flop, scared to lose everything he has been working towards for years.
But that is not what he wants the public to see. All his life he’s been a joker, willing to go the extra mile to get a smile and a laugh out of people even if it means sacrificing his own image. He’s sort of an annoying older brother, looking out for the little guy and more than happy to step into the line of fire to protect people, while also messing around and acting like he’s five years old instead of twenty-five. But he has a soft heart and always wears a smile on his face no matter how hard the times might get, always willing to be a shoulder for his bandmates and friends to cry on if they need to. And they might even manage to squeeze a few tears out of him if they try hard enough.
Some have told him that he just doesn’t fit in with the rest of the band, their emotional image is not right for him, to which Jinho will happily tell anyone, “the other guys are emotional enough to cover me as well!” It never really works out all too well when he tries to be serious and he can still be found messing around with his bandmates or just simply bothering them to try to get them to 'lighten up a little’. But there is no doubt that he cares deeply about his bandmates, under it all he’s always worrying about something. Especially their fans, there is nothing he won’t do for their fans to make them happy.
But, of course, with his personality there have always been clashes between him and his bandmates. Though you will often find that Jinho is the one at the end always trying to mend those broken bridges and apologizing, but no doubt he will only end up repeating past actions again in the future. But he is the one to always try and initiate contact again after a falling out, almost bothering them into forgiving him with snacks.
To make their marketing team have an easier time, he does try and fit their concepts and image more during promotions, going out of his way to try and die down a little on the jokes and bothering people. Though, they have also since given up with trying to get that to work and have pushed on with the brand he seems to just revert to without even trying, the mood maker, the funny guy, the annoying older brother figure of the group. They also make it work with the variety side of the group, something Jinho is far more suited for.
On stage is his confident, voice full of emotion and acts a lot more serious, though is always trying to win the hearts of fans with a dashing smile and winks at the camera. Off stage, however, he does tend to go back to his natural self and is usually the one who talks the most during interviews and whenever there is a camera pointed at him. Even when there is no camera he is the chatty and go-lucky older brother, always trying to get everyone involved and always trying to make sure XLNC are like a family.
Because, to him, they are really the only family has has.
Most of his life, Jinho has had a silver spoon shoved in his mouth. Born in Busan to a prominent and high ranking CEO and businessman and a lawyer from one of the top firms in Busan, his parents had never had to worry about money. They lived in the fine life, expensive clothes, a large home, expensive food, going out to posh restaurants every other night and they never had to worry about the price of anything they wanted. This was the life that Jinho was born into and he’s always hated it. His parents only had him to better their image and produce an heir to follow on the family line. Almost as soon as he was born he was discarded by his parents to be brought up by a nanny and their live-in butler. Those two individuals cared and brought him up more than his real parents ever did.
He was homeschooled for most of his younger years, the butler and the nanny taking on equal parts of his tutoring. And they cared for the boy, loving him almost as though he was their own son. He even became friends with his nanny’s real children, twin girls who were around the same age as him and they were often brought over for play-dates (unbeknown to his parents as they would never allow such things.)
When he was ten years old, however, his parents enrolled him in a private all boys boarding school. It was goodbye to the world he had known grown up as he was pushed into this school against his own will. Jinho hated every moment, the heavy focus on his grades and studying, the other boys who always seemed to look down on him even though he was 'one of them’. Somehow, he never fit in, his happier and brighter personality shot down by the other boys who were all there to better themselves and bring wealth to their families. They didn’t care about making jokes and playing around, it was always work, work, work with them. This was a dog-eat-dog world and Jinho always seemed to be the one getting eaten by everyone else.
He was an outcast. Had no friends. Hated by most of his classmates and completely ignored by the teachers who liked cherry picking the brightest and best students. That was where he found his solace in music. With the help of the more-on-the-nice-side musically inclined boys, they helped him learn how to play the guitar and it wasn’t too long before he decided this is what he wanted to do with his life. Jinho worked hard, bettering his skill with the instrument and even started to sing with a little help from the music teacher who happened to notice his talent.
Music was the only lesson he ever enjoyed after that. The teacher was a kind woman, one who would not often be found in a school such as this and she gave Jinho the attention he needed. While the boy still never had any real friends, playing the guitar and singing was his comfort, his outlet and a way to forget where he currently was. Though, when his parents eventually found out they were not impressed. They banned him from singing, selling his guitar and pulling him out of boarding school, instead, sending him to a closer private school so they could keep an eye on him and his grades.
Jinho refused to conform to what they wanted, sneaking out behind his parent’s back to start busking where he could, buying a guitar of his own and practising when he was home alone. While his nanny had long since been let go as she was no longer needed, the butler was still there and promised to keep young sir’s little secret. He was the only supporter Jinho had left and would always make sure to clap for every performance Jinho put on for him.
Eventually, when Jinho was seventeen he decided that enough was enough, made a big scene in front of his parents about how he loved music and then left home. He was never welcome there, anyway. Taking all of the money out of the account his parents had for him for a college fund before they had a chance to take it out themselves or lock it away from him, Jinho used it to run to Seoul and buy a small apartment for himself, and to help finish his final year in high school, setting about starting up a new life for himself doing what he wanted for a change. He got himself a job in a local record shop and he enjoyed the work, always smiling and having fun with the other employees and also got to gush about music to all the customers. However, most of his attention was always in his own music, going out most weekends to busk to the public.
It was a co-worker who told him about the local open auditions KTM were holding, excitedly showing Jinho the leaflet and urging him to go along. So, he decided to give it a shot, not really expecting anything to come from it. But, when he managed to make it through the audition process and was offered a position as a trainee, it was came as surprise. While he had never really thought about being an idol, Jinho was quite to accept. This was his chance to do music for the rest of his life and he didn’t want to let the opportunity pass him by.
He worked harder than he ever had in school towards his goal of finally debuting, though the training period seemed to drag on forever. At first, the company had goals of putting him into their new idol boy group, but his progress was coming along too slowly, his dancing almost non-existent, he hadn’t trained for long enough, so they eventually dropped him from the project. And Jinho was heartbroken, feeling as though his chance had just been ripped from his fingers, but he never gave up, just working harder to finally get his chance. And he would get it, he refused to give up and refused to go back to where he was before.
Finally he got his chance after years of training as they approached him about training for their new idea – a band.
Jinho jumped at the chance and agreed without even thinking about it. He was twenty-two at the time and getting no younger and knew this was likely to be his last chance. So, he was put into training with the other boys, getting to engross himself in his love of singing and his love of playing the guitar as well. Eventually, he and three others were put together and the group was formed. XLNC. He finally felt like it was coming together, he got to stand on a stage and do what he loved. But it was not all it was choked up to be, they didn’t perform live, their struggles to gain any fame, their almost lack of promotions.
Things got worse when a couple of 'fans’ managed to find out where he had come from only a couple of months after their debut. They plastered an old newspaper clipping all over the internet, a picture of him and his rich parents, the story simply about his father’s recent victory in a lawsuit. The claims soon poured in after the picture and his background emerged that he didn’t really have talent, that his parents had paid for his place in the group and he didn’t really deserve it. The scandal hit Jinho hard, but he tried to not let it bother him or let anyone see he was hurting. He just worked harder on proving everyone wrong, staying true to himself and still trying to seem bright in front of the cameras and focusing on the music. KTM eventually released a statement about the situation, shooting down the rumours and clearing up Jinho’s name. And the scandal eventually died down after the statement was released, but he still has it in his mind, tirelessly working to prove he has the talent and he deserves to be in the spotlight.
He still works hard to this day even if he feels like they aren’t getting anywhere fast, tyres just spinning in the mud. But he knows it’s a long road, always trying to stay positive and focusing and just making people happy and making music people can jam along to.
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